Najbolji subwoofer za plitku montažu 2023
Ako ste ljubitelj basa i želite visokokvalitetni bas u svojim omiljenim pjesmama tijekom vožnje, morate imati instaliran subwoofer u svom automobilu.
Ne postoje dva načina.
Ali vozila dolaze u različitim veličinama i nemaju svi mjesta za smještaj subwoofera standardne veličine.
Vodič za najbolji subwoofer za plitku montažu 2023.
- Rockford Fosgate P3SD2-8 (Najbolji subwoofer s plitkom montažom od 8 inča 2023.)
- Polk Audio DB1042DVC (Najbolji jeftini subwoofer od 10 inča za plitku montažu 2023.)
- Kicker 43CWRT102 (Najbolji subwoofer za plitku montažu od 10 inča 2023.)
- Infinity Reference REF1200S (Najbolji jeftini subwoofer od 12 inča za plitku montažu 2023.)
- Kenwood KFC-XW1200F (Najbolji subwoofer za plitku montažu od 12 inča 2023.)
Srećom, postoje stvari poput subwooferi za plitku montažu.
Dolaze s malom dubinom ugradnje što ih čini prikladnima za manje lokacije.
Bez daljnjeg odlaganja, evo nekih od naših omiljenih subwoofer opcija trenutno dostupnih na tržištu.
1. Rockford Fosgate P3SD2-8:najbolji 8-inčni subwoofer za plitku montažu

Iako je ovaj subwoofer malen, prilično je moćan. Veličina od 8 inča čini sub prikladnim za kompaktne prostore, iako se nećete morati brinuti o gubitku vrijedne kvalitete zvuka.
Većina vozača nije imala problema s instaliranjem ovog subwoofera iza sjedala.
Značajno je da ovaj subwoofer također ima dvostruke zvučne zavojnice tako da možete jednostavno nadograditi svoj zvuk bez potrebe za trošenjem i kupnjom dodatnog hardvera.
Može se nositi s ventiliranim i zatvorenim kućištima, dodajući razinu svestranosti ovog subwoofera.
Subwoofer ima sjajan, elegantan izgled koji će s lakoćom stati u svaki automobil.
Proizvodi čist, uravnotežen zvuk koji bi s vremena na vrijeme mogao potresati vaše prozore kada je pravilno instaliran i konfiguriran.
Mali sabvufer pogodan je za različite glazbene žanrove, tako da je izvrstan za sve ljubitelje glazbe.
Mnogi korisnici smatraju da je ovaj subwoofer savršen za nadogradnju manjih subwoofera koji dolaze s automobilom. Nećete imati problema s instaliranjem ovog sustava s njegovim jednostavnim, intuitivnim dizajnom.
Kompaktni subwoofer može podnijeti do 300 W snage s 150 W RMS .
Osim toga, s dizajnom s paukom, ovaj je subwoofer dizajniran da zaštiti od prašine što ga čini savršenim za dugotrajnu, redovitu uporabu. Ovo će također osigurati da vaš subwoofer ostane dovoljno hladan tijekom upotrebe.
Uz kupnju dobivate i jednogodišnje jamstvo, tako da u slučaju da ovo nije subwoofer za vas, još uvijek možete dobiti svoj novac natrag.
Iako bi bas mogao biti lagan na ovom subwooferu, to je za očekivati sa zvučnikom ove veličine.
Sve u svemu, ovaj subwoofer nudi impresivnu kvalitetu zvuka u kompaktnom, fleksibilnom dizajnu.
- Lako se montira
- Bori se protiv izobličenja
- Kompaktna veličina
- Možda nije najbolji za ljubitelje basa koji pulsira srcem
2. Polk Audio DB1042DVC:najbolji jeftini subwoofer od 10 inča s plitkom montažom

