Najbolji stalak za slušalice za vaš stol – 10+ stoji za 2021.
Sjajan stalak za slušalice može učiniti više od samog držanja slušalica

Više je ljudi koji rade od kuće nego bilo kada u povijesti. Tvrtke poput Shopifyja prelaze na 100% radnu snagu na daljinu, a Facebook je rekao da bi u sljedećih 5 godina do 50% njihove radne snage moglo raditi na daljinu.
To znači da postoji nekoliko stvari za koje znamo da će biti dane.
Prvi je da ćemo pronaći nove gadgete koje ćemo dodati našem iskustvu rada od kuće, npr. nove slušalice, novi studijski zvučnici za stolna računala i nove postavke s više monitora. Sve igračke koje su vam potrebne da svoj kućni ured učinite što je moguće nevjerojatnijim.
Drugi je da ćemo mi ljudi koji su okrenuti tehnologiji morati opremiti svoje stolove svim najboljim dodacima koji će odgovarati gore navedenim gadgetima kako bi naša 'radna špilja' bila cool koliko god može biti. npr. stalci za zvučnike za stolna računala, ladice za tipkovnicu i stalci za slušalice za držanje ili slušalice između videopoziva i igranja u pauzama.
Svi oni Zoom sastanci, Google Hangout sastanci i potreba za stvaranjem prostora bez ometanja za vašim stolom znači da morate imati slušalice pri ruci. Ovdje dolazi pristojan stalak ili držač za slušalice.
Možda samo tražite držač za svoje gaming slušalice, a nije vas briga za posao. Sretniče;). Pokrivam vas.
Kakvu razliku čine. Iskreno .
Pročitajte također:Najbolji stalci za stolne zvučnike za vaš stol
Kako sam već napravio popis najboljih stalaka za zvučnike za stolna računala, smatram da je važno uputiti vas na najbolji stalak za slušalice za vaš stol.
Ovaj popis će uključivati stalke za slušalice, kukice za slušalice i stolne stezaljke za slušalice.
Kriteriji za odabir stalka za slušalice
Prvo da počnem s mojim kriterijima za odličan stalak za slušalice:
- Za područja sa svjetlom ili rijetkom upotrebom slušalica, postolje će idealno zaštititi unutrašnjost limenki od nakupljanja previše prašine u njima. Ako se drže tamo dugo i imaju otvorenu slušalicu, mogu skupiti puno.
- Trebao bi imati pristojnu težinu za držanje slušalica ili dobru bazu da je slučajno ne prevrnete
- Mora mi biti privlačan. Ono što se meni sviđa, vama možda neće i to je u redu. Ima ih dosta na popisu za svakoga
- Dopustite mi da raščistim svoj radni stol. Stalci za slušalice čine da vaš stol izgleda mnogo urednije. Ako imate BlueTooth slušalice, tim više što nećete imati kablove preko stola. Pobjeda/pobjeda.
- Lako stavljajte i skidajte limenke. S nekim je držačima za slušalice teško raditi. Iako se čini ravno naprijed, idete skinuti svoje slušalice i oni žele poći s njima, ili ih morate pomaknuti u određenom smjeru da očistite vrh.
- Moram pokazati svoje limenke. Jedna od najljepših stvari u vezi sa stalcima za slušalice je da slušalice stavljaju na zaslon. Ako samo tražite držač ili kuku za slušalice, to će vam biti manje važno, ali za većinu nas koji ulažemo mnogo novca i jako smo ponosni na svoju opremu za slušanje, lijepo je imati ih izložene i izgledati dobro na mom stolu.
Druge stvari koje biste mogli razmotriti za svoj stalak za slušalice:
- Materijal za izradu – želite li plastični stalak, metal, bambus ili drvo?
- Trebate li stalak za slušalice ili kukicu za slušalice? Možda zapravo želite objesiti slušalice ispod stola ili ih zakačiti za monitor? (Imam preporuku i za njih)
- Svjetla – želite li postolje s napajanjem poput Corsaira s LED svjetlima ili ono koje ima ugrađene USB utore poput Satechija?
- Dakle, želite stalak koji uključuje mogućnost pohranjivanja kabela, drugog prostora za pohranu ili skrivanja kabela slušalica?
