Koja je razlika između Woofera i Subwoofera?
Ako ste entuzijast zvuka u automobilu, možda ste čuli izraze "woofer" i "subwoofer" koji se koriste naizmjenično.
Ali koja je zapravo razlika među njima? Saznajmo.
Subwooferi reproduciraju frekvencije ispod 30 herca, dok wooferi pokrivaju raspon niskih do srednjih frekvencija od 60 do 2000 herca. Subwooferi su veći i teži od woofera i zahtijevaju više energije za rad, često iz namjenskog pojačala.
U članku u nastavku detaljnije ću istražiti razliku između woofera i subwoofera, uključujući njihove ključne značajke, prednosti i nedostatke.
Wooferi naspram subwoofera:Koja je razlika?
Kada je riječ o zvuku automobila, nabacuju se mnogi pojmovi. Dva za koja ste vjerojatno čuli su "wooferi" i "subwooferi". Ali koja je točno razlika između to dvoje?
Wooferi su vrsta zvučnika posebno dizajniranih za reprodukciju niskofrekventnih zvukova. Te su frekvencije općenito u rasponu od približno 60 do 2000 Hz.
Da bi proizveli ove niske frekvencije, wooferi moraju biti puno veći i teži od visokotonaca ili zvučnika srednjeg tona (koji reproduciraju više frekvencije od woofera).
S druge strane, subwooferi su izričito dizajnirani za reprodukciju vrlo niskih frekvencija, često počevši ispod 30 Hz.
Te su frekvencije toliko niske da su ispod raspona ljudskog sluha. Međutim, još uvijek možemo osjetiti njihove vibracije, posebno one s 20 Hz ili niže.
Budući da subwooferi reproduciraju tako niske frekvencije, moraju se ugraditi u čvrsta kućišta i samo rijetko postavljati u prtljažnike kao subwooferi slobodnog dometa.
Subwooferi slobodnog dometa rijetki su u zvuku automobila i nemaju tendenciju da rade tako dobro kao subwooferi u čvrstim kućištima.
Ako želite dodati subwoofer audio sustavu u automobilu, preporučujem da pogledate Skar (veza na Amazon).
Kako rade Wooferi i Subwooferi?
Subwooferi i wooferi rade na sličan način, a glavna je razlika u veličini i frekvencijskom rasponu.
Oba pokretačka programa primaju signal iz pojačala, pretvaraju ga u zvuk i zatim emitiraju zvučne valove.
I wooferi i subwooferi trebaju pojačalo za ispravan rad. To je zato što radio šalje niskofrekventne signale, koji se na zvučnim zapisima nazivaju niskofrekventni efekti (LFE), putem električne struje u pojačalo.
Zatim pojačalo pojačava struju i pretvara je u zvuk kroz magnetsku zavojnicu koja uzrokuje vibracije konusa vozača.
Wooferi su manji od subwoofera (iako su neki subwooferi napravljeni u dizajnu od 6,5″ ili 8″) i rade u frekvencijskom rasponu od 60Hz-2000Hz.
Proizvode srednje niske frekvencije, uglavnom ugrađeni u zvučnike na vratima automobila, a mogu imati koaksijalne ili komponentne zvučnike. Niskotonac koristi konus koji je pričvršćen na jednostruku spiralnu oprugu. Veličina membrane određuje frekvencijski raspon koji woofer može emitirati.
S druge strane, subwooferi su veći, a rade u frekvencijskom rasponu od 20Hz-200Hz. Kao rezultat toga, proizvode niske basove i koriste se u automobilima za poboljšanje kvalitete zvuka.
Subwoofer koristi jače membrane koje, ovisno o vrsti, mogu biti okrugle ili kvadratne, na primjer, Kicker L7 Serie (link na Amazon).
Za razliku od woofera koji imaju samo jednu glasovnu zavojnicu, subwooferi mogu imati jednu glasovnu zavojnicu (SVC) ili dvije glasovne zavojnice (DVC), što utječe na njihovu izvedbu i kvalitetu basa.
Woofer protiv subwoofera:koji je pravi za vas?
Ovisi o tome što tražite od zvučnika, ali u pravilno dizajniranom audiosustavu u automobilu trebate imati instalirane obje vrste.
