8 najboljih metalnih pojačala na tržištu u recenzijama za 2022.
Što je bilo prije, kokoš ili jaje? Je li se dizajn pojačala promijenio kako bi se stvorio glazbeni žanr u nastajanju? Ili je taj žanr samo iskoristio ono što je već bilo tamo? Možda su se njih dvoje samo razvili zajedno. Dok započinjemo putovanje u potrazi za najboljim metalnim pojačalima, susrest ćemo neke stare prijatelje, kao i neke nove.
Na tom putu može biti i nekoliko iznenađenja. Postoje neki proizvođači za koje očekujete da budu uključeni. Možda jedan ili dva koji će vas natjerati na razmišljanje. Čak i neka nova imena za razmatranje. Hoće li vaš omiljeni proizvođač biti uključen?
Upravo ćete saznati dok tražimo najbolje metalno pojačalo za vas...
8 najboljih metalnih pojačala za razmatranje u recenzijama 2022.
- Laney gitarsko pojačalo (IRT30-112) – najbolje kombo pojačalo za metal
- PRS Paul Reed Smith MT15 Mark Tremonti Signature gitarsko pojačalo – najbolje pojačalo za distorziju za metal
- Marshall Amps gitarsko kombinirano pojačalo (M-DSL40CR-U) – najpouzdanije pojačalo za metal
- VOX VT40X pojačalo za modeliranje, 40 W – najbolje pojačalo za modeliranje za metal
- Fender Mustang GT 40 gitarsko pojačalo za modeliranje čvrstog stanja s Bluetoothom – najbolje jeftino pojačalo za metal
- Hughes &Kettner GM40DH GrandMeister Deluxe 40 40W glava pojačala – najbolje vrhunsko pojačalo za metal
- Orange Amps Micro Dark pojačalo – najbolja vrijednost za vaš novac pojačalo za metal
- Boss Katana-100/212 MkII 2×12″ 100-vatno kombinirano pojačalo – najsvestranije pojačalo za metal
Laney gitarsko pojačalo (IRT30-112) – najbolje kombo pojačalo za metal
Laney je britanska tvrtka koja je osnovana 1967. u Birmingham području Midlandsa. Lyndon Laney bio je pokretačka snaga ove nove tvrtke. Bio je prilično poznat, sa svojim bendom, u brzo razvijajućem krugu pubova i klubova u Velikoj Britaniji.
Oni koji su također svirali kolo u to vrijeme često su viđali i svirali s njegovim bendom. U svoju postavu uključili su Roberta Planta i Johna Bonhama. Zanimljivi dani zaista. Ali postojalo je još jedno poznato ime koje je pomoglo u oblikovanju imena Laney i kojem je Laney pomogla da se razvije, kao što ćete uskoro saznati.
Pomalo autsajder...
Laney se u početku borio, uglavnom s pouzdanošću, ali postupno su se popravili. Ali bili su na tržištu u Velikoj Britaniji koje također uključuje Marshall, Orange i HiWatt. Nije lako natjecati se s tom malom količinom. Ne bi se trebali osjećati potišteno. Nitko drugi ne bi mogao.
Danas imaju zanimljiv asortiman i postali su alternativna opcija iz mainstreama. Ovo pojačalo, IRT30-112, svestrano je cijevno pojačalo s tri kanala i nekim zanimljivim značajkama.
Ima jedan zvučnik od dvanaest inča i proizvodi snagu od 30 vata. Cijevi koje se koriste su 6L6 za razliku od EL34. Neki ih više vole jer imaju malo više donjeg kraja i oštriji vrh.
Održavajte svoj ton...
Pojačalo također ima "kontrolu vata". To će vam omogućiti da stvorite svoj ton na bilo kojoj razini glasnoće umjesto da ga morate pojačavati.