- Trebate li dvostruki stalak za slušalice? Stalak koji može držati više od jednog kompleta slušalica?
Dobro ti ide. Znam da je puno toga za uzeti u obzir i nikad nisi mislio da stvarno trebaš razmotriti sve ove opcije, ali ako sada razmisliš o njima, bit ćeš puno sretniji s onim što kupuješ. Ne, nisam snishodljiv, samo imam tendenciju previše razmišljati o tim stvarima.
Dakle, mogao bih nastaviti, ali vjerojatno samo želite pogledati popis. Dakle, ovdje je sažeta tablica u nastavku tako da možete biti zadovoljni klikom i provjeriti svaki od njih i cijene.
Zatim ću detaljnije opisati svaki od njih i kako su napravili popis.
Ove stvari su tako jednostavan dodatak vašem stolu, ali ste napravili dobar izbor. Uzbuđujem se zbog ovih stvari jer upotpunjuju niz mojih stolova. Dobre slušalice, dobri zvučnici, električni stojeći stol, dobri monitori s VESA nosačima, solidan stalak za prijenosno računalo i vaš će stol biti čist, uredan i ozbiljno sređen.
Možda neke lijepe LED svjetiljke ako ih volite ili jednostavno neka budu čiste i hipsterske s jednostavnim linijama, završnim obradama od drveta i golim svjetiljkama sa žaruljama?
Zašto mi vjerujete? Kao dugogodišnji bivši vlasnik Headphones Canada, isprobao sam i testirao puno slušalica i stalka za slušalice. Iskustvo te izloženosti dalo mi je oštro oko za dodatke za slušalice. Također mislim da imam dobar ukus, ali to je potpuno subjektivno.
U usporedbi s najboljim stalcima za slušalice
Sastavio sam najbolje stalke za slušalice za 2021. u ovoj liniji, ali ovo će se s vremenom ažurirati, naravno.
Naziv postolja za slušalice | Materijal za izradu | Pokreće li se? | Cijena |
1:Alikeke drveni stalak za slušalice | Drvo | $$ | |
2:CORSAIR ST100 RGB Premium gaming stalak za slušalice | Plastika | ✔ | $$ |
3:Avantree drveni stalak za slušalice – TR902 | Drvo/plastika | $$ | |
4:Novi Bee stalak za slušalice | Plastika/aluminij | $ | |
5:ROOMs Audio Line stalak za slušalice od orahovine | Orah (drveni) | $$$ | |
6:EURPMASK stezaljka za slušalice | Plastika | $ | |
7:Stalak za slušalice Razer Base Station Chroma | Plastika | ✔ | $$ |
8:Neetto dvostruki stalak za slušalice | Plastika/aluminij | $ | |
9:Lamicall stalak za slušalice (dobar i za slušalice) | Plastika/aluminij | $ | |
10:SAMDI kožni stalak za slušalice | Koža | $$ | |
11:Dvostruka vješalica za slušalice | Metal | $ |
Lista najboljih slušalica za 2021.
Evo popisa. Kao što sam prije spomenuo, uključujem i stolne stezaljke za slušalice i kuke za slušalice.
Možda neće dobro predstaviti vaše slušalice, ali su izvrsne i za slušalice, a učinit će vaš stol urednim i ukloniti nered.
1:Alikeke drveni stalak za slušalice
Alikeke je drveni stalak klasičnog izgleda s neospornim stilom i prekrasnom kvalitetom izrade. Jedini razlog zašto ga osobno nisam kupio je što ga moj stol jednostavno ne može primiti.
Ako imate mjesta na stolu, onda je ovo jedinica izvrsnog izgleda. Neće se uklopiti u bijeli, čisti izgled kao drugi na ovom popisu, ali je prekrasan. Najbliža stvar Eamesovoj stolici, ali u stalku za slušalice.
Što se tiče mog popisa, ovo vrlo dobro označava nekoliko stvari. Štiti čašice za uši od ulaska prašine u njih jer zatvara limenke dok su na postolju. Druga stvar koju čini dobro je dobra težina pa kad skinete limenke i vratite ih natrag, neće doći s njima.
Ima dobru visinu pa to uzmite u obzir pri kupnji. Podnijet će sve što bacite na njega, od para Beyerdynamic DT-1990 Pro do malog kompleta Porta Pro slušalica, iako se čini da 1990 pro više zaslužuje ovaj stalak.
Pogledajte više o Alikeke stalku za slušalice na Amazonu
2:CORSAIR ST100 RGB Premium gaming stalak za slušalice

