Recenzija xFyro ANC Pro – trajanje baterije danima?
xFyro ANC slušalice donose aktivno uklanjanje buke s Bluetooth 5.0 po konkurentnoj cijeni
xFyro je pokazao nevjerojatnu sposobnost plasiranja svojih proizvoda na tržište. Međutim, recenzije audiofila o kvaliteti zvuka različite su i nisam siguran da će moja recenzija biti drugačija.

Svakako su maksimalno iskoristili 'plaćene' preporuke slavnih i pozdravljam njihove marketinške vještine u podizanju profila robne marke tamo gdje jest. Bog zna da je teško pokrenuti audio marku na ovom prometnom tržištu.
Prave bežične slušalice xFyro ANC Pro nisu loše slušalice i na tržištu na kojem će vas nabava Apple AirPods Pro koštati vašeg godišnjeg proračuna Starbucksa, bilo koje dobre i pristupačne prave bežične slušalice s aktivnim uklanjanjem buke i Bluetooth 5.0 ne mogu biti dobra stvar. loša stvar.
U vrijeme pisanja oni su se prodavali po 50% nižoj maloprodajnoj cijeni od 299 USD, što ih je činilo 150 USD. Dakle, jesu li vrijedni toga?
Pozabavimo se očitim značajkama koje ih čine istaknutim
Aktivno uklanjanje buke (ANC)
Otkako sam posjedovao razne ANC slušalice, istinski bežične ili ne, uključujući Sony WF1000XM3 i Apple AirPods Pro, mučio sam se pronaći bilo koju jedinicu koja bi nadmašila jednostavno korištenje, solidan zvuk i izvrsne ANC sposobnosti AirPods Pro.
XFyro su OK. ANC radi kao i njihov način prozirnosti, ali vam neće dati osjećaj da ste iznenada izolirani od okoline oko sebe ili vam dati osjećaj da ste pod vodom.
Na ljestvici od 1 do 10, s ocjenom 8 za AirPods i Sony XM3, oni bi dobili solidnu ocjenu 5 ili 6. Opet, uzmite u obzir razliku u cijeni. Dobivate ono što ste platili i barem to uopće radi dovoljno dobro.
Načine ANC i Transparency možete aktivirati pritiskom i držanjem desne slušalice nekoliko sekundi. Ambijentalna buka i dalje se može čuti u ANC načinu rada, ali rubovi drugih zvukova su smanjeni.
S uključenim ANC-om (i bez sviranja glazbe), još uvijek mogu čuti zvuk drugih tipkovnica u uredu kako lupkaju u daljini, ali to svakako manje ometa nego bez njega, a imamo vrlo 'živ' ured s drvenim podovima. Dodajte malo glazbe i sve je u redu.
Pozadinska buka i okolna buka u načinu prozirnosti gotovo su zvučali pojačano, malo više umjetno nego što bih želio. Ovo nije način koji bih koristio dobrovoljno. Koristim ga na
Bluetooth povezivanje
Ponovno su se povezali s mojim MacBook Airom (M1) uz malo gnjavaže. Nisam ih punio tjednima, ali dobro su držali napunjenost koliko sam ih koristio.
Kad otvorim kućište i stavim ih u uši, povezuju se s mojim prijenosnim računalom bez problema i odlazim.
Nisam ih prečesto pokušavao prebacivati između iPhonea i Macbooka, ali očekujem da uz Bluetooth 5.0 maksimiziraju dobru dostupnu povezanost.
Što se tiče toga, oni su brzi i učinkoviti. Pri prvom povezivanju trebalo je malo petljati i da budem iskren, ne sjećam se točno što sam učinio, ali znam da nisam pročitao priručnik koji bi me mogao spasiti od boli i patnje.