Davne 1972. godine grupa prijatelja i ljubitelja glazbe s inženjerskim vještinama okupila se kako bi napravili najbolje pristupačne zvučnike.
S jasnom vizijom koliko je važno proizvoditi kvalitetne zvučnike, stvorili su respektabilnu tvrtku koja i danas pokazuje koliko truda ulažu kako bi usrećili ljubitelje dobre glazbene opreme.
Dizajn subwoofera Polk Audio DB1042DVC napravljen je tako da zauzima što manje prostora. Dakle, ljudi koji vole dizajn koji štedi prostor mogu biti sigurni da će ti tijesni subwooferi stati u njihova vozila bez ikakvih problema.
Pristaju u svako vozilo – automobile, kamione, pa čak i brodove, po čemu je ovaj proizvod poznat.
Kvaliteta je toliko visoka da ih ljudi koriste za instalacije na brodovima gdje su uvjeti, u najmanju ruku, manje od idealnih. Širokim rasponom uporabe ti su subwooferi postali vrlo popularni.
Subwoofer Polk Audio DB1042DVC izrađen je od visokotehnoloških kombiniranih materijala poput polipropilenske membrane i izdržljiv santopren.
Spomenuli smo sjajna svojstva polipropilena i koliko je ovaj materijal izdržljiv, a svjedoči i činjenica da ga većina renomiranih tvrtki koristi za izradu glazbene opreme.
Santopren je iz obitelji materijala sličnih gumi – samo što se za razliku od običnih termoplastičnih guma ovaj materijal može reciklirati.
Dakle, ako ste pobornik zaštite okoliša poput mene, onda je ovo proizvod za vas. To je vrlo izdržljiv materijal i bit će potrebno puno nemara i pogrešne upotrebe da bi se oštetio.
Ti subwooferi mogu podnijeti do 350 W RMS. Malo je slabije snage nego što sam očekivao, ali osjećaj je gotovo isti kao s mojim Pioneer subwooferom. Imaju vršnu snagu od 1050 vata i frekvencijski odziv koji ide od 28-200 Hz .
Jedina mana ovih woofera je što dolaze bez rešetke. A problem je u tome što se rešetke koje odgovaraju ovim wooferima više ne prodaju niti se više proizvode. Stoga ćete morati saznati odgovaraju li neki drugi roštilji ovom modelu subwoofera.
- Dizajn koji štedi prostor
- Jednostavna instalacija
- Izrađen od izdržljivih materijala
- Niži raspon snage
- Nema zamjenskih roštilja na tržištu
3. Kicker 43CWRT102: Najbolji subwoofer s plitkom montažom od 10 inča

Ovaj 10-inčni subwoofer za plitku montažu pruža impresivnu količinu zvuka po pristupačnoj cijeni.
Ima zvučnu impedanciju od 2 ohma i koristi visokotemperaturne glasovne zavojnice za rukovanje zvukom u različitim klimatskim uvjetima.
Ovaj subwoofer može proizvesti najviše 250 W zvuka. S jezgrom od ubrizganog lijevanog propilena, ovi čvrsti sabvuferi napravljeni su da traju.
The subs can easily be installed under seats but beware— You’ll definitely experience some hard-hitting vibrations with these powerful speakers.
The subwoofers are super easy to set up and are true to size when it comes to picking out a proper enclosure. Notably, these Kickers are pretty thin so they’re bound to fit in a variety of cars with ease.
The all-weather subwoofer is water-resistant as well, so you can still bump your tunes while off-roading.
Plus, with dual-voice coils, you can truly add power to these subwoofers without having to invest in unnecessary extra equipment.
These subwoofers have a sensitivity rating of about 84 decibels. You’ll love using these speakers to jam out to your favorite songs, regardless of the genre.
These subwoofers perform in a vented or sealed enclosure with ease. They also have a super sturdy design that you can depend on for years to come.
With 400 Watts of RMS power handling, you can crank these subwoofers to get the sound you need. Overall, it’s hard to find a subwoofer that performs quite as well as these ones within its price bracket.
- Thumping, powerful bass
- Sensitive sound output
- Water-resistant design
- User needs to be mindful of power capacities and compatibility to prevent a blow-out
4. Infinity Reference REF1200S – Best Budget 12-Inch Shallow Mount Subwoofer

