Galaxy S4 savjeti i trikovi:izvucite maksimum iz Lollipopa
Otkako je Galaxy S4 dobio nadogradnju Lollipopa, stara zvijer se dobro snašla. Toliko nam se sviđa S4 da smo mislili podijeliti naš konačni popis savjeta i trikova za Galaxy S4, posebno za ažuriranje Lollipopa. Galaxy S4 je još uvijek izvrstan telefon, ali čitajte dalje da vidite koliko ga sada možete učiniti boljim.
- Novosti o ažuriranju Androida Galaxy S4
- Kako riješiti uobičajene probleme sa Samsung Galaxy S4
Skoči izravno na:
- Savjeti za bateriju
- Štedite bateriju uz pametniji Wi-Fi
- Samsungov način rada za uštedu energije
- Onemogućite besmislene trikove
- Prikaži savjete
- Uvijek dobivajte najbolji zaslon
- Aktivirajte Smart stay
- Softverski savjeti
- Onemogućite S Voice za bržu navigaciju
- Zaštitite svoje obavijesti na zaključanom zaslonu
- Isključite dosadne Samsung zvukove
- Prilagodite svoj zaključani zaslon
- Napunite svoj fotoaparat
- Prilagodite svoje Brze postavke
- Učinite sigurnost pametnijom
- Koristite način Ne uznemiravaj
- Koristite prečace za pozivanje ili slanje poruka kontaktima
- Uvijek dobijete najbolju fotografiju
- Uživajte u nečujnom načinu rada
- Nabavite prilagođeni zvučni profil
- Trikovi
- Učinite tipkovnicu pametnijom
- Isprobajte lebdeću tipkovnicu
- Učinite Chrome lakšim i boljim
- Učinite stvari jednostavnijima uz Easy Mode
- Postanite lijeni uz način rada bez ruku
- Koristite svoj telefon za upravljanje televizorom
- Koristite svoj glas za upravljanje bez ruku
- Multi-Window i nedavne aplikacije
- Uobičajeni problemi
- Nema zvuka
- Problemi s Wi-Fi vezom
- Video reprodukcija ne radi
- Napredni savjeti
- Pristupite skrivenim postavkama Galaxy S4
- Ispravite greške u sigurnom načinu rada
- Nabavite bolji pokretač
- Napravite vlastiti Qi bežični punjač
- Pristupite skrivenim postavkama programera
- Rootirajte svoj uređaj
- Nabavite Android 6.0 Marshmallow uz CyanogenMod
Savjeti o bateriji
Štedite bateriju uz pametniji Wi-Fi
Ako ste postavili Wi-Fi da prekinete vezu kad god je zaslon isključen, mogli biste pomisliti da štedite bateriju. To nije slučaj. Većina nas uključuje zaslon u prosjeku 150 puta dnevno, tako da je održavanje Wi-Fi veze zapravo bolje nego isključiti ga i uključiti, a zatim svaki put tražiti veze. Idite naPostavke> Wi-Fi , dodirnite meku tipku izbornika, a zatim Napredno i postavite Ostavi Wi-Fi uključen tijekom mirovanja za Uvijek .
Produžite trajanje baterije
Galaxy S4 nema standardni Android Lollipop način rada za uštedu baterije, ali ima Samsungov način rada za uštedu energije. Idite na Postavke> Moj uređaj> Način rada za uštedu energije i okrenite prekidač da biste ga omogućili. Djeluje tako da onemogućuje određene funkcije kako bi produžio trajanje baterije. U postavkama možete odabrati koje će to funkcije biti.
Onemogućite besmislene trikove
Samsung je oduvijek bio poznat – barem donedavno – po tome što svoje telefone puni nekim povremeno manje korisnim značajkama. Neke od ovih značajki omogućene su prema zadanim postavkama i neprestano troše bateriju i procesor kako bi radile, čak i ako ih nikada ne koristite. Ako niste gestikulator, zašto ih ne biste isključili? Idite na Postavke> Pokreti i geste i isključite značajke koje ne želite. Isto vrijedi za Smart Screen i Air View.
