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Kako popraviti pucketanje ili pucketanje subwoofera

Imate li problema sa svojim subwooferom koji proizvodi glasne zvukove, pucketanje i pucanje? Čest je problem pri čemu sub proizvodi nasumične i isprekidane zvukove pucanja koji mogu biti prilično neugodni.

Prema našem iskustvu, otkrili smo da je to ponekad jako brzo dvostruko pukanje, a ponekad jednostruko i može se dogoditi bez obzira koristite li sustav ili je u stanju mirovanja.

Mnogo je razloga zašto subwoofer proizvodi pucketanje ili pucketanje. To može biti zbog prljavog signala iz pojačala ili prijemnika, slabijeg prijemnika, značajke automatskog uključivanja, smetnji, pregrijavanja, problema s glasovnom zavojnicom ili prekida. U svakom slučaju, glavni uzrok pucanja i pucketanja zvučnika je neki oblik prekinute struje ili audio signala.

U ovom članku pokazat ćemo vam kako riješiti problem i popraviti pucketanje ili pucketanje subwoofera. Imajte na umu da imamo zaseban članak o tome kako popraviti zvuk pucketanja zvučnika pri promjeni glasnoće.

Brzi koraci za rješavanje problema

Prije nego što uđemo u detaljne provjere, evo brze metode za rješavanje problema koja bi vam mogla pomoći da riješite problem u nekoliko minuta. Ovo obično rješava problem, posebno ako vaš subwoofer iskoči odmah nakon uključivanja:

  1. Isključite sub i receiver ili pojačalo.
  2. Provjerite osjeća li subwoofer miris spaljenog. Ako se dogodi, pogledajte ovaj vodič o tome kako popraviti spaljeni subwoofer. Ako ne, nastavite.
  3. Provjerite je li subwoofer ispravno spojen na prijemnik ili pojačalo
  4. Isključite sve elektroničke uređaje u blizini koji bi mogli ometati sub
  5. Odmaknite žice subwoofera od električnih kabela.
  6. Ako problem još uvijek nije riješen, a nemate nikakve posebne postavke na svom prijamniku, vratite prijemnik na tvornički zadane postavke. Upute za resetiranje potražite u priručniku s uputama za stereo prijemnik.
  7. Pokušajte s drugim sub. Ako se problem eliminira kada se spoji drugi sub, problem je u izvornom sub. Ako se problem ne otkloni, onda je problem u prijemniku.

Ako ovo ne uspije, prijeđite na detaljne korake u nastavku.

1. Onemogućite postavku automatskog uključivanja

Imate li sub postavljen na "uvijek uključen" ili automatski? Mnogi su ljudi ispravili problem pucanja subwoofera jednostavnim prebacivanjem "načina napajanja" s "automatskog uključenja" na "stalno uključeno" ili jednostavno "uključeno".

To je brz i jednostavan način da spriječite pucanje subwoofera ako radi.

Zašto ovo radi?

Pa, značajka automatskog uključivanja koristi se za automatsko uključivanje subboofera nakon što otkrije ulazni signal. To smanjuje potrošnju energije i tako smanjuje unutarnje zagrijavanje.

Međutim, mogu postojati problemi sa sklopom za automatsko uključivanje koji uzrokuje iskakanje. Obično je iskakanje zbog automatskog uključivanja pokazatelj kvara strujnog kruga u prijemniku.

Da objasnimo, kada promijenite načine slušanja i subwoofer prestane pucati, to znači da određena predizlazna utičnica nije utišana ili da nije utišana dovoljno dugo. Osnovni uzrok ovoga mogao bi biti pokvarena dioda ili druga komponenta kruga u prijemniku.

Činjenica je da, ovisno o pojačalu, snaga u stanju pripravnosti u "uvijek uključenom" može biti gotovo jednako niska kao u "automatskom uključivanju", tako da možda neće biti značajne koristi.

Postavke napajanja i pregrijavanje

Rekli smo da biste trebali prebaciti postavke snage subwoofera na uvijek uključeno. Ponekad ovo samo privremeno riješi problem jer će se subwoofer ponekad pregrijati ako je uključen 24/7.