Don’t be fooled by this subwoofer’s notably low price— It still packs a punch and intense bass enhancement that far exceeds its asking price.
That being said, you’ll want to be a super bass head to take on one of these monsters:These subs are bound to rattle your windows, seat, and even the exterior of your car when used.
You can choose between 2 or 4-ohm impedance so that you can get the most out of your subwoofer setup. Plus, with a sensitivity of 92 decibels, these speakers will make sure that your favorite low-end frequencies are well pronounced.
These subwoofers have a frequency response range of 27-175 Hz making them well suited for listening to a variety of different music types.
The polypropylene cone has a rubber surround coating effectively amplifying your sound while keeping dust and debris out.
Plus, this subwoofer comes with a 1-year warranty for valuable peace of mind. With a maximum output power of 1000 Watts, this speaker is designed to fill larger cars and spaces with earth-shattering sound.
While you’ll get a great deal of bass with these subwoofers, they are still able to produce clean mid and high range frequencies with ease.
The shallow mount sub can fit perfectly in a variety of housings, though it’s true to its described size
You’ll want to check your car carefully beforehand although— This 12-inch woofer can be exceedingly large for smaller vehicles.
Overall, this shallow subwoofer provides a surprisingly crisp sound while still giving you bass sound that you can truly feel.
- Low-profile design
- Super sensitive
- Might have some low-grade distortion
5. Kenwood KFC-XW1200F : Best 12-inch Shallow Mount Subwoofer

This subwoofer may look simple, but it is strong and powerful. The 12-inch subwoofer has carbon-fiber construction and a whopping 91 dB sensitivity level.
The shallow mount subwoofer comes with everything you need to get the speaker up and running no time at all, including the mounting screws.
While they do have a single-coil design, they produce an impressive amount of sound output so you won’t necessarily need to buy another subwoofer.
With a max sound output power of 1400 watts, you’ll most likely be able to produce all the sound you could want with just one of these flexible speakers. The subs also have an impedance rating of about 4 ohms.
With a cast aluminum basket, these subs are super sturdy and built to last. Regardless, they come with an included 2-year warranty , so you can be sure that they’re a good fit for your needs.
You’ll want that these subwoofers certainly pack a bunch to any and all music, even if you’re in a large vehicle like a truck.
You’ll get heart-pounding bass with this subwoofer, while still getting a considerably clear amount of mid and high range frequencies.
While there is an obvious emphasis on the low-end, these subwoofers are super well-balanced for their class. Despite having such a high sound output, this sub won’t blow out your sound with intense distortion.
It’s said that these subwoofers get better with age. When paired with a powerful amplifier, these speakers are simply unstoppable.
Overall, this is an amazing subwoofer for the price. While you might have to buy more than one unit to satiate your bass needs, they give you a balanced sound experience with every use.
- Easy to install
- Excellent sound quality
- May take some time to break-in.
Shallow Mount vs Regular Subwoofers
Now we’ll discuss some key differences between shallow mount subwoofers and their regular-sized subwoofers.
Shallow mount subs come in a flat, compact, and lightweight form. This also makes them easier to install than regular subs.
Another difference can be seen in their respective enclosure boxes. While regulars subs fit inside large, bulky, and cubical-shaped boxes, shallow mount subs require smaller-sized flat boxes.
The power consumption of shallow subs is also limited. While this can be beneficial as it doesn’t put much burden on the amp, it also results in lower power output which means that sound quality will not be as high as that of a regular subwoofer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do shallow mount subwoofers sound good?
Yes, the shallow mount subwoofers generally produce good sound but not as good as regular subs do.
What is the Top Mount Depth of a Subwoofer?
It’s the depth of a subwoofer that is installed from above the mounting surface.
Can I use a sub without an amp?
No. The subwoofers require a good amount of power to move the air and produce bass. This power is provided by the amplifier.