Najbolja stabilna pojačala od 1 Ohma – 6 najbolje ocijenjenih odabira u recenziji 2022.
Od 1970-ih ljudi pojačavaju snagu i glasnoću svojih automobila prilagođenim zvučnim sustavima. Tada je bilo važno nabaviti pravo pojačalo, a u svim ovim desetljećima ovo se pravilo, kao i mnoga druga, nije promijenilo.
Srećom, dostupnost i raznolikost proizvoda u modernom dobu znači da niti jedan entuzijast auto audio ne smije ostati nezadovoljen. Bez obzira na vaš proračun, specifikacije, preferencije ili ograničenja, sigurno će postojati pojačalo koje će vam odgovarati.
Ako slučajno tražite dobro pojačalo koje je stabilno na opterećenju od 1 ohma, onda imam veliki izbor za proći, pa pogledajmo najbolja stabilna pojačala od 1 ohma trenutno na tržištu i pronađite savršenu za sebe i svoju vožnju, počevši od...
Top 6 najboljih stabilnih pojačala od 1 Ohma za vaš automobil 2022. recenzije
- Skar Audio Skv2-1500.1D – najbolje stabilno 1-ohmsko pojačalo natjecateljskog razreda
- Kicker-46CXA8001 – najbolje stabilno pojačalo od 9 volti i 1 ohma
- Audiopipe APCLE – 15001D – najbolja vrijednost za novac 1-ohm stabilno pojačalo
- Planet Audio TR5000 – najsnažnije stabilno pojačalo od 1 ohma
- Hifonics Zeus 1800.1D – najbolje povoljno stabilno pojačalo od 1 ohma
- Rockford Fostgate R2 – 750X1 – Najbolje vrhunsko stabilno pojačalo od 1 ohma
Skar Audio Skv2-1500.1D – najbolje stabilno 1-ohmsko pojačalo natjecateljskog razreda
Skar Audio ima reputaciju agresivnih pojačala koja vam daju sjajan učinak za vaš novac bilo da birate vrhunsku ili jeftinu opciju. SKV2 – 1500.1D dolazi u obzir u ovom odabiru, ali ako tražite više snage, cijela serija SKV2 je izvrsna.
1500.1D košta oko 280 USD, što je možda skupo za tako malo snage. Istina, postoji mnogo snažnijih pojačala dostupnih za približno isti novac, možda čak i manje, ali kao i uvijek, snaga se isporučuje tako. Ne mogu se sjetiti boljeg primjera za to od Skarovih pojačala.
Proizvođač se hvali da je serija SKV2 konstruirana prema standardima natjecateljske razine. To znači da su sposobni održati kvalitetu pri vrlo visokom učinku tijekom duljeg razdoblja. Što znači da je jedno od najboljih stabilnih 1-ohmskih pojačala možete kupiti.
1500.1D će proizvesti RMS maksimum od 1500W na opterećenju od 1 ohma. Ima vrlo impresivnu vršnu snagu od 2200 vata pri opterećenju od 1 ohma. Frekvencijski odziv pojačala je ocijenjen od 15 do 270 kHz.
Dizajn i kvaliteta izrade
Kao što se i očekivalo od Skar Audio, pojačalo ima lijepu umirujuću težinu. Dizajn je minimalistički, čak i za Skara, koji ne voli osvijetljene logotipe, razrađene sheme boja itd. Glatki čelični okvir je besprijekorne kvalitete, a pojačalo djeluje poput cigle. Lijepo i čvrsto.
Kontrole i značajke
Visoka kvaliteta izrade postaje vidljiva ispod tog sjajnog okvira. 1500.1D ima 4-smjerni zaštitni krug za veću stabilnost i manje buke. Nadalje, ulazni terminali promjera 1/0 maksimizirat će protok struje. D je sposoban za most.
Vrhunac SKV2 vjerojatno je aluminijski hladnjak za teške uvjete rada. To uvelike doprinosi održavanju toplinske učinkovitosti kada se koristi dulje vrijeme. Kao rezultat toga, to je jedno od najboljih 1-ohmskih stabilnih pojačala na tržištu.