Woofer je prikladan za vas ako želite zvučnik koji će proizvoditi srednje niske frekvencije.
Međutim, subwoofer je bolji izbor ako tražite zvučnik koji će proizvoditi najniže basove.
Ovdje je tablica koja sažima razlike između woofera i subwoofera:
- Frekvencije srednjeg basa
- Frekvencijski raspon 60Hz-2000Hz
- Koaksijalni ili komponentni dizajn zvučnika
- Čušci su pričvršćeni na jednu zavojnu oprugu.
- Veličina stošca određuje frekvencijski raspon.
- Frekvencije niskih basova
- Frekvencijski raspon 20Hz-200Hz
- Može imati različit broj glasovnih zavojnica
- Kružni ili kvadratni stožasti oblik
- Membrane su robusnije od woofera.
Prednosti posjedovanja niskotonca u automobilu
Wooferi mogu pružiti brojne prednosti audiosustavu vašeg automobila, uključujući:
#1. Bolja kvaliteta zvuka:
Wooferi reproduciraju srednje bas frekvencije koje su odgovorne za stvaranje punog i bogatog zvuka. Ovo može značajno poboljšati ukupnu kvalitetu zvuka audio sustava vašeg automobila.
#2. Poboljšana zvučna kulisa:
Wooferi mogu pomoći u stvaranju šire i prostranije zvučne scene. To je zato što su srednje bas frekvencije odgovorne za davanje smjernica zvukovima iz zvučnika s obje strane automobila.
#3. Čvršći bas:
Woofers can provide tighter and better-defined mid-bass as compared to subwoofers. This is because woofers have a smaller cone surface area, which results in less cone flex.
The Benefits of Having a Subwoofer in Your Car
Subwoofers can provide a number of benefits to your car audio system, including:
#1. Enhanced Bass:
Subwoofers are designed to reproduce low-bass frequencies. This means that they can provide enhanced bass as compared to woofers.
#2. Improved sound quality:
The enhanced bass that subwoofers provide can also improve sound quality because the low-bass frequencies are responsible for giving sounds their fullness and richness.
#3. Improved soundstage:
Subwoofers can also help create a broader and more spacious soundstage.
The low-bass frequencies make the space better filled with low-end sounds.
Can I Use a Woofer as a Subwoofer?
You cannot use a woofer as a subwoofer because woofers are designed to reproduce mid-bass frequencies, while subwoofers function by reproducing the lowest frequencies.
You can have several woofers installed in the car, even as standalone drivers in dedicated enclosures, but although they will create strong and clear mid bass, they will not be able to make the same low-end sound as a quality subwoofer.
How to Install a Woofer in Your Car
Installing a woofer in your car is a relatively simple process and is not much different from installing standard coaxial speakers in the car:
#1. The first thing you need to do is to remove the trim panel on the door. Once the trim panels are removed, you can access the speakers.
#2. Next, unscrew the speakers from the door panel and disconnect the wires. Once the cables are detached, remove the speakers from the door.
#3. Now, connect the wires to the new speaker. Once the cables are connected, you can place the new speaker on the door and screw it to the door panel.
Finally, you must reassemble the door panel and screw it back.
How to Install a Subwoofer in Your Car
Installing a subwoofer in your car can be a bit more challenging than installing a woofer, but it is still a relatively simple process:
#1. The first thing you need to do is to find a suitable location for the subwoofer. The trunk is often the best location for the subwoofer.
#2. Next, you must select the subwoofer’s amplifier and connect it to the battery and stereo via remote wire.
#3. Finally, you must run the wires from the subwoofer to the amplifier. The best way to do this is to use a speaker wire of adequate gauge.
Do I Need an Amplifier for My Woofer or Subwoofer?
An amplifier is not required for a woofer, but it is recommended. When it comes to the subwoofers, an amplifier is a must unless you use a powered (active) subwoofer.
This is because amplifiers can provide more power than no car stereo can achieve.
Having a subwoofer without an amplifier will not give you any good bass.
The subwoofer will work, but it won’t produce any sounds you want to hear. Instead, there will be just a faint rumble.
What Size Woofer or Subwoofer Do You Need for Your Car?
The woofers have a standard common size of 6.5″, which can be installed in most cars without any fitment issues.
