KZ-PR1 HiFi IEM recenzija – Povoljni planarni in-ear monitori sa stvarnom prisutnošću
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Nedavno su izdali još više novih jeftinih IEM-ova, a najnoviji od njih je stigao na moj prag, KZ-PR1 HiFi iz KZ-a.
Izbor urednikaKZ PR1 HiFi Planar Driver In-Ear monitori
Svijetli, prirodni i transparentni IEM koji dolazi s vrlo malo grešaka
5/5 Pročitajte više recenzija Raspon cijena: $Brand: KZ
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Svidjelo mi se kad je KZ predstavio KZ ZEX Pro i KZ ZES s dodatkom elektrostatičkog pokretača. Sada KZ PR1 donosi Planar Magnetic driver u jeftini Chi-Fi prostor.
Volim ovaj IEM. Tako dobro diše, široka zvučna pozornica, stvarno svijetla i oštra. To je zvučni potpis koji mi stvarno odgovara.
Možda nije za svakoga i vidim da bi dugotrajno slušanje moglo iscrpiti neke ljude, ali meni je super.
Vokali, bubnjevi, gitara zvuče jednostavno sjajno.
Pogledajte cijenu na Amazonu…i još 1 recenzijuSpecifikacije
- Vozač: Planarni odvijač od 13,2 mm
- Frekvencijski odziv: 20Hz-40kHz
- Izvorni konektor: Utikač od 3,5 mm
- IEM priključak: 0,75 mm 2-pinski konektor
- Impedancija: 16 Ohma
- Kabel: Posrebreni OFC (125 cm)
- Osjetljivost: 96±3dB
Što je u kutiji?
- PR1 HiFi IEM
- Silikonske slušalice S/M/L
- OFC srebrni kabel od 125 cm
- Vodič za proizvode
Stvari koje volim
- Široka, ekspanzivna zvučna pozornica
- Prirodni i svijetli zvučni potpis
- Dobra zastupljenost kroz cijeli frekvencijski spektar – lijep prirodni puni bas
- Lijepo pristaje
- Pristojna cijena
Stvari koje manje volim
- Za neke bi moglo biti presvijetlo
- Za neke bi moglo biti previše analitičko
- S vremena na vrijeme osjećam da glasnoća mora malo porasti prije nego što bas stvarno dođe do izražaja
Gdje ga nabaviti
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Usporedivi proizvodi koje treba razmotriti

Ukusan mali tribrid s dinamičkim, BA i elektrostatičkim pokretačima.

Još jedna odlična jedinica iz KZ. Dinamički upravljački program s elektrostatičkim pogonskim programom čini ga solidnim i snažnim proračunskim IEM-om.
Pregled metrike
Kvaliteta zvuka:9Bas:10Srednji tonovi:9Visoki tonovi:9Zvučna izolacija:8Kvaliteta izrade:10Udobnost i prilagodba:9Vrijednost za novac:10Dodatna oprema:8 Mjerni podaci pregleda Prosjek:9,11 / 10Nakon što sam nedavno pregledao KZ ZEX Pro (također nazvan KZ ZEX Pro – Crinacle) koji je bio ažurirana verzija KZ ZEX-a, bio sam stvarno impresioniran dinamičkom elektrostatičkom i uravnoteženom kombinacijom armature u ovom Tribridu.
Jasnoća je bila izvrsna i stvarno je postao moj omiljeni novi jeftini monitor za uho.
Ali onda je to nastavljeno s KZ ZES, koji je došao sa sjajnom kombinacijom dinamičkog pokretača i opet elektrostatičkog pokretača.
Ovo je bio novi prostor u koji je KZ krenuo, udaljavajući se od samo dinamički uravnoteženih pokretača armature u elektrostatički raspon.
Stvarno sam uživao u ovome, a svjetlina i lakoća elektrostatičkog zvuka u kombinaciji s dinamikom i uravnoteženim armaturama doista su učinili da ovi jeftini IEM-i budu iznad svoje težine.
Uz KZ-PR1, Knowledge Zenith sada je izdao proračunski Planar drajver IEM.
Ne ulazeći u pojedinosti o ravnim magnetskim pogonskim programima, oni nisu ni približno uobičajeni kao drugi i čini se da mnoge tvrtke za slušalice poput Audezea i HIFIMAN-a imaju malo mjesta u tom području jer se tipične slušalice fokusiraju na dinamičke pogonske programe.
Zapravo ima samo vrlo tanku dijafragmu kroz koju prolazi žica, a magnet obješen pokraj te dijafragme stupa u interakciju sa signalom, uključuje se i isključuje kako bi se stvorila reakcija između magneta i dijafragme kako bi se stvorio audioizlaz i kretanje.
Super stvar kod planarnih drajvera je to što mogu imati vrlo brz odziv, a to očito rezultira čvršćim zvukom.
Dosta tehnologije, kao što moram reći, da KZ-PR1 definitivno odražava tu čvrstoću, posebno od donjeg kraja sve do vrha.
Prvi dojmovi
Pa sama kutija je ista kao i svaka druga KZ kutija. Dolazi u vrlo malom pakiranju s dva rezervna kompleta silikonskih ušnih vrhova i monitorima za uši s OFC poluprozirnim kabelom.
Nažalost, moje molbe i vapaji za budžetskim zatezačem kabela, monitorima za uši nisu stigli na vrijeme da bi to uključili.
Živim u nadi...
Dakle, čini se da ću nastaviti koristiti gumene trake ili male plastične navlake koje ću stegnuti dovoljno čvrsto da mogu stvoriti napetost na ovim in-ear monitorima oko uha.
Same slušalice, kao i sve KZ slušalice, prelijepo su izrađene.
They really have got the art of machining down pat. The model that I am reviewing is the KZ-PR1 HiFi edition, which is the silver version.
A nice metallic finish with a bit of an open grill at the back. And there is also a PR1 Balanced Edition, which comes in black resin, which is also slightly transparent.
The HiFi Edition has a slightly higher top end and a little less heaviness on the bottom end.
The Balanced Edition has a bit more bottom end and is relatively mellow at the very high end of the 7 to 10K range.

