Zašto zaslon mog autoradia ne radi? 5 načina da to popravite
Fantastično je imati vrhunski model auto radija s digitalnim zaslonom u svom automobilu. Možete vidjeti sve informacije koje su vam potrebne u vezi s glazbom koju slušate, navigacijskom rutom koju morate slijediti i više.
Problem nastaje kada ovi fantastični dijelovi tehnologije jednostavno prestanu raditi. Pročitajte kako biste saznali zašto i kako to popraviti.
Kao opće pravilo, zaslon vašeg radija u automobilu neće raditi ako naiđe na razne probleme kao što su pregorjeli osigurač, prigušeni prigušivač ili neispravna žica osvjetljenja. Konektori između LCD-a i radio jedinice mogu biti mokri ili neispravni ili pozadinsko osvjetljenje, LCD ili radio jedinica mogu biti neispravni.
Pogledajmo zašto zaslon vašeg autoradia ne radi i sve moguće razloge koji bi mogli utjecati na to. Ovi razlozi nisu uvijek tako strašni kao što možda mislite, a većina ih se može izliječiti uz malo truda.
Pregled zaslona auto radija
Danas su automobilski radiji napredovali velikim koracima od teških, mehaničkih i ručnih radija iz 1950-ih koji su nudili samo AM//FM stereo s tipkama za frekvenciju i glasnoću.
Danas se većina glavnih jedinica gotovo čini kao da možete lansirati raketu u svemir sa sjajnim infotainment sustavima koji imaju digitalne zaslone, glasovnu kontrolu, bežičnu sposobnost, navigaciju, pronalaženje područja interesa, strujanje s mreže i više.
Međutim, postoji upozorenje kada je u pitanju ova fantastična tehnologija. Budući da se sve temelji na računalima i sklopovima, postoji puno više prostora za pojavu grešaka i kvarova.

Zašto zaslon mog autoradia ne radi?
Ako se nađete u nevolji da zaslon vašeg autoradia ne radi, mogli biste se osjećati pomalo nevješto u rješavanju situacije; međutim, samo nekoliko varijabli može biti krivo s njim.
Pogledajmo prvo najčešći problem s kojim se susreću stereo uređaji u automobilima kada se ne pale, a zatim ćemo proći kroz odgovarajuće rješenje.
Koji je glavni razlog zašto se zaslon auto radija ne uključuje?
To znači da će, ako nešto pođe po zlu (poput kratkog spoja na masu), namjenski osigurač preuzeti najveći teret štete i izgorjeti će, nadajmo se, prije bilo kakve ozbiljne štete na vašem automobilu ili bilo kojoj opremi na koju je strujni krug bio spojen.
Ako već niste pretpostavili, ovo će biti jedan popravak koji možete primijeniti na svoj auto stereo i koji bi mogao uzrokovati da se zaslon ne uključi, a ja ću to detaljno objasniti u nastavku.
Drugi razlozi zašto zaslon mog auta ne radi
Kad osigurač pregori, ne samo da zaslon ne radi, nego cijeli radio ne radi. Međutim, ako vaš radio radi, ali zaslon ostaje prazan, morat ćete uzeti u obzir nekoliko drugih faktora kada utvrđujete zašto zaslon vašeg stereo sustava u automobilu ne radi ispravno.
Na vaš zaslon može utjecati jedan ili više ovih čimbenika, a oni uključuju:
- Prigušivač na vašem radiju nije podešen ili je neispravan
- Postoji problem s priključcima vašeg autoradia
- Glavna glavna jedinica (stereo) je neispravna
- Pozadinsko osvjetljenje jedinice je neispravno
- LCD zaslon je neispravan
Imajte na umu da je pregorjeli osigurač također dio ovog popisa za provjeru koji ćete morati pregledati prilikom utvrđivanja kvara stereo zaslona automobila.
5 načina za popravak radija u automobilu kada zaslon ne radi
Kad je vaš auto stereo novi i imate jamstvo, najlakše je rješenje odnijeti stereo u prodavač, i oni će ga popraviti. Složenije situacije su kada je vaš radio stariji s istekom jamstva.
