Klima uređaj za pseću kućicu:Kako rashladiti pseću kućicu tijekom ljeta?

Kad temperatura i vlažnost naglo porastu po vrućem vremenu, ljudi nisu jedini koji pate. Vaši krzneni članovi obitelji u svojim debelim kaputima također postaju žrtve zagušljive vrućine. Klima uređaji za pseće kućice mogu pomoći u pružanju ugodnog okruženja za vašeg ljubimca tijekom ovih vremena.
Dugotrajno izlaganje toplini nije sigurno za vašeg psa i može predstavljati ozbiljne zdravstvene rizike. Posebno su osjetljivi na toplinski udar mladi štenci, stari psi sa srčanim ili dišnim bolestima te oni s gustim krznom.
Jednostavna kućica za pse može zaštititi vašeg psa od izravnog sunca. No, vani i dalje postaje nesnosno vruće, osobito u poslijepodnevnim satima. Zbog toga je vašem psu prilično teško izdržati vrućinu bez uređaja za hlađenje.
Nismo jedini koji mogu imati koristi od klima uređaja. I čovjekov najbolji prijatelj treba klima uređaj!
Da, klima-uređaj za pseću kućicu je dobra stvar i trebali biste ga instalirati prije nego što vašem psu postane teško nositi se s rastućom temperaturom.
Pogledajmo zašto je klimatizacija važna za vašeg psa, kako odabrati i postaviti jedinicu u kućicu vašeg psa i što učiniti kada klimatizacija nije opcija.
Kako rashladiti kućicu za pse tijekom ljeta?- Zašto vam je potreban klima uređaj za vašeg psa?
- Koja je ugodna ljetna temperatura za vašeg psa?
- Čimbenici koje treba imati na umu pri odabiru klima uređaja za kućicu za pse
- Stvari koje treba razmotriti prije postavljanja klima uređaja za kućicu za pse
- Instaliranje klima uređaja za kućicu za pse:brza česta pitanja
- Trebate li svoju kućicu za pse ostaviti uključenom klimu?
- Dodatni savjeti za rashlađivanje vašeg psa tijekom ljetnih vrućina
- Trebaju li kućice za pse klima-uređaj?
Zašto vam je potreban klima uređaj za vašeg psa?
Psi su prekriveni krznom; neki imaju deblju dlaku od drugih. To im pomaže da se zagriju tijekom zimske sezone. Međutim, predstavlja problem kada temperatura skoči. Osim guste dlake, psi imaju manje žlijezda znojnica koje se nalaze samo ispod nogu.
Možda ste vidjeli svog psa kako dahće tijekom ljeta. Kako to objašnjava Psychology Today, ovo je njihov mehanizam da ohlade svoje tijelo. Psi nemaju žlijezde znojnice na jeziku, ali dahtanje omogućuje toplini da se digne iz prsnog koša i ispari iz vlažnih ovojnica u plućima. Štoviše, krvne žile koje se nalaze na licu i ušima šire se kako bi rashladile vašeg psa. To omogućuje krvi da teče bliže površini, gdje se može brzo ohladiti, posebno tijekom vježbanja.
Međutim, s rastućom toplinom i vlagom, dahtanje neće puno funkcionirati, što može biti prilično iscrpljujuće za vašeg ljubimca.
Prosječna temperatura vašeg psa je između 100 F i 103 F. Vrućeg ljetnog dana može doseći 105 i uzrokovati vrtoglavicu, mučninu i slabost. Temperatura iznad 107 nije sigurna za vašeg ljubimca; može rezultirati toplinskim udarom koji može biti smrtonosan.
Kontrola vlažnosti također je bitna jer se psi ne mogu rashladiti u visoko vlažnom okruženju. Kao rezultat toga, njihova temperatura može skoknuti do opasnih razina.
Kako biste zaštitili svog krznenog prijatelja od štetnih utjecaja ljetnih vrućina, klima uređaj za pseću kućicu idealno je rješenje. Osim povišenih temperatura, klima uređaj će također pomoći u borbi protiv visoke vlage.
Koja je ugodna ljetna temperatura za vašeg psa?
Ugodna ljetna temperatura za pse je između 75F i 78F. Na temelju propisa Zakona o dobrobiti životinja, unutarnja temperatura za pse ne smije narasti iznad 85 F dulje od četiri uzastopna sata. Također, razinu vlažnosti treba održavati između 30 do 70%, a potrebno je osigurati i ventilaciju.
