Moraju li se prednji i stražnji zvučnici podudarati?
Dok postavljate svoje kućno kino, bacit ćete pogled na prednje i stražnje zvučnike koji vam mogu pomoći da postignete audio iskustvo visoke kvalitete. S ovim zvučnicima možda ćete se zapitati trebate li kompletan set ili možete raditi s onim što već imate.
Prednji i stražnji zvučnici ne moraju se podudarati, ali najbolje funkcioniraju kada se prednji zvučnici podudaraju, a stražnji zvučnici međusobno kako bi se povećala optimizacija i smanjila lokalizacija. Koristite odgovarajuće zvučnike kada je to moguće, ali u suprotnom osigurajte slične izlazne mogućnosti.
Također pročitajte:Trebaju li zvučnici za surround zvuk odgovarati?
Naravno, postoji mnogo pokretnih dijelova koji ulaze u audio sustav unutar vašeg kućnog kina. Ako ste novi u audio svijetu, čeka vas avanturistička vožnja jer je postavljanje zvučnog sustava puno više od jednostavnog spajanja nekoliko žica i dijelova opreme.
Saznanje možete li koristiti neusporedive prednje i stražnje zvučnike može zahtijevati malo posla. Pogledajmo pobliže detalje prednjih i stražnjih zvučnika u sustavu surround zvuka.
Koja je razlika između prednjih i stražnjih zvučnika?
U sustavu surround zvuka svaka komponenta ima jedinstvenu ulogu i služi različitoj svrsi u ukupnom učinku i kvaliteti zvuka koji će sustav proizvesti.
Kada je jedan dio sustava u kvaru, kvaliteta zvuka će patiti zbog toga. Poznavanje načina postizanja visokokvalitetnog zvuka prvo počinje poznavanjem razlika u komponentama zvučnika koje odabirete koristiti u svom zvučnom sustavu.
Prednji zvučnici rade na optimizaciji zvuka u dijalogu te visokim i srednjim zvučnim frekvencijama - što je izrazito važno za mogućnost jasnog čujanja znakova u mediju koji strujite. Stražnji zvučnici više se fokusiraju na zvuk srednjih i niskih frekvencija koji ispunjavaju praznine i stvaraju robusniji zvuk.
Iako možete imati različite komponente zvučnika postavljene kao prednje ili stražnje zvučnike, možete zamisliti postavu kao da ste na koncertu. Prednja strana je mjesto gdje se odvija izvedba.
Na koncertu bi to bilo mjesto gdje se bend nalazi; u vašem kućnom kinu, ovo je mjesto gdje se nalazi vaš zaslon (dakle, gdje će vaše oči biti fiksirane).
Alternativno, stražnja strana je mjesto gdje će se čuti treštavi zvuk kako bi se stvorio doživljaj surround zvuka. Ovdje ćete čuti duboke basove i glazbene tonove koji pojačavaju audio iskustvo, ali nisu izravno fokusirani na dijalog vašeg omiljenog filma (iako stražnji zvučnici podržavaju i srednje frekvencije).
U ovoj postavci možete vidjeti da dvije vrste zvučnika služe različitim svrhama u cijeloj postavci zvučnog sustava. Ipak, bez jednog, drugi ne bi mogao stvoriti toliki utjecaj ili visokokvalitetno audio iskustvo za slušatelja.
Imajući to na umu, važno je razumjeti što je potrebno za postavljanje prednjih i stražnjih zvučnika.
Kako koristiti prednje i stražnje zvučnike koji se ne podudaraju
Iako će korištenje cijelog sustava surround zvuka koji ima odgovarajuće zvučnike biti najoptimalniji način da se osigura da komponente sustava rade u koheziji jedna s drugom, to nije uvijek moguće.
U ovom slučaju možete koristiti prednje i stražnje setove zvučnika koji se međusobno ne podudaraju, ali će morati biti povezani kako bi imali slične izlazne mogućnosti.
Along with this, you will want to ensure that the front speakers act as a unit and the same for the rear speakers. Otherwise, you run the risk of achieving a low-quality audio experience with audio distortion, the ability to localize the sound (which you are trying to avoid), and more issues that will create a negative overall sound experience.