U mnogim slučajevima ovo pregrijavanje može uzrokovati pucanje. Zapamtite, pojačala u ovim sabvuferima su prilično snažna i bit će prilično vruća i brzo će izgorjeti. Ako je značajka uvijek uključena omogućena, ručno isključite sub kada nije u upotrebi.

2. Smetnje bežičnog subwoofera

Ako je vaš subwoofer bežični, tada bežične smetnje mogu biti problem. Bežične smetnje nastaju kada se signali podudaraju i negativno utječu jedan na drugoga, što ometa ili slabi WFi signal.

Imajte na umu da u vašem domu može postojati mnogo uređaja koji emitiraju vlastite signale, a ne samo WiFi signale.

Na primjer, vaš usmjerivač, mikrovalna pećnica i mobitel emitiraju signale koji mogu ometati signal vašeg subwoofera. Zapravo, danas je gotovo sve pametno, tako da bi vaš pametni hladnjak, klima uređaj, ventilator i još mnogo toga mogli ometati signal sub-aparatu.

Kako biste isključili ovaj problem, brzo spojite subwoofer na prijemnik, što znači da napravite izravnu vezu između subwoofera i prijemnika pomoću RCA kabela ili još bolje kabela subwoofera.

Ako problem nestane nakon što ste ožičili uređaj, onda je problem u smetnjama. Sve ima svoje granice, a bežični pristup nije ništa drugačiji.

Kako popraviti bežične smetnje

Najjednostavnije rješenje je samo ostaviti uređaje izravno povezanima, ali ako morate koristiti WiFi, možete pokušati sljedeće:

  1. Pomičite sub po sobi dok zvuk pucketanja ne nestane. Međutim, postavljanje subwoofera u kućno kino je važno pa to možda i nije najbolja opcija. Na primjer, neki ljudi vole svoj subwoofer iza kauča.
  2. Premjestite svoje WiFi uređaje dok iskakanje ne nestane. Opet, mnogi uređaji mogu uzrokovati problem, a vi ne znate koji pa to možda nije idealno rješenje
  3. Zaštitite svoj subwoofer od drugih uređaja. Postoje različiti wifi štitovi koje možete koristiti da zaštitite sub od drugih okolnih uređaja, ali da ostane povezan s wifi prijemnikom. Postoje stvarni štitovi koje možete kupiti, ali prvo isprobajte foliju i provjerite djeluje li to.
  4. Ako imate mnogo drugih bežičnih uređaja, provjerite koristi li pretplatnik kanal koji je što je moguće dalje od ostalih kanala koji se koriste.

Vaš problem također može biti neispravan subwoofer transmiter. Ako ste onemogućili sve WiFi uređaje ili bilo što što može emitirati signal, a problem se nastavlja, to je vjerojatno krivac.

3. Isključite AV prijemnik i pojačalo

Sasvim je moguće da prijemnik ili pojačalo šalje prljavi signal subwooferu, što uzrokuje pucketanje.

U ovom slučaju, subwoofer možda šalje "impulse" unutar audio signala iz nekog nepoznatog razloga.

Kako biste brzo provjerili je li to problem, odspojite RCA kabel ili kabel subwoofera iz subwoofera na priključku na prijemniku ili iz pojačala, ali ostavite subwoofer uključen. Ako problem nestane, možda je problem u prijemniku ili pojačalu.

Međutim, znat ćete samo ako podmornica ima problema iu stanju mirovanja. Da biste bili sigurni, morate napraviti dodatnu provjeru. Morate spojiti drugi izvor signala na subwoofer.

Povežite drugi izvor

Spojite drugi izvor medija kako biste subwooferu isporučili drugačiji signal. To može biti DVD player, Blu-ray player ili stvarno bilo koji izvor izravno u RCA priključke na stražnjoj strani sub-a.

Evo kako ćete to testirati:

  1. Smanjite glasnoću subpojačala do kraja i počnite svirati izvor.
  2. Sada pojačajte zvuk subpojačala dok ne čujete glazbu i pažljivo slušajte. Ako se pucketanje još uvijek javlja, problem je u subpojačalu. Ako nije, pucanje dolazi iz slušalice ili možda nešto drugo.

