Vodič za kupnju voki-tokija
Voki-tokiji su se prije nekoliko desetljeća smatrali jednim od najučinkovitijih oblika komunikacije, iako se mnogima danas čine pomalo zastarjelima. Unatoč tome, dvosmjerni ručni radio i dalje se koristi u brojnim industrijama, poslovima i aktivnostima u slobodno vrijeme, nudeći alternativu skupim mobitelima, kao i navigaciju u potencijalno crnim točkama pokrivenosti, što znači da nisu toliko zastarjeli kako se predstavlja .
Međutim, kada je riječ o odabiru voki-tokija, i dalje ćete naći mnogo dostupnih opcija, što znači da možda neće biti tako jednostavno kao što ste se prvotno nadali. Kako biste suzili proces donošenja odluka i što biste trebali uzeti u obzir, čitajte dalje kako biste saznali sve što trebate znati o walkie-talkiejima u ovom Canstar Blue vodiču.
Što je walkie-talkie?
Walkie-talkie je ručni, prijenosni dvosmjerni radio primopredajnik koji vam omogućuje komunikaciju s nekim na određenoj udaljenosti pomoću frekvencija valnih duljina. Izvorno razvijeni tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, walkie-talkie su danas slušalice u obliku pravokutnika koje uključuju fleksibilnu antenu, gumbe za kontrolu frekvencije, baterijsko napajanje, mikrofon i zvučnik. Mali zaslon također će prikazivati frekvenciju, snagu signala i druga očitanja kako bi se osiguralo da jedinica ispravno radi.
Kako radi walkie-talkie?
Walkie-talkie radi preko frekvencijskog pojasa, koji prenosi zvukove – poput vašeg glasa – preko radio valova na drugi walkie-talkie. Postoji više dostupnih frekvencijskih pojasa, koji su inače poznati kao "kanali", što vam omogućuje da postavite frekvenciju ili kanal koji će vam pomoći u komunikaciji s željenim primateljem. A da biste komunicirali, morat ćete držati gumb 'pritisni za razgovor', koji prebacuje s zvučnika jedinice na mikrofon, a otpuštanjem gumba voki-toki se vraća u način rada za 'slušanje'.
Koja je razlika između voki-tokija i dvosmjernog radija?
Walkie-talkie i dvosmjerni radio su pojmovi koji se mogu koristiti kao sinonimi, jer je dvosmjerni radio jednostavno radio koji može i primati i odašiljati radio signale – što je upravo ono što walkie-talkie može. Jedina stvarna razlika je u tome što je walkie-talkie nedvojbeno prenosiviji, ali u većini slučajeva, ako netko misli na dvosmjerni radio, više će nego vjerojatno opisivati walkie-talkie i obrnuto.
Koja je razlika između UHF i VHF?
Ultra visoke frekvencije (UHF) i vrlo visoke frekvencije (VHF) uobičajeni su pojmovi kada je u pitanju istraživanje svijeta radija i walkie-talkieja, ali što su oni točno i postoji li velika razlika između to dvoje?
Kao što ime sugerira, UHF radi na višoj frekvenciji u usporedbi s VHF-om i prikladniji je za komunikaciju u gušćim, naseljenijim područjima, budući da viša frekvencija može lakše prodrijeti kroz zgrade i beton. S druge strane, VHF je najprikladniji za komunikaciju na većim udaljenostima ili na otvorenom zbog svoje veće valne duljine, što ga čini prikladnijim za upotrebu kada odlučite izaći u grad.
Marke Walkie-Talkie dostupne u Australiji
Postoji niz robnih marki voki-tokija dostupnih za kupnju u Australiji, sa sažetkom glavnih marki u nastavku. Walkie-talkie se mogu kupiti ili putem web-mjesta robne marke ili preko prodavača elektronike.
Uniden walkie-talkie
Nudeći raznovrsnu tehnologiju – uključujući sigurnosne sustave, bežične telefone i monitore za bebe – japanska marka Uniden nudi veliki izbor walkie-talkieja za UHF i VHF modele. Modeli se kreću od UH35, koji ima domet do 3 km i vrijeme rada od 20 sati, do UH850S, koji ima domet od 17 km i vodootporan dizajn koji vam pomaže da ostanete u kontaktu na teškom terenu. Uniden također nudi pakete za one koji žele kupiti nekoliko walkie-talkieja, s uključenim dodatnim kabelima za punjenje i dodacima koji će vam pomoći da najbolje iskoristite svoju kupnju.