Comfort and fit
The fit of these is much like any KZ. It fits really well in the ear. The position of the two-pin cable comes nicely out the front over the back of the ear. There are three sizes of silicon tips, so play around with those for the best match for your ears.
There’s no memory cable here, which I like because then I get to control how it fits and feels on the back of my ears, and it looks pretty good as well, which always helps.
The cable is a typical 0.75 mill gold-plated plug, which is the normal KZ two-pin sleeve, which goes nicely over the top of each individual inner earbud.
And what I like about these is if you do want to swap those out or if you have a problem with them later, then if this OFC silver-plated flat cable doesn’t suit you, you can go out and buy another one. You can also opt to buy the inline control version, which has a single push button and allows you to control your music and phone calls.
Tech specs
So, in addition to the 13.2mm planar driver, the PR1 HiFi has a frequency response of 20 Hz to 40,000 khz.
A sensitivity of 96 plus or minus 3 dB, which is higher than you’ll see on some other dynamic or balanced drivers.
The impedance is a nice manageable 16 ohms, meaning that these can be very easily driven from anything including your smartphone.
The cable comes with a 3.5mm jack and with the 0.75mm two-pin connected to the earbuds, with the silver-plated OFC cable, which is about 120 centimeters long.
Kvaliteta zvuka
The Bass on these is really quite deep and wide, although I did find that I had to increase the volume slightly to really get that full feel. Once it’s there, it is really quite impressive.
Try ‘First Class’ by Jack Harlow for a good intro to the bass. Or “Rockstar” by Post Malone.
Any synthesised bottom end is full and rich. Not wooly or loose.
Acoustic kick drums are nice and tight.
Anything in that bottom range is really impactful.
And because of that tightness and that depth, it stands out on its own and doesn’t conflict or compete with the other frequency that are going on in the mids and trebles.
Mids are bright and fresh, not too far forward, sitting exactly where they need to sit. Possibly a little too forward for some, depending on what you throw at these.
The sound of a drum roll through the upper Toms, right down at the floor Tom, sound so true to life and natural that I have to smile every time I play a track with an acoustic kit.
The sound stage from the mid-range out helps each individual instrument stand so well on its own that vocals, guitars, keys, all sit in their own space without that competition or that single wall of sound hitting you.
This power in this frequency range without the aggression, it’s a force without the distortion.

Trebles are not too abrasive, also sound quite natural. There’s nothing jarring about them, and they add a nice sparkle to the top of the rest of the sound signatures flowing up below them.
“Animals” by the Architects has really full sound with amazing sparkle across the full range of instruments. “Him &I” by G-Eazy with Halsey has such an airy raspiness to it.
When Halsey intros with just a single beat and light key input at the bottom, her voice stands out so acoustically.
The bottom end kicks in with great fullness.
Listening to “Sword from the Stone” by Passenger, the acoustic guitar, piano, his vocals, again, all so natural and acoustic. Those treble notes just adding so much brightness and natural feel to the instrumentation and vocals.
General sound comments
I absolutely love these in-ear monitors. And while they’re not as cheap as some of the other ones in KZ’s range, they are worth the extra cost.
I’ll tell you now for free these are my top budget IEM pick for 2022 and will make it to the top of the budget IEMs list soon.
They remind me of why I love my job of reviewing headphones so much.
If you’re listening to acoustic music especially or if you happen to be a lover of vocals, in particular, then this HiFi model will really bring your music to life.
And with the bottom end is there, it’s just not too full and too fat.
When I say that these sound powerful without distortion and full without being too forceful, there are times that the transparency might almost make you want a little bit more from these.
I don’t know how to describe it, it’s not PRaT, but it’s almost an emotional element that I don’t always feel in the tracks that I’m listening to.

The sound stage is so wide and the imaging so clear and wide that it almost feels at times like I want to put the band a little closer together and have some of that lower midrange come at me a little bit harder, more like a dynamic or BA driver.
Now that would be a combination I’d pay alot of money for.
Those criticisms aside, for me and my preference of music listening, these KZ-PR1 HiFi planar magnetic budget in-ear monitors are pretty much as good as it gets for me at this price point.
They’re not muddy, they’re crisp, they’re clear, they’re bright.
The sound stage is wide. The overall response from the frequencies is also balanced.
There’s no V shape here. There’s no frequency that is particularly lacking.
But for that little piece of emotion that I occasionally lack from listening to these, I’m really impressed with them.
I keep saying KZ are sending me my favorite in-ear monitors, but they continue to impress me and I continue to say it.
Sony, Bose, Apple, JBL, UE, Sennheiser, Shure – take note. You need to keep up with this kind of innovation.
Actually, since I’ve mentioned some of my favourite brands like Shure, I have to say I’d never use these for live monitoring.
These are an audiophile IEM first and foremost. Better used in the peace and quite of home or the office lest you lose some of the goodness in noisy environments.
Without wanting to sound too much of a fanboy, I think they’ve got a real winner on their hands here.
If you like a warm sound signature and if you like well-rounded full soft bass, then these are not for you.
They’re quite analytical, very transparent, very bright, sharp, and crisp…have I said that already…
If you’re into instrumentation that is live by real humans, these will give you a thrill but not just you.
OK, I’ll stop now…
Any questions, fire them in the comments below, check out the HD photos and I’ll do a video on these as well.
KZ PR1 HiFI Planar in-ear MonitorsOverall Rating 4.8