Dyson vs Hoover usisavači
Dyson i Hoover ulaze u ring kao dva najveća imena u vakuumskom prostoru. Oba su opremljena značajkama visoke tehnologije i inovativnim dizajnom, ali koji od njih nudi najbolji usisivač i najbolju vrijednost za novac? Navodimo sve specifikacije koje trebate znati o različitim vrstama modela kako bismo vam pomogli u donošenju odluke.
Dyson protiv Hoovera:Ručni usisivači
Recite zbogom spoticanju o dugi kabel i potrebi ponovnog uključivanja usisavača pri prelasku iz jedne prostorije u drugu. Bežični ručni štap kombinira kompaktan i lagan dizajn ručnog usisavača s dosegom i snagom usisavača u spremniku.
Osim bežične značajke, mogućnost jednostavnog pretvaranja ručnog usisavača u ručni usisivač je ono što čini štapne usisavače popularnim izborom za mnoga kućanstva. Dodatni dodaci dodaju još više svestranosti, omogućujući vam manevriranje oko rubova i različitih teško dostupnih kutova i pukotina.
Evo popisa modela trenutno dostupnih od Dysona i Hoovera:
Dyson | Hoover |
Dyson V7 usisavač bez kabela: 599 USD* | Hoover i-Vac X10 štapni usisivač: 99 USD* |
Dyson V7 Motorhead Vacuum: 599 USD* | Hoover Optim bežični štapni usisivač: 149 USD* |
Dyson V8 Origin Vacuum: 749 USD* | Hoover Ultra Light Stick Vacuum: 199 USD* |
Dyson V8 Animal Extra Vacuum: 799 USD* | Hoover Ultra Performer Stick Vacuum: 199 USD* |
Dyson Cyclone V10 Animal+ Vacuum: 999 USD* | Hoover Heritage Stick Vacuum: 199 USD* |
Dyson V11 Absolute Extra Vacuum: 1199 USD* | Hoover bežični štapni usisivač: 249 USD* |
Dyson V11 Complete Pro Vacuum: 1249 USD* | Hoover Magicstick Vakuum:299 $* |
Dyson V11 usisivač veće veličine: 1299 USD* | Hoover Quickstick Stick Vakuum: 299 USD* |
Dyson V11 Outsize Pro Vacuum: 1349 USD* | Hoover Ultra Power Stick Vacuum: 299 USD* |
Hoover Zenith Stick Vacuum: 399 USD* | |
Hoover Vortex Pro Stick Vacuum: 599 USD* |
Izvor:cijene preuzete od Dysona i Godfreysa, točne od srpnja 2020.
Dyson bežične ručne palice
Dyson štapni usisavači prikladni su i za tepihe i za tvrde podove. Osim kante za smeće bez dodirivanja, svaki model ima sustav filtracije cijelog stroja za koji se tvrdi da hvata alergene i izbacuje čišći zrak. Trenutačni rasponi uključuju:
- Dyson V7: 599 USD*
- Dyson V8: 749 USD – 799 USD*
- Dyson V10: 999 USD*
- Dyson V11: 1199 USD – 1349 USD*
V10 i V11 bežični usisavači opisani su kao Dysonovi najbrži i najsnažniji bežični štapni usisavači. Maksimalno ukupno vrijeme rada za obje serije je 60 minuta, ali to se odnosi samo na korištenje snažnog usisnog načina s priključenim nemotoriziranim alatom. Dakle, vjerojatno ćete dobiti manje vremena za čišćenje sa snažnijim načinom pojačanja. Ovo se također odnosi i na druge Dysonove ručne palice.
Kapacitet kante Dysonovih usisavača je dodatno velik, počevši od 540 ml za V7 i V8 linije, ili 760 ml za V10 i V11 kolekcije. Dyson V11 Outsize i V11 Outsize Pro alternativno nude kantu za smeće od 1,8 L.
Većina modela teži oko oznake od 2,6 kg, a stariji usisivači Dyson V7 i V8 su najlakši. Novija serija Dyson V11 malo je teža, teži između 3,09 kg i 3,56 kg. Međutim, većina Dysonovih štapnih usisavača ima skupu cijenu oko 1000 USD. Neki dodaci za usisavanje tvrtke Dyson uključuju:
- Alat za pukotine: dopire do uskih otvora i čisti duž rubova.
- Mini motorizirani alat: šipka s četkom dizajnirana za hvatanje dlake kućnih ljubimaca i prljavštine u namještaju i automobilskim sjedalima.
- Mekana četka za prašinu: vakuumska četka za prašinu koja može čistiti zaslone, tipkovnice i druge površine.
- Adapter niskog dosega: ima podesivi štap koji se može saviti do 90° za čišćenje ispod niskog namještaja.