Motorola walkie-talkie
Poznatija po svojoj ponudi mobilnih telefona, Motorola je također uložila u druge oblike komunikacije, uključujući niz dvosmjernih radija. Those looking for something a bit simpler may be interested in the SL2600 portable two-way radio, which includes Bluetooth connectivity and Wi-Fi capabilities to help with communicating in built-up areas, or to help you communicate hands-free. Other models in the Motorola range include the Motorola Clip 107 two-way radio, which allows you to keep your hands-free while staying in the loop thanks to a wired earpiece and belt-clip holster.
GME walkie-talkies
An Australian brand, GME offers radios, antennas, radios and all types of accessories for all sorts of Aussie lifestyles, including farming, boating and 4WDing. For general use, the TX6160XO handheld UHF radio may suit those who enjoy their time in the bush, including up to 30hours of battery life, an in-built LED torch and belt clip to help keep your hands free. Other options also include the GX800W VHF Marine Radio, which features a protection rating of IP67, LCD display, floatable design for when you accidently drop it in the drink as well as international channel pre-programmed in.
Oricom walkie-talkies
Offering a wide variety of fixed and portable two-way radios, Aussie brand Oricom’s range of portable models includes the PMR780, which features 80 channels, a 3km range as well as a power-saving mode for when you need to stretch the battery life. Other Oricom models include the UHF5500-1, which includes a metal chassis construction, 240v and 12v charging adaptors, backlit LCD display, removable flexible antenna as well as a 2.5mm jack for use with the headset or speaker mic to help keep your hands free.
What to consider when buying a walkie-talkie
While they may all appear to do the same thing, there’s enough point of difference between walkie-talkie brands and models to warrant a bit of thought as to what you really need out of your walkie-talkie purchase. To help narrow down your search, here are some of the main areas to consider before purchasing:
- Frequency: With walkie-talkies generally falling into the UHF or VHF camps, it’s important to consider which one will best fit your needs, as each frequency has its strengths and weaknesses. If you plan on being in the outback, VHF may be a better fit, while UHF may be better suited for those operating in a city environment. You’ll also have to familiarise yourself with the operating channels, as some channels in Australia are reserved for emergency and law enforcement agencies.
- Power Supply: Walkie-talkies are generally powered by either removable batteries or rechargeable batteries, but either way you’ll have to consider how much use you get out of your unit before you have to change or charge the battery. After all, you don’t want to be in the middle of nowhere and then have your walkie-talkie give out.
- Budget: As with any purchase, how much money you have to spend may impact on which brand, type and model of walkie-talkie you walk away with. However, it’s always important to remember that just because it has a large price tag doesn’t always equate to good quality, and that you may get better value for money out of the cheaper, base models, depending on what you plan on using it for.
Are walkie-talkies legal in Australia?
Walkie-talkies are legal to use in Australia, although there are some bans on certain models and brands, with regulations and laws in place with regards to the use of certain frequencies. The Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) states that certain channels – specifically channel 5 and channel 35 – are used strictly for emergencies only, while others are used by law enforcement, with fines applying for unauthorised use.
However, there are channels known as Citizen Bands, which are more for public use, and are traditionally used by those travelling in remote areas such as truck drivers or motoring clubs to help keep in touch in the case of an emergency or accident. If you’re worried about the legality of walkie-talkie use in Australia, it’s best to buy from a reputable Australian retailer, and to ask any questions at the time of purchase, or to check the ACMA website for additional details.
Is it worth buying a walkie-talkie?
Communication technology has come a long way over the past few decades, with getting in touch with someone – even if they’re in another country – easy to do nowadays. But while many of us aren’t without our phones for long, Australia is also (unfortunately) home to multiple blackspots, making communication difficult at times – unless you have a walkie-talkie. As a result, if you’re potentially working in a remote region, or underground where it’s difficult to get mobile signal, a walkie-talking may be well worth researching further, as they are generally cheaper than the latest mobile phone too!
Ultimately though, whether you decide to pick up a walkie-talkie – and which type of walkie-talkie you choose – will depend on individual factors, such as where you plan on using it, as well as price and even the design on the handheld unit. But if you’re looking for a way to keep yourself in the conversation, a walkie-talkie could be just the ticket.
Photo Credit:Phawat/shutterstock.com, rickyd/shutterstock.com, SVRSLYImage/shutterstock.com, CookieStudio/shutterstock.com