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  >> Hrvatska Electronic Technology >  >> Pametna kuća >> Klimatizacija

13 razloga zašto se vaš klima uređaj ne uključuje i kako ih popraviti

Očekujete da će vaš klima uređaj raditi savršeno dobro svaki put kada ga uključite; na kraju krajeva, to je vaš suputnik u udobnosti u svako godišnje doba.

Ali ponekad, vaša HVAC jedinica može napustiti vašu stranu i odbiti se uključiti. Ako ste suočeni sa sličnom situacijom, nemojte se uzrujavati! To bi moglo biti nešto što se lako može popraviti kao rješenje "uradi sam" ili, u nekim slučajevima, telefonskim pozivom profesionalcu.

Od problema s održavanjem do starenja vaše jedinice, mogu postojati različiti razlozi; sastavili smo opsežan popis koji će vam pomoći da shvatite zašto se vaš klima uređaj ne uključuje i kako riješiti uzrok.


1. Termostat ne radi

Vaš klima uređaj je odjednom prestao raditi. Uhvatite paniku i počnete zvati različite stručnjake za klima uređaje.

Ali stanite na trenutak. Jeste li provjerili svoj termostat?

Neispravnost termostata može utjecati na performanse vašeg klima uređaja.

Prvo provjerite svijetli li zaslon vašeg termostata. Ako je isključen, ne može signalizirati uključivanje klima uređaja. Drugo, provjerite baterije svog termostata ako imate termostat na baterije.

Ako su baterije u redu, provjerite radi li vaš termostat. Postavite ga na hladnu postavku, održavajući je 5-6 stupnjeva nižom od unutarnje temperature. Nakon nekoliko minuta, stavite ruke ispred AC lopatica da osjetite hladan zrak. Ako se uključio, onda ste riješili problem!

Ali ako se vaš klima uređaj još uvijek nije uključio, isključite termostat i skinite poklopac kako biste provjerili njegove komponente. Potražite krhotine ili korozije. Također, potražite pregorjele osigurače; ponekad su oni krivci. Krhotine možete sami očistiti mekom četkom, ali biste se morali obratiti stručnjaku za probleme s korozijom.

Nadalje, provjerite ima li labavih vijaka ili žica unutar termostata. Morali biste pogledati korisnički priručnik za točne sheme ožičenja.

2. Malo rashladnog sredstva

Jedan od razloga zašto se klima uređaj ne uključuje može biti nedostatak rashladnog sredstva.

Rashladno sredstvo je rashladna tekućina koja se nalazi u zavojnicama klima uređaja. Uglavnom je odgovoran za pružanje toliko željenog hladnog zraka iz klima uređaja ili vrućeg zraka u slučaju dizalice topline.

Nedostatak rashladnog sredstva nije zbog toga što vaš klima uređaj troši tekućinu. Propuštanje je vjerojatni krivac u ovoj situaciji. Pukotine se mogu nakupiti tijekom vremena u AC svitku što dovodi do curenja. Nadalje, neodvajanje vremena za redovito održavanje može dugoročno dovesti do korozije.

U ovoj situaciji ne možete puno učiniti sami jer se ne radi samo o punjenju rashladnog sredstva; razine se moraju točno podudarati s razinama koje je odredio proizvođač vašeg klima uređaja. Morali biste se obratiti stručnjaku da provjeri razine rashladnog sredstva i otkrije razlog curenja.

Ovaj problem ubuduće možete izbjeći ako osigurate redovito održavanje svog klima uređaja.

3. Začepljeni filtri za zrak

Sjećate li se kada ste posljednji put očistili filtre zraka na svom klimatizacijskom uređaju?

Ako je vaš odgovor ne, onda je to veliki problem jer vaš klima uređaj možda neće moći pravilno raditi zbog prljavih, začepljenih filtara. Bez obzira koju vrstu klima uređaja imate, čišćenje filtera je obavezno!

Zadatak filtara je osigurati pravilnu cirkulaciju zraka. Ako su ispunjeni krhotinama, tada je protok zraka prilično blokiran. U tom slučaju vaš sustav mora više raditi kako bi rashladio vaš dom i tijekom nekog vremena može prestati raditi.

Prljavi filtri zraka također mogu zamrznuti vašu vanjsku jedinicu klimatizacije, što ometa rad vašeg sustava i, u nekim slučajevima, razlog je zašto se klima uređaj ne uključuje.

Čudno, ali događa se.

Unutarnja jedinica vašeg klima uređaja ima zavojnicu isparivača, a vanjska jedinica sadrži kompresor. Cjevovod rashladnog sredstva je između ove dvije komponente. Kada je protok zraka ograničen, topli zrak iz vaše kuće ne dopire do rashladnog sredstva. Rashladno sredstvo tada postaje toliko hladno da se sva vlaga na zavojnicama smrzava.

Zastrašujuće je, ali ne trebate paničariti. Možete pozvati stručnjaka da riješi situaciju ili možete sami očistiti filtre. Led na zavojnicama će se otopiti, pa vodite računa o tome da pravilno skupljate vodu. Nakon čišćenja pustite filtre da se potpuno osuše prije uključivanja klima uređaja.

