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Kako ugoditi kutiju za subwoofer

Ugađanje basa subwoofera vrlo je važno u svakom dobrom audio sustavu. Potrebno je vrijeme i trud da biste dobili zvuk kakav želite od svojih sub-aparata. Međutim, dobro ugođeni sustav subwoofera vrlo je zadovoljavajući. Potaknuti tim razlogom, u ovom ćemo članku naučiti kako ugoditi subwoofer i kutiju subwoofera kako biste dobili najbolje iskustvo basa.

Postoje dva načina za ugađanje priključnog subwoofera – mehanički i pomoću matematičke jednadžbe.

Kako ugoditi kutiju za subwoofer

Prije ugađanja subwoofer kutije, trebate sastaviti sljedeće:

  • Kabeli za zvučnike
  • Ampermetar ili vrhunski multimetar
  • Funkcionalni generator
  • Odvijači, skidači žice, među ostalim alatima

Korak 1:Odvajanje potpore

Odvajanje uključuje prekid izravnog kontakta između podmornice i tla kako bi se izbjegla klopotava buka koja bi inače ometala proces ugađanja. Položite izolacijsku podlogu između subwoofera i poda ili postavite nožice za odvajanje ispod subwoofera.

Noge i jastučići za odvajanje su spužvasti i imaju mnogo zračnih prostora koji pomažu apsorbirati vibracije i spriječiti njihovo širenje niz pod. To pomaže poboljšati niskofrekventni odziv vašeg subwoofera. Osim toga, to će pomoći u pojednostavljenju subtuninga kako bi odgovaralo vašim preferencijama.

Korak 2: Odredite Rezonantna frekvencija

Uključite pozitivni kabel vašeg ampermetra u strujnu utičnicu i namjestite ga za mjerenje struje. Poduzmite mjere opreza kako biste bili sigurni od visokog napona.

Spojite ampermetar u seriju između subwoofera i pojačala i spojite ulaze pojačala na generator signala.

Mijenjajte frekvenciju signala dok promatrate kretanje ampermetra. Treba očitati najveću struju na rezonantnoj frekvenciji kutije. To je zato što kada subwoofer dosegne svoju rezonantnu frekvenciju, impedancija značajno opada.

Korak 3: Prilagodi Rezonantna frekvencija

Ako rezonantna frekvencija koju ste identificirali nije vaša želja, morat ćete prilagoditi dizajn kutije. Mnogo je lakše to učiniti smanjenjem ili povećanjem duljine priključka. To ćete moći učiniti uz pomoć sljedeće jednadžbe:

Fb =željena frekvencija ugađanja kućišta u Hercima

Lv =duljina otvora u inčima

R =unutarnji radijus ventilacijske cijevi

Vb =unutarnji volumen kućišta u kubnim inčima

LV =[(1,463 x 10^7 x R^2)/(Fb^2 x Vb)] – 1,463 x R

Kubične stope možete pretvoriti u inče množenjem s 1728.

Nakon što se promijeni duljina priključka, ponovno provjerite rezonantnu frekvenciju kako biste potvrdili da je kutija subwoofera dobro podešena. Međutim, koliko god to bilo lako učiniti sami, trebali biste se posavjetovati sa stručnjakom u industriji kako biste dobili odgovarajuće smjernice o najboljem i najsigurnijem načinu da to učinite.

Najbolja frekvencija za podešavanje subwoofera

Ugađanje priključka za subwoofer ovisi o kombinaciji čimbenika. To uključuje neto volumen kutije, površinu priključka i duljinu priključka. Ugađanje mijenja vršnu frekvenciju i također može promijeniti kako kutija zvuči.

Za najbolje ugađanje SPL-a, morat ćete podesiti svoj sabvufer prilično visoko. Ugađanje visokog SPL-a obično je 45 Hz ili više. Iako kvaliteta zvuka neće biti tako dobra, bit će glasniji od onoga što dobijete nižim ugađanjem.

Dobra mješavina između SPL i SQ (kvaliteta zvuka) bolje se postiže unutar frekvencija nižih od 40. Na 35 Hz, kutija daje priličnu količinu SPL i dobru kvalitetu zvuka.

