Kako omogućiti kontrole pokreta i gesti na Galaxy Note 4
Samsung voli raditi stvari malo drugačije od drugih proizvođača telefona, a njegovi pokreti i geste dobar su primjer za to. Za mnoge kupce Samsunga, oni su glavne prodajne točke koje Galaxy pametne telefone i phablete čine korisnijima od nekih Samsungovih konkurentskih ponuda. Kao što biste mogli očekivati iz naziva, značajke Pokreti i Gesture omogućuju vam da kontrolirate svoj Galaxy Note 4 s - da! - pokreti i geste. Evo kako omogućiti kontrole pokreta i gesti na Galaxy Note 4.
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Koji su pokreti i geste dostupni?
Postoje četiri ključna pokreta i geste na Samsung Galaxy Note 4. To su izravni poziv, pametno upozorenje, isključivanje zvuka/pauza i prevlačenje dlanom. Direct Call vam omogućuje da uputite poziv jednostavnim držanjem Galaxy Note 4 uz uho. Pametno upozorenje vibrira kada podignete telefon kako bi vas obavijestilo da ste propustili obavijest ili obavijesti. Isključivanje zvuka/pauziranje utišava vaš telefon kada prekrijete zaslon dlanom ili preokrenete telefon, a Prevlačenje dlanom pravi snimku trenutnog zaslona kada kliznete dlanom s jednog okomitog ruba zaslona na drugi.
Postoje i neke dodatne opcije u postavkama pristupačnosti Galaxy Note 4. Air Wake Up vam omogućuje da probudite svoj telefon mahanjem rukom preko njega, a Single Tap Mode vam omogućuje da se riješite dolaznih poziva, alarma i podsjetnika s, pogađate, jednim dodirom.

Kako omogućiti pokrete i geste na Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Omogućavanje kontrola pokreta na Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ne može biti lakše. Da biste to učinili:
- Otvorite ploču obavijesti klizanjem prema dolje s vrha zaslona
- Dodirnite Postavke
- Pomičite se, pomičite se i pomičite se još malo dok ne dođete do pokreta i gesti
Sada biste trebali vidjeti navedena četiri pokreta i geste, uz njihov status:uključeno ili isključeno. If the feature you want to use is currently disabled, you can enable it by tapping on it and then changing the slider to On.

How to enable Air Wake Up and Single Tap Mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4
For reasons only known to Samsung, Air Wake Up and Single Tap Mode aren’t in the Motions and Gestures bit of Settings:they’re in the Accessibility bit of the Personalization section. To enable or disable them:
- Swipe down to bring up the notification panel
- Tap on Settings
- Scroll to Personalization and tap on it
- Tap on Accessibility
You’ll find the Air Wake Up and Single Tap Mode in the accessibility options, and again you can enable or disable them by tapping the slider.

How does Air Wake Up actually work?
It’s magic! Ne baš. There’s a proximity sensor that’s normally used to turn off phone displays when you hold them to your face, and Samsung realized that the same sensors could be used to detect movement - albeit not much, and not for very far:the sensor only detects movement within a few inches of the device.
There are other really useful features in the Accessibility section of Android phones, not just Samsung ones. We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to them, and you’ll find that here.

Don’t forget about voice commands
Samsung has put a great deal of effort into its voice control app, S Voice, and its three microphones and noise cancelling circuitry means it’s pretty good at hearing you even in less than ideal environments.
You can achieve a great deal with S Voice:you can wake up your phone, you can dictate, you can search your contacts, you can schedule an appointment, you can get a weather forecast, you can play music…you get the idea. It’s particularly handy for using your phone on the move, or if you find swiping and tapping awkward, difficult or painful. It’s good for in-car use, too:for example, saying “drive home” will navigate to your home address - assuming, of course, you’ve entered that data in Settings.