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Kada dodati drugu bateriju za audio u automobilu?

Užitak u slušanju glazbe može brzo biti oštećen kada upalite motor i otkrijete da vam je baterija prazna.

Nažalost, prazna standardna baterija čest je problem sa snažnim zvukom automobila. Jedno od rješenja za rješavanje tog problema je dodavanje dodatne baterije u vaš automobil. Ali kada biste trebali dodati dodatnu bateriju za auto audio? Saznajmo.

Kao opće pravilo, trebate dodati drugu bateriju u svoj automobil ako imate audio sustav automobila sa snažnim višestrukim pojačalom ili slušate audio sustav automobila s isključenim motorom. Također ćete trebati dodatnu bateriju za auto audio ako posjećujete natjecanja auto audio kako biste bili sigurni da vaš sustav radi dobro.

U članku u nastavku pokazat ću vam više o baterijama za auto audio i kako biste trebali instalirati svoju.

Kada trebam dodatnu bateriju za audio sustav automobila?

Trebate li drugu bateriju za audio u automobilu ili ne, ovisi o vašem audio sustavu i o tome koliko snage je potrebno vašim pojačalima.

Jednostavan način da saznate treba li vam drugi akumulator za vaš automobil je da provjerite prednja svjetla. Ako se prednja svjetla priguše dok puštate glazbu, to znači da vaša pojačala troše više energije nego što vaš alternator i baterija mogu proizvesti.

Zapamtite da je vaša serijska baterija dizajnirana za pokretanje vašeg motora i rad sa standardnom električnom opremom u vašem automobilu, tako da dodavanje snažnih pojačala u vozilo povećava ukupno opterećenje vašeg električnog sustava.

Koliko energije može držati baterija mog serijskog automobila?

Postoji jednostavan način da saznate koliko dugo možete slušati glazbu u automobilu prije nego što se baterija isprazni.

Izračun u nastavku pokazuje koliko dugo možete slušati glazbu, ovisno o amperaži baterije i snazi ​​pojačala.

Ako imate bateriju od 90 AH i RMS pojačalo od 1800 W, izračun izgleda ovako:

10 x 90 / 1800 =0,5 h

Drugim riječima, baterija od 90 Ah moći će napajati vaše pojačalo od 1800 W pola sata prije nego što se isprazni.

Na temelju navedenog, ako želite dulje slušati glazbu s ugašenim motorom ili imate jače pojačalo, trebate ugraditi dodatnu bateriju za audio sustav u autu.

Također možete brzo odrediti koliko vam je amperaže potrebno za vaš audio sustav u automobilu korištenjem donje formule desno od Ohmovog zakona:

Struja (I) =Snaga (P) / Napon (E)

Uzmimo gore navedeno pojačalo od 1800 W koje radi na standardnih 14,4 V.

1800 / 14,4 =125 ampera

No, pojačalo ne radi sa 100% učinkovitosti, tako da morate podijeliti 1800 W s prosječnih 70%.

Zapravo, vaše pojačalo za isporuku 1800 W treba od baterije primiti 2571 W.

Zamijenimo sada 1800 W sa stvarnih 2571 u izračunu:

2571 / 14,4 =178,54 ampera

Ovo je stvarna amperaža potrebna bateriji za vaše pojačalo od 1800 W, ali ovo nije kraj.

Većina standardnih električnih sustava automobila troši oko 60 ampera za rad, što bi trebalo dodati ukupnim zahtjevima.

178,54 + 60 =238,54 ampera

Ako želite u svoj automobil ugraditi pojačalo od 1800 W. Vaš električni sustav mora stalno opskrbljivati ​​ukupno 239 ampera.

Trebam li dodatnu bateriju za pretplatnike?

Nikada ne možete imati previše snage, što vrijedi i za auto audio sustav. Subwooferi su najsnažniji elementi svakog zvučnog sustava automobila, pa čak i ako nemate jako pojačalo za zvučnike, siguran sam da ga imate za napajanje vašeg subwoofera.

Potrebna vam je dodatna baterija za vaš sub, pogotovo ako ima snagu od nekoliko tisuća vata. Osim toga, ako ste instalirali profesionalni sustav za natjecanje, morate osigurati odgovarajuću količinu energije koja se dovodi u sustav.

Mogu li koristiti običnu automobilsku bateriju za auto audio?

Baterija za audio sustav vašeg automobila radi na isti način kao i svaka obična automobilska baterija, ali umjesto da napaja svu elektroniku vozila, ona samo napaja radio i pojačala.

Velika većina običnih automobilskih akumulatora su olovni akumulatori. Iako su ove baterije najpopularnije u automobilima, zahtijevaju redovito održavanje.