Kako ugoditi zatvorenu kutiju subwoofera na 30Hz

Postavite mjerenje multimetra na struju i pričvrstite ga u nizu na sredini subwoofera i pojačala. Koristite generator frekvencije za pogon subwoofera i dopustite da impedancija u kutiji subwoofera padne na nisku razinu.

Mjerač očitava više kada je kutija subwoofera na svojoj rezonantnoj frekvenciji. Ako je izmjerena frekvencija rezonancije viša, podesite okvir na željenu frekvenciju. To ćete moći naučiti putem pokušaja i pogrešaka.

Kako podesiti subwoofer kutiju na 32 Hz

Nabavite multimetar koji može mjeriti struju i zatim ga serijski spojite na subwoofer i pojačalo. Nabavite generator frekvencije i koristite ga za pogon pomoćne jedinice dok multimetar ne očita najveću struju (frekvenciju rezonancije).

Koristite rezonantnu frekvenciju kao mjerač za mjerenje željene frekvencije od 32 Hz. U tome ćete postati bolji nakon niza pokušaja i pogrešaka.

Kako podesiti subwoofer kutiju na 35 Hz

Za podešavanje vašeg subwoofera na 35 Hz, jednostavno slijedite gore navedeni postupak. Ovaj postupak se ponavlja dok ne dobijete željenu frekvenciju.

Dizajn kutije za najglasniji subwoofer

Ako želite doživjeti najbolje bas tonove, morat ćete odabrati veliki subwoofer i staviti ga u zapečaćenu kutiju.

Općenito, JBL CS1204B je najbolja, zapečaćena pomoćna kutija. S izvrsnim basom, idealan je za automobile i kućne stereo sustave.

Kako saznati na što je subwoofer kutija podešena

Točku ugađanja kutije subwoofera možete saznati samo puštanjem niza probnih tonova oko mjesta gdje sumnjate da je ugođen.

You should be able to find the point where the sub moves the least. That frequency is the tuning frequency of the box.

How To Calculate Hz For A Sub Box

The tuning frequency of a subwoofer box is a combination of the volume of the box, air compliance and speaker resonance frequency. Use the formula below to calculate the tuning frequency of your box.

F =(A / V) x F


F =Hz for the box

A =air compliance

V =box volume

F =speaker resonance frequency

Types Of Subwoofer Boxes

There are different types of sub boxes with specific designs. To su:

· Sealed Subwoofer

These boxes are built tightly and are best used to deliver precise and defined bass. They demand more power to run.

· Ported Subwoofer

This type of box utilizes a port to augment law bass response. They are suitable for music such as metal, rock, or any hard-driving music. they are more efficient in delivering deeper bass than sealed ones.

· Free-Air Subwoofer Box

This type of box does not use a particular enclosure. Here, subwoofers are installed on a board that is usually placed in the backseat of a car. The sound quality is however compromised.

How to Tune a Ported Subwoofer Box

Ported subwoofers are known for their ability to produce a quality low bass response. But, since everyone has a desired sound production preference, there might be a need to tune your ported subwoofer to your desired musical range.

How To Tune A Subwoofer Box To 32hz

To tune a subwoofer box to a frequency of 32Hz requires the use of a multimeter. The multimeter measurements should be changed to current and then connected to the subwoofer and amplifier in series.

To get the desired frequency of 32Hz, the frequency generator is used to drive the sub. The subwoofer impedance is then allowed to get low to the desired point.

How To Tune A Subwoofer Box To 35hz

To tune your subwoofer box to 35Hz, simply follow the process listed above. This process is repeated and tuned to achieve a frequency of 35hz.

Best Tuning Frequency For Subwoofer Box

A point to note when tuning subwoofers is that the lower the frequency, the better the bass quality you get from it.

That being said, the best frequency range for turning a subwoofer is around 20 Hz to 120 Hz . However, the way a subwoofer performs at a particular frequency depends entirely on the size and buildup of the subwoofer box.

