Najbolji kompleti bežičnih subwoofera za bežični rad vašeg subwoofera
Subwooferi su bitna komponenta vašeg sustava kućnog kina, ali obično su smješteni na određenoj udaljenosti od prijemnika pa su im potrebni dugi RCA ili subwoofer kabeli.
To može biti prilično neugodno i zato ćemo danas predstaviti najbolje komplete bežičnih subwoofera koje trenutno možete pronaći na tržištu.
S ovim bežičnim setovima subwoofera više se ne morate brinuti o neurednim kabelskim vezama. U nastavku pregledavamo 10 najboljih kompleta bežičnih subwoofera za koje vjerujemo da će najbolje odgovarati vašim audio potrebama.
3 najbolja odabira najboljih kompleta bežičnih subwoofera
Pregledajte najbolje ukupno

1.Najbolje sveukupno:SVS SoundPath bežični audio adapter
SVS SoundPath subwoofer kit ima učinkovitu ultranisku latenciju, eliminirajući kašnjenja koja često smetaju bežičnim sustavima i smetaju ljudima prilikom gledanja filmova ili slušanja glazbe.
Ovaj uređaj je naravno od SVS-a koji je cijenjeni proizvođač subwoofera. Možete pogledati primjer usporedbe u kojem gledamo SVS naspram HSU subwoofera kako biste dobili ideju o umijeću tvrtke.

Nazivni frekvencijski odziv kompleta kreće se od 6 Hz do 22 000 Hz, što znači da može podržati subwoofere i obične woofere.
Konačno, učinkovito radi na frekvencijskom pojasu od 2,4 GHz i odašilje jasne signale unutar udaljenosti od 65 stopa.
Visoka ultraniska latencija
Frekvencijski odziv u rasponu od 6 do 22 000 Hz
Radi na 2,4 GHz
Žrtvuje kvalitetu u rasponu većem od 65 stopa
2.Najbolji asortiman:iFinity Wireless Subwoofer Transmitter Kit
Prijemni kit odašiljača iFinity bežičnog subwoofera koristi naprednu tehnologiju koja omogućuje da vaš subwoofer radi s optimalnim performansama na udaljenosti od 50 stopa u zatvorenom prostoru.
Prenosi zvuk u digitalnom formatu bez kompresije zvuka (puna CD kvaliteta) – bez statike i smetnji.

Komplet također prenosi zvuk pune cd kvalitete bez smetnji zidova i bežičnih signala u blizini. Štoviše, radi na 2,4 GHz i ima frekvencijski raspon od 2 Hz do 20 000 Hz.
Kompaktan je
Ima frekvencijski pojas od 2,4 GHz
Njegov frekvencijski odziv je u rasponu od 2 i 20 kHz
Nemojte raditi s pasivnim zvučnicima
3. Najkompaktniji/najbolji za vrhunsku fleksibilnost:Dayton Audio Wave-Link WLS sustav
Dayton bežični komplet je kompaktan i pomaže u rješavanju mnogih problema s postavljanjem. Štoviše, korisnici ga mogu spojiti s još 3 prijamnika, što daje nevjerojatnu fleksibilnost postavljanja kućnog kina.

Ovaj komplet također radi na frekvenciji od 2,4 GHz i ima ugrađeni DCA za strujanje signala s USB priključaka.
Kompaktno i diskretno
Može se spojiti s još 3 prijemnika
Radi na frekvenciji od 2,4 GHz
Ima ugrađen DCA
Mora se ispravno instalirati
4.Najbolje za Klipsch ili Jamo sabvufere:Klipsch WA-2 komplet bežičnog subwoofera
Ovaj komplet bežičnog subwoofera nije za svakoga. Ali omogućuje vlasnicima Klipsch ili Jamo subwoofera da uživaju u nevjerojatnom basu.

Komplet ima kompaktan dizajn koji olakšava postavljanje. It operates at the 24 GHz frequency band and uses dynamic frequency selection technology that minimizes interference. But it is designed to find the receiver set on.
Has 2.4 GHz operation
Features automatic pairing
Little noisy whenever the receiver is off
5.Best for zero-comprehension transmission:REL Acoustics Ht-Air Wireless Kit
REL Acoustics Ht wireless kit has 16-20 millisecond range latency. This allows you to place the sub in far corners, along glass walls, or on hardwood floors where a cable would otherwise mess with your aesthetics.

Allows flexible placement
Easy to set up
No assembly
Must have all the package contents
6.Best for Quick Installation:Yamaha SWK-W16 Wireless Subwoofer Kit
This lightweight wireless subwoofer kit offers excellent connectivity for up 30 feet. Better still, it features a 2.4 GHz wireless band, which guarantees you distortion-free sound.

It is also compatible with the YSO-5600 soundbar. Many users find it incredibly easy to install.
All you need is the Mono-minijack or Mono-RCA cable. Now that the kit weighs only 1.43 lbs, you can set it up alone in the comfort of your home.
Compatible with YSP-5600 soundbar
Covers 30 feet
Not a universal kit
7.Best for Amazing Compatibility:BIC America WTR-Sys Wireless Subwoofer Kit
WTR-Syc has outstanding compatibility, as you can use it with mobile devices, Mac, A/V receivers, or other devices with an RCA connector.