Ima pretpojačalo na sva tri kanala i predpojačalo kojim se upravlja nožnim prekidačem. Postoji zaseban EQ koji ima push i pull kontrole. Postoji ugrađeni digitalni reverb koji je pristojan dodatak.
Inherentno agresivan...
Dodatno, dobivate GX petlju, utičnice za produžni zvučnik i pomoćni ulaz. Dobro je napravljen s kompaktnom veličinom od 25 x 14 x 21 inča. Izrađen je od čvrstog tijela prekrivenog Tolex vinilom i metalne rešetke.
Pun značajki i kvalitetnog tona, zvuči jednako agresivno kao što izgleda. Ipak, to nije jeftina opcija.
Dakle, s kim je i u što je Laney bila uključena tijekom prvih dana? Tony Iommi . Pretpostavljam da bi se moglo reći da su bili upravo tamo gdje je bilo važno za rođenje heavy metala.

- Dobro napravljen s mnogo praktičnih značajki.
- Kompaktna kombinacija s mnoštvom opcija za oblikovanje tonova.
- Prilično skupo.
PRS Paul Reed Smith MT15 Mark Tremonti Signature gitarsko pojačalo – najbolje distorzijsko pojačalo za metal
Ovo pojačalo iz PRS-a je dizajnirano u suradnji s Markom Tremontijem i stoga ima neke opcije zvuka zaštitnih znakova. Definitivno je dizajniran imajući na umu teži stil igrača. Ali ovo vam pojačalo daje prilično prepoznatljiv izgled, kao što ćemo saznati.
Ukusna distorzija...
Po svojim dizajnerskim idejama ne razlikuje se od Archona, još jednog PRS pojačala, koje ima pet stupnjeva pojačanja prije glavne glasnoće. To stvara bogatu, snažnu razinu izobličenja. Ima 15 vata snage koja dolazi iz dvije 6L6 i šest cijevi pretpojačala.
Dat će vam širok raspon tonova. I dok je u svom dizajnu zvuka 'temeljen na metalu', može udobno raditi u drugim žanrovima.
Brze i jednostavne kontrole...
Postoje dva kanala, jedan je prilično svijetao i čist, a drugi je ono što biste mogli nazvati suprotnošću. Ovaj vam kanal daje veliku razinu pogona i distorzije i ima vlastiti odabir tona i pojačanja te glavne kontrole.
Čisti kanal također ima vlastite kontrole, ali zvuk ima daleko više zvona. Ipak, ima kontrolu povlačenja i pritiska na visokim tonima za dodavanje malo više ako vam zatreba. Tu je i značajka petlje za efekte i polovično smanjenje snage s 15 vata na 7.
Možda razočaravajuće za neke, nema ugrađen reverb.
Malo više u izradi...
Izrada kaže da je spreman za put. Ima čelično kućište s izbušenim rupama koje mjeri 14 x 8 x 7,25 inča i teži 25 funti. Na vrhu je metalna ručka za nošenje.
Sve je vrlo jednostavno i neinspirativno, možete reći, pa što je s tim prepoznatljivim izgledom?
Nakon uključivanja, ventili su osvijetljeni LED svjetlima. Oni će svijetliti plavo ako koristite Clean kanal i crveno ako ste na vodećem kanalu. Lijep detalj, mislimo, i definitivno dodaje nešto vašem scenskom nastupu.
Dobro pojačalo, ali zapamtite da ipak morate kupiti svoj zvučnik. Na temelju toga, nije jeftino za pojačalo od 15 W.

- Robusna metalna konstrukcija s lijepim unutarnjim osvjetljenjem na ventilima.
- Neke lijepe opcije zvuka s dva odvojena kanala daju raznolikost.
- Nema ugrađenog reverb-a.
Marshall Amps gitarsko kombinirano pojačalo (M-DSL40CR-U) – najpouzdanije pojačalo za metal
"Dečki su se vratili u grad." Nismo mislili da će proći dugo prije nego što se pojave 'Hanwell lads'.