Prikaz savjeta
Uvijek dobijte najbolji zaslon
Jedna od najboljih stvari u vezi sa Samsung zaslonima je ta što se prilagođavaju različitim uvjetima, tako da uvijek imate najbolje moguće iskustvo gledanja, bilo da čitate, gledate fotografije ili gledate film. Jednostavno idite na Postavke> Moj uređaj> Zaslon> Način zaslona i odaberitePrilagodi prikaz, ili provjerite druge opcije.
Aktivirajte Smart stay
Smart stay koristi prednju kameru vašeg telefona kako bi otkrio gledate li u zaslon ili ne i osigurava da zaslon ostane uključen sve dok gledate u njega. Ovo je sjajno ako želite imati kratko vremensko ograničenje zaslona, ali i puno čitati na telefonu.
Da biste aktivirali Smart stay, idite na Postavke > Moj uređaj> Pametni zaslon i pritisnite Pametno ostani .
Softverski savjeti
Onemogućite S Voice za bržu navigaciju
S Voice se može pokrenuti dvostrukim pritiskom na početnu tipku S4. Ovaj prečac zapravo usporava odgovor tipke Home. TouchWiz će se trenutno zaustaviti nakon prvog pritiska da vidi hoćete li ga pritisnuti drugi put, a zatim će vas odvesti na početni zaslon. Idite na S Voice, pritisnite tipku izbornika, odaberite Postavke i poništite okvir pored Otvori putem tipke Home kako bi navigacija tipkom Home bila brža.
Zaštitite svoje obavijesti na zaključanom zaslonu
Lollipop dolazi s obavijestima na zaključanom zaslonu, što znači da ne morate potpuno otključati telefon samo da biste pročitali SMS ili e-poštu. Uz to, možda se nećete osjećati ugodno imati sadržaj svojih obavijesti polijepljenih po cijelom zaslonu kako bi ih cijeli svijet mogao vidjeti. Ako imate, idite na Postavke> Moj uređaj> Zvukovi i obavijesti . Možete odabrati koje će aplikacije prikazivati sadržaj na zaključanom zaslonu u Obavijestima aplikacija i razinu sadržaja u Dok je zaključano .
Isključite dosadne Samsung zvukove
Kad ste već kod toga, zašto ne biste isključili neke od dosadnih zvukova Samsunga? Čak i ako vam se sviđaju, mogu vas uvjeriti da ih svi u vlaku, na poslu i u supermarketu mrze. Dakle, učinite svijetu uslugu:idite na Postavke> Moj uređaj> Zvukovi i obavijesti> Ostali zvukovi i poništite okvire za onoliko zvukova bez kojih možete živjeti.
Prilagodite svoj zaključani zaslon
Nemojte se zadovoljiti dosadnim starim zaključanim zaslonom, dodajte prečac za kameru i brojčanik, odaberite sat ili privatnu poruku i dajte mu pizzazu s prilagođenom pozadinom. Idite na Postavke> Moj uređaj> Zaključani zaslon i potvrdite okvir za kameru, zatim prilagodite widgete zaključanog zaslona.
Napunite svoju kameru
Instalirajte aplikaciju Samsung Smart Camera i povežite svoj telefon s kamerom pomoću NFC-a za brži prijenos fotografija, koristite svoj telefon kao daljinsko tražilo (zdravo, selfie stickovi!) i više. Najbolje od svega, kamera će se automatski povezati s telefonom kada je uključena.
Prilagodite svoje Brze postavke
Zašto se zadovoljiti standardnim Brzim postavkama kada možete odabrati prilagođenu skupinu najkorisnijih prekidača i prekidača za način na koji koristite svoj telefon? Možete ih čak i rasporediti točno kako želite. Prijeđite prstom od vrha zaslona prema dolje, dodirnite malu rešetku u gornjem desnom kutu, a zatim malu olovku za uređivanje, a zatim preuredite Brze postavke.