Dok je gore spomenuti raspon općenit, nekoliko čimbenika utječe na to što čini ugodno okruženje za vašeg ljubimca. Pogledajmo ih:
Debljina dlake
Psi s debelim krznenim kaputima imaju tendenciju da se brže zagriju jer njihovo krzno zadržava toplinu. Kao rezultat toga, skloni su im biti niže temperature i potrebno ih je zaštititi od jake vrućine.
Psi s tankom dlakom poput dalmatinaca ili francuskih buldoga mogu podnijeti visoke temperature. Ali jedna im je mana to što su osjetljivi na opekline od sunca, pa svakako obucite laganu jaknu kada se igrate na suncu.
Dob i zdravlje
Novorođeni i stariji psi osjećaju se ugodno na višim temperaturama. Isto vrijedi i za ljubimce koji imaju problema sa zglobovima ili one koji pate od neke kronične infekcije.
Veličina i težina
Psi s prekomjernom težinom zadržavaju više topline i trebaju im rashladni dodaci kako bi im bilo ugodno tijekom ljeta. Isti je slučaj s velikim pasminama jer imaju veću površinu koja čuva toplinu.
Prvi saznajte
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Čimbenici koje morate imati na umu pri odabiru klima uređaja za kućicu za pse
Dok raspršivači i ventilatori mogu pružiti malo hlađenja i olakšanja, stvarni klima uređaj je jedini način da se održi optimalna klima. Za kućicu za pse s klima uređajem možete birati između raznih opcija. Ovo su stvari na koje morate obratiti pozornost:
1. Prikladna vrsta klima uređaja
Najbolja opcija je odabrati prijenosnu jedinicu jednostavnu za korištenje. Također možete odabrati sustav koji zimi služi i kao jedinica za grijanje, tako da ga ne morate mijenjati kada sezona završi.
Prema Danielu Caughillu, suosnivaču The Dog Tale, najbolje je odlučiti se za kućicu za pse s klima uređajem i grijačem ako je kuća na mjestu sklonom hladnom zimskom vremenu kao i ljetnim vrućinama. Na primjer, ako živite u području koje ima puno snijega ili kiše tijekom zime, vaš će pas vjerojatno pokisnuti i njegovo se krzno neće brzo osušiti. To može biti opasno ako nemaju toplo i suho mjesto za spavanje, tako da je uređaj koji grije i hladi prostoriju odličan.
- Prijenosni klima uređaji – Poznat kao stand-up ili samostalni klima uređaj, dizajniran je za hlađenje malog prostora. Prijenosni klima uređaji izvlače vrući, vlažni zrak i ispuštaju ga kroz ispušno crijevo. Crijevo se može odzračiti kroz prozor ili bušenjem rupe u zidu. Neki modeli omogućuju hlađenje kao i grijanje, stoga se mogu koristiti tijekom cijele godine.
Postoje i vanjski prijenosni klima uređaji. Jedinicu možete držati vani i izbušiti rupe za postavljanje zračnih kanala koji će dovoditi hladan zrak u kućicu za pse. Oni čine izvrsnu jedinicu za klimatizaciju kućice za pse jer neće prekriti prostor unutra, a vaš pas vjerojatno neće ometati jedinicu.
- Prozorski klima uređaji – Ove jedinice pristupačni su i vrlo jednostavni za postavljanje. Oni pružaju prijeko potrebnu struju hladnog zraka koja može pomoći vašem psu da pobijedi vrućinu. Osim hlađenja, prozorske klima jedinice mogu pomoći u smanjenju visoke razine vlažnosti. Ako nemate dodatnog prostora u kućici za pse, klima uređaj na prozoru je izvrsna opcija.
Ako vaša kućica za pse nema prozore, razmislite o izboru klima uređaja koji se provlači kroz zid. Sličan je AC prozoru, ali je dizajniran da stoji unutar zida umjesto prozora. Ove će jedinice zahtijevati stolariju za ugradnju ako nemate slobodnog prostora za njihovu ugradnju. Također, trebali biste se uvjeriti da je kuća dobro izolirana i da nema otvore koji bi omogućili izlazak hladnog zraka.
2. Pametni AC regulatori za vašu klimatiziranu kućicu za pse
Kontrola temperature nije samo za ljude; održavanje optimalne klime također je važno unutar kućice za pse. Ako vaš odabrani klima uređaj za pseću kućicu dolazi s IR daljinskim upravljačem, možete se odlučiti i za pametni regulator izmjenične struje kako biste ga učinili pametnijim i udvostručili njegove značajke!