- Priključna stanica: moćna baza koja pohranjuje i puni vaš vakuum između dva korištenja.
Hoover bežične ručne palice
Na Hooverovoj strani grada, postoji nekoliko dodatnih opcija koje možete izabrati po pristupačnijim cijenama. Dostupne su tri različite linije:
- Hoover štapni usisivač: $199-$599*
- Hoover i-Vac ručni usisivač: 99 USD*
- Hoover Sauber štapni usisivač: 549 USD*
Većina Hoover bežičnih štapnih usisavača pruža visokoučinkovitu filtraciju čestica zraka (HEPA) za smanjenje prašine i drugih vrsta alergena koji mogu djelovati kao okidači za osobe s astmom i alergijama. Hoover Cordless Plus Stick Vacuum (249 USD RRP) i Hoover Heritage Stick Vacuum (199 USD RRP) dodatno imaju ciklonsku tehnologiju bez vrećice, za koju se navodi da pomaže u poboljšanju kvalitete zraka.
Jedna od glavnih značajki po kojoj se Hoover ističe su ugrađena LED svjetla u glavi, koja su dizajnirana da vam pomognu vidjeti ispod namještaja i drugih tamnih ili teško dostupnih područja. Određeni modeli također sadrže ručku koja se može sklopiti radi lakšeg spremanja. I kao sa svim štapnim usisivačima, svi Hoover ručni usisavači nude istu 2-u-1 funkciju bežičnog usisavača pune veličine i ručne alternative.
Hoover štapići za ruke mogu se čistiti između 20-45 minuta, ovisno o tome koji model nabavite. Ali većina modela nudi maksimalno vrijeme rada od 20 minuta. Hoover Ultra Power Stick Vacuum (299 $ RRP) najdugovječniji je, može preživjeti do 45 minuta s jednim punjenjem. Hoover štapni usisivači mogu se koristiti i na tvrdim podovima i na tepihu. Neki dodaci u Hooverovim ručnim usisavačima uključuju:
- Alat za presvlake
- Četka za brisanje prašine
- Alat za pukotine
Dyson protiv Hoovera:Uspravni usisavači
Uspravni usisavači slični su štapnim usisavačima, ali nisu potpuno isti. Oni su kombinacija usisavača s bačvom i ručne palice, ali umjesto da gurate kanister iza sebe, gurali biste cijeli usisavač ispred sebe. Kako bi se kompenzirala težina, uspravni usisavači obično dolaze s kotačima. Najnoviji modeli dostupni od Dysona i Hoovera uključuju:
Dyson | Hoover |
Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor+ Vacuum: 599 USD* | Hoover Essential uspravni usisavač: 199 USD* |
Hoover Complete uspravni usisavač bez vrećice: 299 USD* | |
Bežični uspravni usisivač Hoover Zoom: 499 USD* |
Izvor:cijene preuzete od Dysona i Godfreysa, točne od srpnja 2020.
Dyson uspravni usisivač
Dyson trenutno ima samo jedan dostupan uspravni usisavač ─ Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor+ Vacuum. Dijeli nekoliko sličnosti s asortimanom ručnih štapića, poput 'budget' cijene marke od 599 USD. Ostale uobičajene značajke uključuju sustav pražnjenja spremnika jednim klikom i tehnologiju Radical Cyclone za koju se navodi da prikuplja više prašine, alergena i životinjske dlake očuvanjem tlaka zraka i smanjenjem turbulencije. Značajku je akreditiralo Australsko nacionalno vijeće za astmu.
Slično Dysonovom asortimanu bačvastih usisavača, ovaj uspravni model ima samopodesivu glavu za čišćenje prikladnu za tepihe i tvrde podove. Obično se glave čistača moraju ručno namjestiti za različite vrste podova. Ako se ne prebacuje između podova, stvara razmak između glave čistača i poda i zauzvrat gubi usisavanje. Međutim, navodi se da model Dyson ima aktivnu temeljnu ploču koja se automatski podiže ili spušta ovisno o vrsti poda i tvrdi se da cijelo vrijeme održava blizak kontakt s podom.
Rečeno je da Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor+ Vacuum doseže do 12 m visine i teži 6,33 kg. Također dolazi s kapacitetom kante od 1,6 L i sljedećim dodacima:
- Alat za stepenice
- Četka za brisanje prašine od ugljičnih vlakana
- Alat za kombiniranje
Hoover uspravno usisava
Hoover ima niz dostupnih uspravnih usisavača, uključujući:
- Hoover Essential Upright Vacuum: 199 USD*
- Hoover Complete uspravni usisavač bez vrećice: 299 USD*
- Bežični uspravni usisivač Hoover Zoom: 499 USD*
Većina modela prikladna je za srednje ili velike domove, uglavnom zahvaljujući izdašnom kapacitetu vrećice za prašinu od 7,5 L. Niži do srednji cjenovni raspon također ne škodi, pogotovo kada veliki broj uspravnih usisavača na tržištu košta oko 300 dolara.