Morat ćete redovito provjeravati razinu vode u svakoj ćeliji, a ako je preniska, potrebno je dodati destiliranu vodu. Inače se ova baterija može trajno oštetiti.

Još jedan nedostatak olovno-kiselih baterija je njihova sklonost bubrenju, pa ako imate izvrsnu završnu obradu audio područja vašeg automobila, posljednja stvar koja vam treba je voda ili vlaga tamo.

Za audio sustav automobila možete koristiti običnu bateriju, što je uobičajena praksa. Međutim, ugradnja AGM ili litij-ionskih baterija većeg izlaza donijet će više prednosti sustavu od obične olovne baterije.

Jedina mana kod ugradnje dodatne baterije za audio sustav automobila jest ta da druga baterija može uzrokovati probleme serijskom alternatoru.

Iako dodatna baterija podržava zvuk vašeg automobila, ona zapravo djeluje kao dodatno opterećenje svaki put kada motor radi, uzimajući više struje nego što standardni alternator može proizvesti.

Stoga se snažno preporučuje (ne samo ja) da nadogradite svoj standardni alternator kad god odlučite dodati drugu bateriju audio sustavu automobila. U suprotnom, možete pronaći praznu, ne jednu, nego obje baterije.

Jesu li AGM baterije dobre za audio u automobilu?

AGM baterije su najbolji izbor kao druga baterija uz audio sustav automobila. Zbog niskog unutarnjeg otpora AGM-a, brzog punjenja, zapečaćenih i bez održavanja, najbolje funkcioniraju za audio sustav automobila.

AGM akumulatori su izvrsno rješenje za high-end i napredne autozvučne sustave. Imaju značajne zahtjeve za napajanjem i imaju duži životni vijek od većine auto baterija s kiselim ćelijama.

Ali ne samo za auto audio, već možete ugraditi i AGM bateriju umjesto bilo koje tvorničke baterije. AGM baterija će vozilu dati veću snagu pokretanja na hladnom i veću otpornost na toplinu i vibracije.

Jedina mana AGM akumulatora je njihov stupanj pražnjenja koji ne može biti veći od 50%, dok olovne akumulatore možete isprazniti do 80%. Drugim riječima, to znači da olovni akumulator može raditi dulje od AGM-a sa svakim punjenjem.

Stoga je zgodno imati AGM bateriju napunjenu kod kuće preko noći i pobrinite se da bude potpuno napunjena svaki put kad izađete iz kuće.

Koju veličinu druge baterije za audio u automobilu trebam kupiti?

Veličina druge baterije za audio u automobilu ovisi o tome koliko snage je potrebno vašim pojačalima.

Kao opće pravilo, potrebna vam je baterija od 100 Ah za svakih 1000 W RMS zvuka vašeg automobila.

Tablica ispod prikazuje nekoliko primjera popularnih baterija s RMS snagom koje mogu podržavati uz standardnu ​​elektroniku u automobilu.

CCA Ah Max Snaga pojačala (RMS)
410 45 164
550 100 364
730 115 419
760 120 437
850 140 510
900 160 582
950 190 692

When looking at the battery label, you will not always see both the CCA or Ah values. To calculate the rough estimation of the Ah of your battery, you can take CCA and divide it by 7.25.

Where to Place an Extra Battery for Car Audio?

Most factory car batteries are installed under a hood, but there is not enough room for the second one in the engine compartment.

Additional car audio batteries should be placed close to the amplifier, and the most common places are either inside the cabin or in the trunk.

Batteries installed inside the car should be leak-proof and vibrations resistant, and this is another reason why you should not use standard lead-acid batteries for car sound systems.

If you install a battery close to the powerful subwoofers that make many strong kicks, the vibration resistance is crucial. If you mount the battery in the other than factory position or even on its size, its leaking proof is mandatory.

Which Additional Accessories Do I Need for Car Audio Battery?

When installing an additional battery for your car’s sound system, you need to ensure it works at its optimal performance. To do that, you need to use some high-quality accessories:

Terminal clamps

Terminals made of either copper or gold will prevent connections from any corrosion and avoid voltage dropping.

If you are adding a second battery, do not use old terminals from the acid lead battery, but install clamps with multi-connection points instead.

Power and ground wires

Power and ground wires used for a second battery should have the same gauge as the other power wires used in the car audio.

Remember never to use ground wire that is smaller (thinner) than the power wire. For example, if you use a gauge 4 of the power wire, use the same gauge 4 for the ground wire.

I have been using for a while KnuKonceptz OFC wires , and they work really well.

