Najbolji fotoaparat srednjeg formata
Kupujete najbolji fotoaparat srednjeg formata u 2022.? Sretniče! Ove kamere s velikim senzorom sveti su gral fotografske opreme.
Prije nekoliko godina fotoaparati srednjeg formata bili su veliki, glomazni, spori i nevjerojatno skupi – većina si je fotografa mogla priuštiti samo njihov najam.
Međutim, od tada su ih brendovi kao što su Fujifilm i Hasselblad stavili u naš doseg!
U ovom ćemo vodiču pregledati najbolje digitalne fotoaparate srednjeg formata godine i odgovoriti na najčešća pitanja o njihovoj uporabi.
(Za filmske kamere srednjeg formata pogledajte naš drugi vodič.)
Bilo da ste profesionalni fotograf koji treba najveći broj megapiksela za svoje klijente ili samo hobist koji žudi za vrhunskom kvalitetom slike, ovdje postoji nešto za vas.
Dakle, zaronimo odmah u preporuke za najbolje fotoaparate srednjeg formata godine do sada.
9 najboljih fotoaparata srednjeg formata u 2022.
Slika | Proizvod | Značajke | |
Hasselblad 907X 50COUR #1 IZBOR |
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Hasselblad X1D II 50 PREPORUČANO |
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Fujifilm GFX 50S |
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Leica S3 |
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Pentax 645Z |
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PhaseOne XF IQ4 150 MP |
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Hasselblad H6D-400c |
1. Hasselblad 907X 50C
Pogledajte više recenzija
Urednikov izbor Profesionalci- Izvrsna kvaliteta slike
- Luksuzna konstrukcija
- Tijelo otporno na vremenske uvjete
- Kompaktni dizajn
- Jedinstveni dizajn/ergonomija
- Dvostruki utori za SD kartice
- Spor autofokus pri slabom osvjetljenju
- Kratko trajanje baterije
- Nema nosača za vruću/hladnu papučicu
Kamera srednjeg formata Hasselblad 907X 50C ima senzor od 50 megapiksela koji podržava 14 koraka dinamičkog raspona.
Iako nije izvanredan u usporedbi s digitalnim fotoaparatima punog formata, 907X 50C ima vrlo iskoristiv ISO raspon od 100 do 25600.
Sustav fokusiranja je pouzdan zahvaljujući 117 kontraktiranih točaka automatskog fokusiranja – međutim, 907X 50C snima samo 2,7 fps u kontinuiranom snimanju, što ga čini neprikladnim za akciju koja se brzo kreće.
Snima 16-bitne RAW datoteke i snima 2,7K (2720 x 1530) i Full HD (1920 x 1080) na dvostruke utore za memorijske kartice, s punim korištenjem senzora u omjeru 16:9.
Također uključuje dodirni i nagibni zaslon od 3,2 inča i 2,36 milijuna točaka, što snimanje iz struka čini puno lakšim. S druge strane, nema OVF, ali to je dio njegove privlačnosti i naklon Hasselblad filmskim kamerama srednjeg formata iz prošlosti.
Brojni profesionalni fotografi nazvali su ovaj fotoaparat srednjeg formata svojim favoritom godine – doista ne postoji ništa drugo poput njega – pravi je predmet žudnje.
2. Fujifilm GFX 100
Pogledajte više recenzija
Urednikov izbor Profesionalci- 102 megapiksela!
- Koristi AF sustav Fujifilma X-T3
- Zapanjujući detalji slike
- Trajanje baterije
- Loša ergonomija
- Velik i težak
- Nedostatak izvornih leća
Fujifilm GFX100 dosta nalikuje preraslom Fujifilmu X-T4, a to nije loše jer je dizajn Fuji fotoaparata inspiriran retrom prekrasan.
GFX100 koristi isti sustav autofokusa kao i X-T3, što daje vrlo precizan i odzivan sustav s 425 AF točaka. Štoviše, snima 5 fps u nizu, zbog čega Hassie iznad izgleda tromo u usporedbi s njim.