How To Properly Port A Subwoofer Box

The result of porting a sealed subwoofer may be random because it will depend on the size of the subwoofer and the size of the hole.

However, here is a simple way to port a sealed subwoofer. Cut out a hole of roughly 20% of the surface of the box to make a hole that telescopes into each other. While your sub is playing, try covering it on different sides until you get the desired sound. Screw the cover down on the surface.

How To Tune A Sealed Subwoofer Box

To tune a sealed subwoofer box, the general practice is to supply the speaker with power from a stronger amp or simply change the speaker in the box.

However, unlike a ported speaker box that has a hole to let out the air pressure, a sealed subwoofer box does not. Therefore, caution should be taken when tampering with the sealed speaker to prevent air pressure buildup.

Why Tune A Subwoofer Box?

When it comes to tuning a subwoofer system, everyone has their preferences. Tuning your subwoofer box helps you achieve the maximum potential of your sound system.

While professional-grade equipment has a much smaller frequency range (20-80 Hz), a typical car sub can recreate sound frequencies between 20 Hz to 200 Hz.

However, it is recommended that you set up a low pass filter on your amplifier to cut frequencies above 100 Hertz and send them to the mid-range driver through a crossover network.

Also, some of the subwoofers available in the market will recreate bass much lower than 20 Hz. Because this is much lower than the audible range, such subwoofers may not give you a good listening experience.

The ideal frequency to tune your subwoofer box is 35Hz, as frequencies below this value do not experience lower frequency extension. Besides, lower frequencies require more power to reproduce. In addition, the frequencies around 35 HZ easily pass through walls making a significant impact in the surrounding rooms.

Before you tune that subwoofer, however, you need to consider some factors to give quality and sweet sound. We have discussed some of these factors below.

· Location

Before tuning to your desired frequency level, experts’ advice is that you mind the location of your subwoofer box. This will be the determinant of your audio quality.

· Crossover Frequency

The crossover frequency is the frequency from which a subwoofer starts to play bass notes, and thus your crossover frequency should be put where your speakers begin to roll. You can check this on your subwoofer for specifications. It is made available in modern subwoofers.

· Size Of The Room Or Car

To achieve an acoustic and quality sound, give much consideration to the size of the area where you want to install your subwoofer, especially if it is a sealed subwoofer.

· The Position Where You Listen From

Do you realize that there are some parts of your room or car that even the low frequencies could sound nearly loud while you can hardly hear them in some parts? Therefore, always be keen when placing your subwoofer box before tuning.

How Do I Make My Sub Box Louder?

There are various ways to increase the volume and sound output of your sub box. An easy option involves stuffing your sealed sub enclosures with poly-fill, this serves as a way to tighten the vocals. Asides that, you can toggle the tuning and tweaking of your sub box till you find a variation you like.

Does Subwoofer Box Shape Matter?

Yes, the shape of your subwoofer box is a huge part of how it produces sounds. Audiophiles and sound experts agree that all sub boxes should feature at least one angle in its design.

Can A Box Be Tuned Too Low?

When a sub box is tuned to frequencies that are lower than what they require, the results are not pleasant. Loss of output as well as echoes and delays.
If you tune the box lower than what it needs to be then you will lose output and the group delay will be massive.

What Is The Tuning Frequency Of A Ported Box?

The typical ported box operates on its own tuning frequency of 34Hz, this ensures that the sub’s output is in the low pass frequency margin.

How Do I Make My Subs Hit the Hardest?

• Use the appropriate amplifier for your subwoofer.
• Install the subwoofer in a band-pass box.

What Should I Tune My Sub Box To?

The typical ported sub box operates on its own tuning frequency of 34Hz, this ensures that the sub’s output is in the low pass frequency margin. 60 – 100 Hz is an ideal frequency


By following the guide in this article, you can get the best quality from your ported or sealed subwoofer box.

  1. Kako Tune subwoofer kutiju za 40 Hz
  2. Kako TuneSubwoofer Amp
  3. Kako tepihu subwoofer kutija
  4. Kako izgraditi subwoofera Box
  5. Kako reverse -mount subwoofers