Still, not everyone wants to start from scratch and build their home theater surround sound system with all brand new components.
Many prefer to use the sets that they already have and run the appropriate connections to make this work. If you plan to use front and rear speakers that do not match (while still having the front as a unit and the rear as its own unit), there are several recommendations you should consider. To uključuje:
Match the Front Speakers as a Set
When using front and rear speakers that do not match, you want to make sure that at least your front speakers match each other and the same for your rear speakers.
Having front speakers that match each other and act as a set is incredibly important for achieving the appropriate (and effective) sound quality from your front left, right, and center audio channels.
The front speakers, as mentioned above, are incredibly important for setting the tone of the audio experience. This is where the clearest dialogue is heard, and it is the most common set of speakers to have as a standalone option if you do not have the money to invest in a true surround sound system.
While the center audio channel works the hardest, arguably, as it creates distinct ranges for dialogue and mid-range and high-frequency audio, the left and right audio channels are important in their role of carrying out the rest of the audio experience.
This includes less reliance on hearing the punchline to a joke on-screen and more for the accompanying sound effects and audio that would come with it.
Using the front speakers as a set and ensuring that they are appropriately connected to a receiver/amp is incredibly important when setting up your home theater surround sound system.
Match the Rear Speakers as a Set
Along with the front speakers needing to act as a set, you need the same for the rear speakers. If you are using front and rear speakers that do not match, your rear speakers need to at least be acting as a cohesive unit (while your front speakers do the same). This includes making sure that the rear speakers work well with each other.
You can either choose to match the rear speakers by establishing the appropriate connections and output capabilities, or you can choose to use products from the same line.
Either way, whether working harder or smarter, you need to make sure that the rear speakers- which carry out the most robust low-frequency ranges (including when using your subwoofer in the back of the room)- are acting as a set.
Use Similar Manufacturers/Product Lines
One way to make sure that the front speakers match each other and the rear speakers are functioning as a cohesive unit is to use similar manufacturers or product lines.
While you can choose to manipulate your system with wired connections to the right pieces of equipment, you can make these connections easier on yourself by choosing products that were designed to work cohesively from the start.
You might find that you prefer one manufacturer and want to use front speakers that come from one product line with rear speakers that come from another. This will work as long as you are able to connect them and run the appropriate crossover to achieve a similar audio output.
You do not have to use front and rear speakers from the same manufacturer/product line, but it will make your job of setting up your home theater sound system much less complex.
Check Output Capabilities
As you manage your front and rear speakers in your sound system, you want to make sure to check the output capabilities from each set.
If you choose to use rear speakers that are far more powerful than the front speakers, for example, you will end up with an overpowering audio experience coming from behind you. To avoid the consequential poor audio experience, use speakers with similar output capabilities from the start.
Run the Appropriate Crossover
Along with using speakers with comparable output capabilities, you can help to achieve this by running the appropriate crossover.
As you establish connections between each speaker in your sound system to the receiver/amp(s) you are using, make sure that you are running the audio at similar outputs. Again, this will help to create a more balanced and high-quality audio.
Decrease Localization
Making sure that the speakers are being run at the same (or similar) output is part of decreasing localization.
Localization of speakers occurs when you are seated in your home theater and can tell exactly which speaker the audio is coming from. This is distracting as you want to process the sound as coming from either the front, rear, sides (equally), or from all around.
To decrease the localization in your sound system, you want to embrace the other suggestions on this list including making sure that the front speakers match one another and the rear speakers do, too.
Along with that, using the appropriate output and speaker placement can help you to decrease localization with unmatching front and rear speakers.
Check Speaker Placement
The speaker placement, along with the audio output of your speakers, is absolutely imperative to your overall sound quality.
If you are using unmatching front and rear speakers, it is even more important to make sure that these are set up in the right positioning for each speaker component. This will help with the cohesive production of sound as well as work to decrease the effects of localization, as mentioned above.
Use an SPL Meter to Check Audio Output
As you check the placement of each speaker, you can use an SPL meter to check the audio output from each piece of equipment.
This will help to ensure that the units are all functioning as you intended and gives tangible data to prove true what your ears may or may not be telling you about your sound from unmatching front and rear speakers.