Možete li staviti laminat preko pločica? Reci No More, isprobaj ovih 5 jednostavnih koraka
Postavljanjelaminata preko pločica bit će lako ako znate svih ovih 5 koraka u nastavku, ali prije nego što odmah skočite na idejulaminata preko pločica , postoje neke točke koje prvo morate znati kako biste izbjegli sve probleme s laminatom preko pločica . Zato je ovaj članak osmišljen za vas ako želite obnoviti svoj dom tako da se oprostite od dosadnog popločanog poda.
Nakon što pročitate ovaj članak, otkrit ćete da "Možete li staviti laminat preko pločica ?" više nije zagonetka.
Postavljanje laminata preko pločica nije nemoguća misija
Evo nekih ključnih točaka koje ćemo spomenuti u ovom članku:
- 3 stvari koje biste trebali uzeti u obzir kada odlučite staviti laminat preko pločica
- 5 jednostavnih koraka koje svatko može slijediti i ne zaboraviti odgovoriti na pitanje možete li postaviti laminat preko pločica
- Odjeljak s pitanjima i odgovorima za sve znatiželjne ptice
Dakle, krenimo.
3 stvari koje biste se trebali zapitati prije pitanja "Možete li staviti laminat preko pločica?"
U kakvom je stanju vaša trenutačna pločica?
Ako je vaš popločani pod u dobrom stanju, što znači da ostaje u pristojnom obliku i nema puno pukotina na površini, ovaj popločani pod vrišti od vas da stavite laminat preko pločica.
Međutim, ponekad bismo imali labave ili napuknute popločane podove (tu razmišljate o tome da ih malo zamijenite laminatnim podom, zar ne?!), trebali biste izvršiti jedan prethodni korak prije nego što učinite bilo što drugo.
Ovdje je ključna stvar poravnati cijeli pod kako bi proces laminiranja bio lak i brz. Savjetujemo vam da smjesu za izravnavanje stavite na raspon pločica kako bi pod bio ravan i onda se naknadni postupak može obaviti ispravno.
Dakle, ključno je da vaše trenutne pločice budu u dobrom stanju ili da barem budu u dobrom stanju prije postavljanja laminata preko pločica.
➜ POVEZANO:Čišćenje laminatnih podova octom:što trebate znati
Koja je visina poda koju želite?
Trebate znati da kada se odlučite staviti laminat preko pločica, visina poda se povećava. To bi vam moglo uzrokovati više problema nego što mislite. Na primjer, vaša se vrata ne mogu otvoriti jer je vaš novi kat sada viši od pragova vrata; ne želite ni da vaš podni prijelaz iz dnevne sobe u kuhinju bude ravan i gladak.
To bi vas dovelo do tehničke brige, kako bi se osiguralo da se visina poda ne mijenja puno, laminat ne smije biti predebeo.
Štoviše, kada stavljate laminat preko pločica, trebali biste ostaviti sigurnosni razmak duž perimetra zida, tako da kada/ako želite proširiti, još uvijek ima mjesta za to.
Što je s podlogom?
One more thing you should be concerned about is moisture building up under the laminate when you put it over your tile floor. To prevent this disaster from happening, you should consider gluing an underlayment under the laminate. This would not only warm your foot when you walk on your laminate project, but it also protects your laminate from the moisture that destroys the material.
Underlayment is a crucial part that can’t be missing in installing laminate floor
Hence, if you want to even your tile floor and put the underlayment under your laminate at the same time, the order should be put on the leveling compound first, waiting for it to dry then you can attach the underlayment afterward.
However, the market is offering you multiple types of laminate, including the laminate, which has attached underlayment. In this case, you don’t need to worry about an additional one. You can go and put laminate over tile immediately whenever you are ready!
Can you put laminate floor over tile with only 5 steps? Yes, you can!
You must doubt it, can laminate flooring be placed over tile with just 5 steps, let’s scroll through this simple tutorial and find out:
Step 1:Inspect the tile floor
As we mentioned above, when your tile is still in good condition, it would be a big relief for your laziness, you don’t need to worry about anything, you can go ahead and lay down the laminate over tile floor.
However, the worst-case might happen to some of us, maybe your tiles are cracked or loose. Then, you’d better chip the tile away. The better case is your tile floor is slightly damaged, you can apply the leveling compound first and apply the laminate afterward.
Step 2:Solve the height problem
When putting laminate flooring over tile, the increase in the height/thickness of your floor will significantly change the structure of your house. Hence, you definitely check the height of the entryways of your room and house and see if there is any door stuck forever because of the rise of your laminate floor.
And of course, think about the tall people in your house, is there anyone who will stumble his/her head on the ceiling because of your new renovation.
Step 3:Level the tile floor
When laying down the laminate over tile you probably don’t want to have any plank separation, this happens when you have uneven tiles. Can you put laminate floor over tile without leveling the floor? The answer is no. The uneven tiles would lead to an ugly laminate surface if you don’t level the tile floor first.
This can be done easily and quickly with leveling compounds. This compound will act as a fill material that fixes all the troughs, and grout lines. Hence, you don’t need to worry about stepping on some blank separation of the tile causing the uneven laminate floor. Your new floor will be as smooth as a baby's skin.
Leveling the surface to prepare a smooth base for your laminate floor
Step 4:Underlayment, please!
The next thing you need is the underlayment. This layer provides you with three benefits, including:
- Heat insulation
- Cushioning
- Moisture barrier
So, it’s worth your time to implement this layer before laying the laminate floor. Of course, the old tiles floor somehow has the ability to protect the new laminate floor from moisture, however, it is not effective, especially compared to underlayment material.
Another option for you is to choose a laminate floor attached to the underlayment layer. If you have this kind of laminate, then my friend, you can skip this step.
Step 5:Laminate floor, it’s showtime!
This is when the mystery question ‘Can laminate flooring be installed over tile’ be answered. To start this process, we genuinely suggest you cut the laminate floorboards into random length pieces, it makes your final project more visually appealing.
To improve the structural strength of your laminate floor, you should ensure the end of the cut pieces in adjacent rows do not overlap each other.
With these two tips, we believe that you definitely have a brand new, beautiful laminate floor to replace the old, boring tile floor.
After only 5 simple steps, now you have a beautiful laminate floor
➜ RELATED:Laminate Floors Maintenance Guide:How To Remove Glue From Floor
Final words
From now on, if anyone comes to you with the trick question can you put laminate floor over tile you can simply tell them that you can do that with just 5 easy steps, or it would be easier to show them this article since we offer you all the information about how to install the laminate floor to the best mop for it. We make sure you get all the information!