Kontrole zvuka dolaze u obliku kontrole niskopropusnog filtra koja se kreće od 35 do 250 Hz i podzvučnog filtra koji radi od 15 do 50 Hz. Nakon što završite s oblikovanjem, možete pojačati niske tonove s pojačanjem basa koje ima skretnicu od 9 dB. Konačno, 1500.1D dolazi s daljinskom kontrolom razine basa.
Kvaliteta zvuka čini ime Skar ponosnim...
S puno snage i udarca preko cijele ploče. Low-end je u vašem licu i dobro je definiran dok ne nadmašuje ništa drugo. Srednji tonovi su još uvijek istaknuti i zvuče iznenađujuće toplo. Visoki su također oštri i jasni.
Ponekad ima malo previše svjetlucanja, ali niskopropusni filtar može brzo pomoći u tome. Sve u svemu, to je jedno od automobilskih pojačala s najboljim zvukom u svojoj klasi.

- Razumna cijena.
- Visoka kvaliteta izrade.
- Izvrsna kvaliteta zvuka.
- Dobre kontrole zvuka.
- Daljinski upravljač.
- Njegova težina znači da ćete trebati pomoć pri montiranju.
Kicker-46CXA8001 – Najbolje stabilno pojačalo od 9 volti i 1 ohma
Kicker ima reputaciju da isporučuje puno snage u malim paketima. Njihova su pojačala neka od najkompaktnijih i najizdržljivijih na tržištu. S oko 225 USD, 8001 bi se mogao smatrati skupim budući da izlazna snaga nije toliko visoka. Međutim, kada uzmete u obzir kvalitetu izrade i značajke, čini se da je novac dobro potrošen.
Dizajn i kvaliteta izrade
8001 nije najmanje pojačalo u svojoj klasi, ali je još uvijek vrlo kompaktno i čvrsto. Materijali koji se koriste su vrhunski, a komponente su dobro sastavljene. Čini se da pojačalo ne zvecka ili se trese pri visokoj glasnoći, čak ni nakon dužeg razdoblja. Zahvaljujući praktičnom dizajnu, 8001 je lako instalirati u gotovo svaki sustav.
8001 će isporučiti 300 watta RMS pri 4 ohma, 600 watta RMS pri 2 ohma i konačno 800 watta RMS pri opterećenju od 1 ohma. Frekvencijski odziv je donekle ograničen, s obzirom na raspon cijena od 25 do 200 Hz.
Kontrole i značajke
8001 ima odgodu uključivanja/isključivanja od tri sekunde kako bi se spriječilo oštećenje zvučnika zbog "glasnog pokretanja". Postoje LED diode za napajanje i zaštitu koje pomažu u sprječavanju izrezivanja i izobličenja.
Za oblikovanje i balans niske frekvencije, 8001 ima varijabilni niskopropusni filtar koji radi od 50 do 250 Hz na 15 dB po oktavi. Kako biste se riješili nepotrebnih nečujnih niskih tonova, tu je podzvučni filtar koji radi od 25 Hz i niže na 24 dB po oktavi.
Konačno, tu je Kickerov KickEQ boost, koji će osigurati do 6dB na oko 40Hz. 8001 treba samo 9 volti za napajanje; to je vrlo malo s obzirom na snagu koju može proizvesti. 8001 ne zahtijeva korištenje line-out pretvarača. To je zahvaljujući posebnom krugu koji također služi za uklanjanje povratne sprege i smanjenje šuma.
Zvuk je dobro definiran i pun teksture...
Bas ima lijep zaobljeni rub što je vrlo ugodno. Sredina je gurnuta dovoljno da vokali zvuče toplo i prirodno. Visoki tonovi znaju postati malo svjetliji, stoga svakako dobro ugodite pojačalo.