Battery Isolators

Battery isolators are used to disconnect both batteries from each other when the engine is off. This will keep your start-up battery able to start an engine even if your second battery is drained.


It does not matter which secondary battery for car audio you use. Fuse on the power wires is mandatory.

There are many models and amperage versions, but remember to use one fuse on the power wire between batteries and another between the secondary battery and amplifier.

Distribution Blocks

Distribution blocks are needed to connect several power and ground wires to the same battery terminal and are mainly required on the secondary battery.

You will have at the positive terminal input power wire from the main battery and output power wires to the amplifiers, so at least two solid and thick wires in the same place.

Wire connectors

Power wire connectors are as important as high-quality terminals, although they are not required for every battery or amplifier type.

If you do not use a proper size for either battery or amplifier, you risk sound quality because they can become the weakest points with the most resistance.

How to Install a Second Battery for Car Audio?

How to wire an extra car audio battery depends on the type of battery used and if it is the same battery type as your primary or a different one.

The simplest way to connect a second battery is when it is the same type as the primary one and is placed, for example, in the trunk.

However, if you add a second battery that is different than a start-up battery, you have to charge them separately to the same voltage level before connecting to the same circuit.

The new battery still has to be connected to the alternator, but you cannot wire both batteries together if they have different charge levels and, therefore, will supply different voltages. This will kill a weaker battery.

To wire the second battery, you should use the thickest gauge wires you can. If you have to use gauge zero for both power and ground, do it.

Also, try to place the extra battery close to the amplifier and make wiring connections as short as possible.

If your second battery is a different model, size, capacity, or technology than your primary one, the installation is more complicated, and you will need additional equipment to make it work.

Connecting a second battery in the car, you start by running the power wire from the alternator to the place where you will install the battery. If this is a trunk, then you have to run a power wire through the entire car.

On the power wire, close to the second battery, you have to place the fuse, and it is a good practice to add a second fuse of the same size close to the alternator.

Next is the direct wiring from the fuse in the tunk to the positive battery terminal. Make sure that for all connections, you use wire of the same size (gauge).

Another wire from the positive battery terminal you connect with the power terminal in the amplifier. On this wire, you also have to add the fuse, so you will end up having two fuses in the trunk, one between the amplifier and the battery and the second between the battery and the alternator.

Now the ground wire from the amplifier and another one from the second battery. Here, you have two options:run a short wire to the chassis bare metal or directly to the battery.

Using a chassis to ground the wires allows you to use shorter wires, but the disadvantage is that in some cases, especially in older cars, the chassis can have high electrical resistance and limit the quality of the current flow.

Because of that, I prefer to have a direct wire connection for both power and ground wire directly with the battery and not through the car’s chassis.

To summarize, wiring from the second car battery is as follow:

  • Two wires with fuses from the positive terminal. One goes to the amplifier, and the second connects with the alternator.
  • One wire from the negative terminal. It goes either to the chassis or to the main battery’s negative terminal.

How to Charge the Second Battery in Car?

There are a few ways to charge your second battery, and all of them are straightforward.

The easiest is using the alternator from the engine to charge your second battery when traveling on the road and using a voltage sensing relay (VSR) or an isolator switch in the SCA dual battery kit.

Another way to charge a second battery for car audio when the engine is off is to use a solar battery regulator.

The best is a DC to DC Charger with solar input. This is the more efficient way to regulate the input to your battery from both sources without damaging the battery over time.

All the above devices allow both batteries to charge while the vehicle is running and isolate the batteries after switching the engine off.

This way, you will keep your starting battery at full charge, while the second battery will power your amplifiers.

Can I Run Two Batteries on One Alternator?

You can run two batteries on the same alternator because alternators protect against excessive current drain and are not affected by multiple batteries.

When you connect the batteries, the voltage in the system equalizes, meaning that the lower voltage battery sucks power from the other.

If your batteries are the same type, the alternator sees your main and an extra battery for car audio as a single large battery and charges them the same.

The batteries self-regulate the amount of current they take as they charge. Therefore, you can use the same alternator for several batteries, but one additional battery is installed in most car audio systems.


Installing a second battery is straightforward, and it does not take much time.

When you need to add a second battery to your car audio system, it is worth looking at the AGM batteries.

They are the best choice because of their low internal resistance, fast recharge. AGM batteries are also fully sealed and maintenance-free. In addition, they can be installed in any position, unlike standard wet cell batteries that can be placed only vertically.

  1. Kako poslati drugi automobil baterije
  2. Najbolji način da se žica Dual Baterije za audio
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  4. Kako dodati drugi akumulator u automobilu
  5. Kako koristiti stakloplastike za Car Audio