Tajne dobivanja bržih ažuriranja Androida
Brže ažuriranje Androida gotovo je na vrhu svačijeg popisa želja, odmah uz bolje trajanje baterije. Stoga smo vam danas odlučili otkriti nekoliko malih tajni koje će vam pomoći da brže ažurirate Android.
Kako funkcioniraju ažuriranja za Android?
Prije nego što prođemo kroz metode, važno je imati predodžbu o tome kako funkcioniraju ažuriranja za Android kako biste izbjegli oslanjanje na postupke koji nisu samo nepotrebni, već ponekad čak i štetni za vaš uređaj.
Kada započne uvođenje najnovijeg ažuriranja Androida za Pixel u određenoj zemlji, Rusija i Poljska su često odabrane (vjerojatno ažuriranja više vole niske temperature!), a nakon prvih 24-48 sati može doseći samo 1% dotičnim uređajima. Dobro ste pročitali, samo 1%.
Razlog za to nije iznenadni problem upravljanja, već svjestan izbor, neka vrsta faze rješavanja tijekom koje se analiziraju svi problemi na koje se naiđe prije nego što se pređe na sljedeće faze u kojima će ažuriranje stići redom na 25%, 50% i na kraju na 100% uređaja.
Cijeli proces traje nekoliko tjedana, a ako vaš uređaj ne primi ažuriranje tijekom prve faze, sve što trebate učiniti je strpljivo čekati drugu fazu ili sljedeću fazu.
Situacija je malo drugačija kada su u pitanju drugi brendovi ili brendirani uređaji jer će ažuriranje morati proći daljnje izmjene i optimizacije, ovisno o sučelju, aplikacijama i značajkama koje želite implementirati, prije nego što se testira, pusti operaterima i potom distribuira široj javnosti (uključujući i vas). Put koji slijedi tada će biti: Google> marka> operateri> službeno izdanje.
Još jedan faktor koji utječe na brzinu primanja ažuriranja je zemlja u kojoj se nalazite:Samsung, na primjer, ima tendenciju da ažuriranja prvo objavi u baltičkim zemljama. Ukratko, sve što trebate učiniti je čekati svoj trenutak i zapamtiti da provjera ažuriranja dostupnih na vašem Androidu nije baš korisna jer će uređaj provjeravati prisutnost svakih nekoliko sati, u skladu s gore objašnjenim koracima, bez obzira na broj puta pritisnete namjenski gumb.
NEMOJTE isprobavati lažni trik Google Services Framework
Jeste li također pokušali nametnuti ažuriranja sustavnim resetiranjem podataka Google Service Frameworka kako biste ubrzali vrijeme i odmah primili najnoviju verziju softvera na svoj Android uređaj? Ne brinite, niste jedini koji je tražio alternativno rješenje čišćenjem svojih podataka u nadi da ćete dobiti ažuriranje na Oreo ili Nougat za četiri i četiri'osam.
- Izbriši predmemoriju i podatke aplikacije:u čemu je razlika?
Međutim, nažalost, ovaj trik je zapravo beskoristan, a Dan Morrill, jedan od poznatih Googleovih inženjera, već nam ga neko vrijeme pokušava objasniti. Brisanje podataka neće vam omogućiti da se pojavite na vrhu popisa uređaja koji čekaju ažuriranje, već, naprotiv, može uzrokovati anomalije u ponašanju nekih aplikacija.

Leave things as they are and don't clean up the Google Services Framework data, you could only make it worse and slow down the process as after deleting the data you will be assigned a new Google ID, sliding you to the end of the waiting list!
Should you factory reset your device before receiving the update?
A second common myth that needs busting is the mistaken belief that doing a factory reset of your device when an Android update is approaching will automatically get you the update faster. Resetting your smartphone will also automatically reset your Google ID and, once again, you will be sent back to the bottom of the list. The best thing to do is, in fact, the following:
- Make a backup of your data.
- Wait for the update notification and install it.
- Reset to factory settings.
- Perform a data recovery.
- Backing up your data on Android:what it is and how to do it

Choose a Pixel or an Android One device
If you really want faster and more frequent updates on Android, it’s good to consider devices that come with Android One or pure Android stock. Check out the article below to get more detailed information.
Google's own Pixel line, for example, are always the first to get the latest Android version, and this also applies to earlier Pixel models. So if you can't afford a smartphone from the Pixel 3 range, consider a Pixel 2 or even the original Pixel.

Devices with Android One, are also likely to get speedy updates. Some affordable devices like the Motorola Moto X4 or HTC U11 Life come with Android One. The new wave of Nokia smartphones also include many devices with Android One, including the Nokia 7 Plus, Nokia 6, Nokia 8.1 and Nokia 8 Sirocco.
With the purchase of a device signed Google you will also have access to the beta versions of the operating system to test with your own hands the news before everyone else!
Research your manufacturer
Being able to receive updates earlier than the others may not be a sufficient factor to push you in the direction of a Pixel, especially if you prefer the UI of a different manufacturer. Waiting times for Android updates vary greatly from brand to brand so, if speedy updates is an important factor for you, make sure that your next device must be produced by one of the best brands in this field. Many smaller companies launch only a few devices and have little or no concern about upgrading their products. These devices are often generic, with designs that are bought in China and are then resold in other countries.
And of course, these smaller companies may end up upgrading their smartphones, but the odds are always low. So go for brands like Sony, LG and Samsung, Xiaomi or OnePlus, which will provide some reassurance that you’ll receive an Android update.

Stay up to date with the latest flagships
It's a sad truth of the Android world:only the latest top of the range, cutting-edge and therefore expensive, are sure to receive the latest Android updates available. Low to mid-range smartphones, as well as tablets, are often left in oblivion and abandoned to their sad fate.
The best way to be sure to receive updates, and to receive them first, is to have in your pocket the latest top of the range of the moment, such as a Galaxy S10, or an LG G8, for example.
Take advantage of the upgrade options provided by your manager, buy a second-hand top of the range, if you have a limited budget available, but make sure you don't have a low-end device in your pocket if receiving Android updates quickly is your priority!

Don't buy from carriers
It’s sad, but true. Unfortunately, the devices sold by mobile carriers end up having an extra layer of difficulty when it comes to receiving system updates. Each time an update arrives on an unlocked device, it will need to go through another round of testing to incorporate carrier apps, system settings, and possible functions. This isn't always the case, as for example, you may remember that the Galaxy Note 8 received Oreo on carrier versions slightly earlier. But nonetheless, it's still a good rule of thumb. Just don't forget to research the manufacturer's history as noted above.
- Android P:Which smartphones and tablets will get the update?
- Will your smartphone get Android Q?
The articles above will tell you which devices will get an update to Android P and Q, but what you really need to know is that in the end, the same model of a device may end up not getting an update from its operator, even if the unlocked version receives an update. It is therefore best to avoid any doubt and purchase the device unlocked.
Do it yourself...with the right tutorials
As you probably know, every single brand hides procedures that allow you to force the update on your devices. The first thing to do is to know if your smartphone or tablet is entitled to the update and then find out how and when to get it:
- How to update the firmware of your Android
How long do you normally wait for an update? Do you know any other tricks?