The subwoofers have a bit more diverse size options, and their size actually depends mainly on the size of the trunk. The most popular and standard sizes are 10″, 12″, or 15″ with either single or dual enclosure designs.
If you have a smaller car, I recommended to go with a 10″ subwoofer. If you have a larger car, such as an SUV, it is recommended to go with a 12″ or 15″ subwoofer so the cabin can be better filled with the low frequencies.
Also, a larger subwoofer can naturally create more SPL (sound pressure level), so it will be easier to reach higher volumes without distorting the sound.
How Much Does a Woofer or Subwoofer Cost?
The woofers can cost anywhere from $30 to $200, depending on the quality and features. As for the subwoofers, they can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000, again depending on the quality and features.
For the woofers, there is no need to spend a lot of money unless you are looking for high-end models, and the vast majority of woofers are combined with tweeters in either coaxial or system design.
The subwoofers, on the other hand, can be quite expensive, but it is worth it if you want to create a quality sound system in your car.
The simplest way to get a solid and deep bass is to buy a quality, ready-made subwoofer set with a loaded enclosure, designated amplifier and all the wiring.
An excellent example is the SKAR Single SDR Package (link to Amazon).
This package has several main pros over similar products:
- Strong and deep bass
- One of the cheapest sets on the market
- Clear installation diagram
- Easy set-up
Troubleshooting Your Woofer or Subwoofer
If the woofer or subwoofer is not working correctly, there are a few things you can do to try and troubleshoot the problem:
#1. Check all the wiring connections and make sure they are tight and secure.
#2. Ensure the stereo and amplifier are turned on and set to the correct volume.
#3. Check all the fuses and replace them if necessary.
#4. Check the amplifier’s gain setting and ensure it is set correctly.
If, after checks, you still have a problem with the sound coming from the woofer or the subwoofer, you may need to take it to a professional to have a look at it.
What Is the Difference Between a Woofer and Subwoofer?
The main difference between a woofer and a subwoofer is that a woofer covers frequencies between 60 Hz to 2 kHz, while a subwoofer covers frequencies between 20 Hz to 200 Hz.
Additionally, woofers are typically larger than subwoofers.
Can I Use a Subwoofer Without an Amplifier?
You will need an amplifier to power the subwoofer. Without an amplifier, the subwoofer will not produce any sounds you want to hear.
What Size Woofer or Subwoofer Do I Need for My Car?
Most woofers have a standard common size of 6.5″, which can be installed in most cars without any fitment issues.
The subwoofers have a bit more diverse size options, and their size actually depends mainly on the size of the trunk. The most popular sizes are 10″, 12″, or 15″.
How Much Does a Woofer or Subwoofer Cost?
The woofers can cost anywhere from $30 to $200, depending on the quality and features. As for the subwoofers, they can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000, again depending on the quality and features.
What Is the Difference Between a Coaxial Speaker and a Component Speaker?
The main difference between coaxial and component speakers is that coaxial speakers have the tweeter and woofer in the same housing.
In contrast, component speakers have the tweeter and woofer in separate housings.
Additionally, component speakers typically provide better sound quality than coaxial speakers.
Can I Use a Subwoofer Without a Box?
You can use a subwoofer without a box, but it will not perform as well as it would with a box. The enclosure helps to increase the bass response, increases the sound pressure, and protects the subwoofer from damage.
Do Subwoofers Come With an Amplifier?
Unless there are active models, most subwoofers do not come with an amplifier. Therefore, you will need to purchase an amplifier separately to power the subwoofer.
In conclusion, there are many differences between woofers and subwoofers, including their size, frequency range, and price.
Woofers are smaller and lighter than subwoofers and cover frequencies between 60 Hz and 2 kHz, while subwoofers cover frequencies between 20 Hz and 200 Hz.
Additionally, subwoofers cost more than woofers and need an amplifier to function correctly, while many woofers can be powered by the car radio.
When choosing between a woofer and a subwoofer, you must consider the size of the vehicle, the type of music you typically listen to, and your budget.
If you are looking for deep bass and are on a tight budget, then standard woofers in the coaxial speakers will do the job.
If you are looking for a better sound dynamic and are willing to spend more money, then a subwoofer is the way to go.