Kako kopirati i zalijepiti animirane GIF-ove

GIF-ovi mogu biti zabavan način da se izrazite, bilo da šaljete poruke rodbini ili komunicirate s prijateljima na Facebooku. Mogućnost dodavanja animiranih GIF-ova ugrađena je u mnoge od najpopularnijih komunikacijskih alata, uključujući tekstualne poruke i društvene medije. Ali također možete jednostavno kopirati i zalijepiti GIF-ove u mnoge od najpopularnijih aplikacija, uključujući Gmail i Microsoft Word.
Kopiraj i zalijepi GIF-ove
Kratica od Graphical Interchange Format, GIF-ovi su prisutni od kasnih 1980-ih. Razvio ga je CompuServe i bio je velik dio ranih dana Interneta. Njihova je popularnost nadmašila platforme kao što su Geocities i MySpace, a svoju su popularnost zadržali i danas.
Jedan od najvećih razloga zašto su GIF-ovi ostali u upotrebi je to što pružaju zabavne, jednostavne načine komunikacije s drugima. Možete prenijeti poruku s desecima riječi ili poslati samo jedan animirani GIF. Ali ne morate imati ugrađenu mogućnost u aplikaciji koju odaberete. Kopiranjem GIF-a u e-poštu, tekstualnu poruku ili Wordov dokument možete koristiti ovaj zabavni alat bilo gdje.
Pronalaženje animiranih GIF-ova
Ako ste navikli birati aplikacije u odjeljku s porukama svoje omiljene aplikacije, možda nećete shvatiti da ih možete pronaći kroz osnovno pretraživanje weba. Jednostavno unesite vrstu slike koju tražite, zajedno s riječju "GIF", i vjerojatno ćete pronaći mnoštvo opcija. Da biste vidjeli samo slike u rezultatima pretraživanja, kliknite na karticu Slike u svojoj tražilici.
Jedan izvrstan izvor animiranih GIF-ova je GIPHY (pogledajte Resurse), koji je u vlasništvu Facebooka. Unesite riječ u okvir za pretraživanje i vidjet ćete stranice s rezultatima. You'll also get suggestions for similar search terms to help you expand your search if you don't see anything you like.
Copy Animated GIFs
Copying GIFs is easier than you may realize. When you see a GIF you like, whether through a web search or social media, simply right click on it and select "Copy Image." If you don't see that option, try clicking on the image to open it on a separate page and choose "Copy Image" there. If you don't have that option, the image likely has protections built in against easy downloads.
If you're having trouble trying to copy and paste GIFs, right click on the image and choose "Copy Image Address." This will take you directly to the image's URL, where you may be able to copy it if you can't on the site where you originally saw it. You can also right click and save the image, then pull it into your document or message. This is often the better approach if you'll be using the GIF on web-based platforms.
Paste Animated GIFs
Copying a GIF into an email is simple enough, as long as you were able to copy it from its original source. You simply go to the source and paste your image in. Once you've inserted it, you can manipulate it as you would any other image.
As you're copying a GIF into an email or document, you may notice it loses its animated properties. That's the problem with using copy and paste. For that reason, you're much better off right clicking on the image, saving it to your computer, then dragging and dropping it where you want it. But although this will work well for Gmail and other web-based sources, you might find it doesn't work well across all platforms.
For that reason, you're always better off working with the tool you're using. Use the "Insert Image" feature where available and insert the photo you downloaded to your computer. If your GIF still shows up as a still image rather than animated, the feature may not be supported in the platform you're using.