Bežični uspravni usisavač Hoover Zoom (499 USD po maloprodajnoj cijeni) najnovija je sjajna nova igračka marke, za koju se tvrdi da radi 'brže, dulje i učinkovitije'. Sadrži široku powerbrush četkicu za veću pokrivenost površine i nudi maksimalno vrijeme rada od 52 minute s jednim punjenjem. Model također ima LED svjetlo koje vam pomaže da vidite ispod namještaja. Ovaj Hoover uspravni usisivač prikladan je za tepihe, tvrde podove i pločice.
Za one koji su još uvijek zainteresirani za svestranost ručnih štapića, ali ne toliko za cijenu, Hoover Complete Upright Bagless Vacuum (299 USD RRP) čini se da je najbliži proizvođaču. It includes a detachable wand with a 2.4m flexible hose to allow top-to-bottom cleaning, plus a motorised powerhead to provide the extra level of suction needed to grab pet hair and dust on carpets. The Hoover vacuum also comes with a mini hand turbo tool to clean upholstery.
Hoover upright vacuums come with a two-year warranty.
Dyson vs Hoover:Barrel Vacuums
Generally, the two common types of vacs you’ll come across include the barrel and cylinder vacuums. These come with a canister attached to the unit, adding extra weight. But while these tend to be bulky, the power cable means you won’t need to wait several hours for the appliance to recharge if it runs out of battery mid clean ─ something which may happen when using a cordless stick vacuum.
Here are the models you can expect from Dyson and Hoover:
Dyson | Hoover |
Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Original Vacuum: $499* | Hoover Performer Bagged Vacuum Cleaner: $99* |
Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Multi Floor Extra Vacuum: $599* | Hoover Smart Bagged Vacuum: $199* |
Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal+ Vacuum: $749* | Hoover Action Pet Vacuum Cleaner: $479* |
Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Absolute Vacuum: $849* | Hoover Allergy Bagged Vacuum Cleaner: $699* |
Hoover Regal Bagged Vacuum Cleaner: $999* |
Source:Prices taken from Dyson and Godfreys, correct as of July 2020.
Dyson barrel vacuums
Dyson’s range of barrel vacuums features the brand’s ball design, allowing the appliance to get back up whenever it accidentally topples over, as well as to easily steer around corners. The wand handle on each model can also rotate to 360°, with the option to set it in three directions.
The filters in Dyson barrel vacuums apparently don’t need to be washed or replaced. Instead, you can empty the collected dust and debris using the same no-touch bin design featured in the brand’s other models.
Dyson’s barrel vacuums have a 6.6m cord, providing a maximum reach of 10.75m. Each unit weighs 7.64kg. Some accessories include:
- Carbon fibre turbine cleaner head (picks up fine dust with stiff nylon bristles to help remove ground-in dirt)
- Tangle-free turbine tool ( suitable for pet hair)
- Swivel hard floor tool
- Stair tool
- Groom tool
Hoover barrel vacuums
If you’re looking for a vacuum designed to specifically help tackle triggers of asthma and allergies, Hoover offers a few options approved by the Sensitive Choice program (National Council Asthma Council Australia). These include the Hoover Action Pet Vacuum Cleaner ($479 RRP), Hoover Allergy Bagged Vacuum Cleaner ($699 RRP) and the Hoover Regal Bagged Vacuum Cleaner ($999 RRP).
Unlike Dyson, Hoover’s range of barrel vacuums have varying cord lengths. So, you’ll need to suss out your space before picking a model. For small areas, the Hoover Performer Bagged Vacuum Cleaner ($99 RRP) has the shortest cord length of 4m. If you need to clean larger areas, both the Hoover Allergy Bagged Vacuum Cleaner and Hoover Regal Bagged Vacuum Cleaner can give a greater reach with a 10m cord.
These Hoover vacuums are said to work on carpet, hard floors, stairs and tiles. Depending on the model, the dust bin capacity ranges between 2L and 2.5L. Additionally, most Hoover vacuums have a two-year warranty. The only exception is the Regal model, which has an additional three-year motor warranty.
Some accessories included with certain Hoover barrel vacuums include:
- Dusting Brush
- Flexible Brush
- Hand Tool
- Long Flexible Crevice Tool
- Upholstery Tool
Dyson vs Hoover:Handheld Vacuums
Handheld vacuums are designed for the small cleaning tasks around the home, like cleaning up spilled cereal from the kitchen floor or sucking up sand from the car after a beach trip. However, these typically have shorter running times compared to other types of vacuums.