Imajte na umu da su svi automobili različiti i da su svi sustavi automobila različiti, uključujući audio sustav automobila. Iznio sam osnovne principe i najčešće uzroke koji obično uzrokuju rješenja ovih problema.
#1. Provjerite postavku prigušivača ili žicu za osvjetljenje.
Većina modernih stereo uređaja za automobile s digitalnim zaslonom ima funkciju prigušivanja, a to će biti spojeno na radio putem žice za osvjetljenje.
Ako ste zainteresirani za ožičenje stereo uređaja u automobilu, pogledajte moj drugi članak o Zašto se moj auto radio ne isključuje.
Ponekad je zaslon auto stereo uređaja presvijetao, a kada radio nema funkciju prikaza dan/noć, većina vozača, uključujući mene, radije smanjuje svjetlinu zaslona (osobito noću).
Rješenje za ovo je dvostruko. Ako je dimmer smanjen, tada ćete samo morati podesiti postavku i pojačati svjetlinu. Obično prigušivač radi u kombinaciji s glasnoćom, a ovako ćete to promijeniti.
Međutim, najprije će biti postavka koju morate odabrati kako biste odabrali način rada prigušivača.
Ako ovo ne uspije, možda postoji problem s žicom osvjetljenja (može biti oštećen ili labav), a ako uklonite radio i provjerite ožičenje, tražit ćete narančastu ili narančasto/crnu žicu.
Razmišljanje o tome kako ponovno spojiti radio u automobilu je izvan opsega ovog članka, ali pogledajte moj drugi članak o Kako spojiti zvučnike u automobilu na radio bez kabelskog svežnja, gdje pregledavam auto radio i njegove žice.
#2. Provjerite konektore auto radija
Vaš auto radio nije jedna čvrsta jedinica. To znači da je zaslon odvojen od stvarne radio jedinice, a žice i konektori koriste se za njihovo međusobno povezivanje.
Postoje dva načina na koje će se zaslon spojiti na radio jedinicu:
- Zalemljene spojne točke
- Mehaničke spojne točke
Ovisno o vrsti veze koju imate za svoju jedinicu zaslona, nekoliko elemenata može uzrokovati problem.
Uklanjanje zaslona sa stereo uređaja automobila moglo bi biti problem ako se ne smatrate DIY pojedincem. Proces nije previše kompliciran i dobro je objašnjen u kratkom videu u nastavku.
U nekim slučajevima, a ovisno o modelu vašeg autoradia i zaslonu kao što su neki modeli tvrtke Sony, uklanjanje LCD zaslona vrlo je jednostavno.
Ako postoje mehanički konektori (nešto slično kabelskom snopu) koji su slomljeni ili oštećeni na bilo koji način, a mislite da bi to mogao biti uzrok problema, možda je moguće kupiti te konektore u radionici za popravak. U suprotnom, morat ćete ga preuzeti i dopustiti im da nabave dijelove za vas.
Ako vaš zaslon ima spojeve za lemljenje , možete vidjeti da se točka za lemljenje ili žica olabavila i opet vam je ugodno s malim „uradi sam“, a zatim sve što trebate učiniti je ponovno ispravno zalemiti.
Ipak, imajte na umu da koristite različite vrste lemova za različite spojne točke i tiskane ploče.
#3. Provjerite sve postavke korisničkog načina rada i poništite radio
Ako je vaš zaslon potpuno isključen, možda nećete moći pokušati ovaj popravak.
Međutim, ako je zaslon zatamnjen, a još uvijek imate napajanje, prvo što biste trebali učiniti je provjeriti korisnički priručnik i pregledati sve postavke i unaprijed postavljene postavke koje vaš radio nudi kako biste pokušali pronaći postavke svjetline koje bi se mogle koristiti za podešavanje vaš radio vratiti u normalu.