The biggest downside is that the 8001 doesn’t dissipate its heat as well as it should. Therefore, it tends to overheat at high output.

- Good build quality.
- Easy to install.
- Needs only 9 volts.
- Tends to overheat despite good build quality.
- Expensive for a low-power amp that overheats.
Audiopipe APCLE – 15001D – Best Value for the Money 1-ohm Stable Amplifier
Audiopipe’s name should be no stranger to anyone who’s got an interest in high-end car audio. They’ve been providing some of the industry’s best hardware for nearly twenty years.
Usually, their impeccable build quality and superb sound come at a higher price. But, the APLCLE is well under the $300 mark; this makes it one of the most affordable 1-ohm stable amps možete kupiti.
Design and Build
The simplest way of breaking down the build quality of 15001D is to say that it is on par with what is expected of its name. Quality materials, fashioned into good components which are well put together. As always, the distinctive design features the well-known vents, which do serve a practical function, but we’ll get to that in a bit.
The 15001D is equipped with a high-quality aluminum heat-sink to help with temperature regulation. Distinctive vents on the top of the amp help to dissipate the heat away from the transistors. Reducing distortion and improving long-term value.
The 15001D can deliver up to 600 watts RMS at 4-ohms, 950 watts at 2-ohms, and finally 1500 watts RMS on a 1-ohm load. The frequency response is rated 80 to 180kHz. Just make sure you can provide up to 12 volts of power if you plan on going to the limit.
Controls and Features
The 15001D comes with protection and power LEDs. Bridge capability means you can generate double the power, and a quality bridge cable is included. It includes a MOSFET circuit design and power supply, which help to regulate power and ensure safety. The circuits are overload, short-circuit, and low voltage protected.
Sound shaping is done via a Low Pass Filter that runs from 40 to 180Hz, which will keep any unnecessary highs from getting out of control. For the low-end, there is a subsonic filter that goes up to 50Hz, and a 12dB Bass Boost that can be adjusted from 30 to 80Hz.
As far as sound quality goes, the only problem is those highs that tend to get a bit out of control. From there on, the sound is just superb. Beautifully rich and defined bass with plenty of power. Natural and clear mids with crisp highs. Easily one of the best 1-ohm stable amplifiers you will find.

- Good price.
- Excellent build quality.
- Superb sound.
- It’s quite heavy.
- No remote control.
Planet Audio TR5000 – Most Powerful 1-ohm Stable Amplifier
Planet audio has long been a favorite for users who want maximum power for their money and like a bit of flair. The TR5000 is one of their power amps and yet comes in at under $250, making it one of the loudest 1-ohm stable amps you can buy in this price range.
Design and Build
One major complaint with Planet Audio’s amplifiers has been the build quality. Unfortunately, this is yet again the case with the TR5000. At high volumes, the convex-looking frame tends to develop some rattles, and separation in the sound suffers.
Therefore, if you plan on running an amp at high output capability for long periods, this might not be the one you want.
The TR500 can deliver 2500 watts RMS at 2-ohms or 5000 watts RMS at 1-ohm. It is strapping capable, so output can be doubled with two TR5000s.
Controls and Features
The TR5000 comes with a Subsonic filter that ranges from 15 to 40Hz and an 18dB Bass Boost control for low-frequency shaping. To control the highs, there is a Low Pass Filter that ranges from 50 to 250Hz. The TR5000 also has a lo/hi input sensitivity switch, and dial. A remote bass control knob is included.
While the sound is impressive in its power and presence, the nice-sounding bass frequencies tend to bleed over the mids at high volumes. Highs can seem recessed at times, while at other times, seeming pushed. If kept at moderate volumes, though, it will make any bass-head happy.

- Low price for the power.
- Easy to install.
- Nice looking illuminated design.
- Build quality could be better.
- Sound quality suffers due to poor build quality.
Hifonics Zeus 1800.1D – Best Budget 1-ohm Stable Amplifier
Hifonics created the Zeus series to showcase some of the biggest and baddest they’ve got to offer. The 1800.1D may be the one specifically mentioned here, but there are plenty of more powerful options in the Zeus series.