Here’s a list of the Dyson and Hoover handheld vacuums currently available:
Dyson | Hoover |
Dyson V7 Trigger: $299* | Hoover Car Hand Vacuum: $49* |
Hoover Cordless Hand Vacuum: $59* | |
Hoover Wet &Dry Cordless Hand Vacuum: $79* | |
Hoover Cordless Wet &Dry Hand Vacuum: $119* | |
Hoover Pets Plus Hand Vacuum: $149* |
Source:Prices taken from Dyson and Godfreys, correct as of July 2020.
Dyson handheld vacuums
Dyson currently has only one handheld vacuum ─ the Dyson V7 Trigger Handheld Vacuum. It comes with many of the same features you can find in the full-sized units, such as two-power modes, whole-machine filtration and the no-touch bin emptying design. This Dyson handheld vacuum also offers up to 30 minutes fade-free suction in a single charge, provided you’re using the powerful mode and a non-motorised tool. Expect less cleaning time if you want higher suction power (max power mode). The recharge time is 3.5 hours.
Weighing 1.71kg, this model additionally features the usual 2 Tier Radial cyclones system used in other Dyson vacuums. This apparently helps increase airflow and capture fine dust. The Dyson V7 Trigger Handheld Vacuum comes with two accessories:
- Combination tool
- Crevice tool
Hoover handheld vacuums
Hoover has a pretty budget-friendly handheld vacuum range, starting from just under $50. But compared to Dyson, there’s a very noticeable difference. The run times are significantly lower, ranging between 10-15 minutes, depending on the model. However, it does offer a couple of models which allow for wet and dry pick-up functionality. This allows you to clean kitchen surfaces and windows, in addition to carpet, hard floors and tiles.
The brand also sells the Hoover Car Hand Vacuum, which is designed to plug into your car for a convenient clean on-the-go. This also includes five attachments, such as a dusting brush, crevice tool and extension nozzle.
Some accessories in Hoover handheld vacuums include:
- Extension nozzle
- Crevice tool
- Dusting brush
- Head floor tool
- Window squeegee (wet &dry models)
Dyson vs Hoover:Who offers the best value for money?
To see what kind of ‘bang’ you can get for your buck, we’ve compared the specs of two similarly priced items from Dyson and Hoover.
Dyson V7 Motorhead | Hoover Vortex Pro | |
Price (RRP) | $599* | $599* |
Runtime (minutes) | Up to 30 minutes | Up to 28 minutes |
Charge time | 3.5 hours | 4 hours |
Bin capacity | 54oml | 350ml |
Weight | 2.5kg | 3.66kg |
Can convert into stick vacuum | Yes | Yes |
Can convert into hand vacuum | Yes | Yes |
Floor types | Tiles and carpets | Carpet, hard floors, stairs, tiles |
Warranty | 2 years | 2 years |
But, whether you choose a Dyson or a Hoover vacuum all depends on a variety of factors, including:
- Your budget
- Vacuum design preference
- Additional accessories
Need a cheap vacuum? If price is a deal breaker, then it might be worth considering getting your hands on a Hoover vacuum. These are generally much more affordable compared to Dyson’s high-end vacs. Let’s look at stick vacs, for example. Hoover offers options ranging between $99 and $599. This is a big drop compared to Dyson, which starts from $599 and reaches up to $1,349 for the latest model. To put this in perspective, Dyson’s cheapest cordless vacuum is six times the price of Hoover’s most expensive unit.
But that’s not to say Dyson doesn’t have any affordable models. The high-end brand offers the Dyson V7 Trigger for under $300 and a range of barrel vacuums between $499-$849, making it a decent rival against Hoover.
Features and design
When it comes to vacuum design, the weight, bin capacity and type of vacuum you choose heavily depends on space and surface you’re planning on cleaning. For Dyson vacuums, the weight and dust bin capacity is usually consistent (or a least fairly similar). You can see these with barrel vacuums, for example, which each have a 6.6m cord and a maximum reach of 10.75m. What mostly separates each model is price and accessories, especially since many of the same functions and technologies often appear. For cordless vacuums, the difference in runtime is one of the major aspects to consider.
Hoover similarly shares many features between its vacuums, although price definitely plays a part in what you get. The inexpensive units are usually designed to clean small spaces, which is why these typically have shorter cables, smaller bin capacities or less runtime. Alternatively, the pricier products are more likely to give you bonus accessories for extra versatility. ‘Anti-allergy’ features such as HEPA filters also seem to be more common among the brand’s high-end models.