#4. Provjerite neispravnu glavnu jedinicu, pozadinsko osvjetljenje ili LCD
Pretpostavimo da ste već prošli kroz sve korake i postupke koje sam izložio za vas, kao što su provjera prigušivača, provjera žice za osvjetljenje, provjera postavki i unaprijed postavljenih postavki, pokušaj resetiranja radija i provjera osigurača. U tom slučaju, možda postoji problem s jednom od tri stvari s vašim radiom u automobilu.
- Moguće je da je vaša glavna jedinica neispravna
- Pozadinsko osvjetljenje zaslona je neispravno
- Sam LCD ima manjkavosti
U ovakvoj situaciji jedina opcija koju imate je odnijeti ga na popravak (ako se može popraviti). U suprotnom, ako imate servisni plan ili naknadni radio s jamstvom, trebali biste ga moći zamijeniti bez ikakvih problema.
Prošao sam kroz ovaj scenarij prije mnogo godina i na temelju tog iskustva napisao sam članak o obnovljenim autoradijima .
#5. Provjerite osigurač auto radija
Glavni razlog zašto zaslon autoradija možda ne radi je loš osigurač. Ovoga sam se već ukratko dotaknuo jer je to najčešći problem stereo uređaja u automobilu.
Provjera osigurača također je najjeftiniji i najbolji način za popravak vašeg autoradia jer je osigurač zamišljen da se može zamijeniti.
Nadalje, osigurači koji se koriste za vaš radio i drugu elektroniku u vašem automobilu relativno su jeftini za zamjenu. Ozbiljno, možete dobiti cijelu kutiju s osiguračima (to je preko 250 osigurača) iz Amazona.
S ovim kompletom nikada se nećete morati brinuti o pregorivanju drugog osigurača u vašem automobilu, vjerojatno do kraja života, osim ako imate problem koji i dalje traje i stalno vam pregori osigurač.
Gdje mogu pronaći osigurač za svoj auto radio?
Iako je lako zamijeniti, možda ćete imati problema s pronalaženjem neispravnog osigurača.
U starijim automobilima osigurač bi bio postavljen na radio, pa biste morali izvaditi cijeli stereo da biste došli do stražnje strane samo da biste zamijenili osigurač.
Ponekad je to značilo da je potrebno skinuti dio ili veći dio upravljačke ploče. Ako je to slučaj s vašim modelom automobila i stereo uređaja, to bi moglo biti gnjavaža i možda ćete ga morati odnijeti u radionicu za popravak automobila.
Međutim, ako nemate problema s prljanjem ruku i navikli ste na malo DIY, trebali biste biti u redu. Jedino što će vam trebati je nekoliko sati slobodnog vremena.
Srećom kod većine modernih automobila, osigurači autoradija nalaze se u kutiji s osiguračima sa svim ostalim osiguračima koji su grupirani zajedno. Ovu kutiju obično možete pronaći na kontrolnoj ploči blizu upravljača ili ispod haube.

Kako ću znati koji osigurač trebam zamijeniti?
Kutija s osiguračima će imati poklopac, a markirana na donjoj strani bit će ili slika ili neki oblik ugravirane šablone, a na toj slici ćete vidjeti popis osigurača povezanih s određenim nazivima (ovo su njegovi kodovi).
Ovi nazivi označavaju koji su osigurači za koje dijelove i sustave automobila. Trebali biste potražiti naziv (kod) osigurača koji kaže ili Soba, Dodatna oprema, Unutarnja svjetla ili Radio i provjeriti je li taj osigurač pregorio, a zatim ga zamijeniti novim koji bi radio u vašem automobilu trebao raditi i ispravno se prikazivati.
Možda se pitate zašto se neki od tih kodnih naziva ne odnose na radio. Ponekad proizvođači imaju kombinirane krugove u vašem vozilu, a osigurač koji se koristi za vaš radio također će se koristiti za vaša unutarnja svjetla. Općenito, trebali biste zamijeniti svaki osigurač koji je pregorio.
Kako zamijeniti osigurač auto radija?
