Popis za čitanje:7 sjajnih knjiga o fotografiji za početnike
Ovdje u Photodotou volimo razmišljati o sebi kao o resursu koji fotografi početnici mogu koristiti kako bi im pomogli da poboljšaju svoje fotografije i pronađu nove, zanimljive izvore inspiracije.

Imamo čak i naš praktičan 7-dnevni tečaj e-pošte, koji možete dobiti besplatno upisivanjem svoje e-pošte u okvir desno od ovog odlomka.
Ali ponekad vam je potreban uključeniji izvor instrukcija, nešto dublje i detaljnije. Dobra vijest je da je na tržištu dostupan nevjerojatan broj knjiga napravljenih posebno za fotografe početnike. Zapravo, nedavno smo napravili veliki popis sjajnih knjiga o fotografiji koje treba pogledati.
Budući da profesionalni fotografi i edukatori neprestano pišu nove knjige te ažuriraju i revidiraju svoje starije radove, odlučili smo još jednom pogledati i vidjeti koje još sjajne knjige postoje a nisu dospjele na naš prvi popis.
Ovladavanje digitalnom fotografijom:Osnovni vodič Jasona Youna za razumijevanje umjetnosti i znanosti o otvoru blende, zatvaraču, ekspoziciji, svjetlu i kompoziciji Jasona Youna
Čitatelji sveobuhvatnog vodiča za digitalnu fotografiju Jasona Youna hvale ga jer je jednostavan i lako razumljiv, ali i dalje vrlo detaljan. Bilo da ste entuzijast ili samo netko tko želi snimiti bolje obiteljske fotografije i sjajne iskrene snimke s odmora, Mastering Digital Photography Jasona Youna je odlično mjesto za početak. Možete ga pronaći ovdje.
O fotografiji Susan Sontag
Klasik Susan SontagO fotografiji neće objasniti ekspoziciju ili kako napraviti akcijske snimke (iako jesam, ako želite saznati). Nije poučna, a napisana je mnogo godina prije nego su postojali digitalni fotoaparati. Umjesto toga, Sontagina je knjiga zbirka eseja koje je napisala između 1973. i 1977.
U njima govori o povijesti fotografije, kao io ulozi fotografije u oblikovanju naše kulture. Može vam uvelike pomoći da preispitate vlastitu ulogu u društvu kao fotografa, kao i promijeniti način na koji gledate na svoj rad i rad drugih. Možete ga pronaći ovdje.
Osnove foto škole Michaela Freemana:ekspozicija, svjetlo i rasvjeta, kompozicija Michaela Freemana
Michael Freeman jedan je od najuspješnijih fotografa i fotografskih pisaca danas. Jedna od njegovih knjiga, The Photographer’s Eye:Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos , našla se na našem izvornom popisu. Osnove foto škole:ekspozicija, svjetlo i osvjetljenje, kompozicija is a beginner’s guide to all of the basics you need to know to take great photos. You can find it here.
The Photographer’s Mind:Creative Thinking for Better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman
I told you Michael Freeman is very accomplished. He’s written so many great works that we found a second book of his that we felt warranted a mention. Rather than being an instructional book on mechanics and techniques, The Photographer’s Mind:Creative Thinking for Better Digital Photos focuses on finding the right mindset for becoming a more creative and original photographer. You can find it here.
Chasing the Light:Improving Your Photography with Available Light (Voices That Matter) by Ibarinex Perello
The most important element of any photograph, good or bad, will always be light. A photographer’s job is to capture light. And some photographers might say that natural light is the best light you can find.
With Chasing the Light:Improving Your Photography with Available Light (Voices That Matter) , Ibarinex Perello makes his case for the strength of natural light. He also goes over different techniques you can use to make the most out of whatever light you have. You can find it here.
The Hot Shoe Diaries:Big Light from Small Flashes by Joe McNally
While we all love natural light as much as anyone, there are still times when a flash can really come in handy. But shooting with flash can be tricky. So we found a book that covers this, written by National Geographic photographer Joe McNally.
In The Hot Shoe Diaries:Big Light from Small Flashes , McNally goes over how a simple flash attached to your camera’s hot shoe can improve your photography. You can find it here.
National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography:Revised and Expanded (Photography Field Guides) by National Geographic
Speaking of National Geographic, they have an excellent series of books on photography, known as their field guides, which they update occasionally to keep up with the times. A good place to start is their Ultimate Field Guide to Photography:Revised and Expanded (Photography Field Guides) . If you want to learn from the best of the best, most of them work for National Geographic. You can find it here.
Write Your Own Book
You know, you can read every book in the world on photography, written by the greatest photographers who have ever lived, but you’ll never get any better until you get out and start taking pictures. And while knowing the basics of exposure, composition and all of the other details that go into a photograph will help you, understand that there are no actual rules when it comes to art.
So feel free to read as many books as you like and absorb as much information as you can from those who have come before you. But the most important thing is to be yourself. Let the person you are come through in your work. And whether or not you become a world-renowned artist or not, if you let yourself come through in your work, you’ll have done your very best.