Učinite sigurnost pametnijom
Zašto biste željeli otključati telefon pomoću PIN-a ili uzorka kada ste kod kuće gdje (nadam se) možete vjerovati svima? Tu na scenu dolazi Lollipopova cool značajka Smart Lock. Možete si uštedjeti muke oko otključavanja telefona na određenim mjestima dodavanjem pouzdanog lica ili glasa, ili pametnog sata ili drugog pouzdanog uređaja.
Koristite način Ne uznemiravaj
Još jedna sjajna značajka Lollipopa su Prioritetne obavijesti, također poznate kao Ne uznemiravaj način rada. Omogućuje vam postavljanje vremena tako da vas nitko ne prekida, osim za najkritičnije obavijesti ili alarme. Možete zadržati pozive od svoje obitelji i šefa na bijelom popisu, postaviti dane i vrijeme u tjednu i birati između poziva, poruka i kalendarskih podsjetnika. Idite na Postavke> Moj uređaj> Zvukovi i obavijesti> Prekidi i biti zauzet - ili ne.
Koristite prečace za pozivanje ili slanje poruka kontaktima
Zašto koristiti neuredne gumbe izbornika kada će jedna gesta biti dovoljna? In your contacts list you can simply swipe someone's name to the left or right to instantly call or message them. Now you can stay in touch more easily and save time while you're doing it.
Always get the best photo
Let's face it, not all of us are Pulitzer Prize-winning photographers. So when a moment really maters, why not shoot a burst of pics and then have your S4 choose the best one for you? Just open the camera app, tap Mode and Best Photo . Hold down the shutter to shoot a bunch of pics and let your phone automatically choose the best one.
Enjoy Silent Mode
The Galaxy S4 is one of the few devices to enjoy true Silent Mode, even on Lollipop. You can go to Settings> My Device> Sounds and Notifications> Interruptions> Sound Mode> Mute or you can use the toggle in the Quick Settings to switch from sound to vibrate to mute.
Get a custom sound profile
If you have very discerning ears, or simply like to have complete control over what comes out of the device you use to speak to people, why not get a custom sound profile? Go to Settings> My Device> Sounds and Notifications> Adapt Sound . Put in some headphones, tap Start and then follow the prompts.
Make the keyboard smarter
If you're using the stock Samsung keyboard, make sure you have both predictive text and swipe typing enabled.You'll be amazed at how much time they can save you. Go to the keyboard and long press the button to the left of the space bar. Tap the Settings cog and make sure Predictive Text is on, and that Keyboard Swipe is set to Continuous Input . You could also replace the keyboard with SwiftKey or another keyboard app.
Try the floating keyboard
Depending on what you're doing, a smaller, floating keyboard might be more suitable. This neat little feature doesn't lock your keyboard to the bottom of the screen. Go to the keyboard, long press the button to the left of the space bar and tap the tile with the two overlapping boxes. Your keyboard will shrink a little and then be movable.
Make Chrome easier and better
Chrome on Lollipop is a little annoying. By default your Chrome tabs will live individually in your recent apps list (accessed by long pressing the home button). If you prefer the old way – all your tabs contained in Chrome itself – go to Chrome, tap the three dots in the top right-hand corner, select Settings and turn off Merge Tabs and Apps .
Make things simpler with Easy Mode
If you're a bit bamboozled by all the Samsung widgets and doodads in TouchWiz, give Easy Mode a shot instead. It'll clear things up. This way you'll only see the most important stuff, as well as enlarge icons and make everything easier for you to manage and navigate. Go to Settings> My Device> Easy Mode to make the switch.
Get lazy with Hands-Free Mode
If don't want to miss any incoming messages or notifications, and your hands are otherwise engaged, why not use the Galaxy S4's Hands-Free Mode? Incoming calls, messages and notifications will be read out to you, so you always know what's going on. Go to Settings> My Device> Hands-Free Mode i okrenite prekidač. Tapping the entry will let you choose what is possible.