Ako je kratki spoj na masu utjecao na strujni krug radija i izazvao val struje, tada je osigurač možda pregorio, a sve što trebate učiniti je slijediti korake koje smo vam naveli u gornjem odjeljku.
Međutim, imajte na umu da morate biti sigurni da je sva tekućina koja je prolivena ili greškom dospjela u ožičenje očišćena i da je ožičenje plus spojne točke i konektori suhi.
Što učiniti kada moj auto stereo ima napajanje, ali nema zaslon?
U slučaju kada vaš radio i dalje radi, ali nema zaslona, jedan od scenarija bi mogao biti da je postavka ili prigušivač bio skroz smanjen. U tom slučaju možete pokušati vratiti auto radio na tvorničke postavke.
Ovo se malo razlikuje od podešavanja prigušivača i provjere funkcija i postavki na vašem radiju u automobilu. Većina radija, ako ne i svi zbog svoje komplicirane prirode, imat će gumb za resetiranje.
Tipka za resetiranje obično se nalazi iza uklonjene prednje ploče radija. Obično će vam trebati nešto dugo i tanko da dođete do gumba za resetiranje, poput igle ili olovke. Just remember that if you reset the radio, you will lose all saved data.
Why Is Car Touch Screen Not Working After Cleaning?
Water or moisture is the main problem that many people face after cleaning the radio screen.
The screen stops working when the liquid gets behind the LCD and short circuits the connection between the display and the radio unit.
If you cleaned your screen with water and it still works, you are in luck. And the only thing you would need to do is make sure the connection point and wires that sit between your display and the radio unit are dry.
The better way to clean the car radio screen and especially a touch screen is to use a soft microfiber cloth and clean off any dirt, dust, or fingerprints on the screen.
Using even a paper towel will cause scratches on the touchscreen, so do not do that.
Why Is My Car Radio Touch Screen Not Responding?
The touchscreen is only fun when it’s fully responsive. Otherwise, your car radio does not function.
It often happens that touchscreens in car radios lose responsiveness, and there are two main reasons why this happens:
- Dirt or dust on the screen blocks its direct contact with your fingers, causing the touchscreen to be unresponsive. To avoid this, clean the screen regularly with a microfiber cloth and do not touch the screen with dirty hands.
- Another reason for the screen not to respond is when it loses its calibration. For example, you have to re-calibrate your touch screen if you notice it does not respond to your fingers or register the touch when your finger is in an “offset” to the icon you need to touch.
Why Is My Car Radio Display Fading?
When the LCD car screen is fading, there is a problem with either connection of the flat wire or with the liquid screen itself.
It is a common problem, especially in the one-din head units, but the fix is easy but not always possible at home.
Car radio screens start to fade over time because the internal connections become loose or when the screen is mechanically damaged, for example, when it is pressed using too much finger pressure.
Repair of the fading damaged screen is not always possible. To find the reason, you have to remove the screen, clean all flat wire connections, and solder it back to its original position.
If that does not help, it means you have to replace a screen with the new one.
Screen replacement in car radios is not the easiest task. If you are not a DYI or do not have much experience with electronic repairs, it is better to give the radio to a professional.
Is it worth repairing the display? It depends on the radio type, and if this is an expensive model, then definitely yes. On the other hand, if your radio is not too costly or not the new one, it is better and cheaper to replace it with the new one.
Why Is the Android Radio Touch Screen Not Working?
When your android touch screen has stopped working, in most cases, it means that it has frozen. So you can touch it at any point, and it will not respond.
The solution for this is relatively easy.
- First, you have to put all your fingers on the screen and hold it for a couple of seconds.
- Then, the screen will come to the re-calibration mode, and it will reset.
- When it does, you will see on the screen the information, press the “Okay” button, and it will be back to normal.
Why Car Radio Screen Went Black?
Screens in the car radios can randomly go black after connecting additional equipment like the backup camera or reinstalling the software.
If the screen is not mechanically damaged and is working fine but suddenly lost its screen, the simplest way to fix it is to press the reset button and hold it depending on the radio for between 5 and 10 seconds.