Ovdje dobivam dobro poznate i popularne štandove. Corsair stalak za slušalice popularna je jedinica među igračima. Zašto? Ima RGB svjetla ugrađena u bazu i logo na dršci. Čini se da LED svjetla u vašem krevetiću idu ruku pod ruku s igranjem, zar ne?
To ne znači da ovo možete koristiti na svom stolu ako niste igrač. Osobno mislim da bi ovo jako lijepo izgledalo s mojim Bose QC35ii slušalicama na mom običnom bijelom stolu i mogao bih ih puniti u isto vrijeme, ali one su usmjerene na igrače.
Postolje treba imati napajanje i uključuje 2 x USB 3.1 ulaza – jedan u bazi izravno ispod vaših slušalica i jedan sa strane baze. For gamers, this means you can charge your headset or other devices while hanging your headphones in a good looking position while having the lights add ambience to your gaming sessions.
It is made from Aluminum so you can have confidence it’s not going to snap as you swing your hand around wildly during a fortnite battle.
This stand has a 3.5mm analog input built in to it for better gaming audio options.
The RGB colour options and audio output options for 7.1 can be adjusted via software on your computer.
See more about the Corsair headset stand at Best Buy
3:Avantree Wooden Headphone Stand – TR902

See more about the Avantree Wooden Headphone Stand at Avantree
4:New Bee Headphone Stand
Another fan favourite here and that is in part because of it’s clean and simple design. It’s also because it’s about as cheap as a headphone stand can get coming in under $10 most days.
I’m not sure what came first – the Bluelounge Posto or the New Bee but we wonder if someone didn’t take some ‘inspiration’ from the other here. I used to sell the Bluelounge Posto stands and really loved the quality finish. The New Bee is not as nice but they are often half the price so, if you’re in the market for a cheap headphone stand, this is a good pick.
I own one of these and have second New Bee stand on the way as I write this. I like them for my office desk as they don’t take up a lot of room and are easy to move around if I choose. I wouldn’t have them at home as I like something more robust and unique but for the office they are fine.

The area these don’t tick any boxes in is weight. It is very light so it’s easy to knock it over. But hey, for the price it’s almost impossible to complain. It has an aluminum shaft on it and comes flat packed with some simple assembly.
If you’re super keen you can also get this headphone stand with a fast-charging base (QI Certified Quick wireless charger) on it which is a nice addition to charge your smartphone or smartwatch.
See more about the New Bee Headphone Stand na Amazonu
5:ROOMs Audio Line Walnut Headphone Stand

Stunning isn’t it? A fantastic high end feel with rich walnut wood as the build material. I have to admit the ROOMs walnut headphone stand is almost too attractive for my lounge or desk.
At first look it might look a little slippery except for that little black strip you can see on the top which helps hold your headphones on the top. Its a non-slip rubber strip.
These don’t close of the earcups but they do everything else including having a nice little badge on them which screams ‘I’m doing quite well actually’.
With the good looks, nice wood finish and ability to secure your headphones with the non-slip strip, these make an easy choice.
If I’m honest I chose them because they look so nice, and that’s OK.
See more about the ROOMs Audio Line Walnut Headphone Stand at Thomann
6:EURPMASK Clamp-on Headphone Hook
This clamp-on headphone hook is also incredible value if you are looking for a cheap headphone stand as it has many cool features.
One reason I like this kind of headphone stand is that it can clip on to any desk and can hold up to 1kg of weight. I’m not recommending you hang your backpack off it but it does make it multi-purpose.
The main features that I like is that you can clamp it on facing out or facing under your desk. It has a swivel built in so you can swivel out or under as you like.
Facing it under your desk makes it even tidier and if you combine it with a keyboard tray and mount your monitors on a clamp-on versa mount you’ll have nothing at all on your actual desk.
This means if your desk is in your apartment living room or bedroom it’s going to look way nicer…unless you cram it with coffee cups and pot plants.
If you don’t want to use it on your desk you can also attach it to a set of shelves or anything similar. It’s really quite versitile in that regard.
For me, I miss the look of having my headphones showcased on my desk but this clamp-on option does give you more space and might be a good headset holder option for skype headsets you might use.
It has soft rubber bits so you wont hurt anything when you clamp it on and a cable clip on the side. The cable clip wouldn’t be able to handle the cables on most of my headphones but if you have a narrow cable it will work fine.
See more about the EURPMASK Headphone Hook at Amazon
7:Razer Base Station Chroma Headphone Stand

