Iskoristite sve prednosti Google asistenta uz ove glasovne naredbe
Google Assistant funkcija je pametnog glasovnog pretraživanja koja vam pruža vremensku prognozu, informacije o letovima, kontrole aplikacija, osobne podsjetnike i više. Uskoro će samo retro hipsteri otvarati aplikacije ručno ili upisivati u tražilicu. Pokazat ćemo vam kako postaviti Google pomoćnika i započeti sa svim bitnim glasovnim naredbama koje će vam olakšati život.
Skoči na:
- Kako konfigurirati Google Assistant
Što pitati Google pomoćnika:
- Šaljite poruke putem WhatsAppa, Telegrama i Vibera
- Otvorite web stranice i aplikacije
- Upravljanje obvezama
- Brža interakcija s kontaktima
- Dobijte upute i novosti o vremenu
- Dobijte informacije o različitim temama
- Opustite se uz Google pomoćnika u slobodno vrijeme
- Brza tablica korisnih naredbi Google pomoćnika
- Google pomoćnik:uvijek brži i učinkovitiji
Kako konfigurirati Google Assistant
Prije nego što probudite Google Assistant na svom uređaju, trebali biste pravilno postaviti uslugu. Prije svega, preporučam da u Trgovini Play provjerite treba li Google aplikacija ažuriranje i preuzmete ga ako je dostupno. Nakon što instalirate najnoviju verziju Googlea, a potom i Google pomoćnika, bit ćete spremni za početak.
- Google Pixel Buds:imali smo velika očekivanja
Ako nikada prije niste koristili Google Assistant, ne brinite, unatoč njegovim složenim mogućnostima, lako ga je postaviti. Ako na svom telefonu imate Android Lollipop ili noviju verziju, dugo pritisnite tipku Home da biste otvorili Google Assistant.
- Pritisnite Home i pokrenite Google Assistant.
- Pritisnite Dalje na Upoznajte svog novog Google pomoćnika zaslon.
- Dajte Googleu dopuštenje za pristup informacijama koje su mu potrebne pritiskom na Da, slažem se .
- Sada možete naučiti Asistenta kako prepoznati vaš glas.
- Također je moguće omogućiti otkrivanje vruće riječi "OK Google" na bilo kojem zaslonu kako bi se po potrebi ubrzala aktivacija Asistenta. Da biste to učinili, slijedite ovaj put u aplikaciji Google:Postavke> Postavke (u odjeljku Google pomoćnik) > Telefon> Detekcija 'Ok Google' i omogućite ga. To znači da ćete aktivirati Asistenta kad god kažete "OK Google" dok je vaš telefon budan.
Čestitamo! Sada ste otključali razne mogućnosti, od jednostavnog pretraživanja web stranica putem glasa do upotrebe Google pomoćnika za brže otvaranje aplikacija ili pohranjivanje vašeg rasporeda!
Što pitati Google pomoćnika
Šaljite poruke putem WhatsAppa, Telegrama ili Vibera
Koliko poruka na WhatsAppu, Viberu, Telegramu ili bilo kojoj drugoj aplikaciji za razmjenu trenutnih poruka pošaljete svaki dan? Lako je voljeti brojati, ali od sada ovu operaciju možete učiniti još bržom tako da izravno zatražite od Googlea da vam šalje poruke!
Da biste to učinili, samo morate reći "Ok Google, pošalji poruku na [WhatsApp] [mami]:što radimo za večeru?" ili recite "Ok Google, pošalji poruku na [WhatsApp] [mami]", a zatim izdiktirajte poruku koju želite poslati. Ako vaš kontakt ima više od jednog telefonskog broja, od vas će se tražiti da odaberete onaj na koji želite poslati poruku.

Otvorite web stranice i aplikacije izravno iz Google pomoćnika
Da biste otvorili svoju omiljenu web stranicu bez micanja prstom, samo morate izgovoriti ključnu riječ "Idi na..." nakon koje slijedi naziv stranice:
- "Idi na [site (.com, itd.)]" .
- Primjer: "OK Google, idi na".
Ako želite pokrenuti aplikaciju, kao što je kalendar za provjeru vašeg rasporeda, kada se Google pomoćnik aktivira, samo trebate reći:
- "Pokreni [aplikaciju]".
- Primjer: "OK Google, pokreni kalendar".
Možete pokrenuti sve aplikacije koje su instalirane na vašem uređaju. Pazite da koristite točan naziv aplikacije (ono što se pojavljuje ispod ikone). Ako aplikacija ima neobičan naziv, moglo bi biti prilično teško (i neugodno) uspjeti u procesu.