Nećemo puniti lirike o Marshallu. Oni su "Guv'nari", kraj teme. A Big Jim je dao svijetu zvuk rocka. Ali mogu li proizvesti sjajno metalno pojačalo?
Da vidimo.
Čudesni Marshall...
U današnje vrijeme nije sve u zatupljujućoj glasnoći i poraznom overdriveu. Iako ti elementi nisu daleko sa svim pojačalima na našem popisu. Ovaj DSL40CR-U je suptilniji operater iako još uvijek može ispuštati one klasične Marshall zvukove.
To je dvokanalno cijevno pojačalo od 40 W koje ima ugrađena četiri ventila pretpojačala i nekoliko EL34. Samo da ljudi znaju da je tu kad ga pokrenete.
DSL, Dual Super Lead, pojačala prva su stigla 1997., a ovo je nadogradnja te serije. Stoga dolazi s finom lozom i poviješću. Zamijenila ju je serija JVM nakon otprilike deset godina, ali zapravo nikada nije nestala. I sada se vratio.
Ima dva kanala, a svaki kanal ima vlastitu overdrive kontrolu. Novo u miksu je kontrola rezonancije. Ovo zamjenjuje fiksni dubinski prekidač iz originalnih pojačala. To vam omogućuje da postavite željenu količinu donjeg kraja.
Uključen je reverb na studijskoj razini i kontrole za nisku ili veliku snagu. Postoji nožni prekidač za promjenu kanala ili upravljanje reverberacijom. Ima jedan zvučnik od dvanaest inča koji podnosi snagu.
Postoji mnogo opcija za oblikovanje tonova, a može se približiti hvatanju onih klasičnih Marshallovih zvukova 60-ih. S razlogom kažemo blizu. Jer jedini način da dobijete točan zvuk je da imate Marshall pojačalo i kabinet iz 60-ih.
Jednostavan za transport…
Opcije EQ-a su poboljšane i sada vam daju fleksibilniji pristup upravljanju tonom. Na poleđini je petlja efekata, koju možete zaobići ako želite.
To je prilično kompaktno malo pojačalo, dimenzija 9,9 x 29 x 19,3 inča, a teži nešto manje od 30 funti. Stoga ga je lako nositi sa sobom.
Teško za pobijediti...
Dobro napravljen, čvrst, izvrstan zvuk i dovoljno glasnoće čak i za prostorije razumne veličine. To je Marshall. Što ti još treba? O da, pristojna cijena. Ima i to.
Jedno od najboljih pojačala za metal? Naravno, Marshall vas neće iznevjeriti!

- Veliki izbor zvukova baziranih na Marshall-u.
- Puno volumena s dobrim tonskim karakteristikama po atraktivnoj cijeni.
- Ništa.
VOX VT40X pojačalo za modeliranje, 40 W – najbolje pojačalo za modeliranje za metal
Da, dječaci i djevojčice, još uvijek su tu. Živ i zdrav. I još uvijek postoji onaj prekrasan vizualni izgled Vox pojačala. Neka se nikad ne promijene. Ovo je pojačalo koje ima svoje mjesto na tržištu.
Evo razloga...
Ovo je pojačalo koje je puno više od običnog pojačala tipa 'pojačaj i pusti da kida'. Ovo je ono što se opisuje kao pojačalo za modeliranje. Koristi prilično naprednu digitalnu tehnologiju i kombinira je s analognim sklopovima. Rezultat je malo pojačalo performansi poput cijevi.
Nudi vam jedanaest različitih modela pojačala i trinaest zasebnih efekt pedala. Kako bi zvukovi bili što vjerodostojniji, Vox je koristio svoje VET sustave. To je omogućilo dizajnerima Voxa da shvate zbog čega svako pojačalo zvuči onako kako jest.
Rezultat je pojačalo koje vam može pružiti vrlo slične karakteristike, odzive i razine izobličenja koje odražavaju izvornike.