Use your phone to control the TV
Download the Peel Smart Remote app and use it to set up your TV guide, favorite channels, control your TV and set-top box, and plenty more. You can even put it on your lock screen or the notifications shade to make sure you're always the couch commando.
Use your voice for hands-free control
Did you know your S4 has lots of voice control options? You can use your voice to turn off alarms, take photos, play music and answer or reject calls. Just go to Settings> My Device> Voice Control and flip the switches for the commands you want to use. You can also use S Voice to set reminders or check the weather.
Multi-Window and recent apps
The S4 can display your most recently opened apps, but did you know it also has a Multi-Window function that allows you to have two open windows at the same time? It is well hidden, but very handy! We've dedicated a whole article to showing how to use Samsung Multi-Window since it's so tricky to figure out.
Common problems
No sound
Some users have had a software bug which silences their Galaxy S4. When there is no sound, it is due to a crashed app that is accessing the audio driver and blocking it. Restarting your phone will usually fix the problem.
Wi-Fi connection problems
When you're at home, you may well have noticed that your phone sometimes seems to have trouble connecting to your wireless network. This is usually the case when the Wi-Fi signal is weak, but it can crop up at other times as well.
You may find that you are plagued with messages informing you that your internet connection has been disabled because of slow speeds. While this may sound counterintuitive, try disabling mobile data – you may just find that it helps. Swipe down from the top of the screen and toggle the Mobile Data setting to off.
Another option is to disable Wi-Fi Power Save mode. Fire up the dialer and type the code *#0011# to enter Service Mode. Tap the menu key and select the Wi-Fi option. Under the Wi-Fi Power Save Mode heading, tap the On button so that it changes to Off. Press the back button to return to the home screen.
- More tips for improving Wi-Fi-signal on Android
Video playback not working
Many users are having a hard time playing videos sent via WhatsApp on the Galaxy S4. When you get an error message from WhatsApp telling you, "video playback not possible" it can be fixed. Go into your settings and find the application manager, then reset your app defaults. If that doesn't fix the problem, download VLC media player.
Advanced tips
Access the Galaxy S4's hidden settings
There's a great app called Note 2 Hidden Settings that also works with other Galaxy devices, including the S4. It won't work with some carrier-branded models, but it's worth installing and giving it a shot because there's heaps of cool stuff in this app.
Fix bugs in Safe Mode
If your Galaxy S4 is acting strangely, you might want to restart it in Safe mode until you can solve the problem. To do this, simply turn your S4 off and then back on again. As soon as you see the Samsung screen, press and hold the volume down key and you will see that many apps will have been disabled when it boots up. To get out of safe mode, just turn your phone off and back on again.
Get a better launcher
If TouchWiz feels a little slow to you, why not replace with a faster launcher such as Google Now Launcher, Nova Launcher or Action launcher? Give them a try – they're free and you can always switch back if you want to.
- Best Android launchers
Make your own Qi wireless charger
If you want the wireless charging experience that the Galaxy S6 offers, without needing to fork out a small fortune to actually get an S6, why not buy a wireless charging pack? All you'll need to do then is take the back off your phone and align the tab as instructed in the packaging, then replace the phone's back panel.
- Why you should try wireless charging
Access the hidden developer settings
To access your Galaxy S4's hidden developer settings, go into your device's settings, tap More , and go into the software information. In the About device section, tap the Build number seven times, and you'll then have access. Then you're ready to change the animation speed, limit background processes, and use USB debugging, among other interesting things.
Root your device
To gain access to advanced features for your S4, you can root your device. This can be done at your own risk, and will likely void your warranty. You can find a full explanation of what rooting is, how it is done and reasons why you should or shouldn't do it in our full guide to rooting.
Get Android 6.0 Marshmallow with CyanogenMod
The Galaxy S4 sold very well, and many people still have the devices. So, there are many volunteers who continue to provide software updates for the older device. You can get a Custom ROM update to Android 6.0 Marshmallow. For the full steps on how to get the update, see our article.
Did you try any of these Galaxy S4 tips and tricks? Do you have any others? Podijelite ih u komentarima.