- Ovo su aplikacije koje biste sada trebali koristiti
Upravljajte obvezama pomoću Google pomoćnika
Google može postati vaš osobni asistent i podsjećati vas na vaše obveze, postaviti alarme umjesto vas i čak držati vaše narudžbe na Amazonu pod kontrolom. Sve se svodi na poznavanje pravih glasovnih naredbi za korištenje ovisno o zahtjevu.
Stvorite podsjetnike
Svakako se morate sjetiti platiti račun za plin do kraja tjedna, ali jeste li previše lijeni da ručno izradite podsjetnik? Probudite Google pomoćnika i izgovorite sljedeću naredbu:
- Podsjeti me [što] [kada] [gdje]".
- Primjer: "OK Google, podsjeti me da platim račun za plin u petak u 8:00 ujutro".
Google je dovoljno pametan da možete kreirati prilagođene podsjetnike na temelju vremena i mjesta, sve u jednoj rečenici. Ali kako biste bili sigurni da usluga radi savršeno i zna točno kada se treba sjetiti događaja, morat ćete konfigurirati svoje lokacije u postavkama. Ovdje ćete imati priliku registrirati svoju kućnu ili poslovnu adresu i omogućiti Google pomoćniku da se aktivira samo u pravo vrijeme.
Postavljanje alarma
Ako želite postaviti alarm pomoću aplikacije Sat/Alarm, morat ćete upotrijebiti drugu glasovnu naredbu:
- "Postavi alarm za [vrijeme]".
- Primjer: "OK Google, postavi alarm za sutra ujutro u 7:30 navečer".
Stvorite događaje u kalendaru i upravljajte njima
Možete ih zamijeniti s podsjetnicima, ali događaji znače sve zadatke pohranjene u aplikaciji Kalendar. Uz Google Assistant i pravu glasovnu naredbu, možete kreirati nove događaje, kao što je termin kod zubara ili važan radni sastanak, i pregledati ih u bilo kojem trenutku:
- “Stvorite događaj [vrsta] [kada (datum i vrijeme)] [mjesto]”.
- "Koje su moje obveze [kada]".
- "Kada je[što]".
- Primjer: "OK Google, stvori događaj u kalendaru:zabava s prijateljima nedjeljom u 21 sat kod mene"
Stvorite osobne bilješke na Evernote ili Google Kee
Bilježite li svaku sitnicu jer vas pamćenje igra? Ne morate začepiti kalendar događaja, umjesto toga upotrijebite alternativnu glasovnu naredbu za slanje bilješki izravno na usluge kao što su Evernote ili Google Keep ili u vaš poštanski sandučić:
- "Ok Google, reci Evernoteu [stvar]".
Brže stupite u kontakt sa svojim kontaktima
Kada poželite doprijeti do drugih ljudi, nemojte misliti da vam Google pomoćnik jednostavno pronađe kontakt koji ćete nazvati ili vam otvori aplikaciju za poruke. Google Assistant opens more convenient ways to contact your friends and is even connected to your social networks. Let's see what we can do we see together all the voice commands that could be useful to you.
- Control your home lighting from your wrist with Google Assistant
Make a call
Remember phone calls? They used to be a thing. But now, with Google Assistant, voice is in vogue again. There are several options for calling your contacts with Google Assistant.
By saying "call" followed by the contact name, you can start the call or choose who to call from the contacts Assistant finds. If you have several numbers associated with the same contact, adding the tag of that number (mobile phone, home, work, etc.) you will avoid having to manually select the one you want.
- Call[tag][Contact]"," Call[tag][number]".
- Example: "OK Google, call work Jessica".
Send an SMS
With Google Assistant you can open the messaging app and then select the contact and enter the message text manually, or do everything by voice command and let the service do everything for you. All you have to do is use the voice command:
- “Send a message a [contact] [message]”.
- Example: “OK Google, send an SMS to Philip mobile, don’t forget to buy milk”
Send an email
With a very similar voice command, you can send emails quickly and without tiring your fingers. However, I recommend that you limit the use of the service to short emails, as in the voice command you have to specify both the subject of the email and the text.
- Send an email to[contact/email], subject[subject], message[message]".
- Example: "OK Google, send an email to [email protected], subject important, message you are awesome!".

Get directions and weather forecasts with Google Assistant
Don't risk getting lost or distracting yourself from driving and make the best use of all the possibilities of Google Assistant to receive directions, information about the places you visit and updates on the weather conditions of your next destination, all without any effort.
