Kako overclockati Android:vodič za korištenje kernela
Bez obzira na to koliko su naši telefoni brzi, uvijek postoji prostor da budu malo brži. Srećom, Android vam upravo to omogućuje. Proces se naziva overklokiranje i jednostavno znači prisiljavanje CPU-a da radi malo brže nego inače. Evo kako overclockati svoj Android telefon i dodatno ga napuniti.
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Hardcore korisnici računala možda su već upoznati s overclockingom. Igrači su posebno godinama overclockirali svoj hardver, gurajući više performansi iz svojih strojeva. Ista mogućnost postoji za Android:možete reći svom CPU-u da radi brže od preporučenih postavki proizvođača. Proces je iznenađujuće jednostavan i može vam dati čak 30 posto više snage. Evo svega što trebate znati:
- Što je kernel?
- Što trebate znati prije nego počnete
- Nabavite pravu jezgru
- Koristite softver za overklokiranje
- Kako overclockati svoj Android, korak po korak
- Promjena brzine CPU-a
Što je kernel?
Kernel je računalni program koji je jezgra operacijskog sustava računala. Često je to jedan od prvih programa koji se učitavaju kada pokrenete računalni uređaj, ponekad se naziva i bootloader. Kernel obavlja zadatke kao što su pokretanje procesa, upravljanje tvrdim diskom, rukovanje prekidima i sortiranje ostatka procesa pokretanja. To čini u zaštićenom dijelu memorije, poznatom kao kernel prostor. Android koristi Linux kernel, ali to možete promijeniti ako rootate svoj uređaj.
Prije nego počnete:pročitajte ovo
Prvo vam moram dati standardno upozorenje. Overclocking CPU-a vašeg telefona nosi određene rizike. Povećanje takta vašeg CPU-a stvara više topline i troši više energije. Malo je vjerojatno da će zapaliti vaš telefon ili uništiti bateriju, ali prekomjerna proizvodnja topline može stvoriti nestabilnost i utjecati na trajanje baterije.
Ključno je uzeti si vremena. Ne pokušavajte odmah skočiti na povećanje takta od 30 posto. Krenite polako i sa svakim povećanjem procijenite koliko je sustav stabilan. Ako Android radi dobro, toplina i trajanje baterije vašeg telefona su prihvatljivi i nema rušenja ili čudnog ponašanja, možete pokušati dodatno povećati brzinu sata. Ako stvari postanu čudne, vratite se na posljednju stabilnu brzinu sata.
Dobijanje pravog kernela za overclocking
Zadovoljan time? Nastavimo. Jedina stvar koju trebate podesiti CPU postavke vašeg Android telefona je kernel koji podržava overclocking. Overclocking je glavni dio modding zajednice, tako da ne nedostaje dobrih kernela između kojih možete izabrati. Samo trebate nabaviti pravu jezgru za svoj model telefona.

Prvo pronađite broj modela svog telefona. Idite na Postavke> O telefonu i pogledajte. Također biste trebali zabilježiti verziju Androida koju koristite. Vaš će telefon također morati biti rootan kako biste overclockirali CPU. Za više informacija o tome što je root na Androidu, pogledajte naš vodič. Naravno, ovaj postupak nije pokriven jamstvom, stoga nastavite na vlastitu odgovornost. Također ćete trebati instalirati prilagođeni oporavak. Više o tome u nastavku.