Izuzetna značajka Fuji GFX-a je briljantno OLED tražilo od 0,5 inča s 5,76 milijuna točaka, koje je dodatak 3,2 inčnom nagibnom zaslonu osjetljivom na dodir, gornjem LCD-u od 1,8 inča i LCD-u od 2,05 inča na stražnjoj strani.
Kao i kod svih Fuji fotoaparata bez ogledala, GFX100 ima 16 simulacija Fujifilm filma, iako je upitno bi li vlasnik fotoaparata srednjeg formata snimao u JPEG-u...
3. Fujifilm GFX 50R
Pogledajte više recenzija
Urednikov izbor Profesionalci- Lagan i kompaktan
- Zaštićen od vremenskih uvjeta
- Zapanjujuće slike
- Ergonomija
- Loš autofokus
- Nedostatak izvornih leća
Poput fotoaparata Fujifilm X-Pro serije, GFX 50R preuzima stilove daljinomjera i spaja ih s nizom značajki performansi.
50R optimizira tehnologiju senzora srednjeg formata za isporuku iznimne razlučivosti slike i apsolutno ogromnih datoteka.
Autofokus je u redu, pod uvjetom da su subjekti nepomični kao za portretno snimanje. Automatski fokus teško drži objekte u pokretu čak i uz prepoznavanje lica, što GFX 50R čini manje nego idealnim za uličnu fotografiju ili bilo što drugo što uključuje akciju.
S lakoćom se nosi sa slabim osvjetljenjem, zahvaljujući visokom ISO izlazu, sa slikama snimljenim na ISO 25 600 i dalje izgleda respektabilno kada se ispiše u veličini od 11 x 14 inča.
4. Hasselblad X1D II 50C
Pogledajte više recenzija
Urednikov izbor Profesionalci- Nevjerojatna kvaliteta slike
- Briljantan EVF/zaslon osjetljiv na dodir
- Izvrsno korisničko sučelje
- Izvrsna kvaliteta izrade
- Zaštićen od vremenskih uvjeta
- Dvostruki utori za kartice UHS-II
- Loše trajanje baterije
- Spor rad senzora
- Loša izvedba AF-a pri slabom osvjetljenju
Hasselblad X1D II 50C dizajn je svemirskog doba koji nudi prijeko potrebna poboljšanja u odnosu na svog prethodnika.
Jedinstveno oblikovano kućište digitalnog fotoaparata srednjeg formata ima duboki držač za optimalnu udobnost, savršeno se uklapajući u estetiku industrijskog dizajna.
Sadrži ogroman 3,6-inčni LCD dodirni zaslon s 2,4 milijuna točaka rezolucije i omjerom 4:3 koji odgovara senzoru srednjeg formata.
OLED EVF impresivan je s 3,69 milijuna točaka razlučivosti, čineći scenu vrlo jasnom. Korisničko sučelje je dobro dizajnirano i zadovoljstvo ga je koristiti.
Razočaravajuće je što je X1D II spor prema današnjim standardima za vrhunsku kameru srednjeg formata - uključivanje, fokusiranje i snimanje fotografije djeluje sporo i traje predugo, što dovodi do potencijalno propuštenih prilika za fotografiranje.
Međutim, samo jedan pogled na nevjerojatne detalje slike dok uređujete slike na svom računalu, i sva tromost je zaboravljena!
5. Fujifilm GFX 50S
Pogledajte više recenzija
Urednikov izbor Profesionalci- Brzo i precizno automatsko fokusiranje
- Light and compact
- Detachable EVF
- Excellent video quality
- Lack of native lenses
- AF can be sluggish
Alongside the Fujifilm GFX100 release was the smaller but equally impressive GFX50S.
While the image quality is excellent, Fuji opted for a 50 megapixel Bayer sensor over their own X-Trans – the 44 x 33mm sensor delivers impressively high image resolution.
The focusing system on the 50S is second to none in the medium format lineup. Plus, it captures 3fps in burst mode.
With an ISO range of 100-12800 and an extended range up to 102400, low light performance is excellent.