Prilagodite svoj zvuk...
The onboard DSP provides the VT40X with enough processing power to provide realistic amp models and effects with real quality.
You have the use of Vox’s online Tone Room editing software. Everything can be tweaked to give you the exact sound you are looking for. Thirty-three presets and original amp sounds and effects are available for you to edit.
When you have finished creating what you want, you can store it away for use whenever you need it.
Durable with useful features…
It is made with traditional Vox quality with a sealed cabinet with its own bass-reflex design. And at just 18.5 by 9.6 by 22 inches and weighing twenty-four pounds, you can take it anywhere. The cabinet houses one ten-inch speaker and has a sturdy carrying handle.
The controls are located on the top with plenty of useful features. There are aux-in and headphones sockets and a USB. There is also a built-in tuner. Channel selection and amp and effects options are all well-labeled and easy to use.
Won’t smack you in the face, but…
There are also jack sockets for a footswitch, but that is not supplied and is an optional extra. It is not what you might call a ‘smack in the face’ metal amp. But it has enough options built-in to create the sound.
A great little amp at an amazing price.

- Plenty of sound modeling and amp and cabinet effects.
- Easy to use at an attractive price.
- Some may want a more defined metal amp.
Fender Mustang GT 40 Bluetooth Enabled Solid State Modeling Guitar Amplifier – Best Budget Amp for Metal
Are you looking for an amp that will thrash out some metal and not much else? If so, this probably won’t be the amp for you.
We have looked so far at some amps that can do other things besides really punch it out. But this amp is strictly a modeling amp. But it has some very good features which make it worth looking at.
Unfortunately, as with a lot of things Fender these days, it has some disappointing features that we will look at a bit later.
Choose your genre…
This is a 40-watt solid-state amp that will suit all levels of players. It has been designed to have a wide variety of sounds across many genres, including metal. It has two 6.5 inch speakers.
Inside are 21 amp voices along with 45 effects. The opportunities to create sounds are, therefore, plentiful. To help you, there is a color LCD screen allowing you to see what you’re doing and amps and effects you are using.
Fender has made this amp to appeal to as many types of users as possible. With that in mind, they have made it WiFi-compatible. With the online capability, you can download any updates, check out Fender presets, and communicate with other Fender users.
Wireless connectivity…
The Mustang GT is also Bluetooth compatible . That means you can stream music from your phone or other devices. You can also connect to the Fender Tone app for effects and amp options.
And for those into computer-based technology, there is a USB that allows you to connect the amp to a computer. This allows you to download straight to your DAW.
Discrete versatility…
It is a compact unit measuring only 18 by 12.2 by 11.1 inches and weighing seventeen pounds. From the features on board, it is easy to see that Fender has tried to produce an amp that will appeal to a range of people.
This amp is ‘much ado about nothing’ to quote Shakespeare, and it is difficult to know exactly what Fender was trying to do. But these days, that applies to a lot of their products. We doubt this amp will appeal to a serious metal guitarist. But it will appeal to the buyer who keeps it in his bedroom to play with a few sounds.
The drawbacks…
We mentioned some disappointing features. And they go a little beyond what we have just mentioned. They are personal issues, though, and some may not agree.
Fender has made some iconic amps. Notable not only by sound but by the way they look. Is it so hard to understand? When people buy a Fender amp, they want it not only to sound like one but to look like one?
Frankly, this amp is nothing to write home about. Poor design and cheap-looking speaker cloth. And control knobs that look like they got them from a bankrupt stock warehouse. Do they think that is what people want? If so, they are in Disneyland.
Fender in name only…
While this might seem harsh, this is, after all, a Fender amp we are talking about. A descendant of ‘The Twin.’ It should not look like it’s been thrown together from some unused parts.
A good enough amp, with some nice features. It is a modeling amp with some internet connectivity. It is set at a low price, but its appearance for us is a big no no!

