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  >> Hrvatska Electronic Technology >  >> Home Audio >> Zvučnici i subwoofer

Je li u redu ako svoj subwoofer stavim iza televizora?

Dakle, upravo ste kupili subwoofer i pitate se gdje ga smjestiti u svoje kućno kino. Želite držati kutiju izvan vidokruga dok pumpate odličan bas. Mislite da je najbolje mjesto za postavljanje iza televizora.

Dakle, je li u redu staviti subwoofer iza televizora? Kratak odgovor je da to možda i nije veliki problem, ali ga ne preporučujemo, pogotovo ako se radi o prednjem subwooferu ili CRT TV-u. To je zato što bi to moglo uzrokovati nepotrebnu refleksiju zvuka i lošu kvalitetu basa. Međutim, ako radite sa subwooferom usmjerenim prema dolje ili ako imate dovoljno prostora iza TV-a, postavljanje subwoofera iza TV-a može biti u redu.

Unatoč tome, ako nemate bolje mjesto za postavljanje sabvufera, možete slijediti neka osnovna načela o kojima ćemo ovdje raspravljati kako biste izbjegli nedostatke i zadovoljili svoje potrebe za zabavom.

Zašto se ne preporučuje postavljanje subwoofera iza televizora?

Mnogi ljudi postavljaju subwoofer iza televizora i čini se da to ne uzrokuje probleme, pa će vam mnogi ljudi reći da je to u redu.

Međutim, ozbiljni audiofili će vam reći da je ovo jedno od najgorih mjesta za postavljanje subwoofera.

Ako subwoofer postavite iza televizora, vjerojatno ćete dobiti bas niske kvalitete. Ovo je osobito istinito ako je udaljenost između TV-a i subwoofera premala.

Ako morate postaviti sabvufer iza TV-a, morate postići točnu udaljenost koja najbolje odgovara vašim potrebama tako da način pokušaja i pogreške postane vaš prijatelj.

Da biste ispravno razumjeli zašto postavljanje subwoofera iza televizora često nije najbolje rješenje, razmotrite sljedeće nedostatke postavljanja subwoofera iza televizora:

1. Sobna akustika i smetnje

Mnogi će ljudi istaknuti da su bas zvučni valovi višesmjerni pa ne bi trebalo biti važno gdje ćete postaviti subwoofer. Pod tim misle da bas valovi zrače u svim smjerovima.

Istina je, bas valovi su višesmjerni, ali kvaliteta basa koju ćete dobiti od sabvufera ovisi o tome što se dogodi kada zvuk napusti sub.

Drugim riječima, akustika prostorije igra veliku ulogu u ukupnoj kvaliteti basa u sobi. Zbog toga bi položaj vašeg sabvufera trebao biti različit ovisno o akustici vaše prostorije kućnog kina.

Dakle, kako televizori utječu na sobnu akustiku?

Zapamtite, neki TV ekrani su prilično veliki. Sada recimo da stavite subwoofer male veličine iza vrlo velikog TV-a. U ovom bi slučaju površina televizora odražavala veći dio bas zvuka.

Kada se reflektirani zvučni val koji se odbija od vašeg TV-a kombinira s izvornim zvučnim valovima koji dolaze s vašeg TV-a, rezultat su akustične smetnje.

Drugim riječima, položaj TV-a ometa interakciju zvučnih valova sa sub-a i zvučnih valova reflektiranih od površine TV-a.

2. Nepotrebne vibracije

Jedan od glavnih razloga zašto često preporučujemo ljudima da svoj subwoofer smjeste iza kauča je za ljude koji vole osjetiti vibracije zvučnih efekata.

When there is a huge explosion or thunder in a movie, some people want to feel the vibrational effect. This is why we have bass shakers.

Placing the sub behind a TV will cause the TV to vibrate much as the coach would. This is especially true if you place the sub too close to the TV.

While the vibration may not be a major problem for you, it can be quite annoying for many people.,

3. Wall/Corner Acoustics and Echoes

If you place your TV a short distance from the corner of the room, it means the sub will be at the corner. In this case, you may end up with a lot of reflection. So, if you choose this arrangement, you could end up getting echo-like bass, which can make it hard to get the right dialogue in the audio.

4. Bass Reflection

Before trying to place your sub behind your TV, you should think about the possibility of the sound-waves bouncing off the TV and passing over your head.

Since the TV is in front, it is easier for the sound that has bounced to be sent to the roof or over your head.

Whenever this happens, the overall sound quality of your system may not be that great. If you want to get more bass out of your subwoofer, this is not the way to do it!

5. CRT TVs (Older TVs)

Remember, subwoofers are really speakers that produce low-frequency sounds and so they have magnets within them.

If you are using an older style CRT TV (large back TV), then the magnetic field created by the subwoofer may have an adverse effect on the TV. This could be in the form of a rainbow-colored effect on the screen or something similar.

However, if your subwoofer is magnetically shielded then you shouldn’t have a problem with this. Most modern subwoofers are magnetically shielded. If the sub is not shielded, you’ll have to place it far away from the TV to avoid this weird effect.

Of course, this should be a problem with modern TV’s like LCD/Plasma/DLP. This only affects CTY TVs.

Good Reasons To Place My Subwoofer Behind My TV

So now that we have covered all the cons of placing your subwoofer behind your TV, what about the pros of placing your subwoofer behind your TV?

1. Aestehtics and Cable Managment

The most likely reason people chose to place their subwoofer behind their TV is for aesthetic purposes. By this we mean they want to keep the sub and its cables out of sight. However, a location chosen by convenience is seldom, if ever, the best location possible.

As far as we are concerned, subwoofers add a unique aesthetic appeal to home theatre systems. So, if you put your subwoofer behind your TV, you would have reduced the aesthetic value of your sound system. Of course,e that’s just us.

In addition, many people also prefer this type of placement since it allows them to manage their cables with ease, and this also helps to improve the appearance of the room.

It is important to consider when you don’t want to see power cables running across the room. With this placement, you have enough space behind the TV where you can tuck them and reduce the dangerous and unappealing cluster of power cables.

Of course, this is not important if you have a wireless subwoofer.

2. Soundstage and Stage Imaging

Soundstaging is an important factor for many audiophiles. In layman’s terms, it refers to how well each speaker is able to reproduce its sound in detail where and how they should. For example, left speakers dominate the left of the room and right speakers dominate the right, and so on.

Placing your subwoofer behind your TV normally means placing it in the middle of the room.

This is normally equal distance from the L/R main speakers and so this does help with soundstage and sound imaging. However, you could get the same effect if the sub is placed below the TV.

Consider also that if there are acoustic problems in the room, placing the sub on the center like this will amplify those problems equally through the room.

Placing the sub to the side will reduce the degree to which the pressure created in the room amplifies those acoustic defects.

The fact is, playing your sub in the middle of the room really means placing it in the middle of two parallel walls which can cause a lot of constructive and destructive soundwave interference

How Can I Place a Subwoofer Behind My TV

If you decide to put your subwoofer behind your TV, there are some general rules of thumb to follow.

As a general rule, if you want the best sound quality, you should place your sub with the loudspeaker facing out to the listening room, and nothing is obstructing the flow of the soundwaves. You should also ensure that the port is away from the wall.

Nonetheless, let’s face it there are times when we can be limited by different factors, including space and wires, as to where to put your subs.

Many people find themselves in similar situations and are forced to put their subs behind their TVs.

You have free reign over where to put your sub, all we can do is give you the best tips that will help you get the best out of the device. If you have to place your subwoofer behind your TV, ensure you do the following:

1. Avoid Walls or Corners

Despite the limitations that you may face, you should ensure nothing hinders the omnidirectional bass waves.

As we have said, you can achieve this by placing the sub away from walls and corners. The distance should be between 6″ and 12″, but more is usually better.

However, you can put a sealed subwoofer in a corner.

If you are using a ported sub, do not place the port towards the wall. Many people will suggest that you can plug up the hole with softballs, socks, or anything else to reduce the reverberation, but we do not recommend blocking the port. Even though this is a commonly used method, it reduces the bass’ quality.

2. Avoid Placing The Sub Under Furniture

When people face space limitations and want to reduce the demerits of putting their sub behind their TVs, they place them under tables. Some people chose to place their sub under a couch.

This move often causes gaps in the acoustic signature of the room, given that the dense mass of the furniture can absorb the waves.

So, putting subs under different pieces of furniture to avoid using behind your TV may not help. It can defeat the purpose of using a sub. But it is better than putting the sub in an enclosed cabinet.

3. Avoid Placing The Subwoofer Inside a Closed Cabinet

From experience, this is often the worst option. It can void the entire point of spending your money on the equipment.

Cabinets prevent bass waves from bouncing around, so putting your subwoofer insider one can cause it to be dull and muted.

4. Ensure The Subwoofer Is In Phase With The Front Sperakewre

The fact is, probably even more important than subwoofer placement is ensuring that your subwoofer is in phase with the main speakers. We have a detailed guide on how to set your subwoofer’s phase.

If you must place your subwoofer behind your TV, try and get it to blend in with the front speakers as possible.

5. Adjust Settings For Maximum Sound Quality

So we have said when you put your subwoofer behind your TV, you may not get the best sound quality. Now you might be asking whether you can improve the quality by adjusting any settings.

Well, sure.

You won’t lose anything when you play around with the setting to see if you can get more from the sound system despite its unfavorable position.

Many A/V receivers have efficient room correction settings that can automatically detect subwoofer placement issues and speaker distance and help you get the best quality.

For example, you can use crossover settings to refine when audio switches to subwoofer output from speaker output.

Where Is The Best Place To Put A Subwoofer For TV?

For most sound enthusiasts, subwoofers sound best when placed in the front of the living area, directly facing the listeners. This style of sub placement is effective as it keeps the front speakers in sync with the subwoofer. Audio experts have different placement ideas for your woofer, it is important to note that all spaces are different. If you have a mounted TV, place the sub underneath the mount.

Should The Subwoofer Be In Front Or Back?

Placing your subwoofer in front of the room is the generally accepted position, this is due to a number of factors. This is to mitigate the consequences of localization, it also ensures optimal mixing of audio signals from main to central channel.

What Does A Subwoofer Do For A TV?

Your subwoofer (when positioned right), is designed to put out a low frequency bass sound. What this means is that, your sub boosts all the bass from your TV/speaker. This can be a real treat when having a cinematic experience, the sounds from the movie are boosted and enhanced.

Should My Subwoofer Be On The Floor?

When your subwoofer is placed on a raised platform, it will produce better sounds/audio signals. However, for proper care and safety, it is advised to place your subwoofer on the floor. It is important to note that, since all listening spaces are different, there are no clear rules.
Trust your ears, trust yourself and do whatever works best for you.


We hope you now understand how placing a subwoofer behind your TV can affect the overall sound quality.

However, if you have no better option, you can put it there, just be sure you avoid walls, corners, and other pieces of furniture to improve your experience.

Also, keep in mind that the correct location for the sub largely depends on your room. You need to test multiple locations preferably using an SPL meter to find the most optimal placement.

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