S pametnim regulatorom izmjenične struje nikada se nećete morati brinuti hoće li vaša kućica za pse postati prevruća ili prehladna. Možete kontrolirati sve postavke klima uređaja sa svog telefona bez obzira gdje se nalazite. Bilo da ste na poslu ili u kupovini, pametni AC regulatori daju vam trenutnu kontrolu nad vašom AC kućicom za pse. Možete pratiti razinu temperature i vlažnosti i mijenjati ih u hodu.
Cielo Breez pametni regulatori za izmjeničnu struju imaju Comfy način rada koji vam omogućuje da postavite temperaturni raspon prilagođen psima između 75 F i 78 F. Ako temperatura kućice za pse padne iznad ili ispod ovog raspona, automatski će se aktivirati Comfy način rada kako bi se održalo savršeno okruženje.
Cielo Smart AC kontroleri.
Vaš najbolji izbor da svaki klima uređaj učinite pametnim
Kupite sada
3. Veličina i učinkovitost klima uređaja za pseću kućicu
Keep in mind the size of the dog house and ensure that the unit can sufficiently cool off the entire area. You also do not want to go overboard and purchase a unit that is too big. It won’t cool efficiently, will take up more space, and waste energy.
EER and SEER are the rating system that determines how energy efficient your AC unit is. A high EER rating means that your AC unit can cool down space quickly while using less energy. Go for high EER ratings when buying AC for a dog house, similar to how you would do for your home.
Air conditioner sizing is measured in BTUs. At least 2000 BTUs are required for adequate cooling, but the larger the dog house, the larger the size required. Jacquelyn Hooper from The Pampered Pup suggests, “The ‘best’ depends on how big the dog house is, how cool your vet suggests your dog house should be, and your budget, etc.”
4. Material of the AC Dog House
To ensure your pup’s safety while the AC is in use, you’ll want to make sure that it’s hardy and cannot be chewed on, suggests Jacquelyn from The Pampered Pup. You can also ensure that the AC you choose is be mounted out of the way in your dog house, where your doggo won’t be tempted to hike or chew on it. This will protect your unit and your darling pups.
5. Air Conditioner Features
Cooling and heating may be the main functions of an air conditioner, but some brands and models offer various other features. For example, you may want to opt for an AC for a dog house that provides a timer function or a dry mode feature. Some air conditioners even have an auto-shutdown feature.
Things to Consider Before Installing a Dog House Air Conditioner

An air-conditioned dog house can significantly help regulate the temperature to protect your dog from the heat! However, for your dog house AC unit to work effectively, there are certain factors that you should take into account:
1. Material of the Dog House
Most dog houses in the market are made from plastic. This material is durable, inexpensive, and easy to move around.
But in summers, the plastic may do more harm than good. It tends to heat up quickly and can develop cracks under direct sunlight. In addition, AC for dogs won’t work in this type of material.
Wood should be your go-to option for summertime. Wood is a porous material that allows air to pass through. As a result, it will provide a comfortable, airy environment for your pet.
You would also want to consider the material on which you are placing your dog house. Putting it on concrete is not a good idea as concrete retains heat. If you’re going to put it on a porch with a concrete floor, consider adding an insulating material such as a thick piece of cotton.
If you are placing your dog’s house under a tree, consider using grass. Grass acts as an insulating layer and will prevent the dog house from getting heated.
Tip :There should be a considerable distance between the ground and your dog house for air circulation. It prevents the ground heat from warming up the house.
2. Location for the Dog House
Choose a spot for your dog house that won’t get direct sunlight. Harsh sun rays will heat the dog house quickly and will hinder the functioning of your AC.
Instead, put it under a tree that is large enough to provide shade. You can also put it on your porch to prevent direct sun exposure.
Moreover, place your dog house parallel to the wind. At night when the temperature drops, you can turn off the air conditioner. Your dog can take advantage of the relaxing breezes, and it will also help with air circulation and ventilation.
3. Location for the Air Conditioner
To prevent your dog from biting or climbing on the AC unit, install it in an area that your dog is not likely to reach. Also, place it near an electrical outlet. If there is no electrical outlet, you can opt for an extension. Make sure the wires are well secured in a box to prevent your dog from chewing on them.
If you think your dog will go near the air conditioner or if there isn’t enough space inside the dog house, consider putting it outside. Outdoor portable ACs such as Climate Right or Kwi Kool can be ideal for this scenario.
4. Insulation in Your Dog House
To make the dog house air conditioner work effectively, you need to insulate it properly. An insulating layer can help seal the cold inside and prevent the outside heat from affecting the internal environment. In addition, you can use foam or plywood to fill the dog house and avoid heat transfer.
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1. Is AC Installation for Dog House a Complicated Process?