Trajanje baterije i punjenje

Što se tiče toga, stvarno sam ugodno iznenađen. Napunio sam ih kad sam ih prvi put dobio od xFyroa i od tada ih nisam priključio. To je bilo prije otprilike mjesec dana. Poslušao sam ih nekoliko puta i danas sam im dao dobar trening od 2-3 sata.
Da sam ih pregledao tijekom ranijih slušanja, možda bih dao mnogo strožiju recenziju, ali nakon performansi njihove baterije definitivno sam presudio nekoliko mišljenja.
xFryo kaže da možete dobiti 10 sati trajanja baterije i do 9 punih punjenja iz kućišta s jednim punjenjem (90 sati). Nisam siguran pomaže li Bluetooth 5.0 u produljenju životnog vijeka ovih bežičnih slušalica.
Na kućištu se nalazi USB-C priključak za brzo punjenje (ovdje nema bežičnog punjenja, ali ljudi što očekujete za tu cijenu!) što omogućuje brz rad nadopunjavanja energije.
Paleta bežičnih slušalica
Imamo ured na jednom katu koji je otvoren, ali postoje zidovi do kuhinje. Moj dom nije posebno otvoreno planiran i imam milijun digitalnih signala koji prolaze posvuda - uglavnom WiFi, ali i neki BlueTooth uređaji.
Niti jednom xFyro ANC Pro nije prekinuo vezu niti me zabrinuo oko jačine signala ili gubitka kvalitete zvuka. Proveo sam vrijeme u šetnji ispred glavnog ureda, skuhao čaj, posjetio toalet (TMI?) i nisam primijetio nikakav pad signala.
Ne mogu reći da sam imao toliko uspjeha sa svojim AirPods Pro slušalicama. Bravo xFyro, što se tiče bežičnih slušalica, dobro su prošle.
Otpornost na vodu
Ovi su vodootporni prema IPX5. To ne znači da su vodootporne slušalice u bilo kojoj mjeri. Trebali bi biti OK ako trčite ili vježbate po kiši, možda do 5-10 minuta izravnog izlaganja kiši bez previše problema.
Ako se znojite u teretani, isto tako, vodootporna priroda xFyro bežičnih slušalica trebala bi to dobro podnijeti.
Telefonski pozivi i video konferencije
Nemam tendenciju obavljati puno telefonskih poziva, ali održavam priličnu količinu videokonferencija, google meeta, zoom poziva, slacka i Microsoftovih timskih sastanaka na mreži.
Danas sam obavio nekoliko slanja druženja i ovo je zvučalo dobro prema sugovorniku. Nije lako sam ih procijeniti, a da ih ne dam drugim ljudima na korištenje, a nisam baš oduševljen dijeljenjem slušalica, s COVID-om ili ne.
I wasn’t able to really flex these in a busy environment but I’ll have a go over the next couple of days and update as I go.
This is the first of my two big concerns with these wireless headphones. I struggled to easily get these into my ear canals. They just didn’t sit naturally in my ear and I had to push them in quite firmly to create a suitable seal.
Comfortable earbuds can often benefit from the right kind of ear tips. There are three ear tips available in the retail package so make sure you try all of them, even if you feel like you have a decent fit with one. Sometimes it might surprise you to get an even better fit with another set of ear tips.
Oddly, and what I didn’t expect is once I got them in there they seemed to hold. This surprised me because they really don’t sit very far into the ear canal.
If you’ve used wireless earphones with active noise-cancelling before you’ll know that it’s important to have a good seal. You won’t maximise the ANC effect if you have noise spilling in from the side.
The AirPods Pro have perfected this in-ear canal fit perfectly and the xFyro just feel like they might fall out at any time, or at least, that it’s going to take some effort to get a good fit.
Now, in saying all of that I have to say once the xFyro ANC Pro were in, and seated as well as I could get them, they did spend an hour or two in there with no noticeable ear fatigue or discomfort.
Comfort and good fit have to go hand-in-hand. If you have one and not the other, it just doesn’t work. Even at this price range, I expect a good fit.