Razina basa subwoofera

U nekim slučajevima, prijemnik je problem, to može ukazivati ​​na neispravan krug u prijemniku. Brzo rješenje za to je da možete kontrolirati subwoofer s razinom basa u prijemniku.

Provjerite prijemnik i pronađite postavke koje mogu održavati pravu razinu basa. Ovo stvarno može pomoći kada subwoofer puče pri velikim glasnoćama.

Zvuk pucanja subwoofera pri visokoj ili niskoj glasnoći

Subwoofer puca pri velikoj glasnoći

Ako vaš subwoofer puče pri visokoj glasnoći, to može biti zbog problema s povezivanjem postavki pojačala.

Provjerite spojeve i uvjerite se da žice nisu istrošene ili da nema labavih kontakata. Provjerite sve žičane veze s pojačalom, glasovnom zavojnicom ili u samom subwooferu.

Što se tiče postavki, pronađite tehničara s osciloskopom ili DD1 da ispravno namjesti vaše pojačalo. Osim toga, imajte na umu da pojačanje na pojačalu treba odgovarati RCA predizlaznom naponu vaše glavne jedinice.

Pogledajte naš puni vodič o popravcima pucanja subwoofera pri velikoj glasnoći da biste saznali više.

Subwoofer puca pri niskoj glasnoći

If your subwoofer is popping at low volumes, this indicates a connection problem or power mismatch. Check to ensure that there are no loose connections or melted wires.

4. Pulling Too Much Power From The Reciever

Is your receiver getting rather hot? For example, you may notice that the device stays cool say during a movie but get quite hot when you are playing channel music.

If your speakers are connected through your subwoofer and draw a lot of power, this may be the cause of the issue.

As your receiver or amp struggles, it will wear out over time and cause the popping sound. To fix this, get a good external amplifier to handle the demanding speakers.

5. Underpowering Your Subwoofer and Power Mismatch Clipping

Normally, underpowering your subwoofer is not necessarily a detrimental thing. All it means is that the sub won’t have enough power and so whatever is playing will sound weak and lack any detail.

However, it becomes dangerous when the sub is connected to an amplifier that’s being overworked and sending out a clipped signal.

What is a clipped signal? Remember sound waves are sinusoidal waves. Clipping occurs when these signals are squared. This happens when the volume of a source signal exceeds the electronic capability of a circuit. This ends up clipping the sound on every cycle.

For example, let’s say your amplifier cannot play a signal more powerful than what 1 voltage of electricity can produce.

Let’s say you increase the volume at the source, the amplifier still would not be able to produce sound greater than what 1V can produce. Instead, it would clip and distort the signal and eventually create a square wave.

When the clipped signal reaches the subwoofer, it tries to drive the sub it a way that the sub is not designed to handle. In other words, the popping noise occurs as the amplifier tries to produce more voltage than it can to meet the demands of the subwoofer, but the sub can’t manage that signal.

This is because the square signal will try to move the sub’s cone from all the way forward to all the way to the rear in zero amount of time, which is impossible and so the coil just stays stationary.

Current flowing through a stationary coil only heats up the coil. After some time, this may cause shorts and the cone may even tear, of the coil may jam in the magnet’s voice coil gap, killing the sub.

When this happens, the sub will start overheating which may lead to popping and burn out.

How To Fix Power Mismatch Issus

First of all, the simple first step is to refrain from underpowering your subwoofer. To do that, check that the power outage from the amplifier matches the subwoofer’s RMS.

An amplifier producing much less power than it should will of course lead to clipping, but also check if it’s producing more power than the subwoofer can handle.

Remember, the poping sound occurs because the signal is trying to get the coil to pop into position back or forth. More RMS power from the amplifier gradually heats up the voice coil and may burn it out.

Apart from popping, another result is that the glue holding the coil wire in place may melt under all the heat, and the coil crashes in its gap. A solution to this is getting a condenser that’s used to steady the power and transmit it out in stable currents.

In addition, keep in mind that a square wave carries twice the RMS power of a sine wave of the same amplitude. The effect of this is that in addition to telling the voice coil to pop into a position, it’s doing it with almost twice the power of the sub’s maximum capacity.