- Plenty of sounds to choose from and use.
- Attractive price.
- The very cheap appearance.
Hughes &Kettner GM40DH GrandMeister Deluxe 40 40W Amplifier Head – Best Premium Amp for Metal
Hughes &Kettner might not be the first name you think of when buying an amp to play some serious metal. But those that have come across them know their qualities.
They are a German company only established in 1984. They are a manufacturer that has torn up the rule-book on design and replaced it with their own version. We quite like it. But it is not just how it looks. It also performs.
But can it compete with the ‘big’ names? You are about to find out.
Excellent sound-shaping potential…
This is a 40-watt tube amp that is described as being able to do anything. They might be right. The tone options available will give you everything from the heaviest death metal to sweet jazz and everything in between.
The build is rugged even though it might appear at first to be a bit vulnerable. Not the case. It has a metal chassis with two carrying handles. It measures 22.40 by 11.40 by 11.40 inches and weighs just under 22 pounds. This means it is no lightweight amp head.
The amp has adjustable wattage that allows you to play your tones at 40, 20,10, and 5 watts without losing them. Full-on sounds but at low volumes. The all-tube tones included are just too much to describe here. The options are endless, and all are adjustable.
Save your settings…
Once you have found what you like, you can store the sound for later in one of 128 patches. There is a range of built-in effects , including digital reverb. And it has a noise gate you can use to adjust the sound without changing the tone.
Controls are all located on the front of the amp, or you can use a remote iPad app. There are plenty there to fire the imagination. It seems the only issue that will prevent you from getting a great sound will be you.
All on its own…
You will need to sit down before you look at the price. It really is quite expensive. And remember, this is just the head. You are still going to need a cabinet.
We started off talking about design. What does it look like? Different, to say the least, but it has a lot of style. Great sounds and a great looking amp. No doubt, these guys can compete at the top of the ladder.

- Endless tonal options that you can store.
- Plenty of built-in effects and features to get a great sound.
- Only the price.
Orange Amps Micro Dark Amplifier – Best Value for You Money Amp for Metal
And now we return to another stalwart of the 60s and 70s that are still punching it out. Cliff Cooper set up Orange, and for a while, they were the loudest thing on the market.
They are a company like Marshall and like Vox that recognize the value of a corporate image. When you see one of their amps, you hardly have to look twice to know what it is. Something is reassuring about that.
Looks are one thing, of course. But can Orange still do the business? You are about to find out.
Superior simplicity…
This is an amp head that has a simple idea behind it. To put some great punchy sounds at your disposal. But also to include them in a compact and easy to carry unit.
This is an amp built with the legacy of the Orange ‘Dark’ series behind it. The ‘Micro’ behaves like its bigger cousins with plenty of powerful gain and a wide range of tones. It is just smaller.
In fact, it is quite a bit smaller. This little powerhouse only weighs just over two pounds and measures 3.94 by 5.91 by 7.09 inches. You can almost put it in your pocket. Well, not quite, but you know what we mean.
A hybrid amp?
It puts out 20 watts of power. That’s 20 watts of Orange power, not the 20 watts offered by some. And it is definitely geared up towards metal tones. It has a hybrid design with tube preamps and a solid-state build.
The tones take you from meek and mild and twangy to Orange savagery. And anyone who has used Orange knows how savage they can be.
Controls are easy and located on the front. There are separate Volume and Gain controls and a headphone socket. Being just an amp head, you will, of course, need a cabinet. We suggest you get something that can handle it.
A standard-bearer…
Can Orange still do the business? There was never any doubt. This little thing is a brute of an amp. Good to see Cliff is still strutting his stuff.
An easy-to-use amp with great sounds and plenty of unashamed metal under the hood. A great buy and at this price a more than attractive option. Surely one of the Best Amps for Metal regardless of how much you want to spend.

- Powerful searing metal tones at a great price.
