Recenzija Westone UM Pro 50 – Pun, iskren, prirodan zvuk
920,33 USD Model:
UM Pro 50 Težina
Veličina 0,7 oz
53 x 1 x 1 in
UM Pro 50 donosi prekrasno uravnotežen zvuk za slušanje uživo ili audio.
Svi znaju da volimo Westone UM Pro 30 iz recenzije koju smo napravili, pa bi bilo logično da bismo Um Pro 50 voljeli još više, zar ne? Pa, da budemo iskreni, isprva nismo bili sigurni pa smo im odlučili dati malo vremena i vidjeti što je to što nas u početku nije uhvatilo. Postoje 2 verzije ove jedinice. Westone UM Pro 50 verzija V1 i Westone UM Pro V2 . UM Pro V2 je najnovija verzija.
Lako je reći da su ti IEM-ovi jedni od naših omiljenih, a imamo pristup velikom broju IEM-ova.
Izbor urednikaWestone Audio Pro X50 IEM slušalice
Samo prekrasan puni, iskreni i zemljani zvuk. Gotovo referentni IEM za mene.
4/5 Pročitajte više recenzija Raspon cijena: $$$Marka: Westone
Galerija slika
Kliknite za prikaz galerijeTL:DR;
Westone Audio vlasnički balansirani armaturni drajveri pružaju poboljšane zvučne detalje i frekvencijski raspon koji se proteže znatno dalje od drugih rješenja za in-ear.
Pogledajte cijenu na Amazonu…i još 16 recenzijaSpecifikacije
- Učestalost: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Impedancija: 45 ohma pri 1 kHz
- Osjetljivost: 115 dB @ 1mW osjetljivost
- Upravljački programi: 5 balansiranih armaturnih pokretača s 3-staznom skretnicom (pasivno)
- Duljina kabela: 50”/128 cm
- Jamstvo: 2 godine
Što je u kutiji?
- Alat za čišćenje
- MMCX upleteni kabel
- 5 pari silikonskih naušnica
- 5 pari pjenastih jastučića za uši
- Čvrsta kutija
Stvari koje volim
- Uključene stavke su odlične – mmcx kabel, hrpa savjeta i torbica je izvrsna
- Divan prirodan zvuk
- 5 x (ukusnih) BA vozača
- Udobno
Stvari koje manje volim
- Nije jeftino
Gdje ga nabaviti
- Pogled na Westone
- Pogled na Sweetwater
Usporedivi proizvodi koje treba razmotriti
Shure SE846 monitori za uši Vidi višeShure SE846 ima samo 4 x Shure drajvera, ali sub bas je impresivan. Osobno, iako Westone zvuči malo laganije i prozračnije, moje su uši uživale u laganijem dodiru. SE846 je ozbiljan konkurent i ima ogroman broj sljedbenika. Dostupna je i bežična verzija.

Sennheiser je malo zakasnio s izdavanjem kompletnog IEM asortimana okrenutog potrošačima, ali IE 900 je solidno izdanje i vrijedi ga razmotriti. 5 zvjezdica na What HiFi i više
U konačnici, ove slušalice imaju vrlo neutralan, uravnotežen zvučni okvir. Razmišljali smo da bismo za korak naprijed u seriji dobili osobnu utopiju slušanja glazbe. Tada smo shvatili da je ono što smo očekivali više domena W50 i W60 kada je u pitanju slušanje na našem iPhoneu. Objasnimo zašto smo se zaljubili u UM Pro 50, jer smo se zaljubili u njih.
1:UM Pro 50 Comfort
Kao i svim IEM over ear monitorima za uho, može proći malo vremena da se naviknete na to kako vam najbolje stoje u uhu. Možda je to samo naš problem jer pregledavamo toliko mnogo slušalica drugih tvrtki kao što je Shure itd. Nakon što smo pronašli svoj najbolji kut, zaboravili smo da su tu.
Koristeći zadane, kratke, srednje pjenaste vrhove, utvrdili smo da je prianjanje savršeno i da nikada nije bilo kosog pritiska na uho. Također imaju udoban polučvrsti kalup na dijelu kabela koji se nalazi iznad uha.
Galerija Westone UM Pro 50

2:Zvučna neutralnost
Nikada se nismo umorili slušajući UM Pro 50s. Samo su servirali puni uravnoteženi zvuk pjesmu za pjesmom, album za albumom. Nikada nismo osjetili umor ili iritaciju prezentacijom zvuka. Nijedna frekvencija nije uznemirila niti nas natjerala da se trgnemo.
Bili su ugodni čak i nakon sati slušanja.
Sada na normalne kriterije pregleda. ….
Note za bas
The UM Pro 50 has a much bigger bass profile than the UM Pro 30. We wouldn’t say that necessarily means they go a lot deeper but there is more of it, it’s wider and more filled out.
For live use as a musician these will make you feel a little more a part of emotional band experience as opposed to feeling stuck in a tin can be mixed by a fold-back engineer while you’re performing – that is if you use 2 IEM’s in your ears at the same time on stage.