Zamjena kernela i overclocking ne oduzimaju nimalo vremena, ali vrijedi uložiti malo vremena u pronalaženje pravog kernela. Stranice poput XDA Developers odlično su mjesto za početak. Postoje četiri stvari koje tražite od kernela:da podržava overclocking, da je kompatibilan s vašim modelom telefona, da radi na vašoj trenutnoj verziji Androida i da ima dobru reputaciju.
Što je kernel popularniji, lakše ćete dobiti pomoć od zajednice ako vam je potrebna ili pronaći neke predložene postavke (ako biste radije učili iz tuđih napora umjesto da sami smišljate). Što više povratnih informacija ima o kernelu, to možete donijeti utemeljeniju odluku.
Softver za overclocking za vaš kernel
Neki kerneli dolaze s namjenskim softverom koji je prilagođen da vam pomogne da izvučete najviše iz kernela. To može uključivati jednostavan klizač za overklokiranje, postavke CPU regulatora, opcije nižeg napona i više. Ako kernel koji odaberete ima popratnu aplikaciju, upotrijebite je. If it doesn't, search around the Play Store for a generic overclocking or CPU manager app with a good rating and positive comments.

Once you've got the kernel for your particular model of phone, and have ensured it works with your version of Android and supports overclocking, you're good to go. For this tutorial we're overclocking a rooted Nexus 6 running stock Android 6.0 Marshmallow using the ElementalX kernel.
Many custom ROM kernels already support overclocking however, so if you are using a custom ROM, read up on it to see if you even need to change your kernel.

How to overclock your Android phone
Your phone needs to be rooted in order to flash a custom kernel. You'll also need a custom recovery installed (because you can't flash kernels using stock recovery). If you need help with this, follow our guide on how to install a custom recovery. The guide at the link is for a Nexus 5 but the same process applies.
1. Make sure you have a backup of your data. You can do this through your custom recovery or with any number of apps or PC-based solutions. If you need help with this, follow our guide on how to back up everything on Android.

2. Once you've chosen the kernel you want to use, download it (and any software it might have come with) onto your Android (you can leave it in the Downloads folder). You can also download the kernel to your computer and copy the zip file to the root directory of your phone if you prefer, but it's just as easy to just do it on your phone through recovery.

3. Turn off your phone and enter fastboot. This is usually achieved by pressing Power and Volume Down but some manufacturers have a different button combination.
4. On the fastboot screen, use the volume buttons to highlight Recovery mode and press the power button to select it.

5. You will now enter your custom recovery. We're using TWRP.
6. Tap the Install button (or 'Install zip' in CWM recovery) and navigate to the location where you saved the kernel zip file.

7. Flash the kernel zip file and wait for a success message. Some kernels (like Elemental X in our example) will run you through a series of screens like the Install Wizard on your computer.
Some kernels will allow you to set the CPU clock speed during installation. You can make changes then and there or later through the CPU manager app you installed. See below for instructions on the latter.

8. Wipe the cache once the kernel has been flashed successfully.

9. Go to the Advanced settings in recovery and tap 'Fix Permissions'.

10. Reboot your system.

Changing your CPU clock speed
If you didn't change the CPU settings during installation of your custom kernel you can now launch your CPU manager or kernel app. If you haven't already installed compatible software for your kernel you'll need to find an app in the Play Store.
There are plenty that work well, but I'm using a free app called Kernel Adiutor. You'll need to grant your kernel app root permission and you might be required to install BusyBox as well (which will also require root privileges).

Look for the settings that control CPU clock speed. Depending on the app you're using, you can choose a max CPU speed from a drop down menu or use a slider. Remember, take it slowly and try each clock speed out for a while to see how it affects stability, battery life and heat. Start at around 10 percent more than your current clock speed and work your way upwards.

Don't be surprised if your CPU speed doesn't instantly jump up to that new setting. What you're doing when you overclock is changing the CPU's maximum speed, so it will be able to deliver higher performance when necessary.
While you can also change the minimum clock speed, that just puts unnecessary strain on your processor and battery. After all, there's no need to be maxing out your CPU just to read emails.
If you encounter any instability with your new settings just go back and drop your max clock speed a little and see how you go.

If you encounter any problems that seem out of the ordinary, hit the forums or the place you grabbed your kernel from and read through the entries to see if anyone else has already solved your problem. If not, ask for help from the community. If all else fails you can simply re-flash the original kernel your device came with.
Let us know how you got on, and how much better your overclocked Android is now.