Preporučujemo upotrebu pametnog termostata ako imate sustav s kanalima ili pametni regulator izmjenične struje za mini-split jedinicu bez kanala za praćenje razine čistoće zračnog filtra klima uređaja. Kontinuirano praćenje može pomoći u izbjegavanju problema začepljenih filtara u budućnosti.

4. Kondenzator vašeg AC-a je crkao

Ako vaša HVAC jedinica ima problema s paljenjem ako se naglo pokreće i zaustavlja, ili ako čujete neke zvukove škljocanja iz vanjske jedinice izmjenične struje, velike su šanse da je kondenzator vaše izmjenične struje crknuo.

Kondenzator je sastavni dio vašeg HVAC sustava. Povezan je s strujnim krugom motora i daje motoru početni pritisak da počne raditi. Kondenzator se isključuje iz kruga kada motor postigne određenu brzinu.

Postoje dvije vrste kondenzatora:

  • Početni kondenzator daje napon za pokretanje motora
  • Pogonski kondenzator daje energiju za njihov rad

Što uzrokuje kvar kondenzatora?

Vaš AC kondenzator je osjetljiv na toplinu. Pregrijavanje može biti uzrokovano napornim radom vašeg klima uređaja kako bi postigao željenu temperaturu ili zbog izlaganja suncu. Ako je vaša vanjska jedinica instalirana na krovu, vjerojatno će postati žrtva pregrijavanja u vrućim ljetnim danima.

Tijekom ekstremno hladnih ili vrućih dana izbjegavajte postavljanje najviše/naniže temperature na termostatu jer to također može uzrokovati naporniji rad jedinice, što može rezultirati pregrijanim kondenzatorom.

Nestanci struje i fluktuacije struje također mogu značajno oštetiti kondenzator. Kako biste spriječili štetu uzrokovanu fluktuacijama struje, razmislite o postavljanju zaštite od prenapona.

Nadalje, starost može uzrokovati njegovo odumiranje jer se sposobnost kondenzatora da oslobađa energiju smanjuje tijekom godina.

Što se tiče starosti, redovito održavanje pomoći će vam da rano otkrijete probleme s kondenzatorom. Rješenje je vrlo jednostavno – neka električar zamijeni kondenzator.

Napomena: Nikada ne pokušavajte sami zamijeniti kondenzator jer je u njemu pohranjen električni naboj; postoji opasnost od ozbiljnog strujnog udara. Never try to run your AC on a bad capacitor as it can burn the motor attached to it, and replacing the motor can be quite costly.

5. Dormancy Issue

If you cannot figure out why your AC is not working, check the fan. If the AC fan is not turning on, it could be a dormancy issue. Or if your cooling system was lying dormant in winters and you have switched it on after some time, then fans may find it hard to start rotating again because of the dirt buildup.

Call an HVAC expert; they will know how to start the fans manually. The problem shouldn’t persist once the fans are out of dormancy.

6. AC Not Turning On? – Check the Switch

It’s the most obvious reason, but people overlook it all the time.

Just like any other electric appliance, your AC also has an ON/OFF switch. You will find it near to where your system is installed.

You may not have turned it off, but someone in your home could have done it. So, whenever your system refuses to turn on, do check the switch before you do anything else. The solution is simple, turn on the switch, and you would be feeling the pleasant breeze of air blowing in no time!

7. Uncleaned Condenser

Is your external AC unit not turning on?

The external or outside unit of your AC is called a condenser. Its job is to release the heat collected by the inside unit to the external environment.

Without regular maintenance, the condenser can get really dirty over time. It will have to work harder to disperse the heat as dirt acts as an insulator. The condenser will start drawing too much current, tripping the circuit breaker, and your AC won’t turn on.

If you think that the solution would be easy since you can clean the condenser yourself, well, unfortunately, it’s too late for that now. Once it is non-functional due to dirt, it may be time for a professional clean-up. Improper cleaning can damage the compressor coil’s fins, which is way worse than the dirt on the coils.

You can, however, as a maintenance routine, keep cleaning your condenser regularly yourself to prevent any major issues.

8. Tripped Circuit Breaker

If you have tripped the circuit breaker, your AC won’t turn on.

So, whenever your AC unit is not turning on, do check the circuit breaker.

A circuit breaker is a safety tool that turns the power off in case of heavy voltage.  It may be due to using high voltage appliances or power surges in the electricity grid.

All you’ve to do is find the air conditioner circuit breaker and turn it off completely. Then wait for a few minutes before turning it on.

Safety tip: If it keeps tripping, do not try to turn it on as it indicates a high voltage and can cause an electric fire. It is a problem that needs to be fixed by an expert.

9. Is Your AC Not Turning On Or Has It Run Its Course?

Your AC has stopped running, and you are wondering what could be the reason. If it has been your comfort companion for quite a long time, maybe it has reached the end of its lifespan.

But how can you actually tell that it’s time to say goodbye to your AC?