For personal music listening, these represented well. We played everything we could and some recordings felt well suited, although they didn’t let us down on anything. The bass is not inflated, this is typical of the whole UM Pro range but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Skrillex, Six 60, Kimbra, Avicii – Addicted to You (which has an opening kick drop that hits hard), it all sounds tight but doesn’t have the nightclub fatness you might want and would be better getting from the W50 or W60 from Westone.
This balanced firm bass makes the earphones enjoyable and natural. All the bass you need and nothing you don’t. You never get tired or feel abused wearing these. If you’re on your own working you can get all the richness with mid volumes, if you are commuting you might find you give one more touch on the volume button to help overcome the background noise.
Mid notes
Fabulous – neutral and clear, and a nice soundscape. Here again, Ed Sheeran’s X album felt so live we were almost there. Acoustic loveliness and vocal wonder. We loved them and you will too.
As regular readers will know we love mids that bring true Snare sounds through – these do that. We found most Snare and High Hat sounds to be true to life which we like a lot. They also don’t push the sharpness of the mids, e.g. a hard snare hit, too hard.
This means long term listening is comfortable.
High Notes (Treble)
We have a real love of high, crisp treble and often can be seen tweaking the EQ, or Parametric EQ to get more sssss ‘sibilance’ in the sounds.
The UM Pro 50 has a lovely high end but it’s not super over the top. The frequencies are balanced with the overall sound. This is another reason these things are so easy to wear all day long.
PRAT (Pace, Rhythm and Timing)
The Pro 30’s are well balanced in-ear monitors. Sometimes that means you can lose some ‘life’ in the music, something Shure do well with. Overall though we would recommend these to anyone as they are anyone’s earphones.
They have PRAT, it’s good and some music will make you feel it more than other music.
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
These will have you feeling the music. We haven’t cried yet or punched our fist to the sky but you will feel it where it gets you and that little grin will creep across your face.
Noise Isolation
Get a good seal with right foam tips and you’ll have no complaints about noise-isolation here. On a flight from Toronto to Vancouver these were so comfortable we didn’t bother swathing to our regular Bose QC15’s.
Didn’t feel the need and these were so easy to leave in after take-off.
Kvaliteta izrade
Nice – solid housing, the cable is great and it comes with the Westone mini-monitor vault which is a very good place to store your expensive in-ear monitors
- These come with a full range of foam tips.
- An EPIC cable with moulded over the ear bits (make them more comfortable).
- Mini-monitor Vault.
- Cleaning Tool.
The cable is an MMCX Audio Cable so you can always swap this out for another cable if you prefer. See update below for Bluetooth cable options for these Westone Pro 50 and any other Westone or Shure units using MMCX connectors.
Westone UM Pro 50 Review Conclusion
Jay Z sounded superb. Hard rock was good and heavier music equally fun. Simon and Garfunkel sounded fresh, yet classic. Ed Sheeran’s X was a great listen as there was a lot of upfront vocal and acoustic guitar. Skrillex sounded tight and deep – not like you were travelling in a VW GTi with the back seat dedicated to a subwoofer, it’s was balanced. Radiohead – Feral makes the snare sound real and the bass blues along the bottom nicely.
We could go on and on.
Value for money? Yes – really well priced.
Also read:Best in-ear monitors Guide
Update – July 2019 – Bluetooth cable with MMCX connector
We’ve started to use these when running and have attached an affordable MMCX Bluetooth audio cable. There are a few options for this below that all have MMCX connectors so will fit the UM Pro 50 perfectly.
The benefit is great for connecting to our smartwatch when running so we don’t need to take our phone. They all have microphones and controls also.
- MEE Audio BTX2
- Shure RMCE-BT2 – this is the second generate cable for Shure. They have improved this from the first model which was fine, this is just better.
- Westone Bluetooth V2 Earphone &in-Ear Monitor Cable – like Shure, Westone launched a version one of this and improved it in version two. These are more expensive than the MEE BTX2 so sometimes the budget might dictate what you choose.
- BLON H2 – We tried the Blon H2 as an experiment and it’s still doing fine so we haven’t replaced it.
Westone UM Pro 50 FAQ
Westone Um Pro 50 vs Shure se846
In my opinion, I don’t think it’s correct to compare the Pro 50s to the SE846. The UM Pro 50 have 5 x BA drivers which is very different from the 4 dynamic drivers in the SE846. The SE846 have considerable sub-bass and in my experienced opinion suit music listening first, before live use. Don’t get me wrong – the SE846 are a seriously superb IEM, just different to the UM Pro 50. The SE846 are also considerably more expensive. (Side note – the addition of the Shure Bluetooth module is a good addition for the SE846 OR the UM Pro 50 as both have MMCX connectors).
The UM Pro 50 as we’ve noted, are lovely for music listening but are primarily focused on live use by musicians. There is enough bass to make you happy but when you are playing live you don’t want sub-smacking bass in your ears. For long sets, it starts to leave you feeling fatigued. The Westone W60 targets audiophile listeners more.
Interestingly I have noticed more people on live broadcasts using the Shure 846 on TV which they would also suit for good vocal representation.
In an ideal world – you’d own both.