The GFX50S has a very similar style and feel to the Fujifilm X-H1, thanks to the grip and top LCD, making it comfortable for extended shooting.
It’s hard to ignore the rear’s boxiness that supports the 3.2″, 2.36 million-dot tilting touch screen – the design is likely to be polarizing.
The removable 0.5″EVF is a 3.69 million-dot OLED with 100% coverage, ensuring your entire scene is represented faithfully and in all its glory.
6. Leica S3
Pogledajte više recenzija
Editor's Choice Pros- Stunning 64MP image quality
- It’s a Leica
- 4K video
- Some outdated features
- The price tag!
Leica is a brand synonymous with high precision engineering and superb optics. The Leica S3 has a 64-megapixel sensor delivering stunning images and 15 stops of dynamic range.
The Leica S3 DSLR is organic, curvaceous and relies on a pentaprism viewfinder. However, the 3″, 921k-dot LCD is not up to the standards of other cameras in our guide.
It records 4K at 24 fps and Full HD up to 30 fps – external recording is available for Full HD with 4:2:2 8-bit colour sampling, although it has to be asked – who buys medium format digital cameras to shoot video, let alone a Leica?!
While the S3 boasts impressive specs, it comes with an exceptional price tag – one of the most expensive medium format cameras available here in 2022.
With Leica, you’re purchasing a camera and the prestige that comes with the name. You’ll feel good using one… although your bank account may not.
7. Pentax 645Z
Pogledajte više recenzija
Editor's Choice Pros- 51.4-megapixel sensor
- Exceptional low light performance
- Ugly!
- Rather dated
- Focus performance
The Pentax 645Z is another DSLR medium format camera that’s a beast with a 51.4-megapixel sensor.
The 645Z is getting on in years, and the design is not a redeeming feature – especially compared to the gorgeous GFX50S or Hasselblad X1D II 50C.
The weather-sealed body has a pair of standard SD slots and the rechargeable battery delivers 1230 shots while powering the bright 3.2″ 1.03 million dot tilting TFT LCD.
As the 645Z is older, focusing performance isn’t great. The Pentax is best for studio or portrait settings where autofocus performance is nice but not essential.
8. PhaseOne XF IQ4 150MP
Pogledajte više recenzija
Editor's Choice Pros- 150 Megapixels!
- Native SO 50-25,600
- Incredible image quality
- Lots of tethering options
- Astronomical price
- Slow performance
If you thought the 100MP Fuji was impressive, meet the PhaseOne XF IQ4 150MP with its 152-megapixel sensor. Its sensor is 2.5 times bigger than a 35mm full-frame sensor!
PhaseOne delivers insane image quality and unimaginable levels of detail.
The PhaseOne XF IQ4 is a ‘digital back’ that attaches to the PhaseOne XF camera body. There’s also a detachable viewfinder. The sensor delivers 16-bit RAW files and a remarkable 15 stops of dynamic range.
That’s a lot of data processing the camera has to do and as a result, the XF IQ4 is slow to respond under any conditions. Powering up, autofocus and image capture are all painfully slow.
It features a 3.2-inch multi-touch display, an XQD and SC card slot, and several new tethering options including wireless, USB-C and Ethernet – useful when burning through 150 megapixel images!
9. Hasselblad H6D-400c
Pogledajte više recenzija
Editor's Choice Pros- 100-megapixel
- Up to 400-megapixel images!
- Big and heavy
- Need to take out a second mortgage
Where the Hasselblad X1D II 50C is slick, the Hasselblad H6D-400c is an abstract of brutalist design. A tool for serious pro use, this 100-megapixel camera delivers exceptional image detail for an enormous printing scale.
Like the PhaseOne, the Hasselblad is a digital camera back attached to Hasselblad H Series camera bodies – the average combined weight is well over 2kg.
The 400c is a multi-shot camera that uses sensor-shift technology to capture multiple images within an instant.
In 6-multi-shot mode, six images combine to create a single 400MP image, delivering a 2.4GB, 16-bit Tiff file. Fortunately, it features dual card storage for an SD and a CFast card.