Design and Build
If you like an amplifier that draws some eyes when you open the boot, you’ll likely be attracted to Zeus’s distinctive color scheme and sleek look.
This amplifier is by no means a light one, so keep this in mind when making your consideration. It is also not what you would call compact, but then again, to some people, that might be the point.
For less than $150, the Zeus does deliver quite a lot of bang for your buck. At 4-ohms, you can get 450 watts RMS; at 2-ohms, you’ll be at 900 watts RMS, and finally, on a 1-ohm load, you’ll reach a maximum of 1800 watts RMS.
Controls and Features
The Zeus features a patented low noise preamp circuit to clean up the signal before it gets amplified. The heat-sink is made from top-grade aluminum and helps to keep the temperature down.
The low pass filter reaches from 40 to 300Hz at 12dB per octave. For the low-end, there is a 9dB Bass EQ/Boost, as well as a Subsonic filter that runs from 10 to 40Hz. The Zeus comes with a remote control for bass level.
The bass is very powerful and well-shaped at moderate volumes but does tend to lose some solidity as you increase the volume. The highs are some of the best I’ve heard from any amp, and the mids, while being always prominent, somehow seem like they’re never as powerful as they ought to be.

- Vrlo povoljno.
- Very stylish.
- Easy to install.
- The sound could be better.
- Build quality is lacking.
- Large and heavy.
Rockford Fostgate R2 – 750X1 – Best Premium 1-ohm Stable Amplifier
The 750X1 is meant to be Rockford Fostgate’s answer to the high-end smaller amplifiers made by their rivals. Their budget amplifiers have been some of the highest-rated in their class on Amazon. Although, at around $350, this small power amp is very expensive for its size.
Design and Build
The design is a familiar one, but then again, if it ain’t broke… The amplifier’s low profile design and compact size, make it easy to fit anywhere in almost any type of car. As a result, it’s one of the most versatile 1-ohm stables amps na tržištu.
The switch and dials are located on what would normally be considered the top. This makes for easy operation installation. The build quality is top-notch, as expected with Rockford.
Power is where the R2-750X1 will be lacking compared to others in the same price range. On a 4-ohm load, you’ll be getting 250 watts RMS, 500 watts RMS on a 2-ohm load, and finally, the maximum of 750 watts RMS on a 1-ohm load. The 750X1 has a frequency response of 20 to 250kHz.
Controls and Features
The 750X1 has two very unique design features that help it stand out. Firstly, a P.O.W.E.R circuit in the power supply increases power output based on input voltage, which saves power and improves performance.
Secondly, a C.L.E.A.N (Calibrated Level Eliminates Audible Noise) circuit. This patented circuit works to eliminate noise at the input and output stages to minimize distortion.
For sound shaping, the 750X1 comes with Rockford’s PunchEQ control that ranges from 50 to 250Hz. And an Infra Sonic Filter that runs from 15 to 40Hz. A remote Bass Volume Knob is also included. Unfortunately, the 750X1 is not bridgable.
The sound quality overall is fantastic…
With plenty of punch and depth to the bass frequencies. However, mids are perhaps the place where the 7750X1 shines most, with the vocals soaring above the rest of the mix. Highs can seem recessed at times, but this is not often. Overall, one of the best 1-ohm stable amplifiers out there.

- Good build quality.
- Excellent sound at all volumes.
- Compact design.
- Not a lot of power.
- Expensive.
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What are the Best 1-Ohm Stable Amplifiers?
For its reasonable price, superb quality in both build and sound, as well its brilliant design, the title of best 1-ohm stable amp goes to the…
Audiopipe APCLE – 15001D
Usually, Audiopipe’s merchandise sells at prices that means it doesn’t score high for affordability. The 15001D, however, is priced around the same or cheaper than many of its rivals. The fact that you can get this kind of quality at such a price makes this one a no-brainer.
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