Kako pronaći nečiji Facebook URL

Svaka osoba i stranica na Facebooku ima jedinstvenu web-adresu, ili URL, za identifikaciju i omogućavanje izravnog navigiranja do nje u vašem pregledniku. Ako ste već prijatelj s nekim na Facebooku, možete posjetiti njegovu Facebook stranicu u svom pregledniku i dohvatiti Facebook URL. U suprotnom, upotrijebite Facebookove alate za pretraživanje kako biste pronašli njihov profil i dobili URL. Također, programeri aplikacija potencijalno mogu dobiti dopuštenje za pristup Facebook ID brojevima, URL-ovima i drugim informacijama o korisnicima svojih aplikacija.
Pronalaženje Facebook URL-a
Dok pregledavate Facebook na stolnom ili mobilnom pregledniku, možda ćete primijetiti da vaš preglednik prikazuje jedinstvenu web adresu za svaku stranicu i profil koji posjetite. Svaka osoba na Facebooku ima jedinstveni Facebook URL, a ovu vezu možete kopirati da biste je kasnije posjetili ili je poslali drugima kako bi mogli vidjeti isti profil i stranicu koju gledate.
U mobilnim aplikacijama Facebooka obično možete pristupiti URL-u profila tako da dodirnete gumb "Više", a zatim dodirnete "Kopiraj vezu na profil". Ako koristite mobilnu aplikaciju koja nema ovu značajku, pokušajte upotrijebiti web-preglednik za pristup istom profilu.
Keep in mind that Facebook pages can look different to different people based on privacy settings and who they are friends with, so if you send someone a link to a Facebook page, they may not see exactly what you see.
Setting Your Facebook Username
By default, Facebook generates a Facebook URL for you based on your name on the site, but you can also generate a custom Facebook username that appears in your URL. This is helpful if you want a URL that's easy to remember and share.
Visit the "Settings" menu on the Facebook website or app and then click or tap the "General" tab. You should see the option to set a custom username on that page. The app or site does a quick Facebook username search to make sure the one you want is not already taken. Also, you may not use a username that impersonates someone else or is otherwise offensive according to Facebook's rules.
Developer Options
If you're developing an app that allows for Facebook login, you can ask for permission to grab profile URLs for your users. You can use this to allow users to discover and potentially friend each other, for example, from within your app.
Read the Facebook API and developer guidelines for details on how this works and which uses are and are not permitted.
Searching on Facebook
If you need to find someone on Facebook and don't have a URL, use the built-in search tools on the service's app or website. Remember that you can narrow searches by where someone lives, works or goes to school if that is helpful.
People with whom you have mutual friends are often highlighted in Facebook searches, which can be useful in finding new acquaintances on the social network.
You can also upload contacts from your phone to search for them on Facebook.