It’s not built for action photography – it’s a studio camera that’s best on a tripod while tethering to an external recorder. Plus, it can capture 4K and Full HD video at 30 fps.
Medium Format Cameras FAQs
- What is a medium format camera?
Medium format photography refers to the cameras that use 120 film size that’s much larger than the standard 35mm camera film commonly used. 120 film is still readily available today as a standard film size.
In digital camera photography, medium format sensors are larger than a standard 35mm equivalent full-frame sensor and achieve higher resolution.
- How many megapixels is medium format film?
Medium format film cameras have a resolution of approximately 83 megapixels (83MP) with a 60 x 60mm frame and 125 megapixels (125MP) with a 60 x 90mm frame.
- What aspect ratio is medium format?
Medium format can be shot in any aspect ratio with 1:1 and 4:3 being the most common.
- What is the advantage of a Medium Format Camera?
Considering the advantages of a medium format camera raises the question: ‘ Is medium format better?’ .
In short, medium format is better than other formats as a greater level of detail is captured by the larger image sensor. With greater detail, medium format photography files can be edited without compromising the quality – plus, you can print large scale.
The second most common question is, ‘Is medium format better than full-frame?’ – this is a hotly debated question. There are several factors when comparing medium format to full-frame cameras.
In most cases, a full frame camera is smaller and lighter than a medium format.
While medium format cameras have greater image detail, they’re limited in their functions compared to full-frame cameras. Video, autofocus and low light performance are just a few examples where full-frame cameras win over medium format.
- Why are Medium Format Cameras so expensive?
Medium format cameras are usually high-end and expensive brands.
With a much bigger sensor, the camera needs a powerful image processor to manage precise information – these are expensive to produce. Plus, due to the larger sensor and framework supporting it, the cameras are bigger – bigger and more advanced technology cost more to make.
In many cases, medium format camera manufacturers only produce these models, so they’re an exclusive item.
- How do I make a digital image look like a medium format? (How do you fake a medium format?)
The best way to make a digital image look like a medium format is with the Brenzier Method.
The Brenzier Method uses a conventional camera and lens to capture several shots of the same scene – as though you were photographing a panorama. You ‘stitch’ the images together in editing software to create a single image.
The advantages of this process are that you’ll produce photos that have great detail, shallow depth of field and excellent bokeh and background.
Here are the steps to achieve a medium format look with full frame sensors or cropped sensors.
- With a 50mm prime lens, set your aperture as wide as possible – the smallest f-number on the lens.
- If using a zoom, keep your focal length at the same distance through the shoot.
- Focus manually to ensure your subject is in focus – avoid touching the focus again.
- Take a series of RAW images capturing all elements of the scene. Shoot four images from left to right – increasing the number with more experience.
- Make sure you overlap each shot with the previous one to avoid gaps in your final image.
- Load all of the RAW images into photo editing software such as Adobe Lightroom.
- Process them as a batch to ensure that any edits impact every photo in the series.
- Export the RAW images as JPEG files with the long-edge between 700-1000 pixels.
- Open Photoshop and select File, Automate and then Photomerge.
- A window appears – ensure that the default setting is selected (Layout:Auto and Blend Images Together).
- Locate and select your images and hit OK.
- Photoshop merges the files and creates a final panorama shot.
- Crop the file and admire the results of a high-resolution image with a stunning depth of field and background.
Završne riječi
Thanks to Fujifilm and Hasselblad, digital medium format cameras are more accessible to photography enthusiasts.
While the price of medium format cameras and lenses is still high, the investment is well worth it if you intend to undertake high-resolution image-making and capitalise on that sensor size.
Fashion photographers, product photographers and portrait shooters will all attest to the benefits of medium formats. Landscape, wildlife and even street shooters are picking up such film or mirrorless cameras to optimise image detail.
What are your thoughts on medium format cameras? Do you own a medium format camera, or have you ever captured images with this style of a camera?
Share your thoughts and photography experiences with medium format cameras to join the conversation.