Dvostruka Din glavna jedinica Instalacija i pregled 2002. – 2005. Mercedes CLK 320
U ovom članku: Provest ćemo vas kroz korake za ugradnju dvostruke din glavne jedinice u Mercedes CLK 320 iz 2002. – 2005. s pregledom glavne jedinice koju smo koristili.
- Instalacija 2002. – 2005. Mercedes Benz CLK320
- Potrebni dijelovi za instalaciju
- 1. korak:Odspojite bateriju
- Korak 2:Uklonite okvir crtice
- 3. korak:Odvrnite i uklonite OEM glavnu jedinicu
- 4. korak:pripremite kabelski svežanj i glavnu jedinicu
- Korak 5:Dodaci za ožičenje:Antene, USB i mikrofon
- Korak 6:Instaliranje vaše nove glavne jedinice
- Glavna jedinica – PUMPKIN Android 9.0 Double Din recenzija
- Izvan okvira
Pregled instalacije:
- Vozilo:Mercedes Benz CLK 320 iz 2005.
- Glavna jedinica:Pumpkin Android 9.0 Double Din glavna jedinica
- Teškoća:srednja
- Vrijeme:3-5 sati
Suočimo se s tim, većina vozila u eri 2000-ih ima glavne jedinice ili samo stereo tehnologiju automobila općenito, koja je zastarjela. Bluetooth je tek hvatao maha (iako su pomoćni ulazi bili stvar), GPS navigacija je bila luksuz, a glavne jedinice sa zaslonom osjetljivim na dodir bile su rijetke i daleko između tvornice. U to je vrijeme 05 CLK 320 bio sjajan, elegantan i luksuzan automobil, ali da bi ga doveli u moderno doba potrebna mu je nadogradnja.
Tražili smo cjenovno prihvatljivu, ali snažnu glavnu jedinicu kako bismo nadogradili naš stereo sustav CLK 320 iz 2005. i doveli ga do neke od najnovijih tehnologija kako bismo ga učinili pristojnim za putovanje na posao. Bili smo oduševljeni kada nam se PUMPKIN obratio s jedinicom koju smo mogli testirati za njih.
Glavna jedinica – PUMPKIN Android 9.0 Double Din
Ova će se instalacija primijeniti na gotovo sve glavne jedinice s dvostrukim din zaslonom osjetljivim na dodir, Apple CarPlay i Android Auto ili dvostruke din multimedijske glavne jedinice, bez obzira na jedinicu koju smo odabrali instalirati. Ako želite odgovarati proizvodu koji smo koristili u ovoj instalaciji, glavna jedinica koju smo odabrali bila je PUMPKIN-ov Android 9.0 Double Din, model AA0495B. Možete ga pronaći na Amazonu i izravno na stranici Pumpkin ovdje.
PUMPKIN je proizvođač sa sjedištem u Kini koji je osnovan 2014. Prvenstveno su usredotočeni na europsko tržište, ali su prisutni i u SAD-u. Njihovi osnovni proizvodi uključuju OEM zamjenske glavne jedinice, dvostruke i jednostruke din glavne jedinice, prijenosne i dvostruke DVD playeri sa zaslonom zajedno s monitorima za glavu. Većina njihovih proizvoda su Android sustavi, uključujući i onaj koji smo instalirali u naš CLK 320.
Izvan okvira
U kutiji glavna jedinica PUMPKIN dolazi sa:
- 1x glavna Android jedinica
- 1x ISO kabel
- 1x vanjski mikrofon
- 1x USB + mikrofonski kabel
- 1x audio izlazni kabel
- 1x wifi antena (4,9 stopa)
- 1x GPS antena
- 1x AUX ulazni kabel
- 1x Cam-in kabel
- 1x pribor za ugradnju (snopovi žica)
- 1x korisnički priručnik