After that, most screens come back to normal functioning.
If the display panel on the car stereo receiver is dim or does not light, the connectors may need to be cleaned, or a mode setting needs to be adjusted.
Another problem can occur when the radio works, but it has internal screen damage. To fix this, you have to either disassemble the radio, remove the screen, measure the electrical resistance on all connections, or give the radio to a professional.
Why Is My Radio Screen Dim?
The dimmer setting allows dimming the display and buttons at night, so it does not have to be as bright as during the day.
The car radio dimmer can be set manually, synchronized to the clock, or activated with your car lights, and most dimmed screen problems are related to the last option when the radio has to be connected to the car lights.
If the display is too dim with the brightness set to the highest level, the dimmer could be activated. Your radio may be equipped with a separate brightness setting for when the dimmer mode is activated.
This can also happen if the car sends an incorrect signal to the radio indicating that the car lights are on and the display should be dimmed.
To solve this problem, you should manually switch the dimmer off or set the dimmed brightness to the maximum level.
If, after changing the settings on your radio, the display is still too dim or too bright, the radio may be faulty, and you may need to contact the repair service of the radio manufacturer.
It’s all good and well that nowadays you can purchase the most fantastic car radio with a superb display that can achieve incredible things.
However, compared to older, more robust car stereos, the risk of something getting damaged or not working correctly is a real issue and one you will have to face if you are not willing to take it to an automotive repair shop.
Furthermore, there are quite a few factors that could be at the root of this problem. However, most of them are not severe, and they can be rectified without the need to take your car in so your radio can be repaired.
I have covered these issues, and they include a faulty illumination wire, an incorrect dimming mode or setting, and a bad fuse.
The last thing to note is that if you have gone through all the steps I have provided, and your car stereo display is still not working, you will most likely have to take it to a professional service to figure out what the problem is.
How to Reset Car Touch Screen?
Resetting a touch screen requires turning the radio off and turn on again after around 3 seconds. This should bring the screen to its default settings.
Some car radios have a hard reset button that you must press and hold for around 10 seconds. This will usually be located in the menu or settings of the radio.
If you can’t find the reset button, you can also try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes and reconnecting. This is called a hard reset.
After resetting the touch screen, you may need to calibrate it. You can usually do this by going into the menu or settings of the radio and finding the calibration option.
Calibrating a touch screen is important because it helps the radio accurately register your touches.
If you don’t calibrate the screen, you might find that it’s unresponsive or that your touches are inaccurate.
Why My Touch Screen Radio Has White Screen?
Instead of seeing the main menu or the images on the screen when they switch on the radio, you can see a white screen.
Don’t be scared because this doesn’t necessarily mean the stereo is damaged; in most cases, you can fix this in a few simple steps.
#1. Reset the radio.
If you see a white screen the first time you turn the stereo on, switch it off and see if its peripheral power supply voltage is nominal, then switch it on again.
#2. Ensure the radio is connected correctly.
If the car stereo with GPS still shows a white screen after switching it on for the second or third time, you may need to check if the peripheral receptacle is placed correctly.
Also, ensure that the plugs have been tightly inserted into the sockets.
#3. Reinstall the stereo.
If the problem continues, remove the DVD player from your dashboard and reinstall it again.
Re-plug the cables and ensure they are correctly connected, especially the wires between the front panel and the central unit.
If none of the above solves the problem and your radio still have a white screen, it is advisable to take it to the nearest service centre for diagnosis.
It is also possible that the problem lies in the LCD panel and would require a replacement.
Why Is My Car Screen Flickering?
Screen in car radios are flickering, often caused by loose power wiring and, in rare cases, a loose fuse location in the fuse block.
Other than those main reasons, the car radio screen can flicker because of:
#1. low battery voltage
#2. bad ground connection
#3. Interference from other car’s electronic devices
#4. Disrupted connectors between the radio and screens
#5. Damaged dimmer on the radio
#6. Faulty LCD or blacklight
How to Fix a Car Radio Touch Screen That Is Unresponsive?
