Problemi sa Sony Xperia Z5 i kako ih riješiti
Sony Xperia Z5 je dobro zaokružen gadget s vrhunskom kamerom i solidnim trajanjem baterije, ali nije bez mana. Ako imate posla s neispravnim Sony Xperia Z5, pročitajte naše najbolje savjete o tome kako riješiti najčešće poznate probleme pametnog telefona.
- Sedam razloga zašto kupiti Sony Xperia Z5
- Recenzija Sony Xperia Z5

Prečac do problema:
- Neće se uključiti
- Loše trajanje baterije
- Zaslon osjetljiv na dodir ne radi
- Telefonski pozivi zvuče loše
- Zamrzavanje uređaja
- Nije otkriven putem USB-a
- Nema pokrivenosti mrežom
Sony Xperia Z5 se ne uključuje
Pokušaj uključivanja Sony Xperia Z5 i umjesto toga buljenje u prazan zaslon jako je neugodno, ali na svu sreću Sony predlaže neke popravke za ovaj određeni problem Z5.
Jedno od potencijalnih rješenja je pokušaj prisilnog isključivanja. Otvorite poklopac za nano-SIM karticu i utor za memorijsku karticu te pomoću vrha olovke ili predmeta slične veličine pritisnite i držite gumb OFF nekoliko sekundi. Sony Xperia Z5 će zavibrirati tri puta, nakon čega možete otpustiti tipku OFF. Pokušajte uključiti uređaj da vidite je li problem riješen.
Ako i dalje udarate u zid od cigle, vrijedi pokušati s dvominutnim ponovnim pokretanjem, što se radi pritiskom i držanjem tipke OFF oko 120 sekundi. Zanemarite sve vibracije koje osjećate tijekom ovog dvominutnog prozora – otpustite tipku ISKLJUČENO tek kada vrijeme istekne. Uključite Xperiu Z5 u punjač i, kada uočite ikonu punjenja na zaslonu, pokušajte je uključiti.

Sony Xperia Z5 ima slabo trajanje baterije
Pokušaj preživjeti s pametnim telefonom sa slabim trajanjem baterije noćna je mora, ali na svu sreću postoji mnogo aplikacija trećih strana koje bi mogle spasiti dan.
Greenify je jedna od najpouzdanijih aplikacija za poboljšanje performansi i besplatna je za preuzimanje, što čini njezino preuzimanje lakim razlogom. Aplikacija stavlja programe u stanje hibernacije kako bi smanjila opterećenje Sony Xperia Z5 kada se ne koriste.
Vrijedno je napomenuti da Greenify zahtijeva rootani uređaj kako bi najbolje funkcionirao, ali postoji mnogo značajki ugrađenih u aplikaciju za korisnike koji nisu rootani.
Ako vas Greenify nije uvjerio, postoji čitav niz alternativnih rješenja koja vrijedi pomnije pogledati. Moguće je izvući više iz Sony Xperia Z5 ako, na primjer, aktivirate STAMINA način rada, koji onemogućuje Wi-Fi i mobilne podatke dok je zaslon isključen.
Ultra STAMINA način rada ide korak dalje ograničavajući sve osim 'glavnih zadataka' kao što je mogućnost slanja i primanja poziva i poruka. Smanjenje svjetline zaslona ili uklanjanje živih pozadina također ima utjecaja.
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Sony Xperia Z5 zaslon osjetljiv na dodir ne radi
Na zaslon osjetljiv na dodir na Sony Xperia Z5 mogu utjecati prilagođene zaštite za zaslon, pa ako ih imate, vrijedi ih ukloniti kako biste vidjeli je li to uzrok problema. Ako nije, Sony kaže da pretjerana toplina također može utjecati na zaslon Sony Xperia Z5.

Kao što smo gore spomenuli, ručno resetiranje Sony Xperia Z5 pomoću gumba blizu utora za memorijsku karticu može učiniti čuda. Kao dodatni bonus, isprobavanjem ovoga nećete izgubiti nikakve postavke ili osobne podatke.
Using Sony's own Xperia Diagnostics application, it's possible to carry out a test to see if the phone identifies a problem itself. From the Sony Xperia Z5's home screen, head to Settings> About phone> Diagnostics> Test . Follow the on-screen instructions and await results with crossed fingers.
The free-to-download PC Companion app is a great resource for resetting the Sony Xperia Z5, so we recommend you grab the tool yourself and browse through its Repair izbornik. Sony notes that content stored on an external SD card, such as photos, videos and music, is not deleted when using the software.
Sony Xperia Z5 phone calls sound bad
Some Sony Xperia Z5 owners have noted a drop in audio quality during phone calls, which can sometimes be resolved by adjusting sound enhancement features.

Before you adjust the audio settings, though, try restarting the Sony Xperia Z5 and to see if that solves the problem. On top of that, check your network signal strength and ensure your hand (or screen protector) isn't accidentally covering the microphone or speaker.
To set the call audio equalizer to normal, head to Settings> Call > Equalizer . From there, tap Normal and then see if you notice any changes in quality. To turn off slow talk, head to Settings> Call . Drag the on-screen slider to the left.
If you're still having trouble, try swapping out your SIM card to see if doing so fixes the issue. It might be that your existing SIM is damaged and is therefore affecting your calls.
Sony Xperia Z5 keeps freezing or lagging
If your Sony Xperia Z5 is freezing or lagging, trying out Safe Mode might help you to identify the problem. The thinking here is that an application you recently downloaded may be having an impact on performance.
To enable safe mode, turn off the Sony Xperia Z5 and then press and hold down on the power key until you feel a vibration. When you see the Sony and Xperia logos, press and hold the volume down key until Safe mode appears on the screen.
When you activate safe mode, only applications that shipped with the device load up. If you notice an instant improvement in performance, it's likely something you downloaded is doing the damage. If that's the case, get rid of some recently-downloaded apps or run Sony's PC Companion tool.
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Sony Xperia Z5 not detected by computer through USB
If you're trying to connect the Sony Xperia Z5 to your computer and things aren't going your way, the first thing to do is check the cable itself for damage. Even the slightest damage to the cable can cause syncing issues, so try another cord if you can.
It's possible to manually check if the Sony Xperia Z5 is set to recognize a USB connection. Head to Settings> Xperia Connectivity> USB Connectivity> Detect USB device .
Another potential solution to this irritating problem is to restart your computer and update your USB drivers. To update the drivers, access Sony's PC Companion tool and check for updates from there.

Sony Xperia Z5 has no network coverage
If you're experiencing issues with network coverage on the Sony Xperia Z5, your first mission should be to reselect a network mode by heading to Settings> More Mobile networks . From there, tap Preferred network type , then select a network mode. Experimenting with these settings and then restarting the phone can do some good.
It sounds obvious, but having Airplane mode activated will prevent the Sony Xperia Z5 from receiving network information. Ensure this mode is turned off and make sure the same can be said for STAMINA mode. When activated, STAMINA mode pauses mobile data and Wi-Fi connections.
Contacting your network provider is the next step if you have further questions.

Many other Sony Xperia Z5 problems can be resolved by using Sony's PC Companion tool, which we've mentioned several times above. We recommend you run the software yourself before you contacting Sony over the phone.
Are there any other Sony Xperia Z5 problems that we haven't covered? Do you know the solutions? Let us know in the comments section below and help each other out while you're at it.