- The best weather apps:never get caught in the rain again
- Traveling without internet? Use these offline navigation and GPS apps
How to get directions
You can receive step-by-step directions on the set goal, directly from Google Assistant with the voice command "Go to...". By using the phrase "Directions to..." instead, the destination will be set in Google Maps or another installed browser. You can add the transport method used (public, bike, car, foot) at the end of the sentence. Finally, remember that you can take advantage of custom locations:
- "Go to [Address]".
- "Directions to [Address]”.
- Example: "OK Google, directions to the Golden Gate Bridge".
Get information about your location
You can find out about everything you need to do in the city that you are visiting or find the best restaurant in your vicinity, you just have to choose the right request to make to Google Assistant. Specifying "nearest" to the end of the sentence, you will find the places around your current location.
- “Find/where is [target]”.
- “Find/where is nearest [target]”.
- Example: "OK Google, find the nearest bar".
Stay up to date on weather
Immediately find out the time zone or weather anywhere in the world with these voice commands:
- “What time is it in [place]?”
- “What/how’s the weather in [place]?”
- Example: "OK Google, h ow’s the weather in Portland on [Wednesday] going to be?”
Ask the all-knowing Google Assistant
You'll be able to ask Google Assistant anything from Brad Pitt's age to the formula to get the perimeter of an isosceles triangle, and thanks to a quick Google search you'll get the answer you are looking for.
But in addition to questions of general knowledge, you can take advantage of this convenient voice assistant to make everyday life easier thanks to the integrated services of translator, dictionary, accountant, calculator, and much more.
Here are a few voice commands that you might find useful:
- "Translate [word] [language]".
- "What does [word] mean?"
- "What's the price of [thing]?"
- Square root[number]","[number] divided/plus/minus/multiplied by/divided by[number]".
- "What's [measurement / currency ...] in [measurement / currency ...]?"

Play with Google Assistant in your free time
We've only just begun to scratch the surface of what Assistant is capable of? The possibilities are endless and we will never be able to insert them in a single articlen. It's worth keeping in mind that the voice commands of Google Assistant can also help you manage music, images, books, movies and other media and activities.
- How to get Google Assistant to read you a bedtime story
Manage your music
Listen to your songs, identify the song you're listening to around or on the radio, discover the tracks of an artist or play a radio station with "I feel lucky" in Google Play Music (with Unlimited active):
- "Listen[title]".
- "What is this track?"
- "Play [artist]”.
- “Play some music”.
Find interesting images
Get images or photos of anything you want to search for immediately:
- “Show photo/images of [subject]"..
Manage movies and books
Play movies and read books purchased from the Play Store:
- "Watch[title]". Read[title]".
Get some affordable help at home with Google Home Mini
Ask the Google Assistant anything you want to know about a celebrity:
- Example:"Where was [James Dean] born?"
After you have specified the subject, you can continue asking questions without having to repeat it again.
Useful Google Assistant commands
Google summarizes everything you can ask your voice assistant in a dedicated web page, but we've summarized the different kinds of commands below for your convenience:
- People: "When was Barack Obama born?" / "Who invented the cellphone?"
- Time: "When does the Sun set in Hong Kong?" / "What time is it in New York?"
- Weather: "Will I need an umbrella on Tuesday?" / "How cold will it be on Sunday?"
- Conversions: "What is 5,5 inches in cm?" / "Convert 399 dollars to euros"
- Mathematics: "What is16 divided by 4?" / "What is 90% of $200?"
- Control apps: "Send a message" ... "to Amy Hocknell" ... "with WhatsApp" ... "Hi Amy [period] How are you [question mark]". / "Deactivate Bluetooth"
- Definitions: "Define ostracize"
- Alarms: "Set an alarm for 6.40 am"
- Calendar: "Show me tomorrow's meetings"
- Gmail: "Write an email to Daria"..."party invitation" "message [dictated with punctuation included]" ... "send".
- Phone: "Call Mom"
- Translate: "How do you say laundry in German?"
- Reminder: "Reminder me to pay the gardener"
- Navigation: "Where is the Washington Monument?"
- Sport: "Results Vikings vs Saints"
- Flight information: "Flight FR 5203"
- Browser: "Open"
- Movie and TV: "What are the best films of 2019?
- Music: "Play We are the champions"
Google Assistant:always getting faster and more efficient
The keyword to keep in mind when calling Google Assistant is just to speak naturally. Speak as if you were talking to another person while considering that the Assistant is not yet smart enough to understand and implement demands that are too long. However, the Assistant will gradually become more efficient and learn from your needs and your mistakes.
What do you think about Google's voice assistant? Are you willing to trust Google Assistant in everyday life?