Velcro strips are also part of the package. They are self-adhesives that make the kit easy to set up.
Easy to set up
Compatible with numerous devices
Has self-adhesive Velcro straps
Sound can fade after a while
8.Best for Extensive Coverage:Nero-WSA Wireless Subwoofer Kit
With the Nero-WSA kit, you can get as much as a 150-foot operation distance. Other than this long-distance connectivity, the kit’s transmission signal is 5.8 GHz.

The frequency response is also between 20Hz and 200Hz, and the audio distortion is below 1%.
Minimal Interference
Frequency response 20-200Hz
Below 1% sound distortion
Relatively low latency
9.Best for Multiple Subwoofers: Rocketfish Universal Wireless Transmitter Receiver Subwoofer Kit
Rocketfish Universal Wireless Transmitter Receiver Subwoofer Kit can work with almost all types of subwoofers, as its name suggests.
And the kit can give your subwoofer wireless capabilities at an outstandingly low rate. Also, it operates and transmits pristine sound waves up to 45 feet.
The kit’s signal transmission is 16 bit, 48 kHz of quality, uncompressed signals, resulting in crystal clear sounds.
It’s universal
It’s Affordable
It produces crystal clear sounds
Signal strength begins to drop after a 45-feet distance
10.Best for Budget-Conscious Buyers: OSD Audio WSK-100 Wireless Kit
OSD Audio WSK-100 Wireless kit offers quality sound transmission for 100 feet. It also operates at the 2.4 GHz frequency band and has a sound frequency ranging from 2 and 200 Hz.
If your goal is to have one of the best 5.1 Dolby setups and keep your listening room free from nasty connections for less, then this kit suits you.
Allow 100-feet open connection distance
The sound frequency between 20Hz and 200Hz
Sound distortion below 1%
High volume may be required for constant connectivity
Često postavljana pitanja
What is a wireless subwoofer?
These subwoofers use wireless sub kits to receive audio signals from home theatre, TV, and other sources. They do not use cables. The kits can be built-in or external.
What is a wireless subwoofer kit?
A wireless subwoofer kit will enable your regular subwoofer to operate wirelessly. This means you will no longer need to worry about lengthy and tangled cables or placement of your subwoofer.
How to hook up a wireless subwoofer kit?
i. Place the subwoofer: To hook up a wireless subwoofer with a built-in kit? First, place the subwoofer in its permanent position. Make sure you maintain line of sight unless you are using a transmitter that can permeate walls. It is also important that you do not place the transmitter next to devices that could create signal interference. These include mobile phones, 2.4 GHz wireless phones and 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi routers.
ii. Connect the transmitter to the receiver: Connect the single RCA adapter cable to the subwoofer pre-out or LFE channel of the AV receiver and to the input on the transmitter.
iii. Connect the receiver to your subwoofer: Connect the single RCA adapter cable to the LFE input and the input on the receiver. If you are using a 2-channel stereo pre-amp, connect the dual RCA adapter cable to both the L and R subwoofer inputs and also to the input on the wireless receiver.
iv. Pair the transmitter and receiver: For most subwoofer wireless kits, the transmitter and receiver will be paired automatically. Once paired, you should be able to play your heavy thumping bass wirelessly.
What are the most important factors I should consider before buying a wireless subwoofer kit?
When it comes to subwoofer kits, you need to choose one that suits your unique audio needs.
To do that, consider the design and build quality since you need to choose a kit that you can set up without difficulty.
Also, consider the frequency band and latency. The 5.8 GHz band is recommendable since it is always less crowded. And the latency, also known as delay time, should be the lowest.
Also, be sure you consider the versatility. If you have an active sub, you are free to buy a kit that can be plugged in or not. But if you have a passive subwoofer, only choose a wireless kit that can be plugged in.
What is the difference between traditional subwoofers and wireless subs?
All subwoofers are designed to produce low-frequency sound, also known as bass. The only difference between the two is all about the method of the transition of audio signals.
Wired subs need a physical connection to transmit the signals. But wireless subwoofers require wireless subwoofer kits.
What are the cons of wireless subwoofers?
Wireless subwoofers have indeed become increasingly popular today despite the that they have some disadvantages.
Some people are concerned that wireless subwoofers are a little bit more costly. They also find setting the sub crossover a little more challenging.
Even though these cons are worth mentioning, there are worthy benefits as well. For example, if you have a high-end sub, you can reach your sound system’s full range. It can also cost less to install and configure wireless subs. This is particularly true if your media room is big and you want to save on cables.
Must I set the crossover in my wireless subwoofer?
You don’t have to set the crossover if you are using the latest wireless subwoofers the way you would set the crossover on a traditional subwoofer.
Most of them come with built-in smart equalizers that are designed to adjust the crossover automatically. But if your sound system is too sophisticated, you may need to configure it manually.
How can I reduce the latency I am experiencing when using a wireless subwoofer?
The leading cause of latency is a long distance between the subwoofer and the transmitter.
Check the connectivity capability of your wireless subwoofer kits and keep them within the recommended range.
In many cases, you may solve the delay by merely keeping the sub within 25-to-30 feet away from the kit.
How should I handle the connectivity of wireless subwoofer kits?
If possible, find a direct line of sight with your sound system. Also, ensure you properly understand how to setup your specific wireless subwoofer kit.
Now that we have looked at the 10 best wireless subwoofer kits and answered the frequently asked questions (FAQs), we believe it is now much easier for you to choose the best kits and use them appropriately.
The wireless subwoofer kits we have reviewed have been tested for latency, sound quality, durability, and more. They also come from the top brands in the market. Take your time and choose one that will help you to create the cinematic experience that you seek without the messy wires!