Installing AC inside your dog house is a simple process and you can easily do it yourself. In case you don’t want to install the air conditioner on your own, opt for dog houses with in-built air conditioners. You will find different sizes of houses, or you can also have customized one according to your dog’s requirements.
2. How to Install a Portable AC for Dog House?
If you are going for portable AC, no major installation is required. You just have to place it at a suitable corner inside the dog house. Outdoor portable dog air conditioners should be placed in a secure location outdoors. You would need an opening or window for the exhaust hose. If your dog house does not have any windows, you can drill a hole according to the size of the hose. Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for making the opening and placing the hose.
3. Does My Dog’s House Require a Window AC?
If your dog house has a window or you are ready to create a larger opening, you can consider a window AC. First, make sure the dog house is sturdy enough to hold the unit. You can call a professional to install the AC, or if you’re good with tools, then do it yourself. Here’s a handy guide on installing a window air conditioner. Now, turn the unit on, and your dog is ready to move in!
4. Is It Necessary to Seal Crack &Gaps in the Dog House?
After installation, do not forget to apply weather stripping to seal any gaps and cracks around the AC unit. Rubber weather stripping can be used to stop cool air from leaking out. Also, remember to seal the area around the exhaust hose with a sealant if a portable AC is installed.
Should You Leave Your Dog House AC On?
When you are not at home with your dog all day long, its safety becomes an issue, especially during summers. You are not around to check for signs such as dehydration and nausea. When dogs are left alone in this situation, it can become quite dangerous.
Therefore, consider leaving the dog house air conditioning on to keep it safe from the harsh summer heat.
The ideal indoor temperature for dogs is between 75F to 78F, so adjust your thermostat to this setting. Leaving the AC on in this setting allows your dog to stay comfortable even when it’s scorching hot outside.
If you have concerns about leaving the air conditioner on in your absence, you can invest in smart AC controllers. With these smart devices, you will be able to monitor and change the temperature using your phone when you’re away
Additional Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool in Summer Heat

If installing an AC for a dog isn’t an option for you, you can try other techniques to make your pet comfortable during the summer season.
1. Use a Fan for Air Circulation
Fans won’t lower the temperature of the dog house, but they help in improving air circulation. During summer, you should switch the fan’s direction clockwise for cooling.
Another option is using an exhaust fan. It works by removing hot, humid air from the space and increasing ventilation.
2. Add Shade to Your Dog House
Direct sunlight can really heat up a dog house. An added covering or a shade can help as a great way to keep it nice and cool. Just make sure to identify where exactly the sunlight falls so you don’t miss any spots!
3. Make Room for Ventilation
It’s always best to purchase a dog house with vents. Vents help in air circulation and aid in preventing suffocation. However, if your current dog house does not contain any vent, consider installing one near the ceiling.
4. Use Cooling Beds
Cooling beds offer an easy fix to keep your pet cozy during summers. They are filled with gel or liquid and are designed to remove heat from your pet’s body. They can also aid in sleeping. Dogs, just like humans, have trouble dozing off in warm temperatures. Cooling pads can help with comfortable naps.
5. Keep Water Bowls
Place cold water bowls in your dog house. The cold water helps dogs regulate their body temperature. When your dog is out playing, make sure to keep a chilled bottle with you.
6. Frozen Water Bottles or Damp Towels
Freeze some water bottles and leave them in the dog house to reduce heat intensity. You can also put damp towels underneath the dog house, but you would need to replace them every couple of hours.
7. Get Cooling Jackets for Your Dog
Dog cooling jackets consist of three layers. The outer layer is designed to reflect the heat. Middle layer stores water to keep your pet cool for a longer duration. The inner lining keeps your dog comfortable. It is easy to put on your dog and also has an added sun protection feature.
8. Offer Frozen Treats
You can freeze your regular dog treats or make one yourself. For example, take your dog’s rubber chew toy and fill it with soft-boiled chicken or fish. Then, put it in a freezer for some time. It will help your dog cool down and will also provide a fun treat.
9. Mist Frequently
You can mist your dog every couple of hours or use misting fans especially made for pets. Misting fans spew water frequently on your dog and lower its body temperature. When the water evaporates, it leaves a cool and refreshing effect on your dog’s body.
Do Dog Houses Need Air Conditioning?
Heatstroke and dehydration are real threats to dog’s safety during summers. With dog house AC, you can make sure that your pet stays safe and comfortable even during a heatwave. In addition to installing a dog house air conditioner, don’t forget to make sure that your pet has access to plenty of cool water to stay hydrated all day.