Following are some signs indication why your AC is not turning on: 

  • You notice a significant decrease in AC’s airflow. The decreased airflow can be due to dirty filters, but if cleaning the filters does not work, your AC has aged and needs replacing.
  • Your AC requires repair services every now and then, which could give a clue if your AC has problems related to its lifespan.
  • Your bills are increasing at an abnormal rate. Near the end of life, the AC becomes sluggish and overworks to maintain the desired temperature, leading to a surge in bills. You can go for an energy audit to see if it is really your air conditioner causing the bills to increase.
  • The inside unit of your AC is leaking excessively. It may be due to a refrigerant leak, but even if the issue does not get resolved, it’s time for the unit to go.
  • If your AC is making weird loud noises such as grinding, screeching, rattling, it’s time to replace it as it signals a serious problem.
  • Your air conditioner smells bad. It could be due to molds growing inside your unit or due to dirty filters, but if the smell does not go away, consider replacing it.

If you are experiencing some of the above-mentioned signs and your AC is more than a decade old, you surely need a new unit. But do not take the decision on your own, have a professional thoroughly check your unit before going for a replacement.

Also, read these six ways to extend the average life of your AC.

10. Clogged Drain Pan

Your air conditioner unit not only cools or heats your house but also removes moisture from the air. So, where does that moisture go?

It is collected in the drain pan, located underneath the indoor unit evaporator coils, then flows into the condensate drain line, which is directed outside.

Without regular cleaning, especially in areas with high humidity, the drain pan can become clogged. The drain pan has a secondary drain to prevent the pan from clogging. But if both of them are full, this triggers the float switch, which turns the AC off. It is a safety mechanism that prevents excessive leakage in your house and prevents damages to the unit. But even then, the water leak from the clogged pan can damage your walls, ceilings, and furnishings.

So, your AC is not going to turn on until the pan is cleaned and the float switch is turned down.

You can use a wet/dry vacuum to suction the blockage out, but it is going to be really messy so if you don’t want to see all that gunk, better call an HVAC technician.

Make sure never to have this episode and do regular maintenance. You can use a wet/dry vacuum during the routine cleaning; we hope it won’t be this messy!

11. Damaged Motor

If you hear grinding noise when you turn on the AC, it is not a good sign as it may indicate malfunctioning motor blades.

Motors are sealed to prevent any contact with the outside air, water, or debris. Over time, due to old age or lack of maintenance, the seal can come off, and the oil which was sealed within the motor needed for lubrication seeps out. Without oil, the motor can wear out and can stop working entirely after some time. The outside unit cannot dissipate heat if the motor is faulty.

One question that arises; should you repair the motor or replace your air conditioner?

Here’s a tip that will make it easy to decide; if it costs half the amount of the original price, then consider replacing your system. The price range is $150 to $750 for a new motor.

Contact an HVAC specialist for a thorough inspection.

12. Faulty Power Cord or Outlet

Sometimes the issue is not severe; it’s just that you are anticipating the worst. So, examine simple things that are right in front of you; check the power cord, for instance.

The power cord can become frayed and wear down if your unit was stored for a season. Power outages can also damage the cord.

Unplug the cord for proper examination. If it shows signs of damage, you would have to replace it.

Or maybe it is not the cord, but the outlet was plugged in. You can check if the outlet is working fine by plugging in other appliances. If none of them work, you know what’s causing the issue.

Call an electrician to repair or replace the outlet, depending on the damage.

Safety tip: You should never attempt to repair the cord or power outlet yourself. There is a risk of getting an electric shock if you don’t turn off the power supply. Just turning the switch off won’t do; you have to turn the power off from the main power box.

Povezano: Home AC Blowing Warm Air? 12 Possible Causes and Their Solutions

13. Your AC Is Not the Right Size

Did you take into account the size of an air conditioner when buying it? Well, it is a mistake that is continuously overlooked but can have a great impact on the performance of the HVAC system.

The air conditioner that is not the right size will have to work harder and, at one point, will break down completely.

When your AC is larger than required, it will keep turning on and off quickly, increasing wear and tear. Further, it won’t remove the excess humidity as it does not stay on for a sufficient time.

On the other hand, a small unit will have to run for a long time to cool/warm the house, which may cause overheating of the capacitor.

An HVAC system that is not the right size can also wreak havoc on your bills.

Unfortunately, the only solution is to replace the unit.

Some parameters determine what size you require, such as the area of your house, climate, number of windows, and insulation level. You will have to go for a professional evaluation to find out the perfect size of air conditioner for your home.

There is also an equation that roughly estimates the right size of AC.

(Square footage of your home x 25/ 12000) – 0.5 =Required AC size

Let’s say your area is 1000 square feet.

(1000×25/12000) – 0.5=1.5

You require a 1.5-ton AC.

If you figured out why your AC was not turning on and managed to find the solution on your own, congratulations! But even then, we recommend that you contact a professional for a complete inspection to avoid similar problems in the future.

By having an HVAC expert perform annual inspections and staying on top of the maintenance routine, you can avoid any potential AC outages in the future.

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