Kako napraviti preklopljeni subwoofer box
Kako napraviti preklopljeni subwoofer box
Trebate podkutiju, ali ne želite trošiti gomile? U ovom članku objašnjavamo kako izgraditi portiranu kutiju za subwoofer bez potrebe za svim skupim profesionalnim alatima.
Naravno, trebat će vam neki alati, poput bušilice, ubodne pile i nekoliko drugih bitova, ali ovo je najjeftiniji način za izradu prilagođenih kutija subwoofera od nule.
Pravilno postavljanje subboxa je nevjerojatno važno, jer može imati dramatičan učinak na izlaz vašeg subwoofera. Mora biti odgovarajuće veličine, a čak i priključak može imati različite učinke ako ga postavite na različita mjesta.
U ovom članku vodimo vas kroz cijeli postupak kako izgraditi kutiju subwoofera s prijenosom. Međutim, prije nego što krenemo, ako želite izgraditi zatvoreno kućište, možete slijediti korake s malim razlikovanjem.
Prilično je isti način za sastavljanje, ali naravno trebat će vam manje komada MDF-a i zapravo će biti lakše sastaviti.
Cijena vaših dijelova trebala bi biti oko 30 USD i ne bi vam trebalo više od sat vremena da sve to sastavite, nakon što sve bude spremno kod kuće.
Dakle, uz sve to rečeno, pogledajmo kako izraditi vlastitu prilagođenu kutiju subwoofera s portovima.
Alati koji će vam trebati
- Električna bušilica
- Slagalica
- 2" vijci za drvo
- Brusni papir
- Ljepilo za drvo
- Silicijska brtva
- 2 obvezujuća stupića
- Olovka
- Prostirka za prigušivanje zvuka
- Tepih kutije zvučnika (opcionalno)
- Ljepilo (opcionalno)
Kako izgraditi portirani subwoofer box
Odredite veličinu kućišta koju trebate/želite
Kada tražite subwoofer, vodite računa o veličini kućišta koju preporučuje proizvođač. Volumen kutije (kubične stope) govori vam koliko veliko vaše kućište treba biti za maksimalnu izvedbu substrata.
Svaki proizvođač subwoofera ponudit će kutiju subwoofera minimalne i maksimalne veličine i ne biste trebali izraditi subbox izvan ovih smjernica.
Ako niste sigurni u točnu veličinu prilagođene kutije za subwoofer koju namjeravate izraditi, trebali biste otići na ovaj kalkulator kutije za subwoofer i unijeti svoje podatke u online kalkulator. Dodajte što više detalja u kartice 'Subwoofer' i 'Port' 'Kutija' i izračunat će savršenu veličinu vaše prilagođene kutije subwoofera.
To je izvrstan alat i čak će dizajnirati doista prilagođenu portiranu kutiju subwoofera, u kojoj možete pomaknuti montažnu rupu subwoofera i postaviti priključak na koju god stranu odaberete.
Postoji mogućnost dvostruke debljine na prednjoj ploči. Preporučio bih ovo jer će vašu kutiju učiniti čvršćom da drži subwoofer na mjestu.
Nakon što stavite sve svoje specifikacije u kalkulator, on će ga dizajnirati za vas s izrezima veličine koja vam je potrebna. A najbolje od svega, pokazat će vam vaš dizajn u 3D.
Odnesite mjere svoje kutije u željezariju da biste dobili rezove
Kada ste zadovoljni s planom i mjerama kutije subwoofera, poželite izmjeriti svoje izreze i otići u trgovinu hardverom po svoj MDF i druge alate i dijelove.
Kalkulator pomoćne kutije reći će vam optimalnu debljinu MDF-a, a ona će biti oko ¾”. Bilo gdje oko ove debljine bit će savršeno, ali ne bih išao niže od ½" jer bi to bilo pretanko.
Ako odete u Lowes ili B&Q u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, vjerojatno će vam izrezati bokove na željenu veličinu. Ako ne, morat ćete ga sami izrezati na željenu veličinu. U svakom slučaju, uvijek kupite nešto više jer će vam trebati u najmanju ruku nešto viška drva za rad.
Pripremite rubove panela i nacrtajte obris položaja panela i priključaka
Bez obzira na to je li vaša ploča izrezana u željezariji ili ste to učinili sami, morate se pobrinuti da rubovi budu lijepi i ravni. Provjerite ih sve i možda izbrusite bilo koje paperje koje strši grubim rubom.
Sada je vrijeme da nacrtate raspored prednje, stražnje i bočnih strana vanjskih zidova vaše pomoćne kutije i zida s portovima. Nacrtajte obris na donjoj ploči, samo da znamo gdje izbušiti predrupe.
Izbušite rupe kroz gornju i donju ploču
Prvo što morate provjeriti, kad god bušite, uvijek ispod imajte malo MDF-a kako biste ga bušili umjesto na radnom stolu.
Nakon što nacrtate obrise svih ploča s unutarnje strane donje ploče, uzmite gornju i poravnajte je točno s donjom i probušite obje s bušilicom za prethodno rupe. Radeći to na ovaj način brže je i dobit ćete rupe za vijke na istom mjestu na vrhu i dnu.
Zatim na vanjskoj strani gornje i donje ploče izbušite upuštač kako vam vijci ne bi stršali kad ih bušite. Provjerite jeste li izbušili sve rupe na vrhu i dnu, a kada završite, vrijeme je da ih izbrusite tako da oštri dijelovi ne strše.
Zašrafite i zalijepite spojene ploče zajedno
Sada je vrijeme da izbušite rupe na stranicama, gdje će se vijci zavrnuti. Sada, budući da ovo radimo s MDF-om, važno je izbušiti pilot rupe u rubu što većeg promjera.
To je zato što je MDF prilično slab kada bušite rubove, a ako su vaši vijci malo veći od pilot rupa koje izbušite, mogli bi puknuti MDF. Vijak samo treba biti malo veći od rupa – sve dok vijci malo prianjaju i ljepilo, prianjanje će biti sigurno.
Prvo biste trebali izraditi dva dijela svojih pregradnih zidova. You should already have your pre holes drilled in place. Now put the four screws in on the outside of your panel ready to be drilled through, then run some wood glue down the edge of the other piece.
When you have it all lined up, drill the four screws in tightly. It’s best to drill the 2 outside screws in first so you don’t go out of line as you drill them in.
Once the ported walls are secured, you should fill the countersunk screw holes with a filler. You should also make sure the L-shaped interior edges of your sub box are rounded as much as possible.
The rounder the ported wall is the smoother the soundwaves will be able to travel. When this is done you can leave the ported wall until you have the outside edges and bottom secured together.
Now Fix The Rest of Your Panels as You Build Your Custom Subwoofer Box
Now you’ve got your ported panels ready, it’s time to build the side panels together and then fix them to the bottom panel.
To do this, you need to line up the bottom piece with each wall (one at a time), where it will sit. Then drill through the pre-holes and down into the left, right, front and back wall edges, where the screws will go.
Now you can start fixing the sides together. First, get the left and back – run some glue all the way down the joint and then line them up perfectly, put the screws in and then drill the screws in tightly. Any excess glue that protrudes from the joint, just wipe it down with your finger and this will help seal the joints further.
As you fix all panels together, run some silicon caulk down each edge to secure each joint. Do this with every panel joint.
Now do the same with the right and back so you now have 3 pieces glued and screwed tightly together.
Now it’s time to screw the bottom on. Again, make sure it’s turned around the right way so you can put the bottom piece on top of the 3 walls (this makes it easier to drill the screws in). Then put all the screws in the bottom so they’re ready for when you drill them into the sides.
Then run some glue down the three edges that you’re fixing together, sit the bottom on top of the 3 sides and screw all screws into each pre-hole and make sure they’re all tight. Again, run your finger down the joint to wipe away any excess glue.
Now you can do the same with the L-shaped ported piece, always making sure you wipe away the excess glue.
Now, do the same with the top. This should be screwed and glued onto the side and ported edge so you now have a closed subwoofer box with the ported gap on the front to the side.
Cut Out Wire Terminal Connection Points
Many people go with a terminal cup to wire a subwoofer up, but I don’t recommend these. They’re made of thin plastic and air will get out of your sub box if you use them, so I don’t recommend using them.
Instead you should use 2 Binding Posts for your connectors. For this you should drill 2 holes into the back of your subwoofer box.
The 2 holes should be slightly smaller than the diameter of your binding posts, and then you need to thread the binding posts into your back panel and secure them in tightly.
Drill the holes as close as possible to where your speaker wire terminals are in your subwoofer. And if the wires are to sit on the base of your enclosure, it’s a good idea to stick some sound deadening material under them so you dampen the rattle.
Cut The Subwoofer Mounting Hole on The Front Panel
You should have everything together, except the top and your mounting hole where the subwoofer will sit in your custom box. Now it’s time to cut the mounting hole in your custom subwoofer box.
You could do this before you build all your subwoofer box together, but unless you have a professional set up, you will need a clamp and some space under the front panel to make it possible to cut the hole out.
The first thing you need is the actual center point of your front. To do this, get a straight edge so you can draw diagonal lines from all four corners to the opposite corners. The meeting point of these will be your center point.
Drill a small hole in the center point, so you can drill your compass template into this to get your perfect circle.
Now you need a spare piece of thin cardboard that’s longer than 50% of your cutout diameter. My Kicker 43CVR124 CompVR has an 11” cutout diameter, so I will use this as an example.
In your spare piece of cardboard, pierce 2 small holes that are just over half the length of your cutout diameter. Mine is 11”, so my 2 holes are 5.55” apart.
Now drill a screw through one hole into the center point hole that you just drilled in your sub box. And with a pencil piercing through the other hole, move your cardboard around in full circles, so you draw an 11.1” circle on the front of your sub box.
*You can do this with a compass if you have one large enough.
Now, measure your circle to make sure it’s exactly the size of your cutout diameter. If it isn’t you must have drilled the 2 holes in your cardboard the wrong distance.
Next, drill a large enough hole close to the edge of your circle (on the inside), so you can get your jigsaw inside.
Now with your jigsaw, you need to cut right around the inside of the circle you have drawn. It’s important not to cut exactly on the line as this might end up being too big, and you can always shave more off if it’s too small.
Once you’ve cut the hole, sand it down so you don’t have any rough edges. Then clean out the insides with a vacuum cleaner so there are no loose wood shavings.
Time To Test Your Math and Carpentry Skills
Now it’s time to test your math and carpentry skills and sit your subwoofer in to make sure you have the right size mounting hole for your subwoofer. And that’s it you’re now a master at building a subwoofer boxes.
Basically, that’s how to build a ported subwoofer box. You can finish the exterior if you like. The countersunk screw holes don’t have to be filled on the exterior, but if you paint it, it would be a good idea to.
Or if you want to do the best job possible, you could cover the exterior with some vibration reduction carpet. This will ensure you get the best sound from your newly built sub box.
Installing Your Newly Built Subwoofer Box
You should really know where you intend to install your subwoofer box, and this obviously depends on the type of vehicle you have and the space you have available.
Wherever you intend to install your sub box, it’s best to put some sound deadening material under the bottom so it’s sitting on some.
Also, if the back or any side of your subwoofer box is tight against a wall of your vehicle, put some sound deadening material between your box and car interior. This will ensure you cut out the vibrations, and increase the clarity of your bass from your new installation.
All Done!
Having read through this step-by-step guide you now know how to build a ported subwoofer box. Of course, the steps to building a sealed subwoofer box are the same, but you’ll need less timber and it will be easier to do.
As long as you go to the Sub Box Calculator and put the correct specifications in, you can’t go wrong for your panel cutouts.
It can be a little awkward when you’re first putting cutouts together, but as long as you make sure the joints are exactly matched, your new custom subwoofer box will come out perfect.
And the best thing is, now that you know how to build a subwoofer box, you can build them for your friends and make some extra cash!
Have you built your own custom sub box? If so, how did it go? Please share your story in the comments section below to help anyone intending to do it in the future.