10 sjajnih objektiva za fotografiranje divljih životinja
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Bavim se fotografijom divljih životinja od 2009. Jedno od pitanja koje često dobivam od svojih prijatelja i čitatelja je:"Je li ovaj objektiv dobar za fotografiranje divljih životinja?".
Stoga sam odlučio navesti deset dobrih opcija objektiva za ljude koje zanima fotografija divljih životinja.

10 opcija objektiva za fotografiranje divljih životinja
1. Objektiv Canon 500 mm f4 L IS II USM
Koristio sam ovaj objektiv, objektiv Canon 500 mm f4 L IS II USM zadnjih pet godina. To je jedan od najboljih fiksnih objektiva koje posjedujem. Veći otvor blende od f4 je koristan za dobivanje male dubinske oštrine i prilično koristan u uvjetima slabog osvjetljenja.
Ova verzija ISII manje je glomazna u usporedbi s verzijom IS1. Dakle, možete ga lako nositi na ramenima uz pomoć remena oko vrata. Optička izvedba ovog objektiva iznimno je dobra u usporedbi s verzijom IS1.
Još jedna uzbudljiva značajka koja mi se čini vrlo korisnom jest da ga možete udobno smjestiti u torbu za fotoaparat. Možete ga ponijeti sa sobom u zrakoplov kao ručnu prtljagu, zajedno s nekoliko drugih objektiva i tijela fotoaparata. Težak je 3.190g.
Provjerite cijenu na Adorami.
Evo nekoliko primjera fotografija:

Drugi primjer korištenja objektiva Canon:

2. Nikkor 500 mm F/4 FL ED VR
Ako ste korisnik Nikona, onda je Nikon 500mm f/4 FL VD ER objektiv jedan od najboljih izbora za fotografiranje divljih životinja. To je izvrstan objektiv, pogodan za fotografiranje kako ptica, tako i divljih životinja.
Postoji značajno smanjenje težine ako ga usporedite sa starijom verzijom. Elementi od fluoritnog stakla pomažu u postizanju ovog smanjenja težine. Možete koristiti telekonverter za povećanje efektivne žarišne duljine bez pogoršanja kvalitete slike.
Fokusiranje je iznimno precizno i tiho. Košta malo više od prethodnog Canonovog objektiva Canona i teži 3090 g, oko 100 g manje od Canonovog parnjaka.
Provjerite cijenu na Adorami.
3. Sony 200-600 mm f/5.6-6.3 FE G OSS E-mount
Kao što svi znate, fotoaparat bez ogledala je novi trend kada je u pitanju nova oprema za fotoaparate u fotografiji. Sony je trenutno vodeći na tržištu bez ogledala sa svojim fantastičnim kućištima fotoaparata.
Dakle, ako ste Sony korisnik, onda je Sony 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 FE G OSS E-mount telefoto objektiv za zumiranje za vas. Dolazi s promjenjivim otvorom blende od f/5,6 do f/6,3 na 200 mm do 600 mm.
Dijafragma s 11 lamela pomaže u postizanju prekrasnog zamućenja pozadine. Težak je oko 2,115g.
To je jeftina opcija za Sony korisnike. Provjerite cijenu na Adorami.
4. Objektiv Canon EF 400 mm f/2.8L IS III USM
Ako tražite super telefoto objektiv s nevjerojatnim performansama pri slabom osvjetljenju, onda je Canonov objektiv od 400 mm f2,8 L IS III verzija najbolji izbor. Veći otvor blende od F/2,8 omogućuje vam dodatno zaustavljanje svjetla u usporedbi s objektivima f4. Dakle, dobit ćete malu dubinsku oštrinu zajedno s izvrsnim performansama pri slabom osvjetljenju.
Još jedna prednost ovog objektiva je što s njim možete koristiti 2x telekonverter kako biste dobili žarišnu duljinu od 800 mm pri otvoru blende f/5,6. Ova kombinacija je savršena za fotografiranje ptica. Gotovo je 1000 g manje glomazan od verzije IS II. Teži oko 2840 g i stoga je izvrstan kandidat za snimanje iz ruke.
Provjerite cijenu na Adorami.
5. Objektiv Canon 200-400 mm f4 L IS
If you are looking for a super telephoto zoom lens with the image quality of a prime lens, then Canon 200-400mm f4 L IS lens is a good option. This L series lens from Canon comes with a 1.4x inbuilt extender, which you can enable or disable while shooting.
If you enable the extender, the focal length range becomes 280-560mm. So, you can vary the overall reach of this lens from 200mm to 560mm. This variable focal length range is useful for photographing animals. This zoom range allows you to compose the image properly.
Check price on Adorama.
6. Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E VR Lens
Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E VR Lens is the best budget lens with excellent optics from Nikon. It weighs around 2,090g. So, you can easily carry it with the neck strap. It works perfectly with a Nikon D500 or Nikon D850 body.
This lens is one of the most wanted lenses for amateur photographers who are looking for that additional reach with good image quality. It also comes with Vibration Reduction. Thus, you can get better shake-free images handheld.
Check price on Adorma.
7. Sony 500mm F/4 G SSM Lens
500mm is the most commonly used focal length by all wildlife photographers. So, if you are looking for a 500mm prime lens from Sony, then Sony 500mm f/4 G SSM lens is the lens for you.
It comes with Nano Ar coating to reduce flare and ghosting and weighs around 3460g. This lens doesn’t come with image stabilization since Sony has already incorporated the stabilization part in the camera body.
If you use it with a Sony APS-C SLT camera, you will get an effective reach of 750mm. So, this lens addresses professional wildlife photography needs for Sony users.
Check price on Adorama.
8. Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS III USM Lens
If you are not satisfied with the reach of the 500mm lens, then you should start looking into the 600mm focal length. So, Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS III USM Lens is the prime lens option for Canon users.
It weighs around 3000g, and the weight has dropped by 870g when compared to the IS II version. They have also adjusted the weight across the lens in such a way that it provides a better balance than the IS II version.
The wide-open aperture of f4 at 600mm helps to get a nicely blurred background.
Check price on Adorama.
9. Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens
I have seen many wildlife photographers looking to go for a short telephoto length in the range of 100-200mm to capture wildlife images with the habitat. If you are also looking for one such lens which caters to the short telephoto lengths as well as the super telephoto range, then Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens is a good choice.
This lens helps in image composition because of its variable focal length. The image quality is also pretty good, and you can easily carry it around using a neck strap.
It weighs around 1570g. Canon has managed to reduce the weight by 190g when compared to the older version.
Check price on Adorama.
10. NIKKOR 600mm f/4E FL ED VR
So, if you are a Nikon user looking for a 600mm prime lens, then NIKKOR 600mm f/4E FL ED VR is the lens for you. It comes with the Vibration reduction, which can get you up to 4 stops.
The Nano crystal coating on the glass elements helps you to capture better images with less reflection. It weighs around 3810g. The Fluorite lens elements have helped to achieve this lower weight. You can use it with a converter to get more reach.
Check price on Adorama.
So, these are some of the best lens options for wildlife photography from the popular camera manufacturers Canon, Nikon, and Sony. You can choose the right telephoto lens based on your budget and photography requirements.
A great camera gear will not create great images. So, you need to concentrate on the photography part also, to capture great pictures
For more resources, check out our roundup of affordable cameras for wildlife photography and some great lenses for bird photography.