6. Voice Coil Shorting

In many cases, subwoofer popping is indicative of voice coil burns at specific areas. The voice coil is a very long string of copper wire wrapped around a magnet and attached to the cone.

When an electrical signal flows through the coil, it moves in response to the magnetic field produced and therefore movers the cone.

This movement is what creates vibrations or sound. This is how speakers and subwoofers work.

If the coil is burnt at any point, it will develop shorts which can cause the subwoofer to pop as the signal goes on and off. This is commonly the cause of the issue if the subwoofer is popping or cracking when no signal is provided (when not connected to the receiver).

7. Wired Connectivity Issues

If your subwoofer is wired, you could also have an issue with the wired connection. Over time, it’s not uncommon for speaker cables to loosen.

For example, it could be a lose RCA connection.

When the connection is loose, the current is interrupted; thus, leading to popping. This is especially true if the subwoofer pops and hums.

8. Replace The Cables

As already mentioned, subwoofer popping or cracking is almost always the result of an interrupted electrical signal.

Old, worn out and broken cables with shorts can often cause interruptions in electrical current including audio signals.

This could be as simple as replacing the RCA cable or the subwoofer cable.

A quick way to troubleshoot this issue and find the actual source is by going along the cable to see if there are any loose connections. Just simply wriggle the wires while playing audio and you may very well find where the loose cable/connection is.

In fact, you may very well not need to change the cable, you may very well just need to re-solder the connections if it’s clearly a broken cable. It may be simpler to replace the wire entirely, however.

Remember, subwoofer popping and cracking is almost always the result of a current or signal interruption between the audio source and the subwoofer driver.

In addition, a loose connection may also exist in the wire connections to the amplifier, voice coil, or in the subwoofer itself. Carefully check all these wires and ensure that none of them are loose or melted away. Wires connecting the speaker cones and voice coils should also be checked and tightened.

9. AC Power Issues

Sometimes dirty power can cause a subwoofer to pop. Remember, AC power is a sinusoidal wave and various issues can cause changes with the pure sinusoidal wave to some points within the circuit in your house. Just try a different outlet in a different room and see if that helps.

10. Subwoofer Pops When Volume Is Down?

In many cases, your subwoofer may be popping when the volume is down. If your subwoofer is popping as long as the sub is powered on, you are likely dealing with a bad amp.

In addition to that, as we have mentioned before, if the subwoofer is popping or cracking when no signal is provided, the likely cause is a burnt-out voice coil.

Često postavljana pitanja

Subwoofer Popping Every Second

If you hear a popping sound on your subwoofer every second, this is likely due to a power mismatch in the circuit. It occurs as the amp tries to augment its voltage to meet the demands of the subwoofer. As a result, the sound you get on every cycle is clipped.

However, this is not the only reason your subwoofer will pop while playing music. The noise may also come from the loose connections in your circuits. Check and ensure that the speaker wires are not loosely fixed, electrical cables are properly fixed, and the plugs at the power outlets are correctly fixed to the mains.

In addition, the subwoofer will also pop when you are changing inputs on the receiver. Because the sub only reproduces the signal it gets from the AVR, it should mute all the pre-out jacks when the receiver loses the audio signal.

If you hear the pop when changing inputs or listening modes, it is a sign that a particular pre-out jack is not being muted and is a sign of a failed circuit in the receiver.

Some of the fixes include adjusting the gain control on the sub to control the bass while reducing the pop, checking the input settings for each input device used, and setting an AUDIO INPUT setting to a specific audio signal not “Auto,” or service the receiver. Also, check that the power outage from the amp matches the RMS of the sub.


When your subwoofer is exhibiting popping and cracking sounds, there could be a wide range of causes.

The most likely issues are a bad voice coil, the auto on feature, the amp/receiver or the actual connection cables.

In any case, the issue can certainly be fixed if you take the time to go through the troubleshooting and find the actual cause. Good luck!

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  2. Kako popraviti Z - 2300 Speaker
  3. Kako smanjiti subwoofer Port Noise
  4. Kako popraviti zveckanje subwoofer
  5. Kako za borbu protiv Subwoofer Noise