I prefer the ‘hang in the ear’ type of fit of the AMC Pro rather than the xS2. I think they just work for more ear types.
Sound / Audio Quality
Finally, a section that I always put at the end of my reviews but should always come first.
The xFyro sound good, not great, and you have to make sure you get a good fit in your ear canal. If you have any sound spill through the silicon ear tips you will notice a significant lack of bass – this is typical of any wireless earphones or in-ear monitors in this space.
You want to feel that even though there is no music or ANC enabled that there is still a feeling of noise isolation to the outside world.
If the sound is good, not great, why would I still consider giving these a recommendation I hear you ask? Fair question. The truth is there are so many things wireless earphones like the xFyro ANC Pro offer beyond just good sound.
A few include:
- Izvrsno trajanje baterije
- True wireless earbuds
- Use for phone calls and music
- Volume, ANC, Smart assistant (Siri/Google) access from the controls on the earbud
Sometimes the convenience and practicality of a true wireless earphone with ANC means that if they sound pretty good, that’s enough to make them worth the purchase.
If you are an audiophile then I would suggest true wireless headphones are just not quite there in terms of sound quality. My review of the Sony WF1000XM3 vs Apple AirPods Pro also supports that conclusion.
If you can live with the cables then there are some excellent budget IEMs that will give you better sound quality.
The xFyro Pro have a decent Bass response (if you have the earbuds seated in your ear well) and good balance through the mids and treble. Bass stands out more to comment on rather than the treble and high end but it’s there.
I’d have to say as a working earphone, commuter pair or ‘i need something for every situation’ then these will be sufficient. They won’t move you in such a way that you want to jump up and dance on your office chair or swing down the aisle on the train but, they sound pretty good.
If the price stays sub $150 then they are more than a contender for other brands like mpow, Anker and other affordable ANC wireless earphones.
Voice Assistants and Controls
Out of the box, the xFryo ANC Pro come with Siri and Google Assistant available. This can be activated with a long press on the left earbud.
A long press on the right earbud activates ANC (active noise-cancelling mode) and a second long press activates AI transparency mode. I’m not sure if I noticed the AI (Artificial Intelligence).
A single touch on left earbud decreases the volume and single touch on right earbud increases volume.
What’s in the Retail Box?
- xFyro ANC Pro True Wireless earbuds
- USB-A to USB-C charging cable
- Charging case
- 3 different sizes of ear tips
- Information leaflet with instructions
Pros – Things I liked about the xFryo ANC
- I like the battery life.
- The fact that everything worked they way I would expect it too.
- I liked not faffing about with Bluetooth connections – they just work
- I liked that audio on video calls sounded good
- Single use earbuds is an option – don’t need to wear both
Cons – The things I’d like to see in the next version
- More work on the in-ear canal fit
- Making it easier to get these out of the case – it’s frustrating at times
- Smaller form factor
Are xFyro earbuds waterproof?
No, but they can be used in direct showers for 5-10 minutes
How do I charge my xFryo?
There is a USB-A to USB-C cable included for charging your earbuds
The xFyro surprised me. They felt cheap and light but everything worked and the sound quality was good.
I expected poor phone call quality but people on the other end said the audio sounded great.
The case was awkward to use and very light yet it powered the units with seemingly everlasting battery power.
The volume controls on the earbuds even worked which I can’t say is true of all true wireless earbuds
The ANC wasn’t spectacular but definitely acceptable and made enough of a difference to justify the extra cost. While the sound isolation took some fiddling it was decent once achieved.
I guess…that means despite my intentions to not recommend these, I’d have to say for the price (~$150) they aren’t too bad at all.
If that’s your budget, or if you want a good all-rounder set of wireless earbuds then the xFyro ANC are worth a look.
Thanks to xFyro for letting me review these. I was going to do a giveaway with them but I’ll certainly keep them in the family for ongoing use.