Instalacija 2002. – 2005. Mercedes CLK320
Imajte na umu da su upute i dijelovi u nastavku za CLK320 BEZ Harman Kardona. Ako želite ugraditi glavnu jedinicu u CLK320 s Harman Kardon/pojačanim stereo sustavom, trebat će vam poseban kabelski svežanj. Sve je u jednom tako da jedino što ćete morati učiniti je zamijeniti ovaj pojas za Axxess pojaseve koje prikazujemo u nastavku.
Potrebni dijelovi za instalaciju:
- Glavna jedinica (naravno) – Koristili smo našu PUMPKIN dvostruku glavnu jedinicu
- Axxess XSVI-9005-Nav kabelski svežanj – prilagođava žice OEM Mercedes glavne jedinice glavnoj jedinici naknadno prodane. Također stvara dodatnu snagu od 12 V. Bez ovog kabelskog svežnja i adaptera, morat ćete pronaći drugi izvor za ožičenje vašeg dodatnog napajanja za uključivanje. Ovaj se kabelski svežanj također spaja izravno u ASWC-1 ispod.
- Axxess ASWC-1 – sučelje za upravljanje upravljačem. Opcionalno ako želite zadržati kontrole na upravljaču.
- Metra 40-EU10 – prilagođava utikač OEM radijske antene utikaču za naknadnu prodaju.
- Metra 99-874B – Komplet armaturne ploče koji prilagođava dupli din tvorničkom izrezu armaturne ploče.

Evo kratkog pregleda proizvoda koje smo odabrali za instalaciju.
1. korak:Odspojite bateriju
Najprije prvo – morat ćete odspojiti bateriju kako tijekom instalacije ne bi pregorjeli osigurači. Baterija u CLK 320 nalazi se na suvozačevoj strani automobila ispod haube, odmah ispred vatrozida. Uklonite negativni terminal na lijevoj strani baterije (kada je okrenut prema njoj).

2. korak:Uklonite crticu crtice
Započnite s ukrasnim dijelom konzole koji okružuje prtljažnik mjenjača. Otvorite posudu za pepeo i povucite prema gore počevši od prednje strane, krećući se prema natrag. Zatim nježno podignite stražnju stranu obloge prtljažnika mjenjača prema gore i krenite prema naprijed. Nakon što uklonite ukras prtljažnika, možete provući ovaj ukras kroz rupu u ukrasu konzole i potpuno ukloniti ukras konzole.

Zatim ćete ukloniti pepeljaru tako da povučete dvije kopče na dnu nalik zupcima prema sebi i podignete je iz upravljačke ploče.

Sada kada je pepeljara izvađena iz automobila, imat ćete pristup dvama torx vijcima ispod jedinice za kontrolu klime. Uklonite ova dva vijka i izvucite jedinicu kontrole klime. Imajte na umu da postoje dvije kopče u gornjim uglovima koje ga drže unutra i koje će "iskočiti" dok ga povlačite. Nakon što je jedinica uklonjena, povući ćete spojene žice – potrebno je ukloniti dvije. Uklonite ove dvije žice i uklonite jedinicu s ploče.

S uklonjenom kontrolom klime, sada ćete imati pristup do dva donja vijka koji drže glavnu jedinicu. Međutim, postoje i dva iznad jedinice pa prije nego što ih uklonite, morat ćete povući ukrasnu ploču i gumbe koji se nalaze iznad glavne jedinice. Da biste to učinili, pritisnite držač za čašu kako biste izvukli držač za čašu. Prstima povucite unutarnji desni kut ploče da otkopčate kut, a zatim krenite ulijevo. S uklonjenim ukrasnim dijelom, otkopčajte kabelski svežanj sa stražnje strane jedinice kako biste ga u potpunosti uklonili.

4. korak:Pripremite kabelski svežanj i glavnu jedinicu
With your OEM head unit out and your dash ready for your new head unit, the next step is to prepare your wire harness adapter and your head unit for installing in the car. In our case, the adapting Axxess XSVI-9005-Nav and ASWC-1 plugged together, but we needed to adapt the aftermarket head unit wire harness to the vehicle adapting Access harnesses. To do this, we soldered each of the wires from one harness to the corresponding wire on the other. Typically, all of the colors will match but just in case, we have a list of all of the aftermarket wire colors to help guide you.
Couple things to note:
- Brake wire – we typically just combine this with the main ground wire so that any features that are restricted by movement will be unlocked. Note that some units are smarter and use GPS to sense motion but this will typically open up any video or other features that are locked when your vehicle isn't in park.
- Steering wheel control – the ASWC-1 comes with a 3.5mm plug that will adapt to most head units by plugging into the rear of the unit. However, in some cases it needs to be further adapted into two wires:Key 1 and Key 2. These two wires will need to be connected to the corresponding Key 1 and Key 2 wires from the aftermarket head unit harness.
You can either solder each of the wires like we did, or use crimps and a crimping tool. Here's what the resulting wire harness looked like:

To prepare your head unit to be mounted into the dash, you'll need to mount your new aftermarket head unit to the Metra 99-874B dash kit. Do this by mounting the two left and right mounting plates to the head unit losely. Once they're mounted, place the adapting dash trim over the face of the head unit to check your mounting point and that the unit sticks out as far as you would like it. If your satisfied, tighten the side plates and mount the trim piece to the side plates.

Step 5:Wiring Accessories – Antennas, USB &Microphone
Before you mount your new head unit in the dash, you need to make sure that all the wiring that plugs into the back of the head unit are wired into the back of the dash. This includes things like:
- USB chords
- GPS and WiFi Antennas
- Microphone
The PUMPKIN head unit that we chose had all of the above so we wired up all three to the back of the dash before we re-installed our new head unit.
USB Chords
Our head unit came with two usb inputs that are wired up to the back of the head unit, so we had to choose a spot for the new USB chords to go and then wire them. In our CLK 320, we decide to utilize the ash tray below the head unit. No need to cut holes, simply pull the removable ash tray component out of the ash tray cubby and feed the wires into the ash tray cubby.
GPS &WiFi Antennas, Microphone
For all three of these components, we fed the wire from the dash area, underneath the steering wheel and to the far left side of the dash. To do this, there's a panel above your feet that has two torx screws. Remove the torx screws and pull the panel to gain access to behind the dash under your steering wheel. Then, remove the panel on the left hand side of the dash that faces the door (when closed). Feed the wires from the central dash area through to the left side of the dash. We used zip tie to fasten the wire under the dash.
Once your GPS, WiFi and microphone (or any combination of the three) are through the dash and out of the side panel of the dash, we mounted the WiFi antenna straight to the dash right next to the fuse box. Continue to feed your GPS and Microphone up through the pillar by placing the wire in between the pillar panel and the rubber seal. Tuck your wires behind the pillar panel.
At the top of the pillar, feed your wires across and to the window. We typically mount our microphones in the top left hand side of the windshield and clip it in between the head liner and the windshield. For the GPS, continue to tuck the wire behind the head liner through to the left hand side of the rear view mirror. This is where we mounted our GPS unit.
Step 6:Installing Your New Head Unit
Finally, you're ready to re-install your head unit and connect all of the wires. One last step before you place start connecting your head unit and screwing it in – use the Metra 40-EU10 to connect to the black antenna wire that was connected to the back of your OEM head unit (there was a black and a yellow/tan one – use the black). Plug the antenna wire into the back of the unit.
Now, move on to the microphone, GPS and WiFi connections (if your head unit has them). Connect these to the back of the unit. Finally, connect your new adapting harness with the Axxess modules connected and tuck the modules behind where the climate control would go. You'll need to make as much room behind the head unit so that it will have enough depth to mount. If you don't tuck your wires and modules neatly out of the way of the back of the head unit it will not have enough room to mount flush.

At this point, you should have all of your wires connected and the head unit should not be fully mounted yet. Re-connect your vehicle's battery and test out your unit. You'll want to check:
- Power – obviously this is the most important first-check
- Radio – check sound and that the radio has reception
- GPS – If your unit has GPS ensure that it has signal
- Bluetooth call – make sure that your new microphone works
- USB – check that your USB connection works
- WiFi – in our case we had a WiFi antenna, check that you have signal and that you can connect to a WiFi network
- Test general features – Roam around the features of your new head unit. Make sure that nothing is defective before you permanently re-install it!
Once you've checked your unit and everything is confirmed working, you can begin mounting it back. Mount the unit by screwing the four torx screws.*Note – the climate control has clips that you'll need to remove from the old head unit. Take these clips and place them on the back side of the screw holes on your new unit BEFORE you screw it in.
Move on to the trim pieces, reversing the process that you took to remove them. And your finished product: