Kako upariti i resetirati JBL slušalice
Sve više i više ljudi bira udobne bežične slušalice umjesto tradicionalnih žičnih. Takve slušalice možete povezati s pametnim telefonom ili drugim uređajima putem Bluetootha sve dok ga podržavaju.
U ovom članku ćemo pogledati kako možete upariti svoje JBL slušalice s većinom uređaja i što učiniti kada Bluetooth veza ne radi. JBL proizvodi neke od najboljih zvučnika, slušalica i slušalica, ali njihovo uparivanje može biti nezgodno. Pojednostavimo sve za vas.
Opća pravila
- Na pametnom telefonu mora biti uključen odgovarajući modul odgovoran za bežičnu vezu (Bluetooth, NFC).
- Slušalice će možda morati aktivirati način uparivanja.
- Uređaji bi trebali biti u liniji vidljivosti na udaljenosti ne većoj od 10 m.
Kako upariti svoj JBL zvučnik s vašim uređajem
Ako povezujete svoje JBL Bluetooth slušalice s telefonom ili računalom po prvi put, morate provesti postupak uparivanja tako da telefon i slušalice šalju autentifikacijske kodove jedna drugoj i počnu raditi u paru.
Bez uparivanja vaših uređaja, vaše slušalice neće raditi s vašim telefonom i vaš telefon neće vidjeti slušalice na popisu dostupnih uređaja.
U velikoj većini slučajeva, da biste uključili način uparivanja na slušalicama, morate držati tipku za uključivanje do 5 sekundi.
Ako ste sve napravili kako treba, indikator na slušalicama će početi treptati. To znači da je gadget u načinu uparivanja. Sada pogledajte zaslon svog telefona.
Naziv slušalica koje želite spojiti na telefon trebao bi se pojaviti na zaslonu vašeg telefona u odjeljku "Dostupni uređaji".
Kada vidite naziv slušalica, kliknite na njega. Uparivanje dva uređaja započet će automatski. Ponekad možete vidjeti kod za uparivanje i morate odobriti da bi uparivanje bilo dovršeno.
Više pojedinosti objašnjeno je u nastavku za različite uređaje.
Kako spojiti JBL slušalice s Android telefonom
Procedura povezivanja bežičnih JBL slušalica s pametnim telefonom vrlo je jednostavna.
Slijedite donji vodič za povezivanje JBL-a s vašim Android uređajem;
- Uključite svoje slušalice pritiskom na tipku za napajanje na kućištu ili tako da ih izvadite iz kutije za punjenje.
- Stavite svoje JBL slušalice u Bluetooth način rada. Da biste to učinili, pritisnite i držite desnu slušalicu 5 sekundi.
- Idite na izbornik svog telefona i pronađite Bluetooth oznaku.
- Vidjet ćete popis uređaja koji su u dometu Bluetooth signala. Pronađite naziv modela svojih JBL slušalica na ovom popisu:najčešće je to naziv koji proizvođač daje svojim napravama.
- Kliknite na naziv uređaja – pametni telefon će pokušati uspostaviti vezu s njim. Nakon toga će najvjerojatnije tražiti lozinku (kod za uparivanje).
- Najpopularnija tvornička zaporka je 0000. Ali proizvođač slušalica može omogućiti drugu:u ovom slučaju, pronađite je u korisničkom priručniku.
- Nakon unosa ispravnog koda za uparivanje, uređaji će se povezati putem Bluetootha. Ako vaš JBL model ima indikatorsko svjetlo, ono će zasvijetliti ili početi treperiti.
Ako su radnje izvedene ispravno, zaslon vašeg pametnog telefona također će prikazati " Connected " ili prikazati znak Bluetooth veze na vrhu vašeg uređaja.
Kako spojiti JBL slušalice na Samsung telefon
Algoritam je isti kao kod spajanja slušalica na bilo koji Android pametni telefon, kao što je gore objašnjeno.
Kratke upute za spajanje na Samsung:
- Stavite svoje bežične JBL slušalice u način rada za uparivanje.
- Idite na Bluetooth postavke na svom telefonu (Bluetooth mora biti uključen).
- Find the name of the headphones you want to connect to in the list of available devices.
- Click on your device and wait a few seconds, after which the connection will be. established, and the headphones will be connected to your Samsung device.
How To Connect JBL Earbuds To An iPhone
Follow the guidelines below step by step to connect your JBL earbuds to your iPhone:
- Turn your earbuds on by pressing the power button on the case or by removing them from their charging box whichever the case may be.
- Put your JBL earbuds in Bluetooth mode. To do this, press and hold the right earbud for 5 seconds.
- Turn on the iPhone.
- Open the settings of the mobile device.
- Find the Bluetooth tab, open it and activate this option.
- Wait until the slider next to ” Other devices ” stops spinning;
- When the search is over, click on the column name to connect to it.
If the actions are performed correctly, the synchronization will end in a few seconds and your iPhone display will show “ Connected ”.
- After the first pairing, subsequent connections will be made automatically.
- JBL Tune 120 TWS earbuds have the ability to use one earbud as a Bluetooth headset. For this, the right earpiece is used, which has a built-in microphone.
How to Pair The JBL Tune 120
Before you can use the JBL tune 120 earbuds you have to first pair the right and left earbuds to each other. To do this, follow the short instructions below;
- Remove the right and left earbuds from the charging case.
- Press on the left and right earbuds 3 times.
- They should be paired after doing this.
JBL Earbuds Not Connecting
Why won’t my JBL headphones or earbuds connect to Bluetooth from my device? Despite the simple connection algorithm, users occasionally encounter problems when trying to connect their phones to JBL wireless headphones. The reasons are usually trivial:we have compiled a list of the most popular reasons.
Headphones are off or not in pairing mode
It is banal but true:many forget to turn on the “ears”, and the smartphone, and of course, cannot find them among the available devices. This often happens with simple model JBLs without light indication.
The headphones are out of pairing mode
As a rule, the connection mode works only for a certain time. If you’ve been messing around with your smartphone for too long and it’s time out, chances are you won’t be able to find the device on the available list. Pay attention to the indicator light and try to see if the pairing mode is activated.
The distance between your device and headphones is too wide
For a reliable connection, two gadgets should be at a distance of less than 10 meters and in a line of sight. If you try to connect from the next room through a couple of walls, you may fail.
The headphone name is weird
This is often encountered by those who bought cheap or fake wireless JBL from a non-trusted source. In this case, it will be difficult for you to find the device in the Bluetooth list when connecting.
However, the solution to this is simple; turn off the headphones, press the “Search” or “Refresh” button on your smartphone. One of the devices should disappear.
Turn on the gadget again and update the list – watch the appearance of a new line. This should be your device.
The headphone battery is dead
Another popular scenario for those who have been messing around with the connection for too long.
Many models do not warn you in any way that the battery is low. In others, the “alarm indicator” is activated, that is, the LED starts blinking red or with an increased frequency.
You have rebooted your smartphone
If you turned off your phone (for example, when boarding an airplane) or rebooted it (for example, after an update), you will have to reconnect.
Your JBL Bluetooth devices will not automatically pair. The process of pairing is the same as described earlier.
If any of this doesn’t work, try troubleshooting or resetting your earbuds. This is explained below.
Troubleshooting Your JBL Headphones
If your JBL speaker won’t connect to your phone or device, try the suggestions below. You don’t have to do them all at once, perhaps restarting your JBL or phone will help you right away.
- Reboot your smartphone and headphones/earbuds.
- Turn Bluetooth off on your smartphone and also remove your earbuds from Bluetooth mode.
- Reset your JBL headphones to the factory settings (see the section below for instruction).
- Charge devices to 100% and reconnect;
- At the time of synchronization, keep the phone and speaker as close to each other as possible.
If, after all the above steps, the earbud still does not connect, we recommend contacting the service or handing over the JBL speaker under warranty, if it is still valid.
Factory Reset Your JBL Headphones
It is important to note that the method to factory reset an earbud is different from the steps for resetting a headphone.
To perform a factory reset of the JBL Tune 120 TWS earbuds (hard reset), place both earbuds in the case, then press and hold the button on the right earbud for 5 seconds.
The headphone indicator will turn off and then light up again. After that, all settings will be reset.
However, if you want to factory reset JBL Tune 220 TWS headphones, follow the listed instruction;
1. korak . Disconnect the JBL Tune 220 TWS earbuds from your phone.
Step 2 . Place both earbuds in the charging case.
Step 3 . Remove the right earbud from the case.
Step 4 . Press and hold the removed earbud for 10 seconds. This will reset the JBL Tune 220 TWS earbuds to factory settings.
Step 5 . Delete the headphone Bluetooth data on your phone.
Step 6 . You can now reconnect the JBL Tune 220 TWS to your phone.