Što je DSP u zvuku automobila? Je li DSP vrijedan cijene?
Digitalni procesori signala postaju sve češći u modernom svijetu auto audio sustava. Čini se da su ove jedinice od vitalnog značaja za sve entuzijaste , ali ih većina ljubitelja glazbe uglavnom ne koristi.
Mnogi moderni automobili imaju ugrađeni procesor digitalnog signala, ali mnogi ga nemaju, a to dovodi do pitanja što je zapravo DSP u zvuku automobila?
DSP je procesor digitalnog signala koji se može ugraditi u audio sustav bilo kojeg automobila. DSP omogućuje nevjerojatnu količinu kontrole nad sustavom i njegovim izlazom. Omogućuje sav potreban hardver za vrhunsku izvedbu i kvalitetu audio sustava.
Pogledajmo pobliže što je DSP , trebate li ili ne, kako postaviti DSP i koji je DSP najbolji za novac .
Trebam li DSP u svom automobilu?
Korištenje DSP-a u vašem automobilu fantastičan je način da izvučete maksimum iz glazbe koju slušate, ali to nije preduvjet za audio sustav automobila .
Neki audio sustavi u automobilu zvuče odlično sami, s ugrađenim EQ-om u glavnoj jedinici koja se koristi u sustavu odgovornom za sva podešavanja zvuka i dobro obavlja posao.

Trebate li DSP u svom automobilu u potpunosti ovisi o informacijama u nastavku:
- kako ga namjeravate koristiti
- složenost vašeg audio sustava u automobilu
- koliko kontrole želite ili trebate nad svojim sustavom
- vaš proračun
- koliko ste vremena i truda spremni potrošiti na istraživanje, instaliranje i učenje kako koristiti DSP.
DSP može biti potreban da biste dobili najbolje od vašeg audio sustava ako glavna jedinica instalirana u vašem automobilu nema vremensko usklađivanje .
Usklađivanje vremena je važan aspekt zvuka automobila jer unutrašnjost automobila nije najbolji prostor za slušanje glazbe. Ovisno o obliku automobila, zvukove možete čuti na drugačiji način od očekivanog.
Audio signali moraju biti poslani iz zvučnika u pravo vrijeme kako biste dobili najbolje od stereo zapisa koji se koristi u većini modernih snimaka.
Gotovo sve moderne snimke pjesama snimljene su u stereo ili surround formatu, ali ovo Efekt je izgubljen u audio sustavu bez odgovarajuće vremenske usklađenosti. Posjedovanje DSP-a najbolji je način da na najbolji način iskoristite audio signale koji prolaze kroz audio sustav u vašem automobilu.
Uz to, vaš sustav može zvučati sjajno bez DSP-a, a posjedovanje DSP-a samo doprinosi sustavu koji već imate. Dodavanje DSP-a neće učiniti da vaš sustav odjednom zvuči dobro. Samo nudi veću kontrolu nad audio signalima sustava .
Kada koristiti DSP u zvuku automobila?
- Ako već imate dobar sustav u svom automobilu i želite ga optimizirati na najveće moguće mogućnosti ,
- Ako imate proračun i vrijeme da pravilno instalirate i naučite sustav.
Kada nemojte instalirati DSP u audio u automobilu
- Ako sve što tražite je jasan, glasan audio sustav za vaš automobil.
- Ako se ne želite mučiti s optimizacijom svih parametara sustava.
- ako ćete instalirati sustav i postaviti ga i ostaviti ga
Bolja opcija za gore navedene scenarije je instaliranje dobrog EQ-a.
Isplati li se DSP?
Prilikom pronalaženja savršenog auto audio sustava za vas, važno je razmotriti što točno želite dobiti od sustava , umjesto da samo kupujete najskuplje komponente koje si možete priuštiti.
Hoćete li instalirati DSP u potpunosti ovisi o tome kako želite da sustav zvuči i o kvaliteti vaše trenutne postavke .
DSP nikada neće učiniti da vaš sustav zvuči bolje nego što može postići sam u smislu performansi, izlaza i snage. DSP je dizajniran da omogući korisniku fino podešavanje izlaza određenog audio sustava nego drastično poboljšati način na koji zvuči.