Another powered headphone stand for gamers here. The Chroma comes in Black, White or Pink. Personally I think RGB LED lights (included with this as you can see from the photos) look better with a black base but suit yourselves.
The Chroma is part of a whole series of gaming accessories from Razer including a backlite RGB keyboard, mouse and numeric keypad. So if you like this, you can go all out.
Razer know gamers and know gaming. In fact they are only gaming really. This unit comes with 3 x USB ports so you can not only hang your headphones on the stand but you can also charge all your accessories at the same time and keep things tidy on the stand.
It’s hard not to like RGB lights on anything. Even if you think they are a bit kitsch they still look cool.
See more about the Razer Base Station Chroma Headset Stand at Razer
8:Neetto Dual Headphone Stand
This is a second-generation model and they’ve made some improvements to made it a little stronger. If you have 2 or even more headphones then this is a great choice. You can hang more than the two and it works fine.
Something I like about this unit is the tray at the base which can be used to store and tidy up other bits and pieces on your desk. It can also collect and keep your headphone cable tidy.
The Neetto has more weight than some of its competitors so you’re paying a little bit more than some of the cheaper lighter models you have can get. If you do want to save about $10 you can look at the MOCREO Dual stand which is similar but slightly less weighty.
I personally like all my cans to have their own home but this stand makes perfect sense for the home office desk where you need a skype/zoom headset and a headset for listening to music with real headphones.
See more about the Neetto Dual Headphone Stand at Amazon
9:Lamicall Headphone Stand (also good for earphones)
The slim lines on this attracted me for two reasons. The first is it would make a nice artistic looking stand, kind of like a bird on your desk (it’s actually designed with inspiration from the Robin).
The second reason is that this stand makes good sense for earphones as it offers slim lines to drape your earphones over.
Made with a combination of plastic and aluminum you have a well-made unit but you don’t want to put this somewhere your clumsy hands might smack it over. No Tik Tok dances near your desk, please.
My final appreciation for this stand, which I think would look amazing on any desk, is that it also comes in white. I have a white desk and this would look amazing on it.
See more about the Lamicall Headphone Stand at Amazon
10:SAMDI Leather Headphone Stand

I know, I know, Leather? Honestly, this thing looks amazing when you get up close to it. I’m sure you never thought leather would be your thing but think about it. It possibly matches your chair, looks good on black and has that nice wooden base which results in leather and wood – feels expensive, right?
Like any leather this is going to be durable. The fit is tight and the stitching is good which gives you that nice expensive fast car feel.
It just looks different. Same shape at the Omega and similar to the Alikeke but it
See more about the SAMDI Leather Headphone Stand at Amazon
11:Dual Clamp-on Headphone Hanger
The popularity of clamp-on headphone stands or headphone hangers means it’s important to include a second one on the list. If like me you have more than one set of headphones you like then a twin hanger is a great choice.
Having your headphones slightly concealed under your desk can also ensure there is some protection from dust build up when they are not in use.
The clamp on feature means you can attach and move them at any time from desk to desk or to different positions on your desk.
See more about the Dual Clamp-on Headphone Hanger at Amazon
In summary…
I’ve tried to pull together as many styles as I could in a manageable list. I honestly think, in terms of stands, there is a stand to suit any desk on this list.
The headphone hook styles are very popular but I’ve limited the number of those on the list because it goes back to my feeling that headphone stands should showcase your headphones.
If you have a stand you like that’s not on the list, share it in the comments below as I’d love to see what other cool options there are that you’ve found.