Recenzija PreSonus Eris E3.5
PreSonus Audio Electronics osnovan je 1995. godine. Cilj im je bio stvoriti pristupačnu, profesionalnu opremu s iznimnom kvalitetom zvuka. Kao i pružanje inovativnih alata za glazbenu produkciju za glazbenike i audio inženjere.
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Uvijek smo imali odnos ljubavi/mržnje s opremom PreSonus. Glavni razlog proizlazi iz činjenice da su oni uvijek zadnje ime u opremi kada se kupuje nova oprema.
Ovo bi moglo zvučati pomalo nepravedno. Ali kada ste godinama koristili Focusrite i Genelecs i više ste nego zadovoljni rezultatima, tada se općenito držite onoga što najbolje znate.
Znamo da PreSonus ovih dana isporučuje puno vrhunske, kvalitetne audio opreme. Ali s toliko etabliranih tržišnih lidera, gdje oni sjede u svom ovom kaosu?
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PreSonus Eris E3.5 početni su, dvosmjerni aktivni referentni monitorski zvučnici. Ovi zvučnici dokaz su da ne trebate potrošiti bogatstvo da biste postigli točan zvuk. S obzirom na iznimno nisku cijenu, ovo bi mogli biti neki od najpovoljnijih studijskih monitora vani.
Oni koriste istu tehnologiju kao i veći Eris modeli i daju prilično gladak i točan frekvencijski odziv. Visokotonac ima prilično široku disperziju. Osim toga, mogu se nositi s mnogim drugim zvučnicima po istoj cijeni ili nešto skupljoj, s oštrim, čistim zvukom.
Kao i većina početničkih, jeftinih zvučnika, izrađeni su od vlaknaste ploče srednje gustoće koja je laminirana vinilom. Zvučnici Eris E3.5 imaju vrlo ugodnu shemu boja s lijepom mat crnom završnom obradom i privlačnom plavom nijansom na niskotoncu.
Prilično su kompaktni sa širinom od 6,5 inča, visinom od 8,3 inča i dubinom od 6,4 inča. Teški su 2,9 kilograma za par. Ovi su zvučnici vrlo popularni i koriste se diljem svijeta jer su jedni od najboljih prijenosnih zvučnika oko. Neki ih inženjeri smatraju korisnima u glazbenoj produkciji i do određenog stupnja kao zvučnici za miksanje.
Woofer je membrana niskofrekventnog pretvarača od 3,5” izrađena od tkanog kevlara. Visokotonac je frekvencijski pretvarač od 1” ultra male mase, svilene kupole s frekvencijskim odzivom od 80 Hz – 20 kHz i frekvencijom skretnice od 2,8 kHz.
Za ovu cijenu, impresivno je vidjeti dva seta ulaza na stražnjoj strani; balansirani ¼” TRS i nebalansirani RCA. On the front, there is a stereo 1/8” Aux input.
This Aux input is a great addition, allowing you to easily connect your smartphone or any other device with the useful stereo 1/8” mini-jack input. This means these are not only good monitoring speakers but could also be an awesome set of the best computer speakers as well.
The addition of a high and low EQ on the back is also an unexpected surprise at this price point. If it’s a flat frequency response that you’re after from the Eris E3.5 speakers, the ability to cut or boost in the low and high frequencies will point you in the right direction.
Kvaliteta zvuka
For compact monitors, they deliver an impressive balance across all frequencies. The low end, although reasonably smooth, lacks depth. That said, we didn’t expect much more since these are some of the best cheap mixing speakers and not premium-grade studio monitors.
Mid and low range…
The midrange is very reasonable and not lacking a great deal, to be fair. The low-end isn’t bad either, and you can adjust it on the back if need be. Although we would say if you wanted to try any mixing with these, it would be worth investing in a good subwoofer.
Another very useful addition is the extra 50 watts of class AB amplification. When the front volume knob is set in the middle at unity, you are now at a very comfortable level to monitor your mix.
However, there is plenty more volume offered by these speakers to deal with run-away transients in your mix. This makes for pretty loud speakers, which can be helpful in the mixing world.
Adjusting yourself…
To get your head around these monitors, you will need to spend some time adjusting your ears to them. They are good but, they’ll never be the same as a pair of Yamaha HS8 speakers.
So, get together a collection of music you know well. Then sit yourself down and figure out what you are missing from the Eris E3.5 experience. Likewise, listen for what you are accustomed to on other monitors.
Personal note…
We often use the more expensive HS5’s. But like these, the low-end needs the help of a good subwoofer to get the most out of your mix. We have heard it say that mixes translate extremely well on the Eris E3.5 speakers, but that is down to personal choice and not so much what we experienced.
PreSonus Eris E3.5 – Specifications
- HF Driver:1” silk dome.
- LF Driver:3.5” woven composite.
- Frequency Response:80Hz- 20kHz.
- Max Peak SPL:100 dB SPL @1m.
- Enclosure Material:vinyl-laminated MDF.
- Power:50w Class AB
- Volume Range:A-type taper.
- Width:5.6” (141mm)
- Height:8.3” (210mm)
- Depth:6.4” (162mm)
- Weight as a pair:6.4 lb (2.9kg)
PreSonus Eris E3.5 Review – Pros and Cons
- Great sound for an entry-level speaker.
- Two sets of outputs.
- EQ controls.
- Aux and headphone inputs.
- Price.
- Clean and balanced sound.
- Compact speaker with a smart design.
- At this price point, there are few cons.
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PreSonus Eris E3.5 Review – Final Thoughts
PreSonus delivers a very good set of reference speakers at a very low price. The harshness in the high-frequencies is eliminated by the silk-dome tweeters, and the low-end is solid with minimal bass distortion. However, a subwoofer would help if you are serious about trying to use them to mix a song to a professional level.
Although a very reasonable and accurate sound can be achieved from these speakers, we don’t see ourselves ever using them to mix professionally. We can certainly see how they could be useful at home or in your project studio to give yourself some early reference mixes. But, unfortunately, not to complete a final mix project.
On the other hand, we see these as great speakers for gaming, home video production, and listening to music. For us, although a very acceptable sound at this price point, we don’t feel that they sit in the high-end world of professional music production.
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