There are a few things you can try to fix an unresponsive touch screen:
#1. Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth.
#2. Remove any fingerprints or smudges with a mild glass cleaner.
#3. Make sure the screen is free of any dirt or debris.
#4. Try a hard reset by turning off the radio and then pressing and holding the power button for 30 seconds.
#5. If the touch screen is still unresponsive, take the radio to a professional for further diagnosis.
Why does the Android Head Unit Has Power but No Display?
When the Android car stereo is functional, but the screen does not work, it means your screen’s backlight is not powered.
This can be caused by several things:
#1. A blown fuse
#2. A faulty wire connection
#3. A problem with the LCD itself.
The first thing you should do is check all the fuses in your car and replace any that are blown. If fuses are okay, there may be a problem with the circuits’ screen panel or solder connections.
In that case, you will need to take your car to a mechanic or electronic specialist to have it checked out.
Why Is Pioneer Radio Touch Screen Not Working?
Screens in Pioneer car stereos often stop working due to a blown fuse or loose wires.
In some cases, the faulty screen may need to be replaced.
If the screen in the Pioneer radio is not working, check the fuse to see if it needs to be replaced. If that doesn’t work, try resetting the display by pressing and holding the power button for 20 seconds.
Why Is Subaru Touch Screen Not Working?
When the display in Subaru cars stops working, you can reset it by pressing and holding the power button, tune/scroll button, and the CD Eject button together for about 20 seconds.
If resetting the radio does not solve the problem, there might be something wrong with the fuse or the wiring. In that case, you’ll need to take your car to a mechanic to have it checked out.
In rare cases, the problem might be with the radio itself; if that happens, you will need to replace it.
Why Is Ford Radio Display Not Working?
If the factory Ford radio’s screen is not working, but the radio works, it could be due to a blown lighting panel or a problem with the soldered connections in the head unit.
Another possibility is that the touch screen display is not working because it needs to be recalibrated. You can do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery and reconnecting it after a few minutes.
If none of these solutions works, you will need to take your car to a mechanic or Ford dealership to have them look at it.
Why Is Nissan Screen Not Working?
When Nissan’s infotainment or Nissan Connect screen goes blank, it is often due to the software used in Nissan’s proprietary Connect system.
To reset the screen in Nissan, perform a reset of the Uconnect:
#1. First, locate the power and tune scroll buttons on either side of the digital display.
#2. Next, press both simultaneously and hold down for 10-15 seconds. The display will power off and then reboot.
#3. Wait for the Nissan logo to reappear to finish rebooting; after rebooting, the digital display should be restored.
If resetting the Nissan radio does not work, there may be an issue with the faulty wiring connections behind the head unit and blown fuses.
Why Is VW Touch Screen Not Working?
If your Volkswagen’s radio touch screen is not working, the first thing you should do is reset the display. To do this, press and hold the power button and the volume button at the same time for about 20 seconds.
If that doesn’t work, there might be something wrong with the fuse or the wiring.
In that case, you’ll need to either remove the radio from the dash and use the voltmeter to check the wiring or take your car to a mechanic to have it checked out.
Why Is Mercedes Radio Display Not Working?
If you have a Mercedes-Benz with COMAND (NTG4) navigation, there may be different reasons why the display is not working.
One reason could be that the map disc is not inserted correctly or is damaged. Another possibility is that the fuse for the COMAND system has blown.
To fix the issue with COMAND, you will need to take your car to a Mercedes dealership or authorized repair shop.
If the problem is with the fuse, you can try replacing it yourself. The fuse for the COMAND system is usually located in the car’s trunk.
Why Is BMW Stereo Display Not Working?
The most common reason a BMW radio display is not working is a blown fuse. Unfortunately, the fuse for the radio is usually located in the car’s trunk.
Another possibility is that the power or ground wire is not connected correctly or is damaged.
If you have a BMW with iDrive, there may be different reasons why the display is not working.
One reason could be that the map disc is not inserted correctly or is damaged. Another possibility is that the fuse for the iDrive system has blown.