Ako je vaš sustav već izgrađen do kvalitete zvuka kakvu želite, onda bi se isplatilo dodati DSP za fino podešavanje i preciznu kontrolu sustava instalirali ste.
Ako neke nadogradnje hardvera poboljšaju ukupnu kvalitetu zvuka sustava, dodavanje DSP-a možda neće biti vrijedno novca i truda , jer to neće dodatno povećati kvalitetu zvuka.
DSP vam omogućuje finu kontrolu audio izlaza cijelog sustava, sve do točnog EQ-a za svaki zvučnik. To će vam omogućiti da kompenzirate akustične anomalije u automobilu, vremensko usklađivanje i kašnjenja između svakog zvučnika . Izvlači stereo zvuk najbolje kvalitete iz sustava.
DSP neće učiniti da audio sustav niske kvalitete zvuči dobro, ali može pomoći usavršiti sustav već visoke kvalitete i učini ga što boljim.
Isplati li se DSP ili ne ovisi o tome koliko fino podešen vaš sustav treba biti da bi zvučao najbolje i ne isplati se ako prvo morate nadograditi svoj sustav.
Rade li DSP procesori s tvorničkim radijima?
Instaliranje DSP-a u audio sustav automobila izvrstan je način za poboljšanje i kontrolu sustava .
Tvornički radio u mnogim modernim automobilima je ugrađen u sučelje i navigaciju vozila . To znači da uklanjanje radija nije tako jednostavno kao što je bilo prije desetak godina. U mnogim će slučajevima cijelo korisničko sučelje i navigacijski sustav morati biti izmijenjeni prije instaliranja novog stereo uređaja.
Dobra stvar je što većina modernih auto-radija može dobiti nadogradnju procesora digitalnog signala .
DSP je obično ugrađen u sustav, što znači da se ne oslanja na računalnu integraciju da bi funkcionirao i može se instalirati s gotovo svim standardnim tvorničkim radiom u automobilu .
Installing a DSP with a factory radio is an excellent way to get the most out of the factory-installed radio without modifying the entire system when installing an aftermarket radio.
A DSP may be integrated into an audio system with a factory radio, providing greater control of the vehicle’s audio system .
Modern cars have radios installed that are compatible with almost all digital signal processors, but when working with older hardware, you will need to be sure that the components are compatible with one another .
It is possible to install a digital signal processor with almost every factory radio, as long as the components will work together .
How to Tune Car Audio DSP for the Best Sound?
Tuning a car audio DSP for the best sound is a complicated endeavor , and there are many ways and methods that can be used to adjust a DSP.
The most significant factor in tuning a car’s audio digital sound processor is the way it sounds. There are many technical and complicated variables, but if the audio in your system sounds good to you , then that is all you need.
When you are setting up the system, you do not have to follow the exact formula. If the process that you use to tune the DSP in your system varies from the settings used by your friend, do not worry. Remember that everyone has different requirements, and if your sound system sounds good to you, you have done well!
That being said, here is an elementary guide for tuning a car audio digital signal processor:
Set the DSP crossovers
The first step is to set the DSP crossovers . The key here is to try and aim for as flat a response from the crossovers as possible, allowing the system’s sound to be as close to reality as possible.
Set the crossovers at the same frequency between tweeter and mid-range, aiming as close to 24dB as possible .
Set the time alignment for each speaker
Next, set the time alignment for each speaker according to the position of your ears when you are sitting in the driver’s seat.
This is not the most straightforward process, but there are online speaker measurement calculators to make the process much less painful. The best calculator I have found is the TRACERITE . It is straightforward to use and makes excellent calculations.
Before start, you have to measure the distance from the speakers to the ears. Make measurements when you are in the driver’s seat and input the numbers for every speaker into a calculator.
The calculator will give you the time alignment figures to input into your DSP.
Apply the time alignment settings into the DSP, focusing the audio on your listening position .
The online calculators have a section that will allow you to shift the central focus of the audio if you want to move it to the middle of the car or to the passenger seat. Simply add the time delay on each speaker according to where you want the focus center to be.
Use EQ for further adjustments.
The next step in tuning the DSP in your car is to EQ the system . For this, it is best to use a pink-noise treatment method.
