Recenzija 6 najboljih pametnih zvučnika za kupnju u 2022.
Alexander Graham Bell izumio je svoj zvučnik 1876. Tada nije mogao ni sanjati da će oni jednog dana razgovarati s nama i mi s njima. I tog dana ćemo recenzirati najbolje pametne zvučnike koje možete kupiti.
Olakšava naše živote...
Čini se da je to strast mnogih ljudi ovih dana. S računalima možemo komunicirati na osobnoj razini, a oni će obavljati zadatke umjesto nas. Glasovni pomoćnici posljednjih su godina sve to podigli korak dalje. Čini se da su mogućnosti beskrajne.
Što je pametni zvučnik?
U osnovi, radi se o bežičnom zvučniku s integriranim pomoćnikom. Omogućit će vam korištenje bez ruku i sve radnje umjesto vas. Može pokrenuti funkcije ili vam samo pružiti informacije. Da bi to učinio, koristi ono što je poznato kao "vruće riječi".
Neki pametni zvučnici također će koristiti WiFi, ali će principi biti isti.
Čemu služe?
U početku su se koristili za strujanje glazbe, možda programa vijesti i postavljanje podsjetnika povezanih s vremenom. Sada počinju ići dalje upravljajući popisima stavki koje izradite. Pa čak i upravljanje uređajima u domu ako imaju potrebnu tehnologiju. Možete kontrolirati svjetla, grijanje i bilo koji broj radnji.
U nekim zvučnicima ovo je prošireno kako bi uključilo opcije poziva i slanja poruka. Vrlo je vjerojatno da će se u budućnosti rad Smart Speakers proširiti i dalje. Dokle će ovisiti o tome s čime možemo živjeti i nositi se.
Dakle, koliko daleko nas tehnologija može odvesti i što je trenutno u blizini? Pogledajmo...
Top 6 najboljih pametnih zvučnika za razmatranje u recenzijama 2022.
- Sonos One (Gen 2) pametni zvučnik s glasovnim upravljanjem – pametni zvučnik s najboljom vrijednošću za vaš novac
- Amazon Echo (4. generacija) – najsvestraniji pametni zvučnik
- Ultimate Ears MEGABLAST prijenosni Bluetooth zvučnik – najizdržljiviji pametni zvučnik
- Yamaha Audio YAS-209BL Sound Bar s bežičnim subwooferom – najbolji premium pametni zvučnik
- Amazon Echo Dot (4. generacija) – najbolji kompaktni pametni zvučnik
- Amazon Echo Dot (3. generacija) – najbolji jeftini pametni zvučnik
Sonos One (Gen 2) pametni zvučnik s glasovnim upravljanjem – pametni zvučnik s najboljom vrijednošću za vaš novac
Ovaj zvučnik je nastavak originalnog zvučnika Sonos 1. Za razliku od većine praćenja, zapravo se ne može pohvaliti s previše dodatnih prednosti. Međutim, postoji jedno uključivanje koje će se nekima svidjeti.
Kako se promijenio?
Pa, izgleda isto što će promatrači prepoznati. I zapravo djeluje gotovo isto kao i generacija 1. Neke komponente su poboljšane i ima ažurirani procesor, što će mu dati malo više memorije.
Uključivanje Bluetooth LE (Niska energija) je prednost koja bi trebala poboljšati proces uparivanja. Ali glavna razlika je u tome što sada ima ugrađen Google Assistant. Sonosu je trebalo neko vrijeme da ovo organizira, ali sada je, zajedno s Alexom, postao druga životinja.
Upravo je postalo bolje...
Četverojezgreni procesor povezuje se na WiFi i puštat će vaše omiljene programe i radio postaje. Ovo je uvijek bio vrlo dobar pametni zvučnik. Upravo je postao bolji, što ga čini jednim od najboljih pametnih zvučnika na tržištu.
Sjajna kontrola...
S ovom razinom glasovnog upravljanja možete puštati svoju glazbu, postaviti alarme i provjeriti najnovije vijesti. Također možete dobiti odgovore na sva pitanja gotovo trenutno, a da ne morate učiniti ništa osim postavljanja.
Daljnje postavke i mogućnosti zvuka mogu se postići pomoću aplikacije Sonos.
Kompaktni dizajn…
S dimenzijama od samo 4,72 x 4,72 x 6,34 inča i težinom od samo četiri funte, stat će u svaki mali prostor. Također je zaštićen od vlage, pa ga možete koristiti čak iu kupaonici. Možete ga povezati s drugim Sonos zvučnicima ako odlučite stvoriti zvučnu platformu za svaku sobu.
Kao i kod originalnog Sonosa, kvaliteta zvuka je vrlo dobra. A s obzirom na veličinu zvučnika, pruža bogat, topao zvuk koji će ispuniti većinu prostorija. Iako je potrebno napomenuti da zvuk može biti izobličen pri većoj glasnoći.
Izvrsna vrijednost zbog svoje konkurentne cijene, svakako ga treba razmotriti.
Ako ste zainteresirani za više Sonosovih proizvoda, pogledajte našu detaljnu recenziju najboljih Sonos zvučnika.

- Kompaktan dizajn koji će dobro funkcionirati u svakoj prostoriji.
- Dobri kontakti pomoću Google pomoćnika i drugih metoda upravljanja glasom.
- Zvuk može biti izobličen pri velikoj glasnoći.
Amazon Echo (4. generacija) – najsvestraniji pametni zvučnik
Četvrta generacija Echo je nadograđena verzija originalnog pametnog zvučnika iz Amazona. Novi izgled uključuje promjenu izvornog cilindričnog oblika u prilično privlačan sferni izgled.
Impresivan je i budući da ima 5,7 inča x 5,2 inča, gotovo je sfera. Sav aluminij i tkanine korištene u ovom zvučniku recikliraju se.
S promjenom oblika došlo je do malih izmjena na nekim kontrolama. Svjetleći prsten koji je prije bio na vrhu sada se nalazi na bazi. Ovo je dobar potez budući da je prethodni dizajn pružao prilično vidljiv svijetli sjaj. Za one koji vole "svjetleći prsten", on i dalje svijetli plavo kada koristite "riječ", odlučili ste probuditi Alexu.
Na vrhu zvučnika nalaze se neke osnovne kontrole. Pojačavanje i smanjivanje zvuka kao i isključivanje zvuka za mikrofon i gumbe za Alexa.
Na stražnjoj strani nalazi se samo 3,5 mm izlaz za audio i priključak za strujni adapter.
Što je unutra?
Pristojan zvuk pružaju woofer od tri inča i dva visokotonca od 0,8 inča. Visokotonci su usmjereni naprijed. Podržava Dolby Audio, ali se ne proširuje na Atmos surround zvuk.
Ima ugrađenu Zigbee pametnu kuću čvorište i podržavat će Bluetooth LE (low energy) kao i Amazon Sidewalk .
Ova ažurirana verzija malo je snažnija od svojih prethodnika. Visokotonci su veći, dajući istaknut gornji kraj. Niske frekvencije su primjerene, ali neće srušiti zidove. Međutim, s obzirom na veličinu zvučnika, dubina zvuka više je nego dobra.
Ovo je značajno poboljšanje u odnosu na prethodne jedinice Echo i ima izvrsnu cijenu što ga čini atraktivnim za kupnju. Nekima se neće svidjeti dizajn, ali mi mislimo da izgleda dobro. Zasigurno radi dobro.
Loša strana...
Samo gnjida, stvarno, ali Alexa jednostavno nije tako dobra ili fleksibilna kao Google pomoćnik.

- Lijep dizajn i jednostavan za korištenje.
- Sve što trebate ugraditi za dobar Smart zvučnik po odličnoj cijeni.
- Alexa ponekad može biti nezgodna za korištenje.
Ultimate Ears MEGABLAST prijenosni Bluetooth zvučnik – najizdržljiviji pametni zvučnik
Za neke bi Ultimate Ears moglo biti novo ime u zvuku. Osnovani su 1995. u Kaliforniji i proizvode monitore i zvučnike za uši. Sada su dio Logitech grupe.
Ovaj zvučnik napravljen je za korištenje bilo gdje i stoga ima robusnu konstrukciju. Ima oznaku IP67 . To znači da će ići pod vodu do otprilike jednog metra do 30 minuta. No, nije lagan, dimenzija je 3,50 x 3,50 x 9,40 inča i težak je četiri funte.
Baterija će vam omogućiti oko 12 sati rada, naravno ovisno o glasnoći koju koristite. Priključak za punjenje nalazi se na dnu jedinice i nije mu lako pristupiti, što gubi neke bodove.
Dobivate zvuk od 360 stupnjeva koji je prihvatljiv, ali nije ništa posebno. Ovisno o glazbenom žanru može se malo pomučiti pri višoj glasnoći.
Bluetooth veza ima standardni domet od 30 metara. Podržava uređaje s A2DP. Morat ćete provjeriti kompatibilnost za prvo postavljanje. Zahtijeva WiFi usmjerivač 802.11, a zahtjevi operativnog sustava su iOS 10.2 ili Android 5.0.
Ali je li to Mega?
Unatoč brojnim komentarima o ovom zvučniku, nismo se posebno uvjerili. Možda je to zato što smatramo da je sve što se zove "Mega" malo nezgrapno, pogotovo kada se primjenjuje na mali prijenosni zvučnik.
Također, potičemo vas da koristite aplikaciju za dobivanje ažuriranja. To znači da je možda potrebno malo pomoći da postane gotov proizvod.
Jako je skupo, a mi stvarno ne vidimo zašto. Osim ako ga ne želite odvesti na dubinu od 30 metara na sat vremena. Ali zašto biste htjeli?

- Decent quality build.
- 360 degree sound dispersion.
- Quite a few.
Yamaha Audio YAS-209BL Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer – Best Premium Smart Speaker
If there is one thing you can usually be sure of, it is the quality of a Yamaha product. This Soundbar and subwoofer are a good example.
A variety of uses…
If you can find a Smart Speaker that also doubles up as something else, that has to be worth a look. This is the case with this system, so look closely. This is a soundbar and sub that you can use in a home cinema set up. It has DTS virtual 3D surround sound. You get the theater-like depth of the bass and clear, concise highs for the dialogue.
But how about as part of your music set up? This is going to excel in having the low-frequency depth for home cinema. It is going to be great with music.
Also, Alexa is built-in as well. Suddenly this becomes a different thing. It gives you control over your soundbar using your voice. Call up the news or extra music. Set timers or get answers to questions. Even control other Smart devices in the home.
The sound…
In the main bar, there are four tweeters. In the subwoofer, a six and a half-inch driver. The Soundbar and the Subwoofer generate 100 watts each.
This gives you an impressive sound platform. Whether for movies, music, or getting answers and information, the sound is deep and warm.
The build…
The Subwoofer measures 7.5 inches by16.5 by 16 inches. The soundbar 37 by 2.5 by 4.25 inches. The Soundbar and Sub are predominately plastic in their build. There is cloth material on the front of the soundbar.
On top of the bar, some basic controls. But being positioned where they are, could make the system a little awkward to use. It comes with a remote control, however, which does help. Setup is easy via an Optical cable or HDMI. Unfortunately, Yamaha has decided not to build in a headphone connection or a 3.5mm connection.
Versatile and practical…
Nevertheless, it is a good system that gives you a variety of options for its use. Set at a decent price point, it is an attractive option. If someone were looking to buy their first home cinema system as well as a Smart Speaker, this is it.

- Good sounds that can be used for a variety of functions.
- Well-built with Alexa at a great price point.
- A headphone socket and a 3.5mm connection may have been useful.
Amazon Echo Dot (4th Gen) – Best Compact Smart Speaker
The Echo Dot from Amazon has a good reputation and has become very popular amongst Smart Speaker users. This is the 4th generation Echo Dot.
This is a small speaker, but it has a decent sound. Measuring 3.9 by 3.9 by 3.5 inches, it is ideal to sit on a bedside table or stand. The addition of a clock means it makes an ideal nightstand companion.
All the usual features of a basic alarm clock are included. You can set the time, an alarm, and a timer. It even has a snooze control. Unlike an alarm clock, though, you can ask Alexa to play your music or get the latest news or check to see what the weather might be. And it does all of that with a nicely balanced sound from a 1.6-inch speaker.
The controls…
The most used controls are conveniently placed on the top of the Echo Dot. They include volume up and down control, an Action, and Microphone off button.
The LED displaying the time is on the front. On the rear are the connections for a 3.5mm line out and the power port. At the bottom of the speaker is the lighting ring as per the latest design.
You can use the speaker to control other smart devices in your home and also connect with other people in the house. Either individually or all together.
The setup…
If you have never used any of these Amazon speakers before, you will get a pleasant surprise. Set up is quick and basically fool-proof. That is always good news.
One last bit of good news is that the fabric and the aluminum used in the construction are 100% recycled , as are 50% of the plastics. Well done to Amazon on that one.
A nice-sounding practical speaker with plenty of good features. It ought to be considered as one of the Best Smart Speakers on the market.

- Compact size with a nice practical design.
- Plenty of functions at a decent price point.
- Ništa.
Amazon Echo Dot (3rd Gen) – Best Budget Smart Speaker
This Amazon Echo Dot 3rd generation has been included because it is still one of the most popular Smart Speakers. Having been largely replaced by the 4th Generation Echo Dot, it is still on sale.
We understand that Amazon will continue to sell this speaker until stocks are gone. Therefore, if you want one, you might have to move fast.
The design…
This styling has long been a favorite because it is so easy to use. On the top are the standard Echo Dot controls of Volume up and Down, microphone off, and Action buttons. On the rear, the power port, and the 3.5mm connection. The important thing here is that they are nicely positioned with plenty of space between them.
This has the light ring at the top of the speaker as against the 4th Generation, which has it at the bottom. Most people agreed having it at the bottom was a better design hence the move.
The connectivity…
It has Bluetooth supporting A2DP for better streaming. You can access the Alexa assistant and the information that it can provide. As usual with the Amazon speaker series, it is easy to set up.
A downside?
With this model, there is a 1.6-inch speaker, which you might consider adequate. However, the sound is not so good for music and lacks the richness of the later Echo Dot models.
If you can find one, it will certainly be worth a look.

- Very easy to set up and use.
- Good design with basic but attractive styling.
- The sound is not as good as on later models.
What do you want from your Smart Speaker?
There are some important things to consider when buying a Smart Speaker, especially if you are a first time user.
The reason for getting a Smart Speaker is the ability to connect up with other devices and actions. Therefore, the pairing process and performance are important. All will give you that basic option, but some will go further. They will have access to Alexa or Google assistant.
As you will be aware, this is a service that provides information on request. But it can be a bit more than that with certain speakers. Sometimes the speaker will not come with Alexa or Google’s Assistant built-in. They can be paired with it in certain circumstances.
If you are looking for a real Smart Speaker experience, then Alexa and or Google Assistant should be on the list of requirements.
What are you going to use the speaker for? It may be that you might want to just use it occasionally for information, news, or other spoken dialogue. In that case, the quality of the sound might not be high on your priority list.
However, you can use it as part of a music system. Or even as a stand-alone system. It can even be part of a Home Cinema set up. In those circumstances, sound quality will be important.
We all want things around that look nice. But that is a personal thing and subject to individual tastes. There are plenty of speakers around with a variety of designs and colors. You shouldn’t have a problem finding one that fits in your home.
Battery Life…
This may be an important issue, especially if you are moving the speaker to various locations. Some batteries will give you a good length of time. Others not so. It is always worthwhile checking the battery performance.
Changing Technology…
Using Alexa or Google Assistant is an interesting experience if it is your first time. It has the ability to learn with you. It will recognize your tastes and what you may be interested in and make suggestions on that basis.
Technology moves at a very fast pace. And it is quite possible that before you even plug yours in that, another advance has been made. That is why it is important to decide exactly what you want and then search for a speaker that fulfills your criteria.
Looking for Something Else?
The speakers you want are waiting. Check out our in-depth reviews of the Best Powered Speakers, the Loudest Portable Bluetooth Speakers, the Best Wireless TV Speakers, the Best Bluetooth Speakers with Radio, and the Best 7.1 Home Theater System you can buy in 2022.
Also, take a look at our reviews of the Best Floor Standing Speakers, the Best Computer Speakers Under $100, and the Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers currently on the market.
What are the Best Smart Speakers?
There are some great options for Smart Speakers. The Amazon Echo Dot, in its various forms, is a good system and will certainly be high on some peoples’ list. But for us, we quite like the idea of being able to use it in the shower or bathroom and know it will be safe.
We would therefore choose the …
Sonos One (Gen 2) – Voice Controlled Smart Speaker
A good Smart Speaker that has everything we need at a very nice price point.
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