- A compact build that is easy to carry around.
- None
Boss Katana-100/212 MkII 2×12″ 100-watt Combo Amp – Most Versatile Amp for Metal
Finally, we go to take a look at the Boss Katana 100 watt combo. Perhaps better known for the effects pedals they are famous for, this is; however, an amp to be reckoned with.
Digital dynamo…
We wouldn’t say that this amp is specifically designed for metal. It is more an amp that is full of options, some of which are leaning towards the metal genre. Versatility is the name of the game with the Katana.
It is a combo amp that is well-made, as is the norm with Boss. It has one twelve inch speaker that pushes out the power and a solid road-ready cabinet. Although, it does look a little plain and not very ‘heavy metal.’
Boss, of course, has effects for just about everything. They have a real understanding of digital sound.
So how can you use this?
Inside are five separate amp voicings. Clean, Crunch, and Lead are all fairly standard. They all do very much as they say. But then you have the ‘Brown’ channel. That comes from the Boss Waza . Also interestingly, a dedicated acoustic-electric channel.
If you’re buying a modeling amp such as this, and it has Boss written on it, what would you expect to find included? Točno. Sixty Boss effects from their own tone studio that all can be customized to suit your own particular sound requirements.
The Boss Tone studio includes an amp and sound effects editor. Further options to get your own tone right are found with the effects controls and the Gain and EQ. And the effects loop means you can add some extra pedals after the preamp.
Boss continues to lead…
If you want to play using your own tones but at a lower level of volume, you can. The Variable power option lets you achieve the full-on sound at a low volume.
A decent amp, packed with the ‘Best of Boss’ if you want to describe it that way. No bad thing to have to hand.
Set at a decent price point, this is an amp to consider for those that want variety in their tones and sound options.

- Well made with a good size twelve-inch speaker.
- Plenty of volume and packed with Boss sounds and effects at a decent price point.
- Hasn’t quite got the punch needed for a full-on metal sound.
Best Amps for Metal Buying Guide
How do you define the genre? It has so many sub-genres these days, probably more than any other type of music. All different.
You get the really serious levels of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Metallica, and a few others. And you also get what we call the ‘impostors’ who are more interested in wearing something to get attention. (No names mentioned).
But whatever they like to refer to themselves as, it is a style of music that demands a lot from its equipment. It used to be just volume and distortion. Lots of it. But that has changed somewhat, and the tones are important.
Metal is more than just an effects pedal…
It is not just about the level of distortion, either. There are a thousand pedals that can tear your head off. But it is more about the sound of the amp than anything, in our opinion.
That is why getting the right amp is important. And on that list, there are some good and not so good.
With amps that have built-in extension options, you don’t need 10 million watts anymore. You can have a little 20-watt amp model and just send it through something else. As we say, it is the sound of the amp that is important.
There are options a-plenty, and on our list, there are some staggering amps. They range in prices, of course. But you haven’t always got to spend a fortune.
Looking for more superb amplifier options?
If so, then take a look at our in-depth reviews of the Best Battery Powered Guitar Amps, the Best Modeling Amps, the Best Low Watt Tube Amps, the Best Tube Amps, and the Best Solid State Amps currently available.
Or how about our reviews of the Best Portable Guitar Amplifiers and the Best Bass Amps you can buy in 2022.
So, what are the Best Amps for Metal?
We are going to choose simple. An amp that just generates the sound. We don’t need myriads of amps, cabinets, or effects pedals. Basically, we want an amp that is going to pump out ‘that’ sound.
We could quite easily go to Marshall, of course. We know they can do it. But apologies to the ‘Father of Loud’, we are sure he won’t mind if we pick the…
Orange Amps Micro Dark Amplifier
Orange has always produced ‘killer’ amps. This one might be small, but it’s gonna bite you.
Our choice as the best amp to make your Metal the meanest.
Until next time, may your music be heavy and your sound be metal!