Play a pink-noise treatment track through each isolated speaker, taking measurements with the DSP to check for any peaking or clipping frequencies .
Cut the undesirable frequencies as you go. Repeat the process for all front speakers individually, then activate all front speakers and play the track again .
Do the same for the rear speakers and repeat the process with all of the speakers playing the track simultaneously.
Adjust the EQ according to what you are hearing, and remove any unpleasant frequencies in the DSP.
Integrate the subwoofer into the system by following the same processes, but EQ the sub according to the bass frequencies you want to hear , rather than balancing the sub with the rest of the speakers.
This is quite a simple process, and you can do this by simply listening to the sub and boosting or cutting the frequencies according to what you hear.
Listen to the entire system with the pink-noise track, and then play your favorite system testing song and make any adjustments that catch your ear .
This is a straightforward setup, and it is a good starting point to dial in the perfect sounding audio system according to your ears.
Should I Buy A Car Amplifier With Built-in DSP Or A Separate DSP Unit?
Digital signal processing has become much cheaper to install into amplifiers than analog signal processing and is simpler to install for amplifier manufacturers.
For these reasons, almost every modern amplifier has some sort of digital signal processor built-in as standard .
However, just because an amplifier has a DSP built-in, it does not mean that it is the best DSP or functions as a DSP. Many cheap modern amps use digital signal processors rather than analog components for ease of use and because they are more cost-effective, not because they improve the audio system .
For this reason, many people wonder if they should buy an amplifier with an integrated DSP or if they should buy an amplifier with no DSP at all and instead buy a separate DSP unit .
The answer comes down to your own personal needs and requirements and what you want the system to do .
If having the control of a DSP is important to you, but you want to save space in your car, and if you don’t mind using whatever DSP the amp manufacturer supplies, then it is worthwhile to buy a good amp with an excellent integrated DSP . In this case, you will probably end up spending the same money on a separate DSP unit later down the line anyway. The excellent amplifiers with built-in DSP are made by Audio Control . These products have exceptional quality and offer excellent performance.
I know Audio Control like for example D-4.800 is not the cheapest one, but if you want to make your car unique with an amazing hi-end system, you should not cut corners, but aim for the top class.
On the other hand, if you want maximum control over your car audio system’s performance, it is better to buy an amplifier and a DSP as separate units.
This setup allows you to choose the exact amplifier and the exact DSP that is best suited for your system and your requirements.
A separate amp and DSP may be more expensive and take up more space in your car, but this is the best way to achieve the highest level of audio quality from your car’s audio system .
How To Choose Best DSP Processor
The DSP you choose for your car audio system depends on the system you are building:
- Choose the DSP that you want to use, and build the system around the DSP, or
- Choose the rest of the system components you like and want to use, and then choose a DSP based on the system’s requirements .
The DSP you choose must be compatible with all system components, including the amplifier and the connection terminals .
After you have made sure that the DSP you are using is going to work with the rest of the system, then you must consider the actual functionality of the DSP .
There are thousands of DSP units available. The best one to use after making sure that it will work with your system will be based on the DSP features, the user interface, the EQ and crossover functionality , and the budget you have available.
Choose a DSP based on what it can do and how long it will last. Buy the most versatile and best-sounding DSP you can get your hands on that is also compatible with your system.
Which Is The Best Car Audio DSP For The Money?
There are so many DSP units available today that choosing the best value for money DSP can be tricky.
The best affordable DSP unit available at the moment is the Taramp’s Pro 2.6 S Digital Audio Processor .
This DSP works fantastic for what you pay for. It supports 10.2V peak-top-peak output (3.6 RMS voltage), 3-bad parametric EQ, 10Hz – 20 Hz frequency response, 2 channel input, 6 channel output; it is tiny and really light .
A car audio DSP can be a fantastic addition to a car audio system .
These units allow the best possible audio quality and control from an audio system and improve any car audio system’s fidelity and quality.
Using a DSP will not make an imperfect system sound good, but it will help a good system sound great!
DSP’s can be used with almost any car radio, integrated into any car audio system , and are easily available.
Installing a DSP can be difficult, and tuning it can be even harder , but if you install the right DSP in the right audio system, it will take the system to the next level!
Installing a DSP is highly recommended for anyone who cares passionately about the audio system in their car!