Koliko sigurnosnih kamera moram instalirati
Ovo je uobičajeno pitanje koje svi postavljaju kada počnu planirati instaliranje CCTV sigurnosnog sustava u svojoj nekretnini. Koliko sigurnosnih kamera trebam za svoju kuću? Koliko se sigurnosnih kamera preporučuje da bi prostor bio siguran? Koliko je sigurnosnih kamera potrebno za potpunu pokrivenost moje kuće ili posla?
Osim što svoju imovinu morate držati pod nadzorom i sigurnom, morate i uravnotežiti svoj budžet. Više sigurnosnih kamera znači više pokrivenih područja, ali također znači i povećanje ukupnih troškova vašeg projekta CCTV nadzora. Uvijek treba postojati ravnoteža između broja sigurnosnih kamera, njihove vrste, rezolucije i pokrivenih područja. U ovom ćemo članku govoriti o tome kako možete izračunati broj sigurnosnih kamera koje su vam potrebne za vaš CCTV sigurnosni sustav.
Koliko sigurnosnih kamera trebam postaviti u svoju kuću?
Brojni su čimbenici koji utječu na broj sigurnosnih kamera koje ćete možda morati instalirati u svoj posjed. Ovi čimbenici uključuju veličinu vašeg posjeda, broj vrata, vrstu kamera, njihove veličine objektiva i jesu li uobičajene ili Pan-Tilt-Zoom kamere, kut kamere, položaj itd. Međutim, mi ćemo stvari zadržati na miru jednostavan. Kako biste izračunali koliko sigurnosnih kamera vam je potrebno, zapitajte se dvije stvari:
- Koja su najvažnija područja koja želim pokriti?
- Koja područja ne bih trebao pokrivati?
Ući ćemo u detalje u nastavku, au posljednjem odjeljku pokazat ćemo pravi primjer. Detalji pokrivaju projekt CCTV sigurnosti za kuću/kuću ili malu tvrtku.
Koja su najvažnija područja koja želim pokriti?
Morate pogledati tlocrt svoje nekretnine i identificirati područja koja smatrate važnima i ranjivima. Cijela poanta sigurnosnog sustava za nadzor je proširiti vaš sigurnosni perimetar izvan zidova vaše kuće. Želite biti upozoreni i obaviješteni ako opasan i neočekivani uljez uđe u vaš stambeni prostor. U tom smislu, važna područja definirana su kao područja u kojima čuvate bilo što vrijedno i područja u kojima postoji veća vjerojatnost da će doći do provale.
U kući područja koja treba pokriti i koja su važna uključuju:
- Vrata. To uključuje prednje, stražnje ili bočne ulaze.
- Windows. Morate postaviti sigurnosne kamere kako bi prozori bili pod nadzorom. Prozori se mogu razbiti i netko može ući. Ako su prozori premali i nitko ne može stati, možete ih zanemariti kao ranjive točke.
- Garažna vrata. Vrlo često garažna vrata služe kao ulazna točka za uljeze. Trebali biste postaviti sigurnosne kamere ispred garažnih vrata, pa čak i unutar garaže (tako da možete vidjeti kada se garažna vrata otvaraju).
- Parkirno mjesto. Ako ne parkirate unutar garaže, već negdje vani, morate imati sigurnosnu kameru usmjerenu prema svom automobilu (gdje obično parkirate).
- Ostala mjesta na otvorenom. To uključuje bazene, šupe ili bilo koja druga mjesta koja se smatraju vrijednima.
Za posao , vrijednost je puno važnija. Naravno, morate pokriti ulazne točke, ali morate obratiti pozornost i na transakcijska mjesta. Osim gore navedenih područja (vrata i prozori) morate platiti da biste pokrili i ova područja:
- Područja u kojima pohranjujete novac. Blagajne su mjesta na kojima se obavljaju transakcije. Sigurnosne kamere smanjit će rizik od krađe.
- Područja u kojima pohranjujete proizvode. Skladišta, skladišta, svugdje gdje držite svoje proizvode. Morate osigurati da se proizvodima pravilno rukuje i smanjiti svaku moguću krađu ili štetu.
- Područja u kojima zaposlenici rade. This is very important because you can monitor the productivity level, reduce laziness, prevent policy violations such as not following safety procedures, prevent sexual harassment or provide evidence for any false claims.
- Parking lots. You should have these areas covered in order to protect and provide evidence for on-premise car crashes, insurance fraud and parking lot robberies (or assaults).
What areas should I not cover?
There are many areas inside your house or your business that should not be covered by security cameras. Moreover in certain spots, it’s illegal to have a CCTV security camera installed.
You should not install a camera on the sides of the home if there’s no way to get inside. Let’s say one side of the home has no doors or windows, so no one can break-in from there. In this case, you don’t need to install a security camera. Or you can install a fake camera on that side, just to scare people off.
Most of the homeowners don’t install security cameras inside their homes. The aim of a CCTV security system is to extend the security perimeter outside the walls of the house, so it’s a waste of resources to install security cameras inside the house. Moreover many family members don’t feel comfortable having cameras inside, it’s considered a very private space.
However, if you have in-home activity such as housekeepers, caregivers, nannies or medical aides, you may need to install security cameras indoors to keep them in check or to prevent any abuse. If you’re worried about something, you can install cameras inside to have a peace of mind.
Be aware that installing security cameras in a place where people have an expectation of privacy can be illegal and result in fines or in a lawsuit. Under no circumstances, should you use security cameras to monitor a bathroom or to record areas where you expect sexual activities to occur. Most of the time it is legal to monitor the bedrooms of people in your legal care who have advanced health risks (for example an elderly parent who has advanced medical needs), but you probably need their consent. It’s better to talk with a lawyer to clarify things up.
In a business setting, there’s not a lot of areas that can and should be omitted. You should cover most of the areas and have everything has to be monitored. Companies can be liable for almost everything that happens on their property, use CCTV security cameras to reduce your risks.
Do not install security cameras in a place where employees or customers have an expectation of privacy. For example installing security cameras in a bathroom or a fitting room is illegal. You should not install them in areas where you will conduct confidential meetings. If you’re not sure, we recommend to talk with a lawyer because the laws on each state or country are different.
An example:How many CCTV cameras do I need to install in my house?
Take a look at the picture below, it’s a regular house that illustrated the number of CCTV security cameras needed to extend your security perimeter and monitor the most important areas. To make things more understandable, we have illustrated a house from a bird’s-eye view.

As you can see in the illustration, this house needs 6 security cameras to cover all the areas around it. More details below:
- Camera 1: It covers the north side of the house and overviews the main street. The front door and the windows on this side of the house are under surveillance.
- Camera 2: This camera has a specific purpose, it monitors the porch on the main door and is dedicated only to the front door. All the packages and other details are under surveillance. If anyone comes through the front door, you will able to completely ID them.
- Camera 3: This one covers the west side of the house, which is in this case corresponds with the parking spot when the homeowner parks his car. The car is fully monitored, along with the windows on this side of the house.
- Camera 4: Monitors the left-center of the south side of the house and the backyard. The back door is located in this side of the house and numerous windows as well.
- Camera 5: Monitors the right-center of the south side of the house and the backyard. The placement is in opposite of camera 4.
- Camera 6: It covers the east side of the house, just the bathroom’s windows is located here. If that window was secured you may not need to install this camera. In this design, we think it’s better to have a camera here.
This is just an example, every house is specific, in this case we need 6 security cameras to extend the security perimeter of the house. Generally speaking, a house of this size and similar layout may need 6-8 cameras to have all the vulnerable and important areas covered.
What CCTV security system to buy?
There are many CCTV packages sold on Amazon that offer decent quality (HD) at an affordable price. Usually they come into packages of 4 or 8 security cameras. You can buy one of these CCTV security systems and install as many cameras as you need. Their apps allow you to view the cameras on the phone remotely, playback or get instant alerts. The cheapest ones are high resolution CCTV HD-over-coax cameras or you can even go for an IP security system (which is more expensive).
Annke Home Security System
Price on Amazon
Smonet Home Security System
Price on Amazon
Zosi Home Security System
Price on